HB 0449 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Sarasota-Manatee Airport Authority;
3    amending chapter 2003-309, Laws of Florida, to provide
4    that a member of the authority whose previous service does
5    not exceed 6 consecutive years may be reappointed for an
6    additional 4-year term as long as such reappointment will
7    not result in the member's serving more than 10
8    consecutive years; providing an effective date.
10          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12          Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 3 of
13    section 3 of chapter 2003-309, Laws of Florida, is amended to
14    read:
15          Section 3. Creation and membership of authority.--
16          (2)
17          (d) At least 30 days prior to the date of expiration of
18    the term of officeof any member of the authority, or within 30
19    days after the creation of any vacancy in the membership of the
20    authority resulting from the death, resignation, change of
21    residence, or removal of any such member or from any other
22    cause, the successor of such member shall be appointed by the
23    Governor. Any appointed member is eligible for reappointment.
24    However, A member may not serve more than 8 consecutive years;
25    however, a member whose previous service does not exceed 6
26    consecutive years may be reappointed for an additional 4-year
27    term as long as such reappointment will not result in the
28    member's serving more than 10 consecutive years. Other than for
29    an appointment to fill a vacancy in the seat of a member whose
30    term has not yet expired, all appointments shall be for a 4-year
31    term, except that the appointment to seat S-3 for the term
32    commencing on November 19, 2002, shall be for 2 years,
33    terminating on November 15, 2004. Thereafter, the term of
34    office for seat S-3 shall be for 4 years. Other than those
35    persons appointed to fill an unexpired term, all appointed
36    members of the authority shall assume office on the third
37    Tuesday of November in the year of appointment.
38          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.