HB 0303 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to access to postsecondary education;
3    amending s. 1000.21, F.S.; revising the names of certain
4    community colleges; amending s. 1007.33, F.S., relating to
5    site-determined baccalaureate degree access; providing
6    intent; providing the process for community college
7    submission of proposals to deliver baccalaureate degree
8    programs and the approval of such proposals; providing
9    mission and policies of community colleges, including
10    those approved to grant baccalaureate degrees; providing
11    for the reporting of students and the establishment of
12    tuition and fees for approved baccalaureate degree
13    programs; providing responsibilities of community college
14    boards of trustees; providing requirements relating to
15    employees; providing for facility standards, funding, and
16    acquisition; providing requirements relating to state
17    funding; specifying colleges authorized to grant
18    baccalaureate degrees; authorizing rulemaking; amending
19    ss. 288.8175, 1002.35, and 1004.76, F.S.; conforming
20    provisions; providing an effective date.
22          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24          Section 1. Paragraphs (d), (o), and (q) of subsection (3)
25    of section 1000.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
26          1000.21 Systemwide definitions.--As used in the Florida K-
27    20 Education Code:
28          (3) "Community college," except as otherwise specifically
29    provided, includes the following institutions and any branch
30    campuses, centers, or other affiliates of the institution:
31          (d) Chipola JuniorCollege.
32          (o) Miami-Dade CommunityCollege.
33          (q) Okaloosa-Walton CommunityCollege.
34          Section 2. Section 1007.33, Florida Statutes, is amended
35    to read:
36          1007.33 Site-determined baccalaureate degree access.--
37          (1) INTENT.--
38          (a)The Legislature recognizes that public and private
39    postsecondary educational institutions play essential roles in
40    improving the quality of life and economic well-being of the
41    state and its residents. The Legislature also recognizes that
42    economic development needs and the educational needs of place-
43    bound, nontraditional students have increased the demand for
44    local access to baccalaureate degree programs. In some, but not
45    all, geographic regions, baccalaureate degree programs are being
46    delivered successfully at the local community college through
47    agreements between the community college and 4-year
48    postsecondary institutions within or outside of the state. It is
49    therefore the intent of the Legislature to further expand access
50    to baccalaureate degree programs through the use of community
51    colleges.
52          (b) The Legislature further intends support for the
53    following priorities:
54          1. Expand access to postsecondary education, particularly
55    to serve diverse and nontraditional students and students for
56    whom postsecondary education is not geographically accessible.
57          2. Support programs that meet critical workforce needs.
58          3. Encourage innovative alternatives to traditional
59    baccalaureate degree programs or programs that no longer meet
60    community needs.
61          4. Evaluate and authorize program options based on cost
62    efficiency and effectiveness measures through partnerships with
63    state or private universities and consideration of state and
64    student costs associated with comparable baccalaureate degree
65    programs at community colleges.
66          (2) AUTHORITY.--
67          (a)A community college may enter into a formal agreement
68    pursuant to the provisions of s. 1007.22 for the delivery of
69    specified baccalaureate degree programs.
70          (b)(3)A community college may develop a proposal to
71    deliver specified baccalaureate degree programs in its district
72    to meet local workforce needs. The proposal must be submitted to
73    the State Board of Education for approval. The community
74    college's proposal must include the following information:
75          1.(a) Demonstrateddemand for the baccalaureate degree
76    program is identified by the workforce development board, local
77    businesses and industry, local chambers of commerce, and
78    potential students.
79          2.(b)Unmet need for graduates of the proposed degree
80    program is substantiated.
81          3.(c) Demonstrated evidence thatthe community college has
82    the facilities and academic resources to deliver the program.
83          (3) PROCESS.--
84          (a) Community colleges must submit proposals to the
85    Council for Education Policy Research and Improvement and the
86    State Board of Education in accordance with timelines and
87    guidelines adopted by the State Board of Education.
88          (b)The proposal must be submitted to the Council for
89    Education Policy Research and Improvement for review and
90    comment.
91          (c) The State Board of Education may approve, deny, or
92    recommend revisions to proposals.Upon approval of the State
93    Board of Education for the specific degree program or programs,
94    the community college shall pursue regional accreditation by the
95    Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges
96    and Schools. Any additional baccalaureate degree programs the
97    community college wishes to offer must be approved by the State
98    Board of Education.
99          (d) Implementation of approved programs shall be in
100    accordance with joint letters of agreement between the State
101    Board of Education and colleges approved by the state board
102    pursuant to this section.
103          (4) MISSION; POLICIES.--
104          (a) The intent of the Legislature is that community
105    colleges, including those approved to grant baccalaureate
106    degrees pursuant to this section, shall maintain their mission
107    specified in s. 1004.65, including primary mission
108    responsibilities and the secondary role of providing upper-level
109    instruction and awarding baccalaureate degrees as specifically
110    authorized by s. 1004.65(7).
111          1. The primary mission of a community college is to
112    provide high-quality undergraduate education at an affordable
113    price for students and the state. The purpose is to promote
114    economic development by preparing people for occupations that
115    require a baccalaureate degree and are in demand by existing or
116    emerging public and private employers in this state. The
117    Legislature intends that the primary mission of a community
118    college, including a community college that offers baccalaureate
119    degree programs, continues to be the provision of associate
120    degrees that provide access to a university.
121          2. A community college shall maintain the mission and
122    policies of a Florida community college, including the open-door
123    admissions policy for adult education, workforce, and lower-
124    division college credit programs, and the authority to offer all
125    programs consistent with a community college's authority.
126          3.A community college may not terminate its associate in
127    arts or associate in science degree programs as a result of the
128    authorization provided in this section subsection (3). The
129    Legislature intends that the primary mission of a community
130    college, including a community college that offers baccalaureate
131    degree programs, continues to be the provision of associate
132    degrees that provide access to a university.
133          (b) A community college approved to grant a baccalaureate
134    degree pursuant to this section shall maintain the distinction
135    between the college and its university partnerships. The
136    community college is limited to community college programs and
137    to selected baccalaureate degree level programs that meet
138    community needs and are authorized as provided by this section.
139    A joint or concurrent-use partnership may make available more
140    diverse program offerings, but those programs are offered by a
141    participating college or university and are not to be classified
142    or funded as programs of the baccalaureate degree granting
143    community college.
144          (c) The academic policies of the upper-division program at
145    a baccalaureate degree granting community college must be in
146    accordance with rules and policies of the State Board of
147    Education, including all academic and reporting policies.
148          (d) Performance accountability requirements for both
149    upper-division and lower-division programs shall be in
150    accordance with State Board of Education policy, with upper-
151    division responsibilities aligned with state university
152    accountability requirements.
153          (5) STUDENTS; FEES.--
154          (a) Community colleges authorized to grant baccalaureate
155    degrees pursuant to this section shall maintain separate records
156    for students who are enrolled in courses classified in the upper
157    division and lower division of a baccalaureate degree program,
158    according to the statewide course numbering system. A student
159    shall be reported as a community college student for enrollment
160    in a lower-division course and as a baccalaureate degree program
161    student for enrollment in an upper-division course.
162          (b) Each community college board of trustees shall
163    establish tuition and out-of-state fees for approved
164    baccalaureate degree programs.
165          1. Tuition and out-of-state fees for certificate level
166    courses or lower-division level college credit courses must be
167    within the range authorized in law and rule for a community
168    college student at that level.
169          2. Tuition and out-of-state fees for upper-division
170    students must reflect the fact that the college has a less
171    expensive cost structure than that of a state university.
172    Therefore, the board of trustees shall establish tuition and
173    out-of-state fees for upper-division students within a range
174    between fees for lower-division credit courses and 85 percent of
175    the local state university tuition and out-of-state fees.
176          (c) Discretionary fees for upper-division instruction that
177    is part of a baccalaureate degree program shall be established
178    by a community college board of trustees as provided in s.
179    1009.23.
180          (d) Students in workforce development education courses
181    maintain the authorized fee exemptions described in s. 1009.25
182    and may be exempt from local fees imposed by the board of
183    trustees, at the board's discretion.
184          (6) BOARDS.--
185          (a) The board of trustees of the sponsoring community
186    college serves as the college's governing board. The Governor
187    shall appoint members as provided in s. 1001.61, and the board
188    has the duties and authorities granted in ss. 1001.63 and
189    1001.64 and by rules of the State Board of Education.
190          (b) Community colleges authorized to grant baccalaureate
191    degrees pursuant to this section shall remain under the
192    authority of the State Board of Education for planning,
193    coordination, oversight, budget, and accountability
194    responsibilities.
195          (c) The board of trustees may authorize direct-support
196    organizations for baccalaureate degree programs as authorized in
197    ss. 1004.28 and 1004.70.
198          (d) The board of trustees of a community college
199    authorized to grant a baccalaureate degree may continue to award
200    degrees, diplomas, and certificates as authorized for the
201    college, and in the name of the college, until the college
202    receives its accreditation.
203          (7) EMPLOYEES.--
204          (a) Employment at community colleges approved to grant
205    baccalaureate degrees is governed by the same laws that govern
206    community colleges.
207          (b) Employee records for all personnel shall be maintained
208    as required by s. 1012.81.
209          (8) FACILITIES.--
210          (a) Sections 1013.39 and 1013.82 apply to community
211    colleges approved to grant baccalaureate degrees pursuant to
212    this section.
213          (b) Community colleges approved to grant baccalaureate
214    degrees may request funding from the Public Education Capital
215    Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund for all authorized programs,
216    including approved baccalaureate degree programs. Enrollment in
217    approved baccalaureate degree programs shall be computed in the
218    survey of need for facilities.
219          (c) The municipalities in the counties of the approved
220    colleges, the board of county commissioners of those respective
221    counties, and all other governmental entities are authorized to
222    cooperate with the board of trustees of the approved college in
223    establishing the institution. The acquisition and donation of
224    lands, buildings, and equipment for the use of the approved
225    college are authorized as a public purpose. The board of county
226    commissioners of the respective counties and all municipalities
227    in those counties may exercise the power of eminent domain to
228    acquire lands, buildings, and equipment for the use of the
229    approved college, regardless of whether such lands, buildings,
230    and equipment are located in a community redevelopment area.
231          (9) STATE FUNDING.--
232          (a) Community colleges shall fund the nonrecurring costs
233    related to the initiation of a new baccalaureate degree program
234    without new state appropriations unless special grant funds are
235    designated by the State Board of Education, subject to funding
236    by the Legislature for this purpose.
237          (b) Recurring operational funding for a community college
238    authorized to grant baccalaureate degrees pursuant to this
239    section shall be funded as follows:
240          1. As a community college for its workforce development
241    education programs and for its lower-division level college
242    credit courses and programs funded in the community college
243    program fund.
244          2. As a baccalaureate degree level institution for its
245    upper-division level courses and programs. State support for
246    these programs should fund enrollment growth, comparable to how
247    enrollment growth at state universities is considered, with not
248    more than 85 percent of the amount per full-time equivalent
249    student in a comparable state university program provided to
250    community colleges that grant baccalaureate degrees, as
251    recommended by the State Board of Education. Funds appropriated
252    for this purpose are restricted to use for the baccalaureate
253    degree programs only.
254          (c) Funding for a baccalaureate degree program at a
255    community college shall be requested by the State Board of
256    Education as a separate line item outside the community college
257    and state university budgets.
258          (d) Baccalaureate degree granting community colleges shall
259    maintain reporting and funding distinctions between any
260    baccalaureate degree program approved pursuant to this section
261    and other baccalaureate degree programs involving traditional
262    concurrent-use partnerships.
263          (e) Students enrolled in approved baccalaureate degree
264    programs at community colleges are eligible for financial aid as
265    upper-division students.
266          (10) COLLEGES AND DEGREES.--In addition to the
267    certificates, diplomas, and degrees authorized in s. 1004.65,
268    the following community colleges are approved to grant
269    baccalaureate degrees for only the degree programs approved by
270    the State Board of Education in accordance with the provisions
271    of this section:
272          (a) Chipola College.
273          (b) Miami-Dade College.
274          (c) Okaloosa-Walton College.
275          (11) RULES.--The State Board of Education is authorized to
276    adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary to
277    implement the provisions of this section.
278          Section 3. Paragraph (g) of subsection (5) of section
279    288.8175, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
280          288.8175 Linkage institutes between postsecondary
281    institutions in this state and foreign countries.--
282          (5) The institutes are:
283          (g) Florida-France Institute (New College of the
284    University of South Florida, Miami-Dade CommunityCollege, and
285    Florida State University).
286          Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
287    1002.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
288          1002.35 New World School of the Arts.--
289          (2)(a) For purposes of governance, the New World School of
290    the Arts is assigned to Miami-Dade CommunityCollege, the Dade
291    County School District, and one or more universities designated
292    by the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education
293    shall assign to the New World School of the Arts a university
294    partner or partners. In this selection, the State Board of
295    Education shall consider the accreditation status of the core
296    programs. Florida International University, in its capacity as
297    the provider of university services to Dade County, shall be a
298    partner to serve the New World School of the Arts, upon meeting
299    the accreditation criteria. The respective boards shall appoint
300    members to an executive board for administration of the school.
301    The executive board may include community members and shall
302    reflect proportionately the participating institutions. Miami-
303    Dade CommunityCollege shall serve as fiscal agent for the
304    school.
305          Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 1004.76, Florida
306    Statutes, is amended to read:
307          1004.76 Florida Martin Luther King, Jr., Institute for
308    Nonviolence.--
309          (2) There is hereby created the Florida Martin Luther
310    King, Jr., Institute for Nonviolence to be established at Miami-
311    Dade CommunityCollege. The institute shall have an advisory
312    board consisting of 13 members as follows: the Attorney General,
313    the Commissioner of Education, and 11 members to be appointed by
314    the Governor, such members to represent the population of the
315    state based on its ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic diversity.
316    Of the members appointed by the Governor, one shall be a member
317    of the Senate appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of
318    the President of the Senate; one shall be a member of the Senate
319    appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the minority
320    leader; one shall be a member of the House of Representatives
321    appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Speaker
322    of the House of Representatives; one shall be a member of the
323    House of Representatives appointed by the Governor on the
324    recommendation of the minority leader; and seven shall be
325    members appointed by the Governor, no more than three of whom
326    shall be members of the same political party. The following
327    groups shall be represented by the seven members: the Florida
328    Sheriffs Association; the Florida Association of Counties; the
329    Florida League of Cities; state universities human services
330    agencies; community relations or human relations councils; and
331    youth. A chairperson shall be elected by the members and shall
332    serve for a term of 3 years. Members of the board shall serve
333    the following terms of office which shall be staggered:
334          (a) A member of the Legislature appointed to the board
335    shall serve for a single term not to exceed 5 years and shall
336    serve as a member only while he or she is a member of the
337    Legislature.
338          (b) Of the seven members who are not members of the
339    Legislature, three shall serve for terms of 4 years, two shall
340    serve for terms of 3 years, and one shall serve for a term of 1
341    year. Thereafter, each member, except for a member appointed to
342    fill an unexpired term, shall serve for a 5-year term. No member
343    shall serve on the board for more than 10 years.
345          In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a member of
346    the board by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Governor
347    shall appoint a successor to serve for the balance of the
348    unexpired term.
349          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.