Senate Bill sb3086

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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SR 3086

    By Senator Lawson


  1                    Senate Resolution No. ____

  2         A resolution commending the Florida A&M

  3         University Developmental Research School

  4         2003-2004 Girls Basketball Team.


  6         WHEREAS, with guidance and support from Dr. Marvin

  7  Henderson, Superintendent of the Florida A&M University

  8  Developmental Research School (FAMU/DRS); Dr. Kelvin Norton,

  9  Principal of the FAMU/DRS High School; Sylvester Peck,

10  Athletic Diretor; and Raqista Claitt, Assistant Athletic

11  Director; Ahmad Aliyy, Head Coach of the FAMU/DRS High School

12  Girls Basketball Team, and his able staff trained, developed,

13  and coached the FAMU/DRS High School Girls Basketball Team to

14  a 27-5 win-loss record through the 2003-2004 basketball

15  season, culminating in their winning the 1A District 3

16  Championship, the Class 1A Region 1 Championship, and the

17  Florida High School Class 1A Girls Basketball State

18  Championship, and

19         WHEREAS, during the 2003-2004 Girls Basketball season,

20  the FAMU/DRS High School Girls Basketball Team scored 2,207

21  points, more than any other girls basketball team in FAMU/DRS

22  history, and, in the 27 games they won, scored an average of

23  38.48 points per game more than did their opponents, and

24         WHEREAS, in winning its first Florida High School Class

25  1A Girls Basketball State Championship, the FAMU/DRS 2003-2004

26  Girls Basketball Team became only the 2nd girls basketball

27  team from a Leon County public school to capture the Florida

28  High School Girls Basketball State Championship, and

29         WHEREAS, Coach Aliyy's staff consists of: Assistant

30  Head Coach, Khaliq Al-Ansari; Assistant Coach, James Brown;

31  Administrative Coach, Tisa Holley; Trainer, Dr. Arnold Bell;


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SR 3086

 1  Assistant Trainer, Juanita Caldwell; Bookkeeper/Statistician,

 2  Courtney Lockwood; Bookkeeper, Chelsa Smith; and Videographer,

 3  Charles Thornton, and

 4         WHEREAS, the student athletes who are players on the

 5  2003-2004 FAMU/DRS High School Girls Basketball Team are:

 6  Kareema Brown, Veshia Dixon, Nadirah Gardner, Keishara Green,

 7  Katara Green, Jessica Hall, Brittany Hudson, Decetti Ligon,

 8  Iesheia Parqett, Aleeka Robinson, Lesheria Stevens, and Chelsa

 9  Thompson, and

10         WHEREAS, the outstanding results of the competitive

11  efforts made by the FAMU/DRS 2003-2004 Girls Basketball Team

12  through the 2003-2004 basketball season are a testament to the

13  level of excellence a group of student athletes can achieve,



16  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


18         That the administration of Florida A&M University

19  Developmental Research School, Head Coach Aliyy and his staff,

20  and the student athletes who make up the FAMU/DRS 2003-2004

21  Girls Basketball Team are commended for their outstanding

22  2003-2004 basketball season.

23         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

24  with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to Coach

25  Aliyy, to each member of his staff, and to each member of the

26  FAMU/DRS 2003-2004 Girls Basketball Team as a tangible token

27  of the sentiments of the Florida Senate.






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