HB 0463 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to mental health; amending s. 394.455,
3    F.S.; revising a definition; providing additional
4    definitions of terms used in pt. I of ch. 394, F.S., "The
5    Baker Act"; amending s. 394.4598, F.S.; revising language
6    with respect to the guardian advocate; authorizing the
7    guardian advocate to consent to administration of
8    medication over objection under certain circumstances;
9    amending s. 394.4615, F.S.; providing for release of
10    certain clinical records to certain persons for certain
11    purposes; amending s. 394.463, F.S.; revising criteria and
12    procedures for involuntary examination; creating s.
13    394.4655, F.S.; providing criteria and procedures for
14    involuntary outpatient placement; providing for a
15    voluntary examination for outpatient placement; providing
16    for a petition for involuntary outpatient placement;
17    providing for appointment of counsel; providing for
18    continuance of hearings; providing for a hearing on
19    involuntary outpatient placement; setting forth procedures
20    for the hearing; providing for appointment of a master to
21    preside; providing for an independent examination;
22    requiring a court to order involuntary outpatient
23    placement under certain circumstances; requiring a
24    treatment plan; providing for plan modification; providing
25    for a patient to be brought to a receiving facility upon
26    failure or refusal to comply with the treatment plan;
27    providing for involuntary inpatient placement or
28    involuntary assessment; requiring consideration of a
29    patient's competence to proceed; requiring a list of
30    guardian advocates to be submitted to the court; defining
31    the role of a guardian advocate; providing for discharge
32    of the guardian advocate; requiring certain documentation;
33    allowing a person for whom an involuntary outpatient
34    placement petition has been filed to agree to a voluntary
35    treatment agreement; specifying requirements for
36    agreements; providing for modifications; providing for
37    filing of an affidavit of noncompliance with a voluntary
38    treatment plan; requiring a hearing; requiring dismissal
39    of petitions in certain circumstances; providing
40    procedures for continued involuntary outpatient placement;
41    providing for a continued involuntary outpatient placement
42    certificate; requiring a hearing; requiring appointment of
43    a public defender; requiring hearings; providing for
44    appointment of a special master; amending s. 394.467,
45    F.S.; revising language with respect to involuntary
46    inpatient placement; providing a reference to inpatient
47    and outpatient involuntary placement; providing
48    requirements for placement orders; providing for voluntary
49    treatment agreements; providing a procedure for continued
50    involuntary outpatient placement; amending ss. 394.495,
51    394.496, 394.498, 419.001, and 744.704, F.S.; correcting
52    cross references; authorizing the Department of Children
53    and Family Services to adopt rules; providing
54    severability; providing an effective date.
56          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
58          Section 1. Subsection (3) of section 394.455, Florida
59    Statutes, is amended, existing subsections (16)-(28) are
60    renumbered as subsections (17)-(29), respectively, existing
61    subsections (29) and (30) are renumbered as subsections (31) and
62    (32), respectively, and new subsections (16) and (30) are added
63    to said section, to read:
64          394.455 Definitions.--As used in this part, unless the
65    context clearly requires otherwise, the term:
66          (3) "Clinical record" means all parts of the record
67    required to be maintained and includes all medical records,
68    progress notes, charts, and admission and discharge data, and
69    all other information recorded by a facility which pertains to
70    the patient's hospitalization or andtreatment.
71          (16) "Involuntary placement" means involuntary outpatient
72    treatment pursuant to s. 394.4655 or involuntary inpatient
73    treatment pursuant to s. 394.467.
74          (30) "Service provider" means any public or private
75    receiving facility, an entity under contract with the Department
76    of Children and Family Services to provide mental health
77    services, or a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker,
78    physician, or psychiatric nurse, or a community mental health
79    center or clinic as defined in this part.
80          Section 2. Subsections (1) and (7) of section 394.4598,
81    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
82          394.4598 Guardian advocate.--
83          (1) The administrator may petition the court for the
84    appointment of a guardian advocate based upon the opinion of a
85    psychiatrist that the patient is incompetent to consent to
86    treatment. If the court finds that a patient is incompetent to
87    consent to treatment and has not been adjudicated incapacitated
88    and a guardian with the authority to consent to mental health
89    treatment appointed, it shall appoint a guardian advocate. The
90    patient has the right to have an attorney represent him or her
91    at the hearing. If the person is indigent, the court shall
92    appoint the office of the public defender to represent him or
93    her at the hearing. The patient has the right to testify, cross-
94    examine witnesses, and present witnesses. The proceeding shall
95    be recorded either electronically or stenographically, and
96    testimony shall be provided under oath. One of the professionals
97    authorized to give an opinion in support of a petition for
98    involuntary placement, as described in s. 394.4655 ors.
99    394.467(2), must testify. A guardian advocate must meet the
100    qualifications of a guardian contained in part IV of chapter
101    744, except that a professional referred to in this part, an
102    employee of the facility providing direct services to the
103    patient under this part, a departmental employee, a facility
104    administrator, or member of the Florida local advocacy council
105    shall not be appointed. A person who is appointed as a guardian
106    advocate must agree to the appointment.
107          (7) The guardian advocate shall be discharged when the
108    patient is discharged from an order for involuntary outpatient
109    placement or involuntary inpatient placement a receiving or
110    treatment facility to the communityor when the patient is
111    transferred from involuntary to voluntary status. The court or a
112    hearing officer shall consider the competence of the patient
113    pursuant to subsection (1) and may consider an involuntarily
114    placed patient's competence to consent to treatment at any
115    hearing. Upon sufficient evidence, the court may restore, or the
116    hearing officer may recommend that the court restore, the
117    patient's competence. A copy of the order restoring competence
118    or the certificate of discharge containing the restoration of
119    competence shall be provided to the patient and the guardian
120    advocate.
121          Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 394.4615, Florida
122    Statutes, is amended to read:
123          394.4615 Clinical records; confidentiality.--
124          (3) Information from the clinical record may be released
125    under the following circumstances when:
126          (a) Whena patient has declared an intention to harm other
127    persons. When such declaration has been made, the administrator
128    may authorize the release of sufficient information to provide
129    adequate warning to the person threatened with harm by the
130    patient.
131          (b) Whenthe administrator of the facility or secretary of
132    the department deems release to a qualified researcher as
133    defined in administrative rule, an aftercare treatment provider,
134    or an employee or agent of the department is necessary for
135    treatment of the patient, maintenance of adequate records,
136    compilation of treatment data, aftercare planning, or evaluation
137    of programs.
138          (c) For the purpose of determining whether a person meets
139    the criteria for involuntary outpatient placement or for
140    preparing the proposed treatment plan pursuant to s. 394.4655,
141    the clinical record may be released to the state attorney, the
142    public defender, or the patient's private legal counsel; to the
143    court; and to the appropriate mental health professionals,
144    including the service provider identified in s. 394.4655(6)(b)2.
145          Section 4. Subsection (1) and paragraphs (e), (g), and (i)
146    of subsection (2) of section 394.463, Florida Statutes, are
147    amended to read:
148          394.463 Involuntary examination.--
149          (1) CRITERIA.--A person may be taken to a receiving
150    facility for involuntary examination if there is reason to
151    believe that the person has a mental illness he or she is
152    mentally illand because of his or her mental illness:
153          (a)1.The person has refused voluntary examination after
154    conscientious explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the
155    examination; or
156          (b)2.The person is unable to determine for himself or
157    herself whether examination is necessary; and
158          (c)(b) Based upon the person's current reported or
159    observed behavior, considering any mental health history, there
160    is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment:
161          1. Without care or treatment, The person will is likely to
162    suffer from neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself;
163    such neglect or refusal will pose posesa real and present
164    threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being; and it is
165    not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of
166    willing family members or friends or the provision of other
167    services; or
168          2. There is a substantial likelihood that without care or
169    treatmentThe person will cause serious bodily harm to himself
170    or herself or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent
171    behavior.
173          (e) The Agency for Health Care Administration shall
174    receive and maintain the copies of ex parte orders, involuntary
175    outpatient placement orders issued pursuant to s.
176          394.4655, involuntary inpatient orders issued pursuant to s.
177          394.467,professional certificates, and law enforcement
178    officers' reports. These documents shall be considered part of
179    the clinical record, governed by the provisions of s. 394.4615.
180    The agency shall prepare annual reports analyzing the data
181    obtained from these documents, without information identifying
182    patients, and shall provide copies of reports to the department,
183    the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
184    Representatives, and the minority leaders of the Senate and the
185    House of Representatives.
186          (g) A person for whom an involuntary examination has been
187    initiated who is being evaluated or treated at a hospital for an
188    emergency medical condition specified in s. 395.002 must be
189    examined by a receiving facility within 72 hours. The 72-hour
190    period begins when the patient arrives at the hospital and
191    ceases when the attending physician documents that the patient
192    has an emergency medical condition. If the patient is examined
193    at a hospital providing emergency medical services by a
194    professional qualified to perform an involuntary examination and
195    is found as a result of that examination not to meet the
196    criteria for involuntary outpatient placement pursuant to s.
197    394.4655(1) or involuntary inpatient placement pursuant to s.
198    394.467(1), the patient may be offered voluntary placement, if
199    appropriate, or released directly from the hospital providing
200    emergency medical services. The finding by the professional that
201    the patient has been examined and does not meet the criteria for
202    involuntary inpatient or involuntary outpatientplacement must
203    be entered into the patient's clinical record. Nothing in this
204    paragraph is intended to prevent a hospital providing emergency
205    medical services from appropriately transferring a patient to
206    another hospital prior to stabilization, provided the
207    requirements of s. 395.1041(3)(c) have been met.
208          (i) Within the 72-hour examination period or, if the 72
209    hours ends on a weekend or holiday, no later than the next
210    working day thereafter, one of the following actions must be
211    taken, based on the individual needs of the patient:
212          1. The patient shall be released, unless he or she is
213    charged with a crime, in which case the patient shall be
214    returned to the custody of a law enforcement officer;
215          2. The patient shall be released, subject to the
216    provisions of subparagraph 1., for voluntaryoutpatient
217    treatment;
218          3. The patient, unless he or she is charged with a crime,
219    shall be asked to give express and informed consent to placement
220    as a voluntary patient, and, if such consent is given, the
221    patient shall be admitted as a voluntary patient; or
222          4. A petition for involuntary placement shall be filed in
223    the circuit appropriate court by the facility administratorwhen
224    treatment is deemed necessary,;in which case, the least
225    restrictive treatment consistent with the optimum improvement of
226    the patient's condition shall be made available. A petition for
227    involuntary outpatient placement shall be filed by one of the
228    petitioners delineated in s. 394.4655(3)(a). A petition for
229    involuntary inpatient placement shall be filed by the facility
230    administrator.
231          Section 5. Section 394.4655, Florida Statutes, is created
232    to read:
233          394.4655 Involuntary outpatient placement.--
235    person may be ordered to involuntary outpatient placement upon a
236    finding of the court that, by clear and convincing evidence:
237          (a) The person is 18 years of age or older.
238          (b) The person has a mental illness.
239          (c) The person is unlikely to survive safely in the
240    community without supervision, based on a clinical
241    determination.
242          (d) The person has a history of lack of compliance with
243    treatment for mental illness.
244          (e) The person has:
245          1. At least twice within the preceding 36 months been
246    admitted for examination or placement in a receiving or
247    treatment facility as defined in s. 394.455 or received mental
248    health services in a forensic or correctional facility. The 36-
249    month period does not include any period during which the person
250    was admitted or incarcerated; or
251          2. Engaged in one or more acts of serious violent behavior
252    toward himself or herself or others or engaged in attempts at
253    serious bodily harm to himself or herself or others within the
254    preceding 36 months.
255          (f) The person is, as a result of his or her mental
256    illness, unlikely to voluntarily participate in the recommended
257    treatment pursuant to the treatment plan.
258          (g) In view of the person's treatment history and current
259    behavior, the person is in need of involuntary outpatient
260    placement in order to prevent a relapse or deterioration which
261    would be likely to result in meeting the involuntary examination
262    criteria set forth in s. 394.463(1).
263          (h) It is likely that the person will benefit from
264    involuntary outpatient placement.
265          (i) All available less restrictive alternatives that would
266    offer an opportunity for improvement of his or her condition
267    have been judged to be inappropriate.
269          (a) From a receiving facility.--A patient may be retained
270    by a receiving facility upon the recommendation of the
271    administrator of a receiving facility where the patient has been
272    examined and after adherence to the notice and hearing
273    procedures provided in s. 394.4599. The recommendation must be
274    supported by the opinion of a psychiatrist and the second
275    opinion of a clinical psychologist or another psychiatrist, both
276    of whom have personally examined the patient within the
277    preceding 72 hours, that the criteria for involuntary outpatient
278    placement are met. However, in a county having a population of
279    less than 50,000, if the administrator certifies that no
280    psychiatrist or clinical psychologist is available to provide
281    the second opinion, such second opinion may be provided by a
282    licensed physician who has postgraduate training and experience
283    in diagnosis and treatment of mental and nervous disorders or by
284    a psychiatric nurse. Such recommendation shall be entered on an
285    involuntary outpatient placement certificate, which certificate
286    shall authorize the receiving facility to retain the patient
287    pending transfer to involuntary outpatient placement or
288    completion of a hearing. If the patient has been stabilized and
289    no longer meets the criteria for involuntary examination
290    pursuant to s. 394.463(1), the patient must be released from the
291    receiving facility while awaiting the hearing for involuntary
292    outpatient placement.
293          (b) Voluntary examination for outpatient placement.--A
294    patient may choose to be examined on an outpatient basis for an
295    involuntary outpatient placement certificate if such an
296    arrangement can be made. The certificate must be supported by
297    the opinion of a psychiatrist and the second opinion of a
298    clinical psychologist or another psychiatrist, both of whom have
299    personally examined the patient within the preceding 14 calendar
300    days, that the criteria for involuntary outpatient placement are
301    met. However, in a county having a population of less than
302    50,000, if the psychiatrist certifies that no psychiatrist or
303    clinical psychologist is available to provide the second
304    opinion, the second opinion may be provided by a licensed
305    physician who has postgraduate training and experience in
306    diagnosis and treatment of mental and nervous disorders or by a
307    psychiatric nurse.
308          (c) From a treatment facility.--If a patient in
309    involuntary inpatient placement meets the criteria for
310    involuntary outpatient placement, the administrator of the
311    treatment facility may, prior to expiration of the period during
312    which the treatment facility is authorized to retain the
313    patient, recommend involuntary outpatient placement. The
314    recommendation must be supported by the opinion of a
315    psychiatrist and the second opinion of a clinical psychologist
316    or another psychiatrist, both of whom have personally examined
317    the patient within the preceding 72 hours, that the criteria for
318    involuntary outpatient placement are met. However, in a county
319    having a population of less than 50,000, if the administrator
320    certifies that no psychiatrist or clinical psychologist is
321    available to provide the second opinion, such second opinion may
322    be provided by a licensed physician with postgraduate training
323    and experience in diagnosis and treatment of mental and nervous
324    disorders or by a psychiatric nurse. Such recommendation shall
325    be entered on an involuntary outpatient placement certificate.
327          (a) A petition for involuntary outpatient placement may be
328    filed by:
329          1. The administrator of the facility pursuant to paragraph
330    (2)(a);
331          2. One of the examining professionals for persons examined
332    on a voluntary outpatient basis pursuant to paragraph (2)(b).
333    Upon filing the petition, the examining professional shall
334    provide a copy of the petition to the administrator of the
335    receiving facility or designated department representative that
336    will identify the service provider for the involuntary
337    outpatient placement; or
338          3. The administrator of a treatment facility pursuant to
339    paragraph (2)(c). Upon filing the petition, the administrator
340    shall provide a copy of the petition to the administrator of the
341    receiving facility or designated department representative that
342    will identify the service provider for the involuntary
343    outpatient placement.
344          (b) Each required criterion for involuntary outpatient
345    placement must be alleged and substantiated in the petition for
346    involuntary outpatient placement. A copy of the certificate
347    recommending involuntary outpatient placement completed by a
348    qualified professional specified in subsection (2) shall be
349    attached to the petition.
350          (c) The petition for involuntary outpatient placement
351    shall be filed in the county in which the patient is located.
352    When the petition has been filed, the clerk of the court shall
353    provide copies to the department, the patient, the patient's
354    guardian or representative, and the state attorney and public
355    defender of the judicial circuit in which the patient is
356    located. A fee may not be charged for the filing of a petition
357    under this subsection.
358          (4) APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL.--Within 1 court working day
359    after the filing of a petition for involuntary outpatient
360    placement, the court shall appoint the public defender to
361    represent the person who is the subject of the petition, unless
362    the person is otherwise represented by counsel. The clerk of the
363    court shall immediately notify the public defender of such
364    appointment. The public defender shall represent the person
365    until the petition is dismissed, the court order expires, or the
366    patient is discharged from involuntary outpatient placement. Any
367    attorney who represents the patient shall have access to the
368    patient, witnesses, and records relevant to the presentation of
369    the patient's case and shall represent the interests of the
370    patient, regardless of the source of payment to the attorney.
371          (5) CONTINUANCE OF HEARING.--The patient is entitled, with
372    the concurrence of the patient's counsel, to at least one
373    continuance of the hearing. The continuance shall be for a
374    period of up to 4 weeks.
376          (a)1. The court shall hold the hearing on involuntary
377    outpatient placement within 5 days after the petition is filed,
378    unless a continuance is granted. The hearing shall be held in
379    the county in which the patient is located, shall be as
380    convenient to the patient as is consistent with orderly
381    procedure, and shall be conducted in physical settings not
382    likely to be injurious to the patient's condition. If the court
383    finds that the patient's attendance at the hearing is not
384    consistent with the best interests of the patient and the
385    patient's counsel does not object, the court may waive the
386    presence of the patient from all or any portion of the hearing.
387    The state attorney for the circuit in which the patient is
388    located shall represent the state, rather than the petitioner,
389    as the real party in interest in the proceeding.
390          2. The court may appoint a master to preside at the
391    hearing. One of the professionals who executed the involuntary
392    outpatient placement certificate shall be a witness. The patient
393    and the patient's guardian or representative shall be informed
394    by the court of the right to an independent expert examination.
395    If the patient cannot afford such an examination, the court
396    shall provide for one. The independent expert's report shall be
397    confidential and not discoverable, unless the expert is to be
398    called as a witness for the patient at the hearing. The court
399    shall allow testimony from individuals, including family
400    members, deemed by the court to be relevant under state law,
401    regarding the person's prior history and how that prior history
402    relates to the person's current condition. The testimony in the
403    hearing must be given under oath and the proceedings must be
404    recorded. The patient may refuse to testify at the hearing.
405          (b)1. If the court concludes that the patient meets the
406    criteria for involuntary outpatient placement pursuant to
407    subsection (1), the court shall issue an order for involuntary
408    outpatient placement. The court order shall be for a period of
409    up to 6 months. The service provider shall discharge a patient
410    if there is a clinical determination that the patient no longer
411    meets the criteria for involuntary placement.
412          2. The administrator of a receiving facility or designated
413    department representative shall identify the service provider
414    that will have primary responsibility for service provision
415    under the order. The service provider shall prepare a written
416    proposed treatment plan and submit the plan to the court prior
417    to the hearing for the court's consideration for inclusion in
418    the involuntary outpatient placement order. The service provider
419    shall also provide a copy of the proposed treatment plan to the
420    petitioner. The treatment plan must specify the nature and
421    extent of the patient's mental illness. The treatment plan may
422    include provisions for case management, intensive case
423    management, or assertive community treatment or a program for
424    assertive community treatment. The treatment plan may also
425    require that the patient make use of a service provider to
426    supply any of the following categories of services to the
427    individual: medication, periodic urinalysis to determine
428    compliance with treatment, individual or group therapy, day or
429    partial-day programming activities, educational and vocational
430    training or activities, alcohol or substance abuse treatment and
431    counseling and periodic tests for the presence of alcohol or
432    illegal drugs for persons with a history of alcohol or substance
433    abuse, supervision of living arrangements, and any other
434    services prescribed to treat the person's mental illness and to
435    assist the person in living and functioning in the community or
436    to attempt to prevent a relapse or deterioration. Service
437    providers may select and provide supervision to other
438    individuals, not enumerated in this subparagraph, to implement
439    specific aspects of the treatment plan, such as medication
440    monitoring. The services in the treatment plan shall be deemed
441    to be clinically appropriate by a physician, clinical
442    psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker who
443    consults with, or is employed or contracted by, the service
444    provider. The service provider must certify to the court in the
445    proposed treatment plan whether sufficient services for
446    improvement and stabilization are currently available and
447    whether the service provider agrees to provide those services.
448    If the service provider certifies that the services in the
449    proposed treatment plan are not available, then the petitioner
450    shall withdraw the petition. The court may not order the
451    department or the service provider to provide services if the
452    program or service is not available in the patient's local
453    community, there is no space available in the program or service
454    for the patient, or funding is not available for the program or
455    service. A copy of the order shall be sent to the Agency for
456    Health Care Administration. After the placement order is issued,
457    the service provider and the patient may modify provisions of
458    the treatment plan. For any material modification of the
459    treatment plan to which the patient or the patient's guardian
460    advocate, if appointed, does agree, the service provider shall
461    send notice of the modification to the court. Any material
462    modification of the treatment plan that is contested by the
463    patient must be approved by the court.
464          3. If, in the clinical judgment of a physician, the
465    patient has failed or refused to comply with the treatment
466    ordered by the court, efforts were made to solicit compliance,
467    and the patient may meet the criteria for involuntary
468    examination, a person may be brought to a receiving facility
469    pursuant to s. 394.463. If, after examination, the patient does
470    not meet the criteria for involuntary inpatient placement
471    pursuant to s. 394.467, the patient must be discharged from the
472    receiving facility. The service provider must determine whether
473    modifications should be made to the existing treatment plan and
474    attempt to continue to engage the patient in treatment. For any
475    material modification of the treatment plan to which the patient
476    or the patient's guardian advocate, if appointed, does agree,
477    the service provider shall send notice of the modification to
478    the court. Any material modification of the treatment plan that
479    is contested by the patient or the patient's guardian advocate,
480    if appointed, must be approved by the court.
481          (c) If, at any time before the conclusion of the initial
482    hearing on involuntary outpatient placement, it appears to the
483    court that the person does not meet the criteria for involuntary
484    outpatient placement under this section but instead meets the
485    criteria for involuntary inpatient placement, the court may
486    order the person admitted for involuntary inpatient placement
487    pursuant to s. 394.467. If the person instead meets the criteria
488    for involuntary assessment, protective custody, or involuntary
489    admission pursuant to s. 397.675, the court may order the person
490    to be admitted for involuntary assessment for a period of 5 days
491    pursuant to s. 397.6811. Thereafter, all proceedings shall be
492    governed by chapter 397.
493          (d) At the hearing on involuntary outpatient placement,
494    the court shall consider testimony and evidence regarding the
495    patient's competence to consent to treatment. If the court finds
496    that the patient is incompetent to consent to treatment, the
497    court shall appoint a guardian advocate as provided in s.
498    394.4598. The guardian advocate shall be appointed or discharged
499    in accordance with s. 394.4598.
500          (e) The administrator of the receiving facility or the
501    designated department representative shall provide a copy of the
502    court order and adequate documentation of a patient's mental
503    illness to the service provider for involuntary outpatient
504    placement. Such documentation must include any advance
505    directives made by the patient, a psychiatric evaluation of the
506    patient, and any evaluations of the patient performed by a
507    clinical psychologist or a clinical social worker.
509    PLACEMENT.--
510          (a) If the person continues to meet the criteria for
511    involuntary outpatient placement, the service provider shall,
512    prior to the expiration of the period during which the treatment
513    is ordered for the person, file in the circuit court a continued
514    involuntary outpatient placement certificate which shall be
515    accompanied by a statement from the person's physician or
516    clinical psychologist justifying the request, a brief
517    description of the patient's treatment during the time he or she
518    was involuntarily placed, and an individualized plan of
519    continued treatment.
520          (b) Within 1 court working day after the filing of a
521    petition for continued involuntary outpatient placement, the
522    court shall appoint the public defender to represent the person
523    who is the subject of the petition, unless the person is
524    otherwise represented by counsel. The clerk of the court shall
525    immediately notify the public defender of such appointment. The
526    public defender shall represent the person until the petition is
527    dismissed, the court order expires, or the patient is discharged
528    from involuntary outpatient placement. Any attorney representing
529    the patient shall have access to the patient, witnesses, and
530    records relevant to the presentation of the patient's case and
531    shall represent the interests of the patient, regardless of the
532    source of payment to the attorney.
533          (c) Hearings on petitions for continued involuntary
534    outpatient placement shall be before the circuit court. The
535    court may appoint a master to preside at the hearing. The
536    procedures for obtaining an order pursuant to this paragraph
537    shall be in accordance with the provisions of subsection (6),
538    except that the time period included in paragraph (1)(e) is not
539    applicable in determining the appropriateness of additional
540    periods of involuntary outpatient placement.
541          (d) Notice of the hearing shall be provided as set forth
542    in s. 394.4599.
543          (e) The same procedure shall be repeated prior to the
544    expiration of each additional period the patient is placed in
545    treatment.
546          (f) If the patient has been previously found incompetent
547    to consent to treatment, the court shall consider testimony and
548    evidence regarding the patient's competence. Section 394.4598
549    governs the discharge of the guardian advocate if the patient's
550    competency to consent to treatment is restored.
551          Section 6. Section 394.467, Florida Statutes, is amended
552    to read:
553          394.467 Involuntary inpatientplacement.--
554          (1) CRITERIA.--A person may be involuntarily placed in
555    involuntary inpatient placementfor treatment upon a finding of
556    the court by clear and convincing evidence that:
557          (a) He or she is mentally ill and because of his or her
558    mental illness:
559          1.a. He or she has refused voluntary placement for
560    treatment after sufficient and conscientious explanation and
561    disclosure of the purpose of placement for treatment; or
562          b. He or she is unable to determine for himself or herself
563    whether placement is necessary; and
564          2.a. He or she is manifestly incapable of surviving alone
565    or with the help of willing and responsible family or friends,
566    including available alternative services, and, without
567    treatment, is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care
568    for himself or herself, and such neglect or refusal poses a real
569    and present threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being;
570    or
571          b. There is substantial likelihood that in the near future
572    he or she will inflict serious bodily harm on himself or herself
573    or another person, as evidenced by recent behavior causing,
574    attempting, or threatening such harm; and
575          (b) All available less restrictive treatment alternatives
576    which would offer an opportunity for improvement of his or her
577    condition have been judged to be inappropriate.
578          (2) ADMISSION TO A TREATMENT FACILITY.--A patient may be
579    retained by a receiving facility or involuntarily placed in a
580    treatment facility upon the recommendation of the administrator
581    of a receiving facility where the patient has been examined and
582    after adherence to the notice and hearing procedures provided in
583    s. 394.4599. The recommendation must be supported by the opinion
584    of a psychiatrist and the second opinion of a clinical
585    psychologist or another psychiatrist, both of whom have
586    personally examined the patient within the preceding 72 hours,
587    that the criteria for involuntary inpatientplacement are met.
588    However, in counties of less than 50,000 population, if the
589    administrator certifies that no psychiatrist or clinical
590    psychologist is available to provide the second opinion, such
591    second opinion may be provided by a licensed physician with
592    postgraduate training and experience in diagnosis and treatment
593    of mental and nervous disorders or by a psychiatric nurse. Such
594    recommendation shall be entered on an involuntary inpatient
595    placement certificate, which certificate shall authorize the
596    receiving facility to retain the patient pending transfer to a
597    treatment facility or completion of a hearing.
599    administrator of the facility shall file a petition for
600    involuntary inpatientplacement in the court in the county where
601    the patient is located. Upon filing, the clerk of the court
602    shall provide copies to the department, the patient, the
603    patient's guardian or representative, and the state attorney and
604    public defender of the judicial circuit in which the patient is
605    located. No fee shall be charged for the filing of a petition
606    under this subsection.
607          (4) APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL.--Within 1 court working day
608    after the filing of a petition for involuntary inpatient
609    placement, the court shall appoint the public defender to
610    represent the person who is the subject of the petition, unless
611    the person is otherwise represented by counsel. The clerk of the
612    court shall immediately notify the public defender of such
613    appointment. Any attorney representing the patient shall have
614    access to the patient, witnesses, and records relevant to the
615    presentation of the patient's case and shall represent the
616    interests of the patient, regardless of the source of payment to
617    the attorney.
618          (5) CONTINUANCE OF HEARING.--The patient is entitled, with
619    the concurrence of the patient's counsel, to at least one
620    continuance of the hearing. The continuance shall be for a
621    period of up to 4 weeks.
623          (a)1. The court shall hold the hearing on involuntary
624    inpatientplacement within 5 days, unless a continuance is
625    granted. The hearing shall be held in the county where the
626    patient is located and shall be as convenient to the patient as
627    may be consistent with orderly procedure and shall be conducted
628    in physical settings not likely to be injurious to the patient's
629    condition. If the court finds that the patient's attendance at
630    the hearing is not consistent with the best interests of the
631    patient, and the patient's counsel does not object, the court
632    may waive the presence of the patient from all or any portion of
633    the hearing. The state attorney for the circuit in which the
634    patient is located shall represent the state, rather than the
635    petitioning facility administrator, as the real party in
636    interest in the proceeding.
637          2. The court may appoint a master to preside at the
638    hearing. One of the professionals who executed the involuntary
639    inpatientplacement certificate shall be a witness. The patient
640    and the patient's guardian or representative shall be informed
641    by the court of the right to an independent expert examination.
642    If the patient cannot afford such an examination, the court
643    shall provide for one. The independent expert's report shall be
644    confidential and not discoverable, unless the expert is to be
645    called as a witness for the patient at the hearing. The
646    testimony in the hearing must be given under oath, and the
647    proceedings must be recorded. The patient may refuse to testify
648    at the hearing.
649          (b) If the court concludes that the patient meets the
650    criteria for involuntary inpatientplacement, it shall order
651    that the patient be transferred to a treatment facility or, if
652    the patient is at a treatment facility, that the patient be
653    retained there or be treated at any other appropriate receiving
654    or treatment facility, or that the patient receive services from
655    a receiving or treatment facility, on an involuntary basis, for
656    a period of up to 6 months. The order shall specify the nature
657    and extent of the patient's mental illness. The facility shall
658    discharge a patient any time the patient no longer meets the
659    criteria for involuntary inpatientplacement, unless the patient
660    has transferred to voluntary status.
661          (c) If at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing
662    on involuntary inpatientplacement it appears to the court that
663    the person does not meet the criteria for involuntary inpatient
664    placement under this section chapter, but instead meets the
665    criteria for involuntary outpatient placement, the court may
666    order the person evaluated for involuntary outpatient placement
667    pursuant to s. 394.4655. The petition and hearing procedures set
668    forth in s. 394.4655 shall apply. If the person instead meets
669    the criteria for involuntaryassessment, protective custody, or
670    involuntary admission pursuant to s. 397.675, then the court may
671    order the person to be admitted for involuntary assessment for a
672    period of 5 days pursuant to s. 397.6811. Thereafter, all
673    proceedings shall be governed by chapter 397.
674          (d) At the hearing on involuntary inpatientplacement, the
675    court shall consider testimony and evidence regarding the
676    patient's competence to consent to treatment. If the court finds
677    that the patient is incompetent to consent to treatment, it
678    shall appoint a guardian advocate as provided in s. 394.4598.
679          (e) The administrator of the receiving facility shall
680    provide a copy of the court order and adequate documentation of
681    a patient's mental illness to the administrator of a treatment
682    facility whenever a patient is ordered for involuntary inpatient
683    placement, whether by civil or criminal court. Such
684    documentation shall include any advance directives made by the
685    patient, a psychiatric evaluation of the patient, and any
686    evaluations of the patient performed by a clinical psychologist
687    or a clinical social worker. The administrator of a treatment
688    facility may refuse admission to any patient directed to its
689    facilities on an involuntary basis, whether by civil or criminal
690    court order, who is not accompanied at the same time by adequate
691    orders and documentation.
693    PLACEMENT.--
694          (a) Hearings on petitions for continued involuntary
695    inpatientplacement shall be administrative hearings and shall
696    be conducted in accordance with the provisions of s. 120.57(1),
697    except that any order entered by the hearing officer shall be
698    final and subject to judicial review in accordance with s.
699    120.68. Orders concerning patients committed after successfully
700    pleading not guilty by reason of insanity shall be governed by
701    the provisions of s. 916.15.
702          (b) If the patient continues to meet the criteria for
703    involuntary inpatientplacement, the administrator shall, prior
704    to the expiration of the period during which the treatment
705    facility is authorized to retain the patient, file a petition
706    requesting authorization for continued involuntary inpatient
707    placement. The request shall be accompanied by a statement from
708    the patient's physician or clinical psychologist justifying the
709    request, a brief description of the patient's treatment during
710    the time he or she was involuntarily placed, and an
711    individualized plan of continued treatment. Notice of the
712    hearing shall be provided as set forth in s. 394.4599. If at the
713    hearing the hearing officer finds that attendance at the hearing
714    is not consistent with the best interests of the patient, the
715    hearing officer may waive the presence of the patient from all
716    or any portion of the hearing, unless the patient, through
717    counsel, objects to the waiver of presence. The testimony in the
718    hearing must be under oath, and the proceedings must be
719    recorded.
720          (c) Unless the patient is otherwise represented or is
721    ineligible, he or she shall be represented at the hearing on the
722    petition for continued involuntary inpatientplacement by the
723    public defender of the circuit in which the facility is located.
724          (d) If at a hearing it is shown that the patient continues
725    to meet the criteria for involuntary inpatientplacement, the
726    administrative law judge shall sign the order for continued
727    involuntary inpatientplacement for a period not to exceed 6
728    months. The same procedure shall be repeated prior to the
729    expiration of each additional period the patient is retained.
730          (e) If continued involuntary placement is necessary for a
731    patient admitted while serving a criminal sentence, but whose
732    sentence is about to expire, or for a patient involuntarily
733    placed while a minor but who is about to reach the age of 18,
734    the administrator shall petition the administrative law judge
735    for an order authorizing continued involuntary inpatient
736    placement.
737          (f) If the patient has been previously found incompetent
738    to consent to treatment, the hearing officer shall consider
739    testimony and evidence regarding the patient's competence. If
740    the hearing officer finds evidence that the patient is now
741    competent to consent to treatment, the hearing officer may issue
742    a recommended order to the court that found the patient
743    incompetent to consent to treatment that the patient's
744    competence be restored and that any guardian advocate previously
745    appointed be discharged.
746          (8) RETURN OF PATIENTS.--When a patient at a treatment
747    facility leaves the facility without authorization, the
748    administrator may authorize a search for the patient and the
749    return of the patient to the facility. The administrator may
750    request the assistance of a law enforcement agency in the search
751    for and return of the patient.
752          Section 7. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (3) of
753    section 394.495, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
754          394.495 Child and adolescent mental health system of care;
755    programs and services.--
756          (3) Assessments must be performed by:
757          (a) A professional as defined in s. 394.455(2), (4),
758    (22)(21), (24)(23), or (25)(24);
759          (c) A person who is under the direct supervision of a
760    professional as defined in s. 394.455(2), (4), (22)(21),
761    (24)(23), or (25)(24)or a professional licensed under chapter
762    491.
764          The department shall adopt by rule statewide standards for
765    mental health assessments, which must be based on current
766    relevant professional and accreditation standards.
767          Section 8. Subsection (6) of section 394.496, Florida
768    Statutes, is amended to read:
769          394.496 Service planning.--
770          (6) A professional as defined in s. 394.455(2), (4),
771    (22)(21), (24)(23), or (25)(24)or a professional licensed under
772    chapter 491 must be included among those persons developing the
773    services plan.
774          Section 9. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (4) of
775    section 394.498, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
776          394.498 Child and Adolescent Interagency System of Care
777    Demonstration Models.--
778          (4) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS.--
779          (a) In order to be approved as a Child and Adolescent
780    Interagency System of Care Demonstration Model, the applicant
781    must demonstrate its capacity to perform the following
782    functions:
783          1. Form a consortium of purchasers, which includes at
784    least three of the following agencies:
785          a. The Mental Health Program and Family Safety and
786    Preservation Program of the Department of Children and Family
787    Services.
788          b. The Medicaid program of the Agency for Health Care
789    Administration.
790          c. The local school district.
791          d. The Department of Juvenile Justice.
793          Each agency that participates in the consortium shall enter into
794    a written interagency agreement that defines each agency's
795    responsibilities.
796          2. Establish an oversight body that is responsible for
797    directing the demonstration model. The oversight body must
798    include representatives from the state agencies that comprise
799    the consortium of purchasers under subparagraph 1., as well as
800    local governmental entities, a juvenile court judge, parents,
801    and other community entities. The responsibilities of the
802    oversight body must be specified in writing.
803          3. Select a target population of children and adolescents,
804    regardless of whether the child or adolescent is eligible or
805    ineligible for Medicaid, based on the following parameters:
806          a. The child or adolescent has a serious emotional
807    disturbance or mental illness, as defined in s. 394.492(6),
808    based on an assessment conducted by a licensed practitioner
809    defined in s. 394.455(2), (4), (22)(21), (24)(23), or (25)(24)
810    or by a professional licensed under chapter 491;
811          b. The total service costs per child or adolescent have
812    exceeded $3,000 per month;
813          c. The child or adolescent has had multiple out-of-home
814    placements;
815          d. The existing array of services does not effectively
816    meet the needs of the child or adolescent;
817          e. The case of the child or adolescent has been staffed by
818    a district collaborative planning team and satisfactory results
819    have not been achieved through existing case services plans; and
820          f. The parent or legal guardian of the child or adolescent
821    consents to participating in the demonstration model.
822          4. Select a geographic site for the demonstration model. A
823    demonstration model may be comprised of one or more counties and
824    may include multiple service districts of the Department of
825    Children and Family Services.
826          5. Develop a mechanism for selecting the pool of children
827    and adolescents who meet the criteria specified in this section
828    for participating in the demonstration model.
829          6. Establish a pooled funding plan that allocates
830    proportionate costs to the purchasers. The plan must address all
831    of the service needs of the child or adolescent, and funds may
832    not be identified in the plan by legislative appropriation
833    category or any other state or federal funding category.
834          a. The funding plan shall be developed based on an
835    analysis of expenditures made by each participating state agency
836    during the previous 2 fiscal years in which services were
837    provided for the target population or for individuals who have
838    characteristics that are similar to the target population.
839          b. Based on the results of this cost analysis, funds shall
840    be collected from each of the participating state agencies and
841    deposited into a central financial account.
842          c. A financial body shall be designated to manage the pool
843    of funds and shall have the capability to pay for individual
844    services specified in a services plan.
845          7. Identify a care management entity that reports to the
846    oversight body. For purposes of the demonstration models, the
847    term "care management entity" means the entity that assumes
848    responsibility for the organization, planning, purchasing, and
849    management of mental health treatment services to the target
850    population in the demonstration model. The care management
851    entity may not provide direct services to the target population.
852    The care management entity shall:
853          a. Manage the funds of the demonstration model within
854    budget allocations. The administrative costs associated with the
855    operation of the demonstration model must be itemized in the
856    entity's operating budget.
857          b. Purchase individual services in a timely manner.
858          c. Review the completed client assessment information and
859    complete additional assessments that are needed, including an
860    assessment of the strengths of the child or adolescent and his
861    or her family.
862          d. Organize a child-family team to develop a single,
863    unified services plan for the child or adolescent, in accordance
864    with ss. 394.490-394.497. The team shall include the parents and
865    other family members of the child or adolescent, friends and
866    community-based supporters of the child or adolescent, and
867    appropriate service providers who are familiar with the problems
868    and needs of the child or adolescent and his or her family. The
869    plan must include a statement concerning the strengths of the
870    child or adolescent and his or her family, and must identify the
871    natural supports in the family and the community that might be
872    used in addressing the service needs of the child or adolescent.
873    A copy of the completed service plan shall be provided to the
874    parents of the child or adolescent.
875          e. Identify a network of providers that meet the
876    requirements of paragraph (b).
877          f. Identify informal, unpaid supporters, such as persons
878    from the child's or adolescent's neighborhood, civic
879    organizations, clubs, and churches.
880          g. Identify additional service providers who can work
881    effectively with the child or adolescent and his or her family,
882    including, but not limited to, a home health aide, mentor,
883    respite care worker, and in-home behavioral health care worker.
884          h. Implement a case management system that concentrates on
885    the strengths of the child or adolescent and his or her family
886    and uses these strengths in case planning and implementation
887    activities. The case manager is primarily responsible for
888    developing the services plan and shall report to the care
889    management entity. The case manager shall monitor and oversee
890    the services provided by the network of providers. The parents
891    must be informed about contacting the care management entity or
892    comparable entity to address concerns of the parents.
894          Each person or organization that performs any of the care
895    management responsibilities specified in this subparagraph is
896    responsible only to the care management entity. However, such
897    care management responsibilities do not preclude the person or
898    organization from performing other responsibilities for another
899    agency or provider.
900          8. Develop a mechanism for measuring compliance with the
901    goals of the demonstration models specified in subsection (2),
902    which mechanism includes qualitative and quantitative
903    performance outcomes, report on compliance rates, and conduct
904    quality improvement functions. At a minimum, the mechanism for
905    measuring compliance must include the outcomes and measures
906    established in the General Appropriations Act and the outcomes
907    and measures that are unique to the demonstration models.
908          9. Develop mechanisms to ensure that family
909    representatives have a substantial role in planning the
910    demonstration model and in designing the instrument for
911    measuring the effectiveness of services provided.
912          10. Develop and monitor grievance procedures.
913          11. Develop policies to ensure that a child or adolescent
914    is not rejected or ejected from the demonstration model because
915    of a clinical condition or a specific service need.
916          12. Develop policies to require that a participating state
917    agency remains a part of the demonstration model for its entire
918    duration.
919          13. Obtain training for the staff involved in all aspects
920    of the project.
921          (c) In order for children, adolescents, and families of
922    children and adolescents to receive timely and effective
923    services, the basic provider network identified in each
924    demonstration model must be well designed and managed. The
925    provider network should be able to meet the needs of a
926    significant proportion of the target population. The applicant
927    must demonstrate the capability to manage the network of
928    providers for the purchasers that participate in the
929    demonstration model. The applicant must demonstrate its ability
930    to perform the following network management functions:
931          1. Identify providers within the designated area of the
932    demonstration model which are currently funded by the state
933    agencies included in the model, and identify additional
934    providers that are needed to provide additional services for the
935    target population. The network of providers may include:
936          a. Licensed mental health professionals as defined in s.
937    394.455(2), (4), (22)(21), (24)(23), or (25)(24);
938          b. Professionals licensed under chapter 491;
939          c. Teachers certified under s. 1012.56;
940          d. Facilities licensed under chapter 395, as a hospital;
941    s. 394.875, as a crisis stabilization unit or short-term
942    residential facility; or s. 409.175, as a residential child-
943    caring agency; and
944          e. Other community agencies.
945          2. Define access points and service linkages of providers
946    in the network.
947          3. Define the ways in which providers and participating
948    state agencies are expected to collaborate in providing
949    services.
950          4. Define methods to measure the collective performance
951    outcomes of services provided by providers and state agencies,
952    measure the performance of individual agencies, and implement a
953    quality improvement process across the provider network.
954          5. Develop brochures for family members which are written
955    in understandable terminology, to help families identify
956    appropriate service providers, choose the provider, and access
957    care directly whenever possible.
958          6. Ensure that families are given a substantial role in
959    planning and monitoring the provider network.
960          7. Train all providers with respect to the principles of
961    care outlined in this section, including effective techniques of
962    cooperation, the wraparound process and strengths-based
963    assessment, the development of service plans, and techniques of
964    case management.
965          Section 10. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section
966    419.001, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
967          419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.--
968          (1) For the purposes of this section, the following
969    definitions shall apply:
970          (d) "Resident" means any of the following: a frail elder
971    as defined in s. 400.618; a physically disabled or handicapped
972    person as defined in s. 760.22(7)(a); a developmentally disabled
973    person as defined in s. 393.063(12); a nondangerous mentally ill
974    person as defined in s. 394.455(19)(18); or a child as defined
975    in s. 39.01(14), s. 984.03(9) or (12), or s. 985.03(8).
976          Section 11. Subsection (7) of section 744.704, Florida
977    Statutes, is amended to read:
978          744.704 Powers and duties.--
979          (7) A public guardian shall not commit a ward to a mental
980    health treatment facility, as defined in s. 394.455(32)(30),
981    without an involuntary placement proceeding as provided by law.
982          Section 12. The Department of Children and Family Services
983    may adopt any rules necessary to implement the provisions of
984    this act.
985          Section 13. If any provision of this act or its
986    application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
987    invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of
988    the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
989    or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
990    severable.
991          Section 14. This act shall take effect October 1, 2004.