Senate Bill sb2932c1

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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2932

    By the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    and Senator Bennett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to governmental procurement;

  3         amending s. 255.0515, F.S.; requiring

  4         solicitations for specified state and political

  5         subdivision construction projects to require a

  6         listing of subcontractors; providing that

  7         section applies to proposals; amending s.

  8         255.0525, F.S.; providing for the electronic

  9         advertisement of state and political

10         subdivision construction project solicitations;

11         amending s. 283.425, F.S.; revising limitation

12         on liquidated damages for defective printing;

13         amending s. 287.012, F.S.; revising

14         definitions; amending s. 287.025, F.S.;

15         deleting certain items for which a primary

16         contract of insurance is prohibited; amending

17         s. 287.042, F.S.; revising the powers and

18         duties of the Department of Management Services

19         relating to the purchase of commodities and

20         contractual services for the state; revising

21         listing requirements for products offered by

22         corporation operating the correctional industry

23         program and a nonprofit agency for persons with

24         disabilities; authorizing department to approve

25         purchases from contracts let by political

26         subdivisions in any state; repealing s.

27         287.045(11), F.S.; deleting a requirement that

28         agencies report on expenditures and use of

29         recycled materials; amending s. 287.056, F.S.;

30         authorizing the department to adopt rules that

31         exempt agencies from purchasing agreements and


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 1         state term contracts; repealing authority for

 2         agencies to choose not to use state term

 3         contracts that contain a surcharge; creating s.

 4         287.0565, F.S.; authorizing the department to

 5         adopt rules for small procurements; amending s.

 6         287.057, F.S.; revising request for proposal

 7         and invitation to negotiate requirements;

 8         requiring single source purchases to be posted

 9         in a form prescribed by the department;

10         revising exceptions to competitive solicitation

11         requirements; providing that services or

12         commodities provided by certain agencies,

13         colleges, and universities are not subject to

14         competitive solicitation requirements;

15         providing that certain services or commodities

16         provided to the Department of State for voter

17         education activities are not subject to

18         competitive solicitation requirements;

19         requiring certified negotiators for specified

20         procurements; deleting a requirement that an

21         agency report when it receives fewer than two

22         bids, proposals, or replies; requiring the

23         department to adopt rules for certification of

24         negotiators; providing that certain activities

25         will render a person ineligible for

26         subcontracts; deleting a requirement that

27         vendors be prequalified to use the online

28         procurement system; deleting a requirement that

29         the department adopt rules establishing online

30         procurement criteria for eligible commodities

31         and contractual services; revising fees that


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 1         may be charged for the online procurement

 2         system; revising collection and deposit methods

 3         for online procurement fees; creating s.

 4         287.0571, F.S.; authorizing agencies to conduct

 5         reverse auctions; specifying requirements for

 6         reverse auctions; requiring the department to

 7         adopt rules for reverse auctions; creating s.

 8         287.0575, F.S.; authorizing agencies to require

 9         certified cost or pricing data in specified

10         procurements; providing procedures for agencies

11         to follow when requiring cost or pricing data;

12         providing timelines for submission of cost or

13         pricing data; requiring a truth-in-negotiation

14         certificate to accompany cost or pricing data

15         submissions; permitting agencies to audit

16         vendor books and records related to cost or

17         pricing data; permitting agencies to adjust

18         prices based on inaccurate, incomplete, or

19         outdated cost or pricing data; defining the

20         term "cost or pricing data"; creating s.

21         287.0815, F.S.; defining terms; requiring the

22         department to produce a report regarding agency

23         outsourcing contracts and subcontracts;

24         requiring publication of the report on the

25         department's website; repealing s. 287.1345,

26         F.S., relating to surcharges on users of state

27         term contracts; amending s. 287.16, F.S.;

28         revising the duties, powers, and

29         responsibilities of the department relating to

30         state-owned or state-leased aircraft,

31         watercraft, and motor vehicles; amending s.


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 1         287.161, F.S.; providing that state-leased

 2         aircraft are included in the executive aircraft

 3         pool; deleting the provision that state

 4         employees traveling on a space available basis

 5         may not be charged more than the vehicle

 6         mileage allowance; providing legislative intent

 7         that executive aircraft pool be operated on a

 8         full cost-recovery basis; amending s. 287.17,

 9         F.S.; requiring annual agency reports to

10         department on motor vehicle utilization;

11         creating s. 408.919; requiring the Agency for

12         Health Care Administration in partnership with

13         other state agencies to contract for an

14         Integrated Recipient Data Management Pilot

15         Project; providing requirements; amending s.

16         945.025, F.S.; requiring specified contracts

17         executed by the Department of Corrections to be

18         competitively solicited; amending s. 946.515,

19         F.S.; conforming provisions to changes made by

20         the act; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 255.0515, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         255.0515  Bids or proposals for public state contracts;

27  substitution of subcontractors.--Solicitations for competitive

28  bids or proposals advertised by the state or a county,

29  municipality, or other political subdivision With respect to

30  state contracts let pursuant to competitive bidding, whether

31  under chapter 1013, relating to educational facilities, or


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 1  this chapter, relating to public buildings, shall require bids

 2  or proposals to list the names of all subcontractors who will

 3  be engaged by the contractor. The contractor shall not remove

 4  or replace subcontractors listed in the bid or proposal

 5  subsequent to the lists being made public at the bid or

 6  proposal opening, except upon good cause shown.

 7         Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

 8  255.0525, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 9         255.0525  Advertising for competitive bids or

10  proposals.--

11         (1)  The solicitation of competitive bids or proposals

12  for any state construction project that is projected to cost

13  more than $200,000 shall be publicly advertised once in the

14  Florida Administrative Weekly at least 21 days prior to the

15  established bid opening. For state construction projects that

16  are projected to cost more than $500,000, the advertisement

17  shall be published in the Florida Administrative Weekly at

18  least 30 days prior to the established bid opening and at

19  least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county

20  where the project is located at least 30 days prior to the

21  established bid opening and at least 5 days prior to any

22  scheduled prebid conference. In addition to the advertisement

23  methods required by this subsection, solicitations may also be

24  advertised by electronic posting on a centralized website

25  designated by the Department of Management Services by rule.

26  The bids or proposals shall be received and opened publicly at

27  the location, date, and time established in the bid or

28  proposal advertisement. In cases of emergency, the Secretary

29  of Management Services may alter the procedures required in

30  this section in any manner that is reasonable under the

31  emergency circumstances.


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 1         (2)  The solicitation of competitive bids or proposals

 2  for any county, municipality, or other political subdivision

 3  construction project that is projected to cost more than

 4  $200,000 shall be publicly advertised at least once in a

 5  newspaper of general circulation in the county where the

 6  project is located at least 21 days prior to the established

 7  bid opening and at least 5 days prior to any scheduled prebid

 8  conference.  The solicitation of competitive bids or proposals

 9  for any county, municipality, or other political subdivision

10  construction project that is projected to cost more than

11  $500,000 shall be publicly advertised at least once in a

12  newspaper of general circulation in the county where the

13  project is located at least 30 days prior to the established

14  bid opening and at least 5 days prior to any scheduled prebid

15  conference. In addition to the advertisement methods required

16  by this subsection, solicitations may also be advertised by

17  electronic posting on an Internet website designated by a

18  county, municipality, or other political subdivision. Bids or

19  proposals shall be received and opened at the location, date,

20  and time established in the bid or proposal advertisement.  In

21  cases of emergency, the procedures required in this section

22  may be altered by the local governmental entity in any manner

23  that is reasonable under the emergency circumstances.

24         Section 3.  Section 283.425, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         283.425  Acceptance for printing; penalty for defective

27  printing.--No printing may be accepted as in compliance with

28  the contract when the printing is not of the grade of

29  workmanship which is usually employed by professional printers

30  on printing of such class, or when the printing is not of the

31  full quantity or acceptable quality for which it has been


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 1  contracted. If immediate necessity and lack of time to procure

 2  printing elsewhere compel the use of defective printing

 3  furnished by a contractor, it shall be accepted without

 4  approval, and, as specified in the contract, up to one-half of

 5  the contract price thereon shall be deducted as liquidated

 6  damages for breach of contract. The agency which contracted

 7  for printing shall notify the contractor within a reasonable

 8  time after delivery of said printing as to acceptance or

 9  nonacceptance, and such reasonable time shall be specified in

10  the contract. The contract shall also provide that a

11  contractor has a reasonable time to correct any defects if

12  delivery is made by a date specified in the contract, unless

13  such a provision is not practicable because of time

14  constraints.

15         Section 4.  Subsections (8), (12), and (13) of section

16  287.012, Florida Statutes, are amended, present subsections

17  (27) and (28) of that section are redesignated as subsections

18  (28) and (29), respectively, and a new subsection (27) is

19  added to that section, to read:

20         287.012  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:

21         (8)  "Contractor" means a person who contracts to sell

22  commodities or contractual services to an agency. The term

23  also means a person who enters into an arrangement with an

24  agency, such as an alliance, partnership, or consortium, for

25  the purpose of acquiring commodities or contractual services

26  for or on behalf of an agency.

27         (12)  "Eligible user" means any person or entity

28  authorized by the department pursuant to rule to purchase from

29  state term contracts or to use the on-line procurement system.

30  For purposes of state term contracts executed or renewed on or

31  after October 1, 2004, the term shall include, but is not


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 1  limited to, nursing home facilities, as defined in s. 400.21,

 2  which are not-for-profit corporations or which have 50 percent

 3  or more Medicaid occupancy, and teaching hospitals, as defined

 4  in s. 408.07.

 5         (13)  "Exceptional purchase" means any purchase of

 6  commodities or contractual services excepted by law or rule

 7  from the requirements for competitive solicitation, including,

 8  but not limited to, purchases from a single source; purchases

 9  upon receipt of less than two responsive bids, proposals, or

10  replies; purchases made by an agency, after receiving approval

11  from the department, from a contract procured, pursuant to s.

12  287.057(1), (2), or (3), by another agency; and purchases made

13  without advertisement in the manner required by s.

14  287.042(3)(a) s. 287.042(3)(b). The term "exceptional

15  purchase" does not include purchases made pursuant to s.

16  287.057(5)(e) and (f).

17         (27)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Management

18  Services.

19         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 287.025,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         287.025  Prohibition against certain insurance coverage

22  on specified state property or insurable subjects.--

23         (1)  A No primary contract of insurance may not shall

24  be purchased on insurable subjects or property titled in the

25  name of the state or its departments, divisions, bureaus,

26  commissions, or agencies with respect to any of the following

27  properties, coverages, or insurable subjects:

28         (a)  Physical damage insurance on motor vehicles which

29  are licensed for use on the public highways of this state. For

30  the purpose of this chapter, the term "physical damage

31  insurance" means coverage against collision, upset or


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 1  overturn, fire, theft, combined additional coverage, or

 2  comprehensive;

 3         (b)  Physical damage insurance on watercraft and

 4  related equipment;

 5         (c)  Loss of rental income on any buildings unless the

 6  buildings are financed in whole or in part by revenue bonds or

 7  certificates the terms of which require such coverage or

 8  unless otherwise authorized by law;

 9         (d)  Miscellaneous equipment which is subject to a

10  transportation feature and subject to ordinarily being covered

11  by an inland marine insurance floater.  The term

12  "miscellaneous equipment" does not include boilers and

13  machinery or nuclear equipment;

14         (e)  Museum collections, artifacts, relics, or fine

15  arts;

16         (e)(f)  Hull coverage on aircraft;

17         (f)(g)  Glass insurance;

18         (g)(h)  Coverage for loss against vandalism or

19  malicious mischief unless these perils are included within an

20  all-risks-of-physical-loss form; and

21         (h)(i)  Insurance against loss or damage to livestock

22  and services of a veterinary for such animals.

23         (2)  Excess insurance may be purchased to cover loss

24  for physical damage on the above-described properties or risk

25  if the aggregate exposure at any one location or actual cash

26  value of any one item exceeds the sum of $10,000.  However, no

27  excess insurance shall be purchased on any items listed in

28  paragraphs (1)(c), (f) (e), (g), and (h), and (i), regardless

29  of value or risk.

30         Section 6.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), and (16) of

31  section 287.042, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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 1         287.042  Powers, duties, and functions.--The department

 2  shall have the following powers, duties, and functions:

 3         (1)(a)  To canvass all sources of supply, establish and

 4  maintain a vendor list to be organized by classes of

 5  commodities and contractual services, and contract for the

 6  purchase, lease, or acquisition, including purchase by

 7  installment sales or lease-purchase contracts which may

 8  provide for the payment of interest on unpaid portions of the

 9  purchase price, of all commodities and contractual services

10  required by any agency under this chapter.  Any contract

11  providing for deferred payments and the payment of interest

12  shall be subject to specific rules adopted by the department.

13         (b)  To The department may remove from its vendor list

14  any source of supply which fails to fulfill any of its duties

15  specified in a contract with the state.  It may reinstate any

16  such source of supply when it is satisfied that further

17  instances of default will not occur.

18         (c)  With regard to the corporation operating the

19  correctional industry program provided for in s. 946.502, the

20  department:

21         1. Shall issue commodity numbers for all products of

22  the corporation operating the correctional industry program

23  which meet or exceed department specifications; In order to

24  promote cost-effective procurement of commodities and

25  contractual services, the department or an agency may enter

26  into contracts that limit the liability of a vendor consistent

27  with s. 672.719.

28         (d)  The department shall issue commodity numbers for

29  all products of the corporation operating the correctional

30  industry program which meet or exceed department

31  specifications.


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 1         2.(e)  The department Shall include the products

 2  offered by the corporation on any listing prepared by the

 3  department which lists state term contracts executed by the

 4  department. The products offered by the corporation and listed

 5  by the department may be listed on a state term contract or

 6  listed as an exception to the state term contract as

 7  determined by the department. The products or services shall

 8  be placed on such list in a category based upon specification

 9  criteria developed through a joint effort of the department

10  and the corporation and approved by the department; and.

11         3.(f)  May allow the corporation to may submit products

12  and services to the department for testing, analysis, and

13  review relating to the quality and cost comparability.  If,

14  after review and testing, the department approves of the

15  products and services, the department shall give written

16  notice thereof to the corporation. The corporation shall pay a

17  reasonable fee charged for testing its products by the

18  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

19         (d)(g)  The department shall include products and

20  services that are offered by a qualified nonprofit agency for

21  persons with disabilities the blind or for the other severely

22  handicapped organized under pursuant to chapter 413 and that

23  have been determined to be suitable for purchase pursuant to

24  s. 413.035 on any department listing of state term contracts.

25  The products and services shall be placed on such list in a

26  category based upon specification criteria developed by the

27  department in consultation with the qualified nonprofit

28  agency. The products offered by a qualified nonprofit agency

29  for persons with disabilities and listed by the department may

30  be listed on a state term contract or listed as an exception

31  to the state term contract as determined by the department.


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 1         (h)  The department may collect fees for the use of its

 2  electronic information services. The fees may be imposed on an

 3  individual transaction basis or as a fixed subscription for a

 4  designated period of time. At a minimum, the fees shall be

 5  determined in an amount sufficient to cover the department's

 6  projected costs of such services, including overhead in

 7  accordance with the policies of the Department of Management

 8  Services for computing its administrative assessment.  All

 9  fees collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited

10  in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund for disbursement as

11  provided by law.

12         (2)(a)  To establish purchasing agreements and procure

13  state term contracts for commodities and contractual services,

14  pursuant to s. 287.057, under which state agencies shall, and

15  eligible users may, make purchases pursuant to s. 287.056. The

16  department may restrict purchases from some term contracts to

17  state agencies only for those term contracts where the

18  inclusion of other governmental entities will have an adverse

19  effect on competition or to those federal facilities located

20  in this state. In such planning or purchasing the Office of

21  Supplier Diversity may monitor to ensure that opportunities

22  are afforded for contracting with minority business

23  enterprises. The department, for state term contracts, and all

24  agencies, for multiyear contractual services or term

25  contracts, shall explore reasonable and economical means to

26  utilize certified minority business enterprises. Purchases by

27  any county, municipality, private nonprofit community

28  transportation coordinator designated pursuant to chapter 427,

29  while conducting business related solely to the Commission for

30  the Transportation Disadvantaged, or other local public agency

31  under the provisions in the state purchasing contracts, and


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 1  purchases, from the corporation operating the correctional

 2  work programs, of products or services that are subject to

 3  subparagraph (c)3. paragraph (1)(f), are exempt from the

 4  competitive solicitation requirements otherwise applying to

 5  their purchases.

 6         (b)  As an alternative to any provision in s.

 7  120.57(3)(c), the department may proceed with the competitive

 8  solicitation or contract award process of a term contract when

 9  the secretary of the department or his or her designee sets

10  forth in writing particular facts and circumstances which

11  demonstrate that the delay incident to staying the

12  solicitation or contract award process would be detrimental to

13  the interests of the state.  After the award of a contract

14  resulting from a competitive solicitation in which a timely

15  protest was received and in which the state did not prevail,

16  the contract may be canceled and reawarded.

17         (c)  Any person who files an action protesting a

18  decision or intended decision pertaining to contracts

19  administered by the department, a water management district,

20  or an agency pursuant to s. 120.57(3)(b) shall post with the

21  department, the water management district, or the agency at

22  the time of filing the formal written protest a bond payable

23  to the department, the water management district, or agency in

24  an amount equal to 1 percent of the estimated contract amount.

25  For protests of decisions or intended decisions pertaining to

26  exceptional purchases, the bond shall be in an amount equal to

27  1 percent of the estimated contract amount for the exceptional

28  purchase. The estimated contract amount shall be based upon

29  the contract price submitted by the protestor or, if no

30  contract price was submitted, the department, water management

31  district, or agency shall estimate the contract amount based


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 1  on factors including, but not limited to, the price of

 2  previous or existing contracts for similar commodities or

 3  contractual services, the amount appropriated by the

 4  Legislature for the contract, or the fair market value of

 5  similar commodities or contractual services. The agency shall

 6  provide the estimated contract amount to the vendor within 72

 7  hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, after

 8  the filing of the notice of protest by the vendor. The

 9  estimated contract amount is not subject to protest pursuant

10  to s. 120.57(3). The bond shall be conditioned upon the

11  payment of all costs and charges that are adjudged against the

12  protestor in the administrative hearing in which the action is

13  brought and in any subsequent appellate court proceeding. In

14  lieu of a bond, the department, the water management district,

15  or agency may, in either case, accept a cashier's check,

16  official bank check, or money order in the amount of the bond.

17  If, after completion of the administrative hearing process and

18  any appellate court proceedings, the department, water

19  management district, or agency prevails, it shall recover all

20  costs and charges which shall be included in the final order

21  or judgment, excluding attorney's fees. This section shall not

22  apply to protests filed by the Office of Supplier Diversity.

23  Upon payment of such costs and charges by the protestor, the

24  bond, cashier's check, official bank check, or money order

25  shall be returned to the protestor. If, after the completion

26  of the administrative hearing process and any appellate court

27  proceedings, the protestor prevails, the protestor shall

28  recover from the department, water management district, or

29  agency all costs and charges which shall be included in the

30  final order or judgment, excluding attorney's fees.



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 1         (3)  To establish a system of coordinated, uniform

 2  procurement policies, procedures, and practices to be used by

 3  agencies in acquiring commodities and contractual services,

 4  which shall include, but not be limited to:

 5         (a)  Development of a list of interested vendors to be

 6  maintained by classes of commodities and contractual services.

 7  This list shall not be used to prequalify vendors or to

 8  exclude any interested vendor from bidding.

 9         (a)(b)1.  Development of procedures for advertising

10  solicitations. These procedures must provide for electronic

11  posting of solicitations for at least 10 days before the date

12  set for receipt of bids, proposals, or replies, unless the

13  department or other agency determines in writing that a

14  shorter period of time is necessary to avoid harming the

15  interests of the state. The Office of Supplier Diversity may

16  consult with the department regarding the development of

17  solicitation distribution procedures to ensure that maximum

18  distribution is afforded to certified minority business

19  enterprises as defined in s. 288.703.

20         2.  Development of procedures for electronic posting.

21  The department shall designate a centralized website on the

22  Internet for the department and other agencies to

23  electronically post solicitations, decisions or intended

24  decisions, and other matters relating to procurement. From

25  July 1, 2002, until July 1, 2003, the department shall publish

26  a notice in each edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly

27  which indicates the specific URL or Internet address for the

28  centralized website.

29         (b)(c)  Development of procedures for the receipt and

30  opening of bids, proposals, or replies by an agency. Such

31  procedures shall provide the Office of Supplier Diversity an


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 1  opportunity to monitor and ensure that the contract award is

 2  consistent with the requirements of s. 287.09451.

 3         (c)(d)  Development of procedures to be used by an

 4  agency in deciding to contract, including, but not limited to,

 5  identifying and assessing in writing project needs and

 6  requirements, availability of agency employees, budgetary

 7  constraints or availability, facility equipment availability,

 8  current and projected agency workload capabilities, and the

 9  ability of any other state agency to perform the services.

10         (d)(e)  Development of procedures to be used by an

11  agency in maintaining a contract file for each contract which

12  shall include, but not be limited to, all pertinent

13  information relating to the contract during the preparatory

14  stages; a copy of the solicitation; documentation relating to

15  the solicitation process; opening of bids, proposals, or

16  replies; evaluation and tabulation of bids, proposals, or

17  replies; and determination and notice of award of contract.

18         (e)(f)  Development of procedures to be used by an

19  agency for issuing solicitations that include requirements to

20  describe commodities, services, scope of work, and

21  deliverables in a manner that promotes competition.

22         (f)(g)  Development of procedures to be used by an

23  agency when issuing requests for information and requests for


25         (4)(a)  To prescribe the methods of securing responses

26  to competitive solicitations sealed bids, proposals, and

27  replies. Such methods may include, but are not limited to,

28  procedures for identifying vendors; setting qualifications;

29  conducting conferences or written question and answer periods

30  for purposes of responding to vendor questions; evaluating



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 1  bids, proposals, and replies; ranking and selecting vendors;

 2  and conducting negotiations.

 3         (b)  To prescribe, in consultation with the State

 4  Technology Office, procedures for procuring information

 5  technology and information technology consultant services

 6  which provide for public announcement and qualification,

 7  competitive solicitations, contract award, and prohibition

 8  against contingent fees. Such procedures shall be limited to

 9  information technology consultant contracts for which the

10  total project costs, or planning or study activities, are

11  estimated to exceed the threshold amount provided for in s.

12  287.017, for CATEGORY TWO.


14  In order to promote cost-effective procurement of commodities

15  and contractual services, the department or an agency may

16  enter into a contract consistent with s. 672.719 which limits

17  the liability of a vendor.

18         (16)(a)  To evaluate contracts that are competitively

19  procured let by the Federal Government, another state, or a

20  political subdivision of any state for the provision of

21  commodities and contractual contract services, and, when it is

22  determined in writing to be cost-effective and in the best

23  interest of the state, to enter into a written agreement

24  authorizing an agency to make purchases under the a contract

25  approved by the department and let by the Federal Government,

26  another state, or a political subdivision.

27         (b)  For contracts pertaining to the provision of

28  information technology, the State Technology Office, in

29  consultation with the department, shall assess the

30  technological needs of a particular agency, evaluate the

31  contracts, and determine whether to enter into a written


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 1  agreement with the letting federal, state, or political

 2  subdivision body to provide information technology for a

 3  particular agency.

 4         Section 7.  Subsection (11) of section 287.045, Florida

 5  Statutes, is repealed.

 6         Section 8.  Section 287.056, Florida Statutes, is

 7  amended to read:

 8         287.056  Purchases from purchasing agreements and state

 9  term contracts.--

10         (1)  Agencies shall, and eligible users may, purchase

11  commodities and contractual services from purchasing

12  agreements established and state term contracts procured,

13  under pursuant to s. 287.057, by the department, unless

14  otherwise exempted by rule.

15         (2)  Agencies may have the option to purchase

16  commodities or contractual services from state term contracts

17  procured, pursuant to s. 287.057, by the department which

18  contain a user surcharge pursuant to s. 287.1345 as determined

19  by the department.

20         (2)(3)  Agencies and eligible users may use a request

21  for quote to obtain written pricing or services information

22  from a state term contract vendor for commodities or

23  contractual services available on state term contract from

24  that vendor. The purpose of a request for quote is to

25  determine whether a price, term, or condition more favorable

26  to the agency or eligible user than that provided in the state

27  term contract is available. Use of a request for quote does

28  not constitute a decision or intended decision that is subject

29  to protest under s. 120.57(3).

30         Section 9.  Section 287.0565, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:


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 1         287.0565  Small procurement procedures.--In order to

 2  obtain the best value for the state, the department shall

 3  adopt rules, pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54, which

 4  prescribe methods for the procurement of commodities and

 5  contractual services that do not cost in excess of the

 6  threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO.

 7         Section 10.  Subsections (2), (3), (5), (6), (17),

 8  (18), (22), (23), and (24) of section 287.057, Florida

 9  Statutes, are amended to read:

10         287.057  Procurement of commodities or contractual

11  services.--

12         (2)(a)  If an agency determines in writing that the use

13  of an invitation to bid is not likely to result in the best

14  value practicable, commodities or contractual services shall

15  be procured by competitive sealed proposals.  A request for

16  proposals shall be made available simultaneously to all

17  vendors, and must include a statement of the commodities or

18  contractual services sought; the time and date for the receipt

19  of proposals and of the public opening; and all contractual

20  terms and conditions applicable to the procurement, including

21  the criteria, which shall include, but need not be limited to,

22  price, to be used in determining acceptability of the

23  proposal. The relative importance of price and other

24  evaluation criteria shall be indicated. If the agency

25  contemplates renewal of the commodities or contractual

26  services contract, that fact must be stated in the request for

27  proposals. The proposal shall include the price for each year

28  for which the contract may be renewed.  Evaluation of

29  proposals shall include consideration of the total cost for

30  each year as submitted by the vendor.



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 1         (b)  The contract shall be awarded to the responsible

 2  and responsive vendor whose proposal is determined in writing

 3  to result in the best value be the most advantageous to the

 4  state, taking into consideration the price and the other

 5  criteria set forth in the request for proposals.  The contract

 6  file shall contain documentation supporting the basis on which

 7  the award is made.

 8         (3)(a)  If the agency determines in writing that the

 9  use of an invitation to bid or a request for proposals is will

10  not likely to result in the best value to the state, the

11  agency may procure commodities and contractual services by

12  competitive sealed replies. The agency's written determination

13  must specify reasons that explain why negotiation may be

14  necessary in order for the state to achieve the best value and

15  must be approved in writing by the agency head or his or her

16  designee prior to the advertisement of an invitation to

17  negotiate. An invitation to negotiate shall be made available

18  to all vendors simultaneously and must include a statement of

19  the commodities or contractual services sought; the time and

20  date for the receipt of replies and of the public opening; and

21  all terms and conditions applicable to the procurement,

22  including the criteria to be used in determining the

23  acceptability of the reply. If the agency contemplates renewal

24  of the contract, that fact must be stated in the invitation to

25  negotiate. The reply shall include the price for each year for

26  which the contract may be renewed.

27         (b)  The agency shall evaluate and rank responsive

28  replies against all evaluation criteria set forth in the

29  invitation to negotiate and shall select, based on the

30  ranking, one or more vendors with which to commence

31  negotiations. After negotiations are conducted, the agency


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 1  shall award the contract to the responsible and responsive

 2  vendor that the agency determines will provide the best value

 3  to the state. The contract file must contain a short plain

 4  statement that explains the basis for vendor selection and

 5  that sets forth the vendor's deliverables and price, pursuant

 6  to the contract, with an explanation of how these deliverables

 7  and price provide the best value to the state.

 8         (5)  When the purchase price of commodities or

 9  contractual services exceeds the threshold amount provided in

10  s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO, no purchase of commodities or

11  contractual services may be made without receiving competitive

12  solicitation if sealed bids, competitive sealed proposals, or

13  competitive sealed replies unless:

14         (a)  The agency head determines in writing that an

15  immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare or

16  other substantial loss to the state requires emergency action.

17  After the agency head makes such a written determination, the

18  agency may proceed with the procurement of commodities or

19  contractual services necessitated by the immediate danger,

20  without receiving competitive sealed bids, competitive sealed

21  proposals, or competitive sealed replies. However, such

22  emergency procurement shall be made by obtaining pricing

23  information from at least two prospective vendors, which must

24  be retained in the contract file, unless the agency determines

25  in writing that the time required to obtain pricing

26  information will increase the immediate danger to the public

27  health, safety, or welfare or other substantial loss to the

28  state. The agency shall furnish copies of all written

29  determinations certified under oath and any other documents

30  relating to the emergency action to the department.  A copy of

31  the statement shall be furnished to the Chief Financial


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 1  Officer with the voucher authorizing payment. The individual

 2  purchase of personal clothing, shelter, or supplies which are

 3  needed on an emergency basis to avoid institutionalization or

 4  placement in a more restrictive setting is an emergency for

 5  the purposes of this paragraph, and the filing with the

 6  department of such statement is not required in such

 7  circumstances. In the case of the emergency purchase of

 8  insurance, the period of coverage of such insurance shall not

 9  exceed a period of 30 days, and all such emergency purchases

10  shall be reported to the department.

11         (b)  The purchase is made by an agency from a state

12  term contract procured, pursuant to this section, by the

13  department or by an agency, after receiving approval from the

14  department, from a contract procured, pursuant to subsection

15  (1), subsection (2), or subsection (3), by another agency.

16         (c)  The commodities or contractual services are

17  available only from a single source may be excepted from the

18  competitive-solicitation requirements. When an agency believes

19  that commodities or contractual services are available only

20  from a single source, the agency shall electronically post a

21  description in a form prescribed by the department of the

22  commodities or contractual services sought for a period of at

23  least 7 business days. The description must include a request

24  that prospective vendors provide information regarding their

25  ability to supply the commodities or contractual services

26  described. If it is determined in writing by the agency, after

27  reviewing any information received from prospective vendors,

28  that the commodities or contractual services are available

29  only from a single source, the agency shall:

30         1.  Provide notice in a form prescribed by the

31  department of its intended decision to enter a single-source


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 1  purchase contract in the manner specified in s. 120.57(3), if

 2  the amount of the contract does not exceed the threshold

 3  amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY FOUR.

 4         2.  Request approval from the department for the

 5  single-source purchase, if the amount of the contract exceeds

 6  the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY FOUR.

 7  The agency shall initiate its request for approval in a form

 8  prescribed by the department, which request may be

 9  electronically transmitted. The failure of the department to

10  approve or disapprove the agency's request for approval within

11  21 days after receiving such request shall constitute prior

12  approval of the department. If the department approves the

13  agency's request, the agency shall provide notice of its

14  intended decision to enter a single-source contract in the

15  manner specified in s. 120.57(3).

16         (d)  The secretary or his or her designee finds When it

17  to be is in the best interest of the state, he or she the

18  secretary of the department or his or her designee may

19  authorize the Support Program to purchase insurance by

20  negotiation, but such purchase shall be made only under

21  conditions most favorable to the public interest.

22         (e)  The purchase is of prescriptive assistive devices

23  for the purpose of medical, developmental, or vocational

24  rehabilitation of clients are excepted from

25  competitive-solicitation requirements and the purchase is made

26  shall be procured pursuant to an established fee schedule or

27  by any other method which ensures the best price for the

28  state, taking into consideration the needs of the client.

29  Prescriptive assistive devices include, but are not limited

30  to, prosthetics, orthotics, and wheelchairs. For purchases

31  made pursuant to this paragraph, state agencies shall annually


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 1  file with the department a description of the procurements

 2  purchases and methods of procurement.

 3         (f)  The purchase is of the following contractual

 4  services and commodities are not subject to the

 5  competitive-solicitation requirements of this section:

 6         1.  Artistic services.

 7         2.  Academic program reviews.

 8         3.  Lectures by individuals.

 9         4.  Auditing services.

10         5.  Legal services, including attorney, paralegal,

11  expert witness, appraisal, or mediator services.

12         6.  Health services involving examination, diagnosis,

13  treatment, prevention, medical consultation, or

14  administration.

15         7.  Services provided to persons with mental or

16  physical disabilities. by not-for-profit corporations which

17  have obtained exemptions under the provisions of s. 501(c)(3)

18  of the United States Internal Revenue Code or when such

19  services are governed by the provisions of Office of

20  Management and Budget Circular A-122. However, in acquiring

21  such services, the agency shall consider the ability of the

22  vendor, past performance, willingness to meet time

23  requirements, and price.

24         8.  Medicaid services delivered to an eligible Medicaid

25  recipient by a health care provider who has not previously

26  applied for and received a Medicaid provider number from the

27  Agency for Health Care Administration. However, this exception

28  shall be valid for a period not to exceed 90 days after the

29  date of delivery to the Medicaid recipient and shall not be

30  renewed by the agency.

31         9.  Family placement services.


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 1         10.  Prevention services related to mental health,

 2  including drug abuse prevention programs, child abuse

 3  prevention programs, and shelters for runaways, operated by

 4  not-for-profit corporations.  However, in acquiring such

 5  services, the agency shall consider the ability of the vendor,

 6  past performance, willingness to meet time requirements, and

 7  price.

 8         11.  Training and education services provided to

 9  injured employees pursuant to s. 440.49(1).

10         12.  Contracts entered into pursuant to s. 337.11.

11         13.  Contractual services or commodities provided

12  directly by governmental agencies; state universities and

13  colleges; independent nonprofit colleges or universities

14  located within the state and accredited by the Southern

15  Association of Colleges and Schools; the Federal Government or

16  any department, commission, agency, or other instrumentality

17  thereof; and any state or agency thereof. This subparagraph

18  does not apply to contractual services or commodities provided

19  by these entities pursuant to a contract between the entity

20  and a private vendor.

21         14.  Contractual services or commodities provided to

22  the Department of State for the purpose of voter education

23  activities by a Supervisor of Elections Office within this

24  state or a nonprofit professional association adjunct to that

25  office.

26         (g)  The purchase is for continuing education events or

27  programs that are offered to the general public and the

28  purchase is paid for by which fees that have been collected

29  for that pay all expenses associated with the event or program

30  are exempt from requirements for competitive solicitation.



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 1         (6)  If less than two responsive bids, proposals, or

 2  replies for commodity or contractual services purchases are

 3  received, the department or other agency may negotiate on the

 4  best terms and conditions. The department or other agency

 5  shall document the reasons that such action is in the best

 6  interest of the state in lieu of resoliciting competitive

 7  sealed bids, proposals, or replies. Each agency shall report

 8  all such actions to the department on a quarterly basis, in a

 9  manner and form prescribed by the department.

10         (17)  For a contract in excess of the threshold amount

11  provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY FOUR, the agency head

12  shall appoint:

13         (a)  At least three persons to evaluate proposals and

14  replies who collectively have experience and knowledge in the

15  program areas and service requirements for which commodities

16  or contractual services are sought.

17         (b)  At least three persons to conduct negotiations

18  during a competitive sealed reply procurement who collectively

19  have experience and knowledge in negotiating contracts,

20  contract procurement, and the program areas and service

21  requirements for which commodities or contractual services are

22  sought. When the contract is in excess of $1 million, at least

23  one of the persons conducting negotiations must be a certified

24  negotiator as established by the department. The department

25  shall, by rule, establish the experience, knowledge, and

26  training required to be a certified negotiator. If the

27  procuring agency does not have an employee who has the

28  requisite certification, the department shall select a

29  certified negotiator from another agency or shall contract

30  with a certified negotiator to participate in the procuring

31  agency's negotiations.


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 1         (18)  A person who receives a contract that has not

 2  been procured pursuant to subsections (1) through (5) to

 3  perform a feasibility study of the potential implementation of

 4  a subsequent contract, who participates in the drafting of a

 5  solicitation or who develops a program for future

 6  implementation, is not eligible to contract or subcontract,

 7  either directly or indirectly, with the agency for any other

 8  contracts dealing with that specific subject matter, and any

 9  firm in which such person has any interest is not eligible to

10  receive such contract or subcontract. However, this

11  prohibition does not prevent a vendor who responds to a

12  request for information from being eligible to contract with

13  an agency.

14         (22)  An agency may contract for services with any

15  independent, nonprofit college or university which is located

16  within the state and is accredited by the Southern Association

17  of Colleges and Schools, on the same basis as it may contract

18  with any state university and college.

19         (23)(a)  The department, in consultation with the State

20  Technology Office and the Chief Financial Officer Comptroller,

21  shall develop a program for on-line procurement of commodities

22  and contractual services. To enable the state to promote open

23  competition and to leverage its buying power, agencies shall,

24  and eligible users may, procure commodities and contractual

25  services through participate in the on-line procurement

26  program, and eligible users may participate in the program.

27  Only vendors prequalified as meeting mandatory requirements

28  and qualifications criteria shall be permitted to participate

29  in on-line procurement. The department, in consultation with

30  the State Technology Office, may contract for equipment and



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 1  services necessary to develop and implement on-line

 2  procurement.

 3         (b)  The department, in consultation with the State

 4  Technology Office, shall adopt rules, pursuant to ss.

 5  120.536(1) and 120.54, to administer the program for on-line

 6  procurement. The rules shall include, but not be limited to:

 7         1.  Determining the requirements and qualification

 8  criteria for prequalifying vendors.

 9         2.  Establishing the procedures for conducting on-line

10  procurement.

11         3.  Establishing the criteria for eligible commodities

12  and contractual services.

13         3.4.  Establishing the procedures for providing access

14  to on-line procurement.

15         4.5.  Determining the criteria warranting any

16  exceptions to the requirement that agencies procure

17  commodities and contractual services through participation in

18  the on-line procurement program.

19         (c)  The department may collect fees for the use of the

20  on-line procurement system systems. The fees may be imposed on

21  an individual transaction basis and or as a fixed percentage

22  of the cost savings generated. At a minimum, the fees must be

23  set in an amount that covers sufficient to cover the projected

24  costs of the online procurement system such services,

25  including the administrative and project service costs in

26  accordance with the policies of the department; however, the

27  fee may not exceed one percent of each transaction. For the

28  purposes of compensating the provider, the department may

29  authorize the provider to collect and retain a portion of the

30  fees. The providers may withhold the portion retained from the

31  amount of fees to be remitted to the department. The


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 1  department may negotiate the retainage as a percentage of such

 2  fees charged to users, as a flat amount, or as any other

 3  method the department deems feasible. All fees and surcharges

 4  collected under this paragraph shall be deposited in the

 5  Grants and Donation Trust Fund as provided by law.

 6         (23)(24)(a)  The State Technology Office shall

 7  establish, in consultation with the department, state

 8  strategic information technology alliances for the acquisition

 9  and use of information technology and related material with

10  prequalified contractors or partners to provide the state with

11  efficient, cost-effective, and advanced information

12  technology.

13         (b)  In consultation with and under contract to the

14  State Technology Office, the state strategic information

15  technology alliances shall design, develop, and deploy

16  projects providing the information technology needed to

17  collect, store, and process the state's data and information,

18  provide connectivity, and integrate and standardize computer

19  networks and information systems of the state.

20         (c)  The partners in the state strategic information

21  technology alliances shall be industry leaders with

22  demonstrated experience in the public and private sectors.

23         (d)  The State Technology Office, in consultation with

24  the department, shall adopt rules, pursuant to ss. 120.536(1)

25  and 120.54, to administer the state strategic information

26  technology alliances.

27         Section 11.  Section 287.0571, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         287.0571  Reverse auctions.--

30         (1)  For purposes of this section, the term "reverse

31  auction" means an open and interactive process that is


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 1  conducted through the online procurement system provided for

 2  in s. 287.057(23); that permits vendors to electronically

 3  submit prices during a specified time period for the purpose

 4  of competing to provide the lowest price; and that updates and

 5  reveals submitted prices to all participating vendors on a

 6  real-time basis.

 7         (2)  Notwithstanding this part's requirements that

 8  prices submitted in response to competitive solicitations be

 9  sealed, an agency may use a reverse auction for the purpose of

10  obtaining prices from vendors responding to a competitive

11  solicitation for commodities or contractual services if the

12  competitive solicitation:

13         (a)  Specifies all terms and conditions applicable to

14  the conducting of, and participation in, a reverse auction;

15         (b)  Identifies the times and dates between which

16  prices will be received; and

17         (c)  Contains all information otherwise required by

18  this part for competitive solicitations.

19         (3)  Reverse auctions may not be used for procurements

20  of construction services, printing, or systems for modular

21  furniture and work stations.

22         (4)  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss.

23  120.536(1) and 120.54, which specify the types of procurements

24  for which reverse auctions may be used and which prescribe

25  procedures for conducting reverse auctions.

26         Section 12.  Section 287.0575, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         287.0575  Cost or pricing information;

29  truth-in-negotiation certificate.--

30         (1)  Prior to the award or modification of a contract

31  for commodities or contractual services, the head of a


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 1  procuring agency may require vendors to submit certified cost

 2  or pricing data when the cost or price of the contract plus

 3  the cost or price of any contract modification exceeds $1

 4  million and that cost or price is not:

 5         (a)  Based on adequate price competition;

 6         (b)  Based on established catalogue or market prices;

 7  or

 8         (c)  Set by law or regulation.

 9         (2)(a)  If certified cost or pricing data is required

10  under this section:

11         1.  Prior to the award of a contract, the requirement

12  must apply to all vendors under consideration for the contract

13  award at the time the requirement is issued by the agency; and

14         2.  The vendor must submit the certified cost or

15  pricing data within 15 calendar days after receipt of a

16  written request from the agency, unless an extension is

17  granted in writing by the head of the agency.

18         (b)  Any submission of cost or pricing data by a vendor

19  under this section must be accompanied by a written

20  truth-in-negotiation certificate that is executed by the

21  vendor, subject to penalties of perjury, which certifies that

22  the data submitted is accurate, complete, and current based on

23  the description of the commodity or contractual service

24  contained in the solicitation, the vendor's response to the

25  solicitation, the contract, or other documents specified by

26  the agency.

27         (3)  An agency's written request for certified cost or

28  pricing data and a contract or contract modification for which

29  certified cost or pricing data is required must contain a

30  statement that the price of the contract or contract

31  modification, including any profit or fee, may be adjusted by


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 1  the agency to exclude any portion of the price that is

 2  determined by the agency to have been based on inaccurate,

 3  incomplete, or outdated cost or pricing data. Requests for

 4  adjustments under this subsection must be made within 1 year

 5  after the termination of the contract.

 6         (4)(a)  An agency may, at reasonable times and places,

 7  audit the books and records of any vendor that has submitted

 8  certified cost or pricing data under this section to the

 9  extent that such books and records relate to the data. A

10  request by the agency to perform an audit may be made no later

11  than 1 year after the termination of the contract.

12         (b)  Any vendor who receives a contract or contract

13  modification for which certified cost or pricing data is

14  required shall maintain books and records that relate to the

15  certified cost or pricing data for 5 years after the date of

16  final payment under the contract or after the date that

17  resolution of a contract or contract modification price

18  adjustment occurs, whichever date is later.

19         (5)  As used in this section, the term "cost or pricing

20  data" means all facts that a prudent buyer or seller would

21  reasonably expect to affect cost or price negotiations as of

22  the date of the agreement on the price of a contract or

23  contract modification or another date agreed upon by the

24  parties. The term does not include information that is in the

25  form of opinion or conjecture, but does include factual

26  information from which an opinion or conjecture regarding cost

27  or price may be derived.

28         Section 13.  Section 287.0815, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         287.0815  Outsourcing contract reporting.--

31         (1)  For purposes of this section, the term:


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 1         (a)  "Outsourcing contract" means a contractual

 2  relationship between an agency and a private entity for the

 3  provision in whole or in part of a public function or

 4  responsibility.

 5         (b)  "Agency" means any official, officer, commission,

 6  board, authority, council, committee, or department of the

 7  executive branch of state government.

 8         (2)  Beginning October 1, 2004, and monthly thereafter,

 9  the department shall produce a report that: lists each agency

10  outsourcing contract and any subcontracts; identifies the

11  name, legal domicile, and principal place of business of each

12  contractor and subcontractor; identifies the physical

13  locations where contractual services required by the contract

14  and subcontracts are being performed; and identifies each

15  outsourcing contract and subcontract price. The report shall

16  be made available to the public through the department's

17  website.

18         Section 14.  Section 287.1345, Florida Statutes, is

19  repealed.

20         Section 15.  Subsection (2) of section 287.16, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         287.16  Powers and duties of department.--The

23  Department of Management Services shall have the following

24  powers, duties, and responsibilities:

25         (2)  To establish and operate central facilities for

26  the acquisition, disposal, operation, maintenance, repair,

27  storage, supervision, control, and regulation of all

28  state-owned or state-leased aircraft, watercraft, and motor

29  vehicles and to operate any state facilities for those

30  purposes. Acquisition may be by purchase, lease, loan, or in



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 1  any other legal manner. The department may contract for the

 2  maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

 3         Section 16.  Section 287.161, Florida Statutes, is

 4  amended to read:

 5         287.161  Executive aircraft pool; assignment of

 6  aircraft; charge for transportation.--

 7         (1)  There is created within the Department of

 8  Management Services an executive aircraft pool consisting of

 9  state-owned or state-leased aircraft for the purpose of

10  furnishing executive air travel.  Such aircraft shall not be a

11  model in excess of a two-engine jet. Aircraft included in the

12  executive aircraft pool may not be specifically assigned to

13  any department or agency on any basis.

14         (2)  The Department of Management Services shall charge

15  all persons receiving transportation from the executive

16  aircraft pool a rate not less than the mileage allowance fixed

17  by the Legislature for the use of privately owned vehicles.

18  However, state employees traveling on a space-available basis

19  may not be charged more than the vehicle mileage allowance.

20         (3)  Fees collected for persons traveling by aircraft

21  in the executive aircraft pool shall be deposited into the

22  Bureau of Aircraft Trust Fund and shall be expended for fuel,

23  maintenance, or other costs incurred to operate the aircraft

24  management activities of the department. It is the intent of

25  the Legislature that the executive aircraft pool be operated

26  on a full-cost-recovery basis, less available funds in

27  accordance with rules adopted pursuant to s. 287.16.

28         (4)  Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections

29  (2) and (3) and for the 2003-2004 fiscal year only, the

30  Department of Management Services shall charge all persons

31  receiving transportation from the executive aircraft pool a


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2932

 1  rate not less than the mileage allowance fixed by the

 2  Legislature for the use of privately owned vehicles. Fees

 3  collected for persons traveling by aircraft in the executive

 4  aircraft pool shall be deposited into the Bureau of Aircraft

 5  Trust Fund and shall be expended for costs incurred to operate

 6  the aircraft management activities of the department. It is

 7  the intent of the Legislature that the executive aircraft pool

 8  be operated on a full cost recovery basis, less available

 9  funds. This subsection expires July 1, 2004.

10         Section 17.  Subsection (5) of section 287.17, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         287.17  Limitation on use of motor vehicles and

13  aircraft.--

14         (5)  Each state agency's head shall, by December 31 of

15  each year, 2000, conduct a review of motor vehicle utilization

16  with oversight from the agency's inspector general. This

17  review shall consist of two parts. The first part of the

18  review shall determine the number of miles that each assigned

19  motor vehicle has been driven on official state business in

20  the past fiscal year. Commuting mileage shall be excluded from

21  calculating vehicle use. The purpose of this review is to

22  determine whether employees with assigned motor vehicles are

23  driving the vehicles a sufficient number of miles to warrant

24  continued vehicle assignment. The second part of the review

25  shall identify employees who have driven personal vehicles

26  extensively on state business in the past fiscal year. The

27  purpose of this review is to determine whether it would be

28  cost-effective to provide state motor vehicles to such

29  employees. In making this determination, the inspector general

30  shall use the break-even mileage criteria developed by the

31  Department of Management Services. A copy of the review shall


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 1  be presented to the Department of Management Services Office

 2  of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability.

 3         Section 18.  Section 408.919, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         408.919  Integrated Recipient Data Management Pilot

 6  Project.--

 7         (1)  In order to combat fraud and duplication in the

 8  delivery and receipt of public services in Florida, the agency

 9  in partnership with the Department of Children and Families,

10  the Department of Health, the Department of Revenue, and the

11  Agency for Workforce Innovation shall develop an integrated

12  recipient data management pilot project database that shall

13  provide immediate responses to queries by the agency, the

14  Department of Children and Families, the Department of Health,

15  the Department of Revenue, and the Agency for Workforce

16  Innovation on the recipient's status with the programs and

17  services offered by the State of Florida through the agency,

18  the Department of Children and Families, the Department of

19  Health, the Department of Revenue, and the Agency for

20  Workforce Innovation.

21         (2)  The agency shall, to the extent possible, obtain

22  matching funds from the Federal Government for this pilot

23  project. The agency shall contract for the development of this

24  pilot project with a contractor who is capable of linking

25  national public records data with existing state data related

26  to program recipients and providers. This contractor must have

27  the flexibility to access this high volume of data in 5

28  seconds or less against a data set of multiple billions of

29  records, have batch processing capabilities in the tens of

30  terabytes range, have the ability to provide a globally unique

31  identifier for each program recipient, and have the ability to


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 1  ensure that program recipient information made exempt or

 2  confidential can be redacted when a public records request is

 3  made. The globally unique identifier must not be the program

 4  recipients' social security numbers, but must be able to

 5  identify the program recipients based upon a combination of

 6  names, addresses, social security numbers, and dates of birth.

 7  The contractor must have experience handling and integrating

 8  different types of public and proprietary data, must be

 9  capable of processing unstructured text, and must be able to

10  complete data integration within 120 days after the execution

11  of the contract.

12         Section 19.  Subsection (4) of section 945.025, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         945.025  Jurisdiction of department.--

15         (4)(a)  Nothing contained in chapter 287 shall be

16  construed as requiring competitive bids for health services

17  involving examination, diagnosis, or treatment.

18         (b)  A contract in which the department, in exchange

19  for revenue, authorizes a vendor to use governmental authority

20  or property for the purpose of selling goods or services to a

21  person shall be considered a procurement of contractual

22  services. This procurement shall be competitively solicited in

23  accordance with part I of chapter 287 if the sum of estimated

24  gross revenues to be generated under the contract for the

25  state and the contractor over the contract term exceed the

26  threshold amount for CATEGORY TWO in s. 287.017.

27         Section 20.  Subsection (2) of section 946.515, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         946.515  Use of goods and services produced in

30  correctional work programs.--



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 1         (2)  A No similar product or service of comparable

 2  price and quality found necessary for use by any state agency

 3  may not be purchased from any source other than the

 4  corporation if the corporation certifies that the product is

 5  manufactured by, or the service is provided by, inmates and

 6  the product or service meets the comparable performance

 7  specifications and comparable price and quality requirements

 8  as specified under s. 287.042(1)(c)3. s. 287.042(1)(f) or as

 9  determined by an individual agency as provided in this

10  section. The purchasing authority of any such state agency may

11  make reasonable determinations of need, price, and quality

12  with reference to products or services available from the

13  corporation. In the event of a dispute between the corporation

14  and any purchasing authority based upon price or quality under

15  this section or s. 287.042(1)(c)3. s. 287.042(1)(f), either

16  party may request a hearing with the Department of Management

17  Services and if not resolved, either party may request a

18  proceeding pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57, which shall be

19  referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings within 60

20  days after such request, to resolve any dispute under this

21  section. No party is entitled to any appeal pursuant to s.

22  120.68.

23         Section 21.  This bill shall take effect on October 1,

24  2004, except that section 12 of this act, which creates

25  section 287.0575, Florida Statutes, shall take effect on that

26  date only if House Bill 1889 or similar legislation is enacted

27  during the same legislative session or an extension thereof

28  and becomes law.





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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 2932


 4  Requires listing of subcontractors on bids or proposals
    submitted in response to public solicitations for specified
 5  construction projects. Removes bill's provisions making
    printing services a commodity for purposes of ch. 287, F.S.
 6  Amends liquidated damages provision for defective printing.
    Adds a definition for the term "Secretary" to ch. 287, F.S.
 7  Creates s. 287.0565, F.S., to authorize the Department of
    Management Services to adopt rules for small procurements.
 8  Creates s. 287.0571, F.S., to provide reverse auction
    authority. Exempts commodities and contractual services for
 9  specified voter education activities from competitive
    solicitation requirements. Requires deposit of online
10  procurement fees in Grants and Donations Trust Fund. Limits
    fee to one percent. Amends requirements in  s. 287.0575, F.S.,
11  for certified cost and pricing data. Requires competitive
    solicitation of specified revenue generating contracts
12  executed by the Department of Corrections. Creates s. 408.919,
    F.S., to require the Agency for Health Care Administration to
13  contract for the development of an Integrated Recipient Data
    Management Pilot Project. Removes bill's provisions that
14  amended sections relating to minority business enterprises.
    Amends effective date.


















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