Senate Bill sb0446c2

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    Florida Senate - 2004                     CS for CS for SB 446

    By the Committees on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; and Senators Margolis and
    Wasserman Schultz


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the sale of products

  3         containing ephedra and other dietary supplement

  4         ingredients; amending s. 499.033, F.S.;

  5         prohibiting the sale or delivery of products

  6         containing ephedra over the counter without a

  7         prescription, subject to certain exceptions;

  8         creating the Weight Loss and Athletic

  9         Performance Dietary Supplement Review

10         Committee; providing duties and membership

11         requirements; providing for administrative

12         support; requiring a report to the Legislature;

13         repealing s. 501.0583, F.S., relating to

14         selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or

15         giving weight-loss pills to persons under age

16         18; providing an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Section 499.033, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         499.033  Ephedrine; prescription required.--Ephedrine

23  is declared to be a prescription drug.

24         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (2), a person may

25  not sell or deliver over the counter any product intended for

26  ingestion by humans which that contains any quantity of

27  ephedrine, a salt of ephedrine, an optical isomer of

28  ephedrine, or a salt of an optical isomer of ephedrine,

29  including any part of the plant genus ephedra or the plant

30  genus sida cordifolia, and any species thereof, unless may be

31  dispensed by a duly licensed pharmacist or dispensing


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    Florida Senate - 2004                     CS for CS for SB 446

 1  practitioner and only upon the prescription of a duly licensed

 2  practitioner authorized by the laws of the state to prescribe

 3  medicinal drugs.

 4         (2)  A product containing ephedrine described in

 5  paragraphs (a)-(e) is exempt from subsection (1) if it may

 6  lawfully be sold over the counter without a prescription under

 7  the federal act; is labeled and marketed in a manner

 8  consistent with the pertinent United States Food and Drug

 9  Administration Over-the-Counter Tentative Final or Final

10  Monograph; and is manufactured and distributed for legitimate

11  medicinal use in a manner that reduces or eliminates the

12  likelihood of abuse, when considered in the context with:  the

13  package sizes and the manner of packaging of the drug product;

14  the name and labeling of the product; the manner of

15  distribution, advertising, and promotion of the product; the

16  duration, scope, health significance, and societal cost of

17  abuse of the particular product; the need to provide medically

18  important ephedrine-containing therapies to the public for

19  United States Food and Drug Administration approved

20  indications on an unrestricted, over-the-counter basis; and

21  other facts as may be relevant to and consistent with public

22  health and safety.

23         (a)  Solid oral dosage forms that combine active

24  ingredients in the following ranges for each dosage unit:

25         1.  Theophylline (100-130mg), ephedrine (12.5-24mg).

26         2.  Theophylline (60-100mg), ephedrine (12.5-24mg),

27  guaifenesin (200-400mg).

28         3.  Ephedrine (12.5-25mg), guaifenesin (200-400mg).

29         4.  Phenobarbital (not greater than 8mg) in combination

30  with the ingredients of subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2.



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    Florida Senate - 2004                     CS for CS for SB 446

 1         (b)  Liquid oral dosage forms that combine active

 2  ingredients in the following ranges for each (5ml) dose:

 3         1.  Theophylline (not greater than 45mg), ephedrine

 4  (not greater than 36mg), guaifenesin (not greater than 100mg),

 5  phenobarbital (not greater than 12mg).

 6         2.  Phenylephrine (not greater than 5mg), ephedrine

 7  (not greater than 5mg), chlorpheniramine (not greater than

 8  2mg), dextromethorphan (not greater than 10mg), ammonium

 9  chloride (not greater than 40mg), ipecac fluid extract (not

10  greater than 0.005ml).

11         (c)  Anorectal preparations containing less than 5

12  percent ephedrine.

13         (d)  Nasal decongestant compounds, mixtures, or

14  preparations containing 0.5 percent or less ephedrine.

15         (e)  Any drug product containing ephedrine that is

16  marketed pursuant to an approved new drug application or legal

17  equivalent under the federal act.

18         (3)  The department may administer implement this

19  section by rule.

20         Section 2.  Weight Loss and Athletic Performance

21  Dietary Supplement Review Committee.--

22         (1)  The Weight Loss and Athletic Performance Dietary

23  Supplement Review Committee is created for the purpose of

24  evaluating the safety of ingredients contained in dietary

25  supplements that are sold in Florida and that claim to promote

26  weight loss and athletic performance. The committee shall be

27  established by August 1, 2004, and its evaluation process

28  shall include reviewing scientific research and adverse

29  incident reports relating to weight loss and athletic

30  performance dietary supplements. The committee shall draft a

31  report that summarizes its findings and provides


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    Florida Senate - 2004                     CS for CS for SB 446

 1  recommendations for future legislative and executive branch

 2  action that may be taken to protect the public from dangerous

 3  weight loss and athletic performance dietary supplements. This

 4  report shall be submitted to the President of the Senate and

 5  the Speaker of the House of Representatives by August 1, 2005.

 6         (2)  The committee shall consist of:

 7         (a)  The Commissioner of Agriculture, or his or her

 8  designee;

 9         (b)  The Secretary of Health, or his or her designee;

10         (c)  Two members, who are health care practitioners as

11  defined in section 456.001, Florida Statutes, or scientists,

12  who possess expertise in the area of weight loss and athletic

13  performance dietary supplements, to be appointed by the

14  Secretary of Health;

15         (d)  Two members who possess expertise in the area of

16  dietary supplement regulation, to be appointed by the

17  Commissioner of Agriculture; and

18         (e)  Two members who represent the weight loss and

19  athletic performance dietary supplement industry, to be

20  appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.

21         (3)  Administrative support for the committee shall be

22  jointly and equally provided by existing appropriations and

23  resources of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

24  Services and the Department of Health.

25         Section 3.  Section 501.0583, Florida Statutes, as

26  created by section 1 of chapter 2003-24, Laws of Florida, is

27  repealed.

28         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.





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    Florida Senate - 2004                     CS for CS for SB 446

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                      CS for Senate Bill 446


 4  Creates the "Weight Loss and Athletic Performance Dietary
    Supplement Review Committee." Specifies committee duties and
 5  membership. Requires a report. Provides for administrative



























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