HB 0563 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to education; creating the Harnessing the
3    Power of Education Technology Advisory Council; providing
4    for membership, powers, and duties; requiring a report;
5    providing an effective date.
7          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9          Section 1. (1) The Harnessing the Power of Education
10    Technology Advisory Council is created, for administrative
11    purposes, within the Department of Education.
12          (2) The purpose of the council is to recommend policies
13    and actions regarding the use of technology in public education,
14    how technology can be leveraged to positively impact student
15    academic achievement, and how school-based deployments can
16    effectively bridge the digital divide.
17          (3) The council shall be composed of 15 members as
18    follows:
19          (a) The Commissioner of Education, who shall serve as
20    chair.
21          (b) Two representatives appointed by the Governor.
22          (c) Three members of the Senate, including the chair of
23    the Education Committee, a member of the minority party
24    recommended by the minority leader, and a member chosen by the
25    President of the Senate.
26          (d) Three members of the House of Representatives,
27    including the chair of the Education Committee, a member of the
28    minority party recommended by the minority leader, and a member
29    chosen by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
30          (e) The President of the Florida Association of District
31    School Superintendents.
32          (f) The President of the Florida Education Association.
33          (g) Two representatives who are education/technology
34    coordinators for local school districts. One representative must
35    be from an urban district and one must be from a rural district.
36          (h) The President of the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
37          (i) The President of the Florida School Boards
38    Association.
40          Each member may appoint a designee to serve on his or her
41    behalf. However, any designee must be in a position that reports
42    directly to the member.
43          (4) Members of the council shall be appointed to terms
44    beginning July 1, 2004, and ending December 31, 2005. A member
45    may be removed by the appointing officer for cause or for being
46    absent from three consecutive meetings. Any member appointed to
47    fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of his or her
48    predecessor.
49          (5) The council shall meet at least quarterly, but may
50    meet upon the call of the chair. All actions taken by the
51    council shall be based upon approval by a simple majority of
52    those members present.
53          (6) Members of the council shall be reimbursed for per
54    diem and travel expenses as provided in section 112.061, Florida
55    Statutes. Members who are state officers or employees may be
56    reimbursed for such expenses by their respective agencies.
57          (7) The council shall:
58          (a) Examine large-scale, innovative education technology
59    initiatives, specifically regarding wireless mobile computing
60    devices, and shall analyze the impact that such initiatives have
61    on teaching, learning, and student achievement, including
62    standardized testing.
63          (b) Study the impact that the initiatives have had on
64    bridging the digital divide.
65          (c) Develop effective methods of measuring student
66    achievement and learning using technology.
67          (d) Recommend a statewide public-private initiative to the
68    Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
69    House of Representatives regarding the effective use of
70    technology to improve student academic achievement.
71          (e) Create ad hoc issue-oriented workgroups to make
72    recommendations to the council and the Governor. Such workgroups
73    may include representatives of the private sector and of the
74    public sector.
75          (f) Identify and recommend to the Governor, the President
76    of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
77    sources for funding the initiative.
78          Section 2. The council shall submit a report to the
79    Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
80    House of Representatives by October 15, 2005.
81          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.