HB 0275 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to education; creating s. 1000.055, F.S.,
3    relating to dignity for all students; providing a popular
4    name; providing legislative findings with respect to
5    harassment, discrimination, and violence in Florida
6    schools; prohibiting specified conduct and providing for
7    punitive measures; defining the term "harassment";
8    providing duties of educational institutions; requiring
9    the adoption of rules; providing for technical assistance
10    to educational institutions; amending s. 1003.42, F.S.,
11    relating to required instruction in the public schools;
12    requiring the character-development program curriculum to
13    include information relating to harassment,
14    discrimination, and violence; providing an effective date.
16          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18          Section 1. Section 1000.055, Florida Statutes, is created
19    to read:
20          1000.055 Dignity for all students.--
21          (1) This section shall be known by the popular name the
22    "Dignity for All Students Act."
23          (2) The Legislature finds that:
24          (a) Ensuring the safety of all Florida students is a
25    compelling state interest.
26          (b) Harassment, discrimination, and violence are not
27    conducive to a learning environment and are sometimes a threat,
28    and a reality, for Florida students. When they occur, all
29    Florida students are adversely affected.
30          (c) Recent citizen reports and studies, including
31    extensive professional studies conducted by the American
32    Association of University Women Educational Foundation and Human
33    Rights Watch, demonstrate that there is a nationwide problem
34    with harassment of and discrimination and violence against
35    students in schools.
36          (d) Maintaining safety and discipline in schools is
37    essential for the welfare of all students and for accomplishing
38    the educational mission of schools. Harassment, discrimination,
39    and violence interfere with efforts to ensure that school
40    environments are conducive to the safety and learning of all
41    students. In this regard, the Legislature recognizes its
42    responsibilities:
43          1. To enable all students to learn in a safe and healthy
44    school environment.
45          2. To use resources to ensure that every student is
46    provided with a safe, dignified, and welcoming educational
47    environment in which to grow, develop, and mature into a
48    productive and healthy adult.
49          3. To use resources to ensure that all students learn that
50    harassment, discrimination, and violence are socially
51    unacceptable methods of addressing differences.
52          4. To uphold both federal civil rights and constitutional
53    equal protection and due process rights of all school students
54    to reasonable safety at school facilities.
55          (3)(a) Harassment of and discrimination and violence
56    against students on the basis of real or perceived identity or
57    expression of race, color, religion, national origin, marital
58    status, sex or gender, disability, or sexual orientation, on the
59    basis of stereotypes of persons identified by these categories,
60    or on the basis of association with others identified by these
61    categories are prohibited by any student or school employee
62    during the conduct of any education program or activity by an
63    educational institution that receives or benefits from state or
64    federal financial assistance, as well as on any school bus
65    traveling to or from a school or a school-related or school-
66    sponsored program or activity.
67          (b) Retaliation against a student by another student or
68    school employee for asserting or alleging a violation of this
69    section is prohibited.
70          (c) This section is not intended to limit rights or
71    responsibilities provided under any other provision of law.
72          (d) "Harassment" as used in this section means verbal or
73    physical conduct directed at a student based on that student's
74    real or perceived identity or expression of race, color,
75    religion, national origin, marital status, sex or gender,
76    disability, or sexual orientation, that:
77          1. Substantially disrupts or is reasonably expected to
78    substantially disrupt educational operations or substantially
79    disrupts an individual student's educational benefits,
80    opportunities, or performance or an individual student's
81    physical or psychological well-being; or
82          2. Creates an intimidating or hostile environment for one
83    or more students that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or
84    objectively offensive that it undermines and detracts from the
85    educational experience of the student or students.
86          (4) Educational institutions covered under this section
87    shall develop and implement methods and strategies for the
88    following:
89          (a) Providing procedures for the filing and the prompt
90    processing, hearing, and adjudication of claims of violations of
91    this section, as well as imposition of punitive and remedial
92    measures.
93          (b) Providing instruction to teachers, school
94    administrators, and counseling staff on identifying, preventing,
95    and responding to all forms of harassment, discrimination, and
96    violence that are unlawful under this section.
97          (c) Providing specific and continuing steps to annually
98    notify students, parents, and employees of harassment,
99    discrimination, and violence unlawful under this section, and
100    the procedures for reporting violations. This requirement may be
101    satisfied by including this information in bulletins, handbooks,
102    or other such materials that at least annually publish policies
103    governing student and employee conduct.
104          (d) Promoting school environments that are free of
105    harassment, discrimination, and violence unlawful under this
106    section.
107          (e) Incorporating into civility, citizenship, and
108    character education curricula awareness and sensitivity to the
109    prohibition under this section of harassment, discrimination,
110    and violence.
111          (f) Reporting to the State Board of Education all
112    incidents of harassment, discrimination, and violence in
113    violation of this section.
114          (g) Providing for annual confidential surveys of students
115    as to the hospitableness of school atmospheres towards students
116    on the basis of real or perceived identity or expression of
117    race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sex or
118    gender, disability, and sexual orientation.
119          (h) Providing guidance and counseling services to students
120    affected by harassment, discrimination, or violence in violation
121    of this section.
122          (i) Providing specified sanctions for students or
123    employees found to have perpetrated harassment of or
124    discrimination or violence against students in violation of this
125    section.
126          (5) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules
127    pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement and monitor
128    compliance with this section.
129          (6) The Office of Equity and Access of the Department of
130    Education shall provide technical assistance to educational
131    institutions covered under this section in identifying
132    harassment, discrimination, and violence unlawful under this
133    section and instructing them on possible remedies for correction
134    and prevention of such harassment, discrimination, and violence.
135          Section 2. Paragraph (q) of subsection (2) of section
136    1003.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
137          1003.42 Required instruction.--
138          (2) Members of the instructional staff of the public
139    schools, subject to the rules of the State Board of Education
140    and the district school board, shall teach efficiently and
141    faithfully, using the books and materials required, following
142    the prescribed courses of study, and employing approved methods
143    of instruction, the following:
144          (q) A character-development program in the elementary
145    schools, similar to Character First or Character Counts,which
146    is secular in nature and stresses such character qualities as
147    attentiveness, patience, and initiative. Beginning in school
148    year 2004-2005, the character-development program shall be
149    required in kindergarten through grade 12. Each district school
150    board shall develop or adopt a curriculum for the character-
151    development program that shall be submitted to the department
152    for approval. The character-development curriculum shall stress
153    the qualities of patriotism, responsibility, citizenship,
154    kindness, respect, honesty, self-control, tolerance, and
155    cooperation. The curriculum shall also stress state policies and
156    laws against harassment of and discrimination and violence
157    against students in schools on the basis of real or perceived
158    identity or expression of race, color, religion, national
159    origin, marital status, sex or gender, disability, or sexual
160    orientation.
161          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.