1 | The Committee on State Administration recommends the following: |
2 |
3 | Committee Substitute |
4 | Remove the entire bill and insert: |
5 | A bill to be entitled |
6 | An act relating to public construction bonds; amending s. |
7 | 255.05, F.S.; revising the form for a public construction |
8 | bond; requiring all public construction bonds to be |
9 | construed as statutory bonds; prohibiting conversion to |
10 | common law bonds; deleting a requirement that bond forms |
11 | used by public owners reference certain notice and time |
12 | limitation provisions; providing an effective date. |
13 |
14 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
15 |
16 | Section 1. Subsections (3), (4), and (6) of section |
17 | 255.05, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
18 | 255.05 Bond of contractor constructing public buildings; |
19 | form; action by materialmen.-- |
20 | (3) The bond required in subsection (1) may be in |
21 | substantially the following form: |
22 |
24 |
25 | Bond No. (enter bond number) |
26 |
27 | BY THIS BOND, We _____, as Principal and _____, a |
28 | corporation, as Surety, are bound to _____, herein called Owner, |
29 | in the sum of $_____, for payment of which we bind ourselves, |
30 | our heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, |
31 | jointly and severally. |
32 | THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal: |
33 | 1. Performs the contract dated _____, _____, between |
34 | Principal and Owner for construction of _____, the contract |
35 | being made a part of this bond by reference, at the times and in |
36 | the manner prescribed in the contract; and |
37 | 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants, as defined in |
38 | Section 255.05(1), Florida Statutes, supplying Principal with |
39 | labor, materials, or supplies, used directly or indirectly by |
40 | Principal in the prosecution of the work provided for in the |
41 | contract; and |
42 | 3. Pays Owner all losses, damages, expenses, costs, and |
43 | attorney's fees, including appellate proceedings, that Owner |
44 | sustains because of a default by Principal under the contract; |
45 | and |
46 | 4. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials |
47 | furnished under the contract for the time specified in the |
48 | contract, then this bond is void; otherwise it remains in full |
49 | force. |
50 | Any action instituted by a claimant under this bond for |
51 | payment must be in accordance with the notice and time |
52 | limitation provisions in Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. |
53 | Any changes in or under the contract documents and |
54 | compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with |
55 | the contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation |
56 | under this bond. |
57 |
58 | DATED ON _____, _____. |
59 |
60 | ... (Name of Principal) ... |
61 | By ... (As Attorney in Fact) ... |
62 | ... (Name of Surety) ... |
63 |
64 | (4) The payment provisions of All bonds required by |
65 | furnished for public work contracts described in subsection (1) |
66 | shall, regardless of form, be construed and deemed statutory |
67 | bonds furnished pursuant to this section and such bonds shall |
68 | not under any circumstances be converted into common law bonds |
69 | bond provisions, subject to all requirements of subsection (2). |
70 | (6) All bonds executed pursuant to this section shall make |
71 | reference to this section by number and shall contain reference |
72 | to the notice and time limitation provisions of this section. |
73 | Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law. |