HB 0347 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Florida Inland Navigation District;
3    amending s. 374.982, F.S.; including Nassau County within
4    the jurisdiction of the district; amending s. 374.983,
5    F.S.; increasing the membership of the board of
6    commissioners of the district, to conform; providing for
7    the appointment of a commissioner from Nassau County;
8    providing for the initial and subsequent terms of office;
9    amending s. 374.984, F.S.; revising an obsolete reference
10    to Dade County; providing for a referendum with respect to
11    the authority of the district to levy an ad valorem tax
12    within Nassau County; providing effective dates.
14          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16          Section 1. Section 374.982, Florida Statutes, is amended
17    to read:
18          374.982 District.--An independent special taxing district
19    to be known as the "Florida Inland Navigation District" is
20    hereby created. The territorial boundaries of the district
21    shall be the counties of Nassau,Duval, St. Johns, Flagler,
22    Volusia, Brevard, St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River, Palm Beach,
23    Broward, and Miami-Dade Dade. For purposes of this chapter, the
24    term "district" means the Florida Inland Navigation District and
25    the term "board" means the Board of Commissioners of the Florida
26    Inland Navigation District.
27          Section 2. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 374.983,
28    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
29          374.983 Governing body.--
30          (1) A governing body of the district is hereby created,
31    and shall be known as and designated as the "Board of
32    Commissioners of the Florida Inland Navigation District," and
33    shall be composed of 12 11members who shall be qualified
34    electors residing in said district, no 2 of whom shall reside in
35    the same county in the district. The governing body shall have
36    all powers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and
37    be sued as a corporation, in its name, and in any court having
38    jurisdiction; to make contracts; to adopt and use a common seal
39    and to alter the same as deemed expedient; to buy, acquire by
40    gift, exchange, condemnation, or otherwise, sell, own, lease (as
41    lessor or lessee), and convey such real estate and personal
42    property as the board may deem proper to carry out the
43    provisions of this act; to appoint and employ such engineers,
44    attorneys, consultants, and such agents and employees as the
45    board may require; to borrow money and issue negotiable
46    promissory notes, bonds and/or other evidences of indebtedness
47    therefor to enable them to carry out the provisions of this act;
48    and generally to do and perform the things necessary to
49    accomplish the purposes of this act.
50          (2) The present board of commissioners of the district
51    shall continue to hold office until their respective terms shall
52    expire. Thereafter the members of the board shall continue to be
53    appointed by the Governor for a term of 4 years and until their
54    successors shall be duly appointed. Specifically, commencing on
55    January 10, 1997, the Governor shall appoint the commissioners
56    from Broward, Indian River, Martin, St. Johns, and Volusia
57    Counties and on January 10, 1999, the Governor shall appoint the
58    commissioners from Brevard, Miami-Dade Dade, Duval, Flagler,
59    Palm Beach, and St. Lucie Counties. The Governor shall appoint
60    the commissioner from Nassau County for an initial term that
61    coincides with the period remaining in the current terms of the
62    commissioners from Broward, Indian River, Martin, St. Johns, and
63    Volusia Counties. Thereafter, the commissioner from Nassau
64    County shall be appointed to a 4-year term.Each new appointee
65    must be confirmed by the Senate. Whenever a vacancy occurs among
66    the commissioners, the person appointed to fill such vacancy
67    shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of the
68    commissioner whose place he or she is selected to fill. Each
69    commissioner under this act before he or she assumes office
70    shall be required to give a good and sufficient surety bond in
71    the sum of $10,000 payable to the Governor and his or her
72    successors in office, conditioned upon the faithful performance
73    of the duties of his or her office, such bond to be approved by
74    and filed with the Chief Financial Officer. Any and all premiums
75    upon such surety bonds shall be paid by the board of
76    commissioners of such district as a necessary expense of the
77    district.
78          Section 3. Section 374.984, Florida Statutes, is amended
79    to read:
80          374.984 Purpose; powers and duties.--It is the purpose and
81    intent of this act that the board perform and do all things
82    which shall be requisite and necessary to comply with the
83    requirements and conditions imposed upon a "local interest" by
84    the Congress of the United States in the several acts
85    authorizing and directing the improvement and maintenance of the
86    Intracoastal Waterway from St. Mary's River to the southernmost
87    boundary of Miami-Dade DadeCounty. Said acts include but are
88    not limited to: the Rivers and Harbors Act approved January 21,
89    1927, as amended by the River and Harbor Act approved July 3,
90    1930; the River and Harbor Act of June 20, 1938; and s. 107 of
91    the Federal River and Harbor Act of 1960. Pursuant thereto, the
92    powers of the board shall include, but not be limited to:
93          (1) Obtaining by gift, donation, purchase, exchange,
94    condemnation, or otherwise, and conveying, or causing to be
95    conveyed, free of cost to the United States, necessary right-of-
96    way property, and in addition thereto, suitable fee simple or
97    easement areas (as determined by the board) for the deposit of
98    dredged material in connection with the work of improving or
99    constructing, or both, the aforementioned waterway and its
100    subsequent maintenance, including future improvement of said
101    Intracoastal Waterway, with a view to providing a general depth
102    of 12 feet, more or less, depending upon specific local
103    conditions, referred to the plane of local mean water, and a
104    width appropriate to said depth and such improvements as may be
105    authorized and adopted by the Congress of the United States, and
106    in connection with the subsequent maintenance of said waterway
107    so improved. Prior to acquiring any property for the deposit of
108    dredged material, the district shall inform the county and, if
109    applicable, the municipalities in which the property to be
110    acquired is located of the district's intent to acquire such
111    property and the district shall further hold a public meeting to
112    advise the residents of the area of its intent. Such public
113    meeting shall be noticed in a paper of general circulation in
114    the county in which the meeting is to be held not less than 15
115    days prior to the meeting, said notice to contain the date,
116    time, and place of the meeting and to identify the potential
117    acquisition site or sites.
118          (2) Obtaining by gift, donation, purchase, exchange,
119    condemnation, or otherwise, and furnishing, free of cost, to the
120    United States, any property, property right of every
121    description, easement, riparian right, interest in property, and
122    suitable dredged material management areas outside of said
123    right-of-way that may be necessary to the United States for the
124    construction, maintenance, or operation of said waterway.
125          (3) Contracting for the purchase of any property to be
126    acquired or obtained by the board under the provisions of this
127    act and paying the purchase price therefor in a lump sum or in
128    installments or deferred payments upon such terms as the board
129    shall determine, said contract of purchase to provide for the
130    payment of interest not to exceed the maximum interest rate
131    permitted by law upon deferred payments. Any acquisition of
132    property, other than by eminent domain, shall be pursuant to
133    rules adopted by the board.
134          (4) Exercising and using the right of eminent domain, and
135    condemning for the use of the district or to effect the purposes
136    of this act, or both, any and all lands, easements, areas for
137    deposit of dredged materials, right-of-way, riparian rights,
138    and/or property rights of every description required for the
139    public purposes and powers of the board. Such condemnation
140    proceeding shall be maintained by and in the name of the
141    district and the procedures shall be those prescribed and set
142    forth in chapters 73 and 74, as amended from time to time,
143    prescribing the procedure for condemnation by counties, and the
144    same rights and powers shall accrue to said district under such
145    procedures defined and set forth as accruing to the counties in
146    chapters 73 and 74, as well as pursuant to any other general law
147    pertaining thereto, and the district and the board are hereby
148    vested with power and authority to pay such judgment or
149    compensation awarded in any such proceedings out of any fund
150    available for the purchase of right-of-way, areas for deposit of
151    dredged material, or other property under the provisions of this
152    act.
153          (5) Assuming and/or relieving the United States from the
154    cost, expense, and/or obligation of constructing,
155    reconstructing, maintaining, and/or operating any bridge over
156    said Intracoastal Waterway, whenever, in the judgment of the
157    board of commissioners, such action is necessary or proper upon
158    its part to fully comply with the requirements and conditions
159    imposed upon "local interests" by the Congress of the United
160    States in the several acts authorizing and directing the
161    improvement, navigability, and maintenance of the Intracoastal
162    Waterway from St. Mary's River to the southernmost boundary of
163    Miami-Dade DadeCounty; the expense therefor to be paid as a
164    necessary expense of the district. The board is authorized and
165    empowered to contract with the board of county commissioners of
166    each or any county in the district to the end that, for a
167    consideration from the district, said board of county
168    commissioners, or county, shall assume the responsibility for
169    any or all of the following activities: the construction,
170    reconstruction, maintenance, or operation of any such bridge.
171    Any of said board of county commissioners or county is hereby
172    authorized and empowered to enter into such a contract with the
173    board of the district, and such contract shall be binding and
174    obligatory upon said county or counties and the district.
175          (6)(a) Contracting directly for, or entering into
176    agreement from time to time with the district engineer of the
177    Jacksonville, Florida, United States Army Corps of Engineers
178    district, or other agency or party, to contribute toward the
179    cost of dredging performed on the waterway, to construct
180    retaining bulkheads, dikes, and levees, to construct ditches for
181    the control of water discharged by the dredges, and to do all
182    other work and/or things which, in the judgment of the board,
183    shall be proper and necessary to produce economies in meeting
184    the conditions with respect to right-of-way and dredged material
185    management areas imposed upon a "local interest" by the Congress
186    of the United States in the several acts authorizing and
187    directing the improvement, navigability, and maintenance of the
188    Intracoastal Waterway from St. Mary's River to the southernmost
189    boundary of Miami-Dade DadeCounty.
190          (b) In order to effectuate the purpose and intent of any
191    law or laws that may heretofore have been, or may hereafter be,
192    enacted by the Congress of the United States, authorizing and
193    directing the Secretary of the Army to make preliminary
194    examinations and surveys of the Intracoastal Waterway from St.
195    Mary's River to the southernmost boundary of Miami-Dade Dade
196    County, the board is authorized and empowered to collect,
197    compile, and furnish to the Secretary of the Army, or his or her
198    officers and agents, data, statistics, and other appropriate
199    information bearing on the advantages, benefits, and increased
200    usefulness that may be expected to accrue to the public and to
201    the counties traversed by the Intracoastal Waterway from St.
202    Mary's River to the southernmost boundary of Miami-Dade Dade
203    County, by reason of any improvement thereof, that may
204    subsequently be authorized by the Congress of the United States.
205          (c) The board of county commissioners of Monroe County is
206    hereby authorized and empowered to authorize the district to act
207    as the board of county commissioners' agent in all matters
208    pertaining to the extension of the inland waterway into Monroe
209    County. The board of county commissioners of Monroe County is
210    hereby authorized to levy an ad valorem tax not to exceed 1 mill
211    for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred by any action
212    taken under this subsection. Moneys received as a result of this
213    levy shall be paid into an inland waterway fund, the
214    establishment of which is herewith authorized. The district is
215    herewith authorized and empowered to act as the agent of Monroe
216    County for extending the inland waterway into Monroe County, to
217    make charges therefor, and to receive payment thereof.
218          (d) The board is hereby authorized and empowered to expend
219    funds of the district for publicizing the Intracoastal Waterway
220    from St. Mary's River to the southernmost boundary of Miami-Dade
221    DadeCounty, and its availability to watercraft, and to print
222    and distribute information as to the route, channel, available
223    depth, and utility of said Intracoastal Waterway and such other
224    information and data as may, in the opinion of the board, be
225    desirable, useful, or attractive to give full information
226    regarding said waterway and/or to promote its use in navigation
227    by watercraft of all kinds.
228          (e) In order to defray the necessary expenses of the
229    district and/or provide funds for expenditures incident to
230    obtaining right-of-way or other property or easements and/or to
231    pay the purchase price of said property and/or to defray other
232    necessary expenses of the district or its board, the board is
233    hereby authorized to borrow moneys from time to time for said
234    purpose or purposes in an amount or amounts such that not in
235    excess of $100,000 indebtedness will be outstanding at any one
236    time.
237          (f) All land owned, now or hereafter, by the district
238    shall be, and the same is, hereby exempted from taxation of all
239    kinds.
240          (g) When the district desires to dispose of surplus land,
241    it shall declare such land surplus by resolution of the board.
242    Copies of said resolution shall be furnished to the Secretary of
243    Environmental Protection, the chair of the county commissioners
244    of the county in which the land is located, and, in the event
245    the land is within a municipality, the mayor of said
246    municipality. If any state agency, county, or municipality
247    desires to utilize said land for outdoor recreation or
248    conservation purposes and the Secretary of Environmental
249    Protection finds that the land is required by the state, county,
250    or city for its recreation or conservation program, it shall
251    notify the district in writing within 60 days after receiving a
252    copy of the resolution. Priority shall be in the state, county,
253    and municipality in that order. The land may then be conveyed
254    with or without consideration to the state agency, county, or
255    municipality by the district; provided, however, that said land
256    be used for outdoor recreation or conservation purpose in
257    perpetuity by the appropriate county, municipal, or state
258    agency. If the district does not receive notice as specified
259    above, it may sell the land at public auction.
260          (h) The district is designated the local interest sponsor
261    for the sole purpose of maintaining navigability of that portion
262    of the Okeechobee Waterway located in Martin County and
263    extending from the Intracoastal Waterway to the St. Lucie lock.
264          Section 4. This act shall take effect only upon approval
265    of the levy of ad valorem taxation provided in section 374.986,
266    Florida Statutes, by a majority vote of the qualified electors
267    of Nassau County voting in a referendum to be held in
268    conjunction with any subsequent regular primary or general
269    election, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners of
270    Nassau County, except that this section and section 3 of this
271    act shall take effect upon becoming a law.