HB 0471 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to community colleges; creating s.
3    1004.85, F.S.; authorizing community colleges to create
4    teacher institutes; authorizing community colleges through
5    teacher institutes to offer competency-based alternative
6    teacher certification programs; requiring Department of
7    Education approval of such programs; providing
8    requirements for program completion; providing eligibility
9    for funding; providing program requirements; authorizing
10    rulemaking; amending s. 1012.56, F.S.; providing that
11    successful completion of a community college alternative
12    certification program meets certain educator certification
13    requirements; providing an effective date.
15          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17          Section 1. Section 1004.85, Florida Statutes, is created
18    to read:
19          1004.85 Community college teacher institutes.--
20          (1) Community colleges are authorized to create teacher
21    institutes for the purpose of providing any or all of the
22    following:
23          (a) Professional development instruction to assist
24    teachers in improving classroom instruction and in meeting
25    certification or recertification requirements.
26          (b) Instruction to assist potential and existing
27    substitute teachers in performing their duties.
28          (c) Instruction to assist paraprofessionals in meeting
29    education and training requirements.
30          (d) Instruction for baccalaureate degree holders to become
31    certified teachers as provided in this section.
32          (2) Community colleges may offer alternative certification
33    programs specifically designed for noneducation major
34    baccalaureate degree holders to enable program participants to
35    meet the educator certification requirements of s. 1012.56. Such
36    programs shall be provided at community college teacher
37    institutes created pursuant to this section and shall be
38    competency-based teacher certification preparation programs that
39    prepare teachers through an alternative route. Such educator
40    preparation programs are intended for mid-career professionals,
41    dislocated professionals, and other baccalaureate degree holders
42    who want to become teachers in this state. A community college
43    choosing to offer an alternative certification program shall
44    implement a program previously approved by the Department of
45    Education for this purpose or a program developed by the
46    community college and approved by the Department of Education
47    for this purpose. Approved programs shall be available for
48    implementation statewide.
49          (a) A community college program shall be approved by the
50    Department of Education if the community college provides
51    sufficient evidence of the following:
52          1. The program must be administered in collaboration with
53    other institutions, agencies, or organizations and must be
54    provided with leadership through an advisory committee composed
55    of nationally certified teachers, representatives from the
56    district school board or boards, and currently employed
57    teachers.
58          2. Instruction must be provided in professional knowledge
59    and subject matter content that includes educator-accomplished
60    practices and competencies and meets subject matter content
61    requirements, professional competency testing requirements, and
62    competencies associated with teaching reading, where
63    appropriate.
64          (b) Each program participant must:
65          1. Meet temporary certification requirements by obtaining
66    a temporary certificate, pursuant to s. 1012.56(6), or document
67    eligibility to obtain a temporary certificate, including meeting
68    the requirements of s. 1012.56(2)(a)-(f).
69          2. Participate in field experience that is appropriate to
70    his or her educational plan.
71          3. Fully demonstrate his or her ability to teach the
72    subject area for which he or she is seeking certification prior
73    to completion of the program.
74          (c) Upon completion of the program, a participant shall
75    receive a credential from the sponsoring community college,
76    pursuant to authority granted in s. 1004.65. Such credential
77    shall satisfy the requirements of s. 1012.56(5) relating to
78    mastery of professional preparation and education competence. A
79    participant shall be eligible for educator certification through
80    the Department of Education upon satisfaction of all
81    requirements for certification set forth in s. 1012.56(2),
82    including demonstration of mastery of general knowledge, subject
83    area knowledge, and professional preparation and education
84    competence, through testing or other statutorily authorized
85    means.
86          (d) Community colleges offering approved programs are
87    eligible for funding from federal and state funds. Participants
88    who complete a program pursuant to this section shall be
89    included for the purpose of performance-based funding.
90          (e) Each community college offering an approved program
91    shall submit to the Department of Education annual performance
92    evaluations that measure the effectiveness of the program,
93    including the pass rates of participants on all examinations
94    required for teacher certification and employer satisfaction
95    surveys.
96          (f) If a community college offers an approved program
97    pursuant to this section, such program may be used by the school
98    district or districts served by that community college to fully
99    satisfy the requirements for the provision of a competency-based
100    professional preparation alternative certification program as
101    required in s. 1012.56(7).
102          (g) Instructors for a community college program approved
103    pursuant to this section must possess a master’s degree in
104    education or in an education field and document recent teaching
105    experience.
106          (3) The State Board of Education may adopt rules pursuant
107    to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this
108    section.
109          Section 2. Paragraphs (f) and (g) of subsection (5) of
110    section 1012.56, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph
111    (h) is added to said subsection, to read:
112          1012.56 Educator certification requirements.--
114    COMPETENCE.--Acceptable means of demonstrating mastery of
115    professional preparation and education competence are:
116          (f) Completion of professional preparation courses as
117    specified in state board rule, successful completion of a
118    professional education competence demonstration program pursuant
119    to paragraph (7)(b), and achievement of a passing score on the
120    professional education competency examination required by state
121    board rule; or
122          (g) Successful completion of a professional preparation
123    alternative certification and education competency program,
124    outlined in paragraph (7)(a); or
125          (h) Successful completion of a community college program
126    pursuant to s. 1004.85 and achievement of a passing score on the
127    professional education competency examination required by state
128    board rule.
129          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.