HB 0319 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Florida Incentive-based Permitting
3    Act; creating s. 403.0874, F.S.; providing a section name;
4    providing legislative findings; providing purposes;
5    providing definitions; providing for an Incentive-based
6    Permitting Program; providing compliance incentives for
7    certain environmental permitting activities; providing
8    requirements and limitations; providing for administration
9    by the Department of Environmental Protection; requiring
10    the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt
11    certain rules; requiring agency notification of formal
12    enforcement actions; providing notice requirements;
13    amending ss. 161.041 and 373.413, F.S.; specifying
14    application of Incentive-based Permitting Program
15    provisions; amending s. 403.087, F.S.; revising criteria
16    for department permit issuance to conform; providing an
17    effective date.
19          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21          Section 1. Section 403.0874, Florida Statutes, is created
22    to read:
23          403.0874 Incentive-based Permitting Program.--
24          (1) Popular name.--This section is the “Florida Incentive-
25    based Permitting Act.”
27          (a) The Legislature finds and declares that a permit
28    applicant’s history of compliance with applicable permit
29    conditions and requirements and the environmental laws of this
30    state is a factor that should be considered by the department
31    when the department is considering whether to issue or reissue a
32    permit to an applicant, based upon compliance incentives under
33    this section.
34          (b) Permit applicants with a history of compliance with
35    applicable permit conditions and requirements and the
36    environmental laws of this state should be eligible for longer
37    permits, expedited permit reviews, short-form permit renewals,
38    and other incentives to reward and encourage such applicants.
39          (c) It is therefore declared to be the purpose of this act
40    to provide the department with clear and specific authority to
41    consider the compliance history of a permit applicant who has
42    applied for an incentive-based permit.
43          (3) DEFINITIONS.--For purposes of this section:
44          (a) “Applicant” means the proposed permittee or
45    transferee, owner, or operator of a regulated activity seeking
46    an agency permit.
47          (b) “Agency” means the Department of Environmental
48    Protection.
49          (c) "Environmental laws" means any state or federal law
50    that regulates activities for the purpose of protecting the
51    environment, or for the purpose of protecting the public health
52    from pollution or contaminants, but does not include any law
53    that regulates activities for the purpose of zoning, growth
54    management, or land use. The term includes, but is not limited
55    to, chapter 161, part IV of chapter 373, and chapter 403.
56          (d) "Regulated activity" means any activity, including,
57    but not limited to, the construction or operation of a facility,
58    installation, system, or project, for which a permit or
59    certification is required under an agency law.
60          (e) “Site” means a single parcel, or multiple contiguous
61    or adjacent parcels, of land on which the applicant proposes to
62    conduct, or has conducted, a regulated activity.
63          (4) COMPLIANCE INCENTIVES.--In order to obtain compliance
64    incentives, the applicant must affirmatively request such
65    incentives as part of the permit application. Unless otherwise
66    prohibited by state or federal law, agency rule, or federal
67    regulation, and provided the applicant meets all other
68    applicable criteria for the issuance of a permit, any applicant
69    who meets the criteria set forth in this subsection is entitled
70    to the following incentives:
71          (a) Level 1.--
72          1. An applicant shall be entitled to incentives pursuant
73    to this paragraph at a site if the applicant conducted the
74    regulated activity for at least 4 of the 5 years preceding
75    submittal of the permit application or, if the activity is a new
76    regulated activity, the applicant conducted a similar regulated
77    activity under an agency permit for at least 4 of the 5 years at
78    a different site in this state preceding submittal of the permit
79    application. However, an applicant shall not be entitled to
80    incentives under this paragraph if the applicant has a relevant
81    compliance history at the subject site that includes any knowing
82    violation that resulted in formal enforcement action and the
83    violation resulted in significant harm to human health or the
84    environment. The term “knowing” means awareness of the nature of
85    a person’s acts, not awareness that such acts violate the law.
86    The term does not include conduct that is the result of an act
87    of God, mechanical failure, events beyond the control of the
88    applicant, an accident or a mistake of fact. The term “act of
89    God,” which means only an unforeseeable act exclusively
90    occasioned by the violence of nature without the interference of
91    any human agency, shall not be deemed to cause any failure to
92    comply with a permit condition or requirement.
93          2. Level 1 incentives shall include:
94          a. Automatic renewal of permit.--A renewal of an operation
95    or closure permit shall be issued for a period of 5 years and
96    shall, after notice and an opportunity for public comment, be
97    automatically renewed for one additional 5-year term without
98    agency action unless the agency determines, based on information
99    submitted by the applicant or resulting from the public comments
100    or its own records, that the applicant has committed violations
101    during the relevant review period that disqualify the applicant
102    from receiving the automatic or expedited renewal.
103          b. Expedited permit review.--The processing time following
104    receipt of a completed application shall be 45 days for the
105    issuance of the agency action.
106          c. Short-form renewals.--Renewals of operation or closure
107    permits not involving substantial construction or expansion may
108    be made upon a shortened application form specifying only the
109    changes in the regulated activity or a certification by the
110    applicant that no changes in the regulated activity are proposed
111    if that is the case. Applicants for short-form renewals shall
112    complete and submit the prescribed compliance form with the
113    application and shall remain subject to the compliance history
114    review of this section. All other procedural requirements for
115    renewal applications remain unchanged. This provision shall
116    supplement any expedited review processes found in agency rules.
117          (b) Level 2.--
118          1. An applicant shall be entitled to incentives pursuant
119    to this paragraph if the applicant meets the requirements for
120    Level 1 and the applicant takes any other actions not otherwise
121    required by law that result in:
122          a. Reductions in actual or permitted discharges or
123    emissions;
124          b. Reductions in the impacts of regulated activities on
125    public lands or natural resources;
126          c. Waste reduction or reuse;
127          d. Implementation of a voluntary environmental management
128    system; or
129          e. Other similar actions as determined by department rule.
130          2. Level 2 incentives may include all Level 1 incentives
131    and shall also include:
132          a. Ten-year permits, provided the applicant has conducted
133    a regulated activity at the site for at least 5 years.
134          b. Fewer routine inspections than other regulated
135    activities similarly situated.
136          c. Expedited review of requests for permit modifications.
137          d. Agency recognition, program-specific incentives, or
138    certifications in lieu of renewal permits.
139          e. No more than two requests for additional information.
140          (c) Rulemaking.--Within 6 months after the effective date
141    of this act, the department shall initiate rulemaking to
142    implement Level 2 incentives. The rule shall specify what
143    incentives will be made available, how applicants may qualify
144    for incentives, how extended permits may be transferred. Until
145    an implementing rule is adopted, Level 2 incentives shall not be
146    available to permit applicants under this act.
147          (5) NOTIFICATION.--The agency is encouraged to work with
148    permittees and permit applicants to encourage compliance and
149    avoid burdensome and expensive consequences of noncompliance. In
150    each case in which the agency initiates a formal enforcement
151    action and prior to considering incentives outlined in this
152    section, the agency shall clearly and specifically:
153          (a) Inform the alleged permittee if the provisions of this
154    section will allow for considering incentives.
155          (b) Put the alleged permittee on notice of the
156    consequences of violations and the potential consequences of
157    continuing noncompliance in relation to Level 1 or Level 2
158    incentives.
159          Section 2. Subsection (5) is added to section 161.041,
160    Florida Statutes, to read:
161          161.041 Permits required.--
162          (5) The Incentive-based Permitting Program provisions of
163    s. 403.0874 shall apply to all permits issued under this
164    chapter.
165          Section 3. Subsection (6) is added to section 373.413,
166    Florida Statutes, to read:
167          373.413 Permits for construction or alteration.--
168          (6) The Incentive-based Permitting Program provisions of
169    s. 403.0874 shall apply to individual and conceptual permits
170    issued under this section.
171          Section 4. Subsection (7) of section 403.087, Florida
172    Statutes, is amended to read:
173          403.087 Permits; general issuance; denial; revocation;
174    prohibition; penalty.--
175          (7) A permit issued pursuant to this section shall not
176    become a vested right in the permittee. The department may
177    revoke any permit issued by it if it finds that the permitholder
178    knowingly:
179          (a) Has submitted false or inaccurate information in the
180    his or her application for such permit;
181          (b) Has violated law, department orders, rules, or
182    regulations, or permit conditions directly related to such
183    permit and has refused to correct or cure such violations when
184    requested to do so;
185          (c) Has failed to submit operational reports or other
186    information required by department rule or regulation directly
187    related to such permit and has refused to correct or cure such
188    violations when requested to do so; or
189          (d) Has refused lawful inspection under s. 403.091 at the
190    facility authorized by such permit.
191          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.