Bill No. 0579
Amendment No. 604893
Senate House

1Representatives Barreiro, Ambler, Roberson, and Sorensen offered
2the following:
4     Amendment
5     Remove line(s) 425?432, and insert:
6     (g)  "Direct supervision" means supervision in a hospital
7by an anesthesiologist who is present in the same room as the
8anesthesiologist assistant or in an immediately adjacent room or
9hallway, such that the supervising anesthesiologist is able to
10monitor the ongoing anesthetic and be immediately available to
11provide assistance and direction while anesthesia services are
12being performed. Direct supervision requires the supervising
13anesthesiologist to personally participate in the most demanding
14procedures in the anesthesia plan, including induction and

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.