HB 0439 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the corporate income tax; creating s.
3    220.192, F.S.; providing a tax credit for donations to the
4    Cultural Institutions Trust Fund; providing that the
5    unused amount of a credit may not be carried forward;
6    prohibiting conveying, assigning, or transferring the
7    credit to another entity except as specified; providing
8    application procedures; providing for rulemaking by the
9    Department of Revenue; providing an effective date.
11          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13          Section 1. Section 220.192, Florida Statutes, is created
14    to read:
15          220.192 Cultural contributions tax credit.--
16          (1) A credit in the amount of 50 percent of a contribution
17    to the Cultural Institutions Trust Fund is allowed against any
18    tax due for a taxable year under this chapter.
19          (2)(a) If the credit granted under this section is not
20    fully used in any one year, the unused amount may not be carried
21    forward. A taxpayer may not convey, assign, or transfer the
22    credit authorized by this section to another entity unless all
23    of the assets of the taxpayer are conveyed, assigned, or
24    transferred in the same transaction.
25          (b) An application for a tax credit under this section
26    shall be submitted to the department on forms established by
27    rule of the department.
28          (c) The department shall adopt rules necessary to
29    administer this section.
30          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.