Senate Bill sb2584c1

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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2584

    By the Committee on Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; and
    Senator Diaz de la Portilla


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to medical specialties;

  3         amending s. 458.3312, F.S.; authorizing

  4         physicians to be certified as specialists by a

  5         board of certification of the American

  6         Association of Physician Specialists, Inc.;

  7         prohibiting the lowering of standards by

  8         certain certification organizations; providing

  9         for the Board of Medicine to rescind authority

10         under certain circumstances; amending s.

11         456.039, F.S., to conform; providing an

12         effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Section 458.3312, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         458.3312  Specialties.--A physician licensed under this

19  chapter may not hold himself or herself out as a

20  board-certified specialist unless the physician has received

21  formal recognition as a specialist from a specialty board of

22  the American Board of Medical Specialties, a board of

23  certification of the American Association of Physician

24  Specialists, Inc., or another other recognizing agency

25  approved by the board. The American Board of Medical

26  Specialties and the American Association of Physician

27  Specialists, Inc., may not lower their standards for board

28  certification. The board may act to rescind this recognition

29  of the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American

30  Association of Physician Specialists, Inc., as specialty

31  certifying organizations only if it establishes by clear and


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2584

 1  convincing evidence that certification standards have been

 2  adopted which affirmatively lower the requirements for

 3  specialty certification of that organization. However, a

 4  physician may indicate the services offered and may state that

 5  his or her practice is limited to one or more types of

 6  services when this accurately reflects the scope of practice

 7  of the physician.

 8         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

 9  456.039, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         456.039  Designated health care professionals;

11  information required for licensure.--

12         (1)  Each person who applies for initial licensure as a

13  physician under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or

14  chapter 461, except a person applying for registration

15  pursuant to ss. 458.345 and 459.021, must, at the time of

16  application, and each physician who applies for license

17  renewal under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or

18  chapter 461, except a person registered pursuant to ss.

19  458.345 and 459.021, must, in conjunction with the renewal of

20  such license and under procedures adopted by the Department of

21  Health, and in addition to any other information that may be

22  required from the applicant, furnish the following information

23  to the Department of Health:

24         (a)1.  The name of each medical school that the

25  applicant has attended, with the dates of attendance and the

26  date of graduation, and a description of all graduate medical

27  education completed by the applicant, excluding any coursework

28  taken to satisfy medical licensure continuing education

29  requirements.

30         2.  The name of each hospital at which the applicant

31  has privileges.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2584

 1         3.  The address at which the applicant will primarily

 2  conduct his or her practice.

 3         4.  Any certification that the applicant has received

 4  from a specialty board that is recognized by the board to

 5  which the applicant is applying.

 6         5.  The year that the applicant began practicing

 7  medicine.

 8         6.  Any appointment to the faculty of a medical school

 9  which the applicant currently holds and an indication as to

10  whether the applicant has had the responsibility for graduate

11  medical education within the most recent 10 years.

12         7.  A description of any criminal offense of which the

13  applicant has been found guilty, regardless of whether

14  adjudication of guilt was withheld, or to which the applicant

15  has pled guilty or nolo contendere. A criminal offense

16  committed in another jurisdiction which would have been a

17  felony or misdemeanor if committed in this state must be

18  reported. If the applicant indicates that a criminal offense

19  is under appeal and submits a copy of the notice for appeal of

20  that criminal offense, the department must state that the

21  criminal offense is under appeal if the criminal offense is

22  reported in the applicant's profile. If the applicant

23  indicates to the department that a criminal offense is under

24  appeal, the applicant must, upon disposition of the appeal,

25  submit to the department a copy of the final written order of

26  disposition.

27         8.  A description of any final disciplinary action

28  taken within the previous 10 years against the applicant by

29  the agency regulating the profession that the applicant is or

30  has been licensed to practice, whether in this state or in any

31  other jurisdiction, by a specialty board that is recognized by


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2584

 1  the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American

 2  Association of Physician Specialists, Inc., the American

 3  Osteopathic Association, or a similar national organization,

 4  or by a licensed hospital, health maintenance organization,

 5  prepaid health clinic, ambulatory surgical center, or nursing

 6  home. Disciplinary action includes resignation from or

 7  nonrenewal of medical staff membership or the restriction of

 8  privileges at a licensed hospital, health maintenance

 9  organization, prepaid health clinic, ambulatory surgical

10  center, or nursing home taken in lieu of or in settlement of a

11  pending disciplinary case related to competence or character.

12  If the applicant indicates that the disciplinary action is

13  under appeal and submits a copy of the document initiating an

14  appeal of the disciplinary action, the department must state

15  that the disciplinary action is under appeal if the

16  disciplinary action is reported in the applicant's profile.

17         9.  Relevant professional qualifications as defined by

18  the applicable board.

19         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

20  law.













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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2584

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 2584


 4  The American Board of Medical Specialties and the American
    Association of Physician Specialists, Inc., may not lower
 5  their standards for board certification. The Board of
    Medicine's authority to rescind its recognition of the
 6  American Board of Medical Specialties and the American
    Association of Physician Specialists, Inc., as specialty
 7  organizations, is limited to circumstances when the Board of
    Medicine establishes by clear and convincing evidence that
 8  certification standards have been adopted which affirmatively
    lower the requirements for specialty certification of that
 9  organization. The provisions in the osteopathic practice act
    regarding board-certified specialties, and health care
10  facility privileges and contracts for managed care or
    risk-based care with osteopathic physicians are no longer
11  amended to recognize the American Association of Physician
    Specialists, Inc., as a certifying agency.





















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