Bill No. CS for SB 518
Amendment No. 2 Barcode 352264
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Comprehensive Planning recommended the
12 following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On page 6, between lines 21 and 22,
17 insert:
18 Section 2. Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) and
19 subsection (7) of section 288.1162, Florida Statutes, are
20 amended to read:
21 288.1162 Professional sports franchises; spring
22 training franchises; duties.--
23 (5)
24 (c)1. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
25 Development shall competitively evaluate applications for
26 funding of a facility for a retained spring training
27 franchise. Applications must be submitted by October 1, 2000,
28 with certifications to be made by January 1, 2001. If the
29 number of applicants exceeds five and the aggregate funding
30 request of all applications exceeds $208,335 per month, the
31 office shall rank the applications according to a selection
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Bill No. CS for SB 518
Amendment No. 2 Barcode 352264
1 criteria, certifying the highest ranked proposals. The
2 evaluation criteria shall include, with priority given in
3 descending order to the following items:
4 a.1. The intended use of the funds by the applicant,
5 with priority given to the construction of a new facility.
6 b.2. The length of time that the existing franchise
7 has been located in the state, with priority given to
8 retaining franchises that have been in the same location the
9 longest.
10 c.3. The length of time that a facility to be used by
11 a retained spring training franchise has been used by one or
12 more spring training franchises, with priority given to a
13 facility that has been in continuous use as a facility for
14 spring training the longest.
15 d.4. For those teams leasing a spring training
16 facility from a unit of local government, the remaining time
17 on the lease for facilities used by the spring training
18 franchise, with priority given to the shortest time period
19 remaining on the lease.
20 e.5. The duration of the future-use agreement with the
21 retained spring training franchise, with priority given to the
22 future-use agreement having the longest duration.
23 f.6. The amount of the local match, with priority
24 given to the largest percentage of local match proposed.
25 g.7. The net increase of total active recreation space
26 owned by the applying unit of local government following the
27 acquisition of land for the spring training facility, with
28 priority given to the largest percentage increase of total
29 active recreation space.
30 h.8. The location of the facility in a brownfield, an
31 enterprise zone, a community redevelopment area, or other area
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Bill No. CS for SB 518
Amendment No. 2 Barcode 352264
1 of targeted development or revitalization included in an Urban
2 Infill Redevelopment Plan, with priority given to facilities
3 located in these areas.
4 i.9. The projections on paid attendance attracted by
5 the facility and the proposed effect on the economy of the
6 local community, with priority given to the highest projected
7 paid attendance.
8 2. Beginning July 1, 2004, the Office of Tourism,
9 Trade, and Economic Development shall competitively evaluate
10 applications for funding of facilities for retained spring
11 training franchises in addition to those certified and funded
12 under subparagraph 1. Applications must be submitted by
13 October 1 of each year, with certifications to be made by
14 January 1 of the following year. The office shall rank the
15 applications according to selection criteria, certifying no
16 more than five proposals in any application cycle. The
17 aggregate funding request of all applicants certified during
18 any application cycle may not exceed an aggregate funding
19 request of $208,335 per month. The evaluation criteria shall
20 include the following, with priority given in descending
21 order:
22 a. The intended use of the funds by the applicant for
23 acquisition or construction of a new facility.
24 b. The intended use of the funds by the applicant to
25 renovate a facility.
26 c. The length of time that a facility to be used by a
27 retained spring training franchise has been used by one or
28 more spring training franchises, with priority given to a
29 facility that has been in continuous use as a facility for
30 spring training the longest.
31 d. For those teams leasing a spring training facility
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Bill No. CS for SB 518
Amendment No. 2 Barcode 352264
1 from a unit of local government, the remaining time on the
2 lease for facilities used by the spring training franchise,
3 with priority given to the shortest time period remaining on
4 the lease. For consideration under this subparagraph, the
5 remaining time on the lease may not exceed 4 years.
6 e. The duration of the future-use agreement with the
7 retained spring training franchise, with priority given to the
8 future-use agreement having the longest duration.
9 f. The amount of the local match, with priority given
10 to the largest percentage of local match proposed.
11 g. The net increase of total active recreation space
12 owned by the applying unit of local government following the
13 acquisition of land for the spring training facility, with
14 priority given to the largest percentage increase of total
15 active recreation space.
16 h. The location of the facility in a brownfield area,
17 an enterprise zone, a community redevelopment area, or another
18 area of targeted development or revitalization included in an
19 urban infill redevelopment plan, with priority given to
20 facilities located in those areas.
21 i. The projections on paid attendance attracted by the
22 facility and the proposed effect on the economy of the local
23 community, with priority given to the highest projected paid
24 attendance.
25 (7) The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
26 Development shall notify the Department of Revenue of any
27 facility certified as a facility for a new professional sports
28 franchise or a facility for a retained professional sports
29 franchise or as a facility for a retained spring training
30 franchise. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
31 Development shall certify no more than eight facilities as
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Bill No. CS for SB 518
Amendment No. 2 Barcode 352264
1 facilities for a new professional sports franchise or as
2 facilities for a retained professional sports franchise and
3 shall certify at least five as facilities for retained spring
4 training franchises, including in the such total any
5 facilities certified by the Department of Commerce before July
6 1, 1996. The number of certifications of facilities for
7 retained spring training franchises shall be governed by
8 subsection (5). The office may make no more than one
9 certification for any facility. The office may not certify
10 funding for less than the requested amount to any applicant
11 certified as a facility for a retained spring training
12 franchise.
14 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
18 And the title is amended as follows:
19 On page 1, line 7, after the semicolon,
21 insert:
22 amending s. 288.1162, F.S.; providing a
23 procedure for certification of additional
24 facilities for a retained spring training
25 franchise; providing for application and
26 selection; establishing a maximum number of
27 certifications and the funding per application
28 cycle; clarifying the number of certifications
29 of facilities for retained spring training
30 franchises;
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