Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 2910
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 151036
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       04/26/2004 11:01 AM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Peaden moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 127, between lines 21 and 22,
16  insert:  
17         Section 51.  Subsection (45) is added to section
18  409.912, Florida Statutes, to read:
19         409.912  Cost-effective purchasing of health care.--The
20  agency shall purchase goods and services for Medicaid
21  recipients in the most cost-effective manner consistent with
22  the delivery of quality medical care.  The agency shall
23  maximize the use of prepaid per capita and prepaid aggregate
24  fixed-sum basis services when appropriate and other
25  alternative service delivery and reimbursement methodologies,
26  including competitive bidding pursuant to s. 287.057, designed
27  to facilitate the cost-effective purchase of a case-managed
28  continuum of care. The agency shall also require providers to
29  minimize the exposure of recipients to the need for acute
30  inpatient, custodial, and other institutional care and the
31  inappropriate or unnecessary use of high-cost services. The
    1:25 PM   04/24/04                              s2910c3c-0223t

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 2910 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 151036 1 agency may establish prior authorization requirements for 2 certain populations of Medicaid beneficiaries, certain drug 3 classes, or particular drugs to prevent fraud, abuse, overuse, 4 and possible dangerous drug interactions. The Pharmaceutical 5 and Therapeutics Committee shall make recommendations to the 6 agency on drugs for which prior authorization is required. The 7 agency shall inform the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics 8 Committee of its decisions regarding drugs subject to prior 9 authorization. 10 (45) The agency may contract on a capitated, prepaid, 11 or fixed-sum basis with a laboratory service provider to 12 provide statewide laboratory services for Medicaid recipients. 13 The contract is not subject to any requirement of the Florida 14 Insurance Code. 15 16 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 17 18 19 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 20 And the title is amended as follows: 21 On page 12, line 13, after the second semicolon, 22 23 insert: 24 amending s. 409.912, F.S.; authorizing the 25 Agency for Health Care Administration to 26 contract for laboratory services for Medicaid 27 recipients; 28 29 30 31 2 1:25 PM 04/24/04 s2910c3c-0223t