Senate Bill sb2900

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900

    By Senator Atwater

    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to duties of agency inspectors

  3         general; amending s. 20.055, F.S.; providing

  4         that agency inspectors general rather than

  5         state agencies shall have certain powers and

  6         perform certain functions and duties relative

  7         to specified investigations; providing that

  8         agency inspectors general may access specified

  9         records, data, and information of a state

10         agency and request information or assistance

11         from a state agency or any federal, state, or

12         local governmental entity; providing that

13         agency inspectors general may compel the

14         production by subpoena of specified

15         information, data, and documentary evidence

16         necessary in the performance of their

17         functions; providing for the enforcement of

18         specified subpoenas; providing that procedures

19         other than subpoenas shall be used by agency

20         inspectors general to obtain documents and

21         information from state agencies; amending s.

22         112.3189, F.S.; providing requirements with

23         respect to an employee designated by the head

24         of a state agency to receive specified

25         information under the Whistle-blower's Act;

26         providing that an agency inspector general

27         rather than an agency head shall perform

28         specified functions relative to an

29         investigation under the Whistle-blower's Act;

30         amending s. 112.31895, F.S.; revising the time

31         period during which the Florida Commission on


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1         Human Relations must review specified

 2         information and make a determination with

 3         respect to temporary reinstatement of an

 4         employee under the Whistle-blower's Act;

 5         providing an effective date.


 7  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 9         Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 20.055, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         20.055  Agency inspectors general.--

12         (6)  In carrying out the investigative duties and

13  responsibilities specified in this section, each inspector

14  general shall initiate, conduct, supervise, and coordinate

15  investigations designed to detect, deter, prevent, and

16  eradicate fraud, waste, mismanagement, misconduct, and other

17  abuses in state government. For these purposes, each inspector

18  general state agency shall have the following functions,

19  powers, and duties:

20         (a)  To receive complaints and coordinate all

21  activities of the agency as required by the Whistle-blower's

22  Act pursuant to ss. 112.3187-112.31895.

23         (b)  To receive and consider the complaints which do

24  not meet the criteria for an investigation under the

25  Whistle-blower's Act and conduct, supervise, or coordinate

26  such inquiries, investigations, or reviews as the inspector

27  general deems appropriate.

28         (c)  To report expeditiously to the Department of Law

29  Enforcement or other law enforcement agencies, as appropriate,

30  whenever the inspector general has reasonable grounds to

31  believe there has been a violation of criminal law.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1         (d)  To conduct investigations and other inquiries free

 2  of actual or perceived impairment to the independence of the

 3  inspector general or the inspector general's office. This

 4  shall include freedom from any interference with

 5  investigations and timely access to records and other sources

 6  of information.

 7         (e)  To access any records, data, and other information

 8  of a state agency he or she deems necessary to carry out his

 9  or her duties and to request such information or assistance as

10  may be necessary from a state agency or from any federal,

11  state, or local governmental entity.

12         (f)  May compel by subpoena the production of all

13  information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts,

14  papers, and other data and documentary evidence necessary in

15  the performance of the functions assigned by this section,

16  which subpoena, in the case of contumacy or refusal to obey,

17  shall be enforceable by order of any appropriate state court

18  of competent jurisdiction. Provided, that procedures other

19  than subpoenas shall be used by the inspectors general to

20  obtain documents and information from state agencies.

21         (g)(e)  To submit in a timely fashion final reports on

22  investigations conducted by the inspector general to the

23  agency head, except for whistle-blower's investigations, which

24  shall be conducted and reported pursuant to s. 112.3189.

25         Section 2.  Subsections (1), (6), (7), and (9) of

26  section 112.3189, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         112.3189  Investigative procedures upon receipt of

28  whistle-blower information from certain state employees.--

29         (1)  This section only applies to the disclosure of

30  information as described in s. 112.3187(5) by an employee or

31  former employee of, or an applicant for employment with, a


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1  state agency, as the term "state agency" is defined in s.

 2  216.011, to the Office of the Chief Inspector General of the

 3  Executive Office of the Governor or to the agency inspector

 4  general. If an agency does not have an inspector general, the

 5  head of the state agency, as defined in s. 216.011, shall

 6  designate an employee who meets the requirements provided in

 7  s. 20.055(4) to receive information described in s.

 8  112.3187(5). For purposes of this section and s. 112.3188

 9  only, the employee designated by the head of the state agency

10  shall be deemed an agency inspector general.

11         (6)  The agency inspector general may conduct an

12  investigation pursuant to paragraph (5)(a) only if the person

13  transmitting information to the agency inspector general is an

14  employee or former employee of, or an applicant for employment

15  with, the agency inspector general's agency. The agency

16  inspector general shall:

17         (a)  Conduct an investigation with respect to the

18  information and any related matters.

19         (b)  Submit to the complainant and the Chief Inspector

20  General, within 60 days after the date on which a

21  determination to conduct an investigation is made under

22  paragraph (5)(a), a final written report that sets forth the

23  agency inspector general's findings, conclusions, and

24  recommendations, except as provided under subsection (11). The

25  complainant shall be advised in writing by the agency

26  inspector general head that the complainant may submit to the

27  Chief Inspector General and agency inspector general comments

28  on the final report within 20 days of the date of the report

29  and that such comments will be attached to the final report.




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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1         (7)  If the Chief Inspector General decides an

 2  investigation should be conducted pursuant to paragraph

 3  (5)(a), the Chief Inspector General shall either:

 4         (a)  Promptly transmit to the appropriate head of the

 5  state agency inspector general the information with respect to

 6  which the determination to conduct an investigation was made,

 7  and such agency inspector general head shall conduct an

 8  investigation and submit to the Chief Inspector General a

 9  final written report that sets forth the agency head's

10  findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the agency

11  inspector general; or

12         (b)1.  Conduct an investigation with respect to the

13  information and any related matters; and

14         2.  Submit to the complainant within 60 days after the

15  date on which a determination to conduct an investigation is

16  made under paragraph (5)(a), a final written report that sets

17  forth the Chief Inspector General's findings, conclusions, and

18  recommendations, except as provided under subsection (11). The

19  complainant shall be advised in writing by the Chief Inspector

20  General that the complainant may submit to the Chief Inspector

21  General comments on the final report within 20 days of the

22  date of the report and that such comments will be attached to

23  the final report.

24         (c)  The Chief Inspector General may require an agency

25  inspector general head to conduct an investigation under

26  paragraph (a) only if the information was transmitted to the

27  Chief Inspector General by:

28         1.  An employee or former employee of, or an applicant

29  for employment with, the agency that the information concerns;

30  or



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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1         2.  An employee who obtained the information in

 2  connection with the performance of the employee's duties and

 3  responsibilities.

 4         (9)(a)  A report required of the agency inspector

 5  general head under paragraph (7)(a) shall be submitted to the

 6  Chief Inspector General and the complainant within 60 days

 7  after the agency inspector general head receives the complaint

 8  from the Chief Inspector General, except as provided under

 9  subsection (11). The complainant shall be advised in writing

10  by the agency inspector general head that the complainant may

11  submit to the Chief Inspector General comments on the report

12  within 20 days of the date of the report and that such

13  comments will be attached to the final report.

14         (b)  Upon receiving a final report required under this

15  section, the Chief Inspector General shall review the report

16  and determine whether the report contains the information

17  required by subsection (8). If the report does not contain the

18  information required by subsection (8), the Chief Inspector

19  General shall determine why and note the reasons on an

20  addendum to the final report.

21         (c)  The Chief Inspector General shall transmit any

22  final report under this section, any comments provided by the

23  complainant, and any appropriate comments or recommendations

24  by the Chief Inspector General to the Governor, to the Joint

25  Legislative Auditing Committee, to the investigating agency,

26  and to the Chief Financial Officer.

27         (d)  If the Chief Inspector General does not receive

28  the report of the agency inspector general head within the

29  time prescribed in paragraph (a), the Chief Inspector General

30  may conduct the investigation in accordance with paragraph

31  (7)(b) or request that another agency inspector general


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2900
    25-1657A-04                                        See HB 1681

 1  conduct the investigation in accordance with subsection (6)

 2  and shall report the complaint to the Governor, to the Joint

 3  Legislative Auditing Committee, and to the investigating

 4  agency, together with a statement noting the failure of the

 5  agency inspector general head to file the required report.

 6         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

 7  112.31895, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         112.31895  Investigative procedures in response to

 9  prohibited personnel actions.--



12         (b)  Within 30 15 days after receiving a complaint that

13  a person has been discharged from employment allegedly for

14  disclosing protected information under s. 112.3187, the

15  Florida Commission on Human Relations shall review the

16  information and determine whether temporary reinstatement is

17  appropriate under s. 112.3187(9)(f). If the Florida Commission

18  on Human Relations so determines, it shall apply for an

19  expedited order from the appropriate agency or circuit court

20  for the immediate reinstatement of the employee who has been

21  discharged subsequent to the disclosure made under s.

22  112.3187, pending the issuance of the final order on the

23  complaint.

24         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

25  law.








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