Bill No. 2986
Amendment No. 721537
Senate House

1Representative Justice offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (968109) (with title amendment)
4Remove line(s) 226-258 and insert:
5     (3)  The Department of Education, in cooperation with
6district personnel offices, shall sponsor a job fair in a
7central part of the state to match in-state educators and
8potential educators and out-of-state educators and potential
9educators with teaching opportunities in this state.
10     (4)  Subject to proviso in the General Appropriations Act,
11the Commissioner of Education may use funds appropriated by the
12Legislature and funds from federal grants and other sources to
13provide incentives for teacher recruitment and preparation
14programs. The purpose of the use of such funds is to recruit and
15prepare individuals who do not graduate from state-approved
16teacher preparation programs to teach in a Florida public
17school. The commissioner may contract with entities other than,
18and including, approved teacher preparation programs to provide
19intensive teacher training leading to passage of the required
20certification exams for the desired subject area or coverage.
21The commissioner shall survey school districts to evaluate the
22effectiveness of such programs.
23     (5)  The commissioner is directed to take steps that
25================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
26     Remove line(s) 1522-1528 and insert:
27Appreciation Week; providing duties of the Commissioner of

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.