HB 0625

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Charlotte County Airport Authority;
3amending chapter 98-508, Laws of Florida; revising and
4providing definitions; providing for compensation and
5travel expenses; providing for meetings of the authority;
6revising powers of the authority; providing for the
7authority to borrow money, incur debt, and issue bonds;
8providing for terms of bonds; providing for fixing and
9collecting rent; providing methods for expending funds;
10providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Section 2 of section 2 of chapter 98-508, Laws
15of Florida, is amended to read:
16     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act, the
17following words and terms shall have the following meanings,
18unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning
19or intent otherwise requires:
20     (1)  Authority means the authority created by this act or,
21if such authority shall be abolished, the board, body, or
22commission succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to
23whom the powers given by this act to the authority shall be
24given by law Commission means the Charlotte County Airport
25Authority created by this act.
26     (2)  Area means the territorial limits within which the
27airport authority shall operate, the boundaries of which shall
28be coextensive with Charlotte County.
29     (3)  Project means and includes the acquisition of lands or
30any interest therein or improvements thereon, personal property
31of any nature or description, intangible personal property, or
32buildings, structures, or other improvements or facilities or
33any portion thereof or any interest therein, for the
34development, expansion, and promotion of the Charlotte County
35Airport and Commerce Park and the construction or acquisition of
36buildings, plants, industrial parks, or areas and any and all
37facilities relating to the development of industry, commerce,
38recreation, agriculture, or the natural resources of the
39Charlotte County Airport Authority for the purpose of selling,
40leasing, or renting such buildings, parks, areas, or facilities
41owned by the Charlotte County Airport Authority to public or
42private corporations, persons, or firms.
43     (4)  Cost of project embraces the cost of construction, the
44cost of all lands, properties, easements, rights, and franchises
45acquired, the cost of machinery and equipment, financing
46charges, interest prior to and during construction, cost of
47engineering, architectural, and legal expense, and plans and
48specifications and other expenses necessary or incident to
49determining the feasibility or practicability of the project,
50administrative expenses, and such other expenses as may be
51necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized for the
52construction of any project and placing the same in operation.
53     (5)  Airport facilities means airport facilities of all
54kinds, including, but not limited to, landing fields; runways;
55taxiways; hangars; shops; restaurants and catering facilities;
56terminals; buildings; parking facilities and all other
57facilities necessary or desirable for the landing, taking off,
58operating, servicing, repairing, and parking of aircraft; fuel
59farms; self-service fueling areas; facilities necessary for the
60unloading and handling of passengers, mail, express, and
61freight; and facilities for the accommodation, convenience, and
62comfort of passengers and pilots, together with related
63transportation facilities; and all necessary appurtenances,
64machinery, and equipment, and all lands, properties, rights,
65easements, and franchises relating thereto and considered
66necessary or convenient by the authority in connection
68     Section 2.  Section 8 of section 2 of chapter 98-508, Laws
69of Florida, is amended to read:
70     Section 8.  Compensation; travel expenses.--The maximum
71amount of compensation which may be paid to a member of the
72authority annually is $7,500. The members of the authority by
73majority vote shall set their annual salary, which may be no
74more than the maximum set forth above. In addition, the
75authority shall set by resolution per diem for expenses incurred
76by authority members and staff to be reimbursed pursuant to
77section 166.021(10), Florida Statutes, or in accordance with
78section 112.061(14), Florida Statutes The members of the
79authority shall receive $2,000 annual salary for their services
80as members of the authority to be paid in equal monthly
81payments. In addition, the authority shall have authority to pay
82costs and expenses incurred by the members of the authority in
83accordance with s. 112.061, Florida Statues, in the performance
84of their duties as members.
85     Section 3.  Section 9 of section 2 of chapter 98-508, Laws
86of Florida, is amended to read:
87     Section 9.  Quorum; transaction of business.--A majority of
88the membership shall constitute a quorum for all purposes, and
89no vacancy in the authority shall impair the right of a quorum
90of the authority to exercise all of the rights and perform all
91of the duties of the authority. The authority may meet at such
92times and places designated by it but shall hold regular
93meetings at least once each month unless canceled by emergency
94or majority vote. Emergency Special meetings may be called upon
95the call of the chair or any three members of the authority.
96     Section 4.  Section 10 of section 2 of chapter 98-508, Laws
97of Florida, is amended to read:
98     Section 10.  Powers.--The authority shall have these
99specific powers, in addition to other powers otherwise
101     (1)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
102complain, and defend in all courts.
103     (2)  To adopt, use, and alter at will, a corporate seal.
104     (3)  To select and appoint agents and employees, including
105engineers, architects, builders, and attorneys, and to fix their
107     (4)  To borrow money, incur debt, and issue bonds, notes
108(including bond anticipation notes), certificates, or any other
109instruments of indebtedness for any lawful purpose that
110promotes, enhances, or otherwise furthers the purposes of the
111authority, including, but not limited to, financing the cost of
112any project, capitalizing interest, funding any reserves,
113refunding or refinancing any existing indebtedness, and paying
114costs and expenses associated with such indebtedness. Any such
115indebtedness may be secured by any revenue source or in any
116manner as is allowable under applicable law. No general
117obligation bonds may be issued by the authority unless the
118Florida Constitution and all other applicable laws regarding the
119issuance of general obligation bonds are satisfied, including,
120but not limited to, approval by a majority of the electorate of
121Charlotte County, which cast votes in any duly held bond
122referendum. For purposes of this section, the term "bonds" shall
123shall include all forms or instruments of indebtedness. The
124bonds may be issued as serial bonds or as term bonds or both.
125The authority may issue capital appreciation bonds or variable
126rate bonds. Any bonds must be authorized by resolution of the
127governing body of the authority and bear the date or dates;
128mature at the time or times, not exceeding 40 years after their
129respective dates; bear interest at the rate or rates; be payable
130at the time or times; be in the denomination; be in the form;
131carry the registration privileges; be executed in the manner; be
132payable from the sources and in the medium or payment and at the
133place; and be subject to the terms for redemption, including
134redemption prior to maturity, as the resolution may provide. If
135any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature,
136appears on any bonds ceases to be an officer before the delivery
137of the bonds, the signature or facsimile is valid and sufficient
138for all purposes as if he or she had remained in office until
139the delivery. The bonds may be sold at public or private sale,
140competitively or negotiated, for such price as the governing
141body of the authority shall determine. Pending preparation of
142the definitive bonds, the authority may issue interim
143certificates, which shall be exchanged for the definitive bonds.
144The bonds may be secured by resolution, indenture of trust, or
145trust agreement. In addition, the governing body of the
146authority may delegate to an officer, official, or agent of the
147authority, as the governing body of the authority may select,
148the power to determine the time; manner of sale, public or
149private, competitive or negotiated; maturities; rate of
150interest, which may be fixed or may vary at the time and in
151accordance with specified formula or method of determination;
152and any other terms and conditions as may be deemed appropriate
153by the officer, official, or agent so designated by the
154governing body of the authority. However, the amount and
155maturity of the bonds and the interest rate of the bonds must be
156within the limits prescribed by the governing body of the
157authority and its resolution delegating to an officer, official,
158or agent the power to authorize the issuance and sale of the
159bonds. Bonds, notes, or other obligations issued hereunder may
160be validated as provided in chapter 75, Florida Statutes. The
161complaint in any action to validate the bonds, notes, or other
162obligations must be filed only in the Circuit Court for
163Charlotte County. Section 75.04(2), Florida Statutes, does not
164apply to a complaint for validation brought by the authority.
165The bonds of the authority, their transfer, and the income
166therefrom, including any profits made on the sale thereof, are
167at all times free from taxation of any kind by the state or by
168any political subdivision or other agency or instrumentality
169thereof. The exemption granted in this subsection is not
170applicable to any tax imposed by chapter 220, Florida Statutes,
171on interest, income, or profits on debt obligations owned.
172     (4)  To borrow money for any of its corporate purposes and
173to execute notes, mortgages, deeds to secure debts, trust deeds,
174and such other instruments as may be necessary or convenient to
175evidence and secure such borrowing.
176     (5)  To issue revenue anticipation certificates for the
177purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of any undertaking
178or project of the authority authorized by law.  Such revenue
179anticipation certificates shall be issued and validated under
180and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the laws of
182     (5)(6)  To construct, acquire, establish, improve, extend,
183enlarge, reconstruct, reequip, maintain, repair, and operate any
184project as herein defined.
185     (6)(7)  To acquire for any project authorized by this act
186by grant, purchase, gift, devise, condemnation by eminent domain
187proceedings, exchange or in any other manner, all property, real
188or personal, or any estate or interest therein, upon such terms
189and conditions as the authority shall by resolution fix and
190determine.  The right of eminent domain herein conferred shall
191be exercised by the authority in the manner provided by law.
192     (8)  To issue revenue bonds, payable solely from revenues,
193to pay all or a part of the cost of acquisition, construction,
194extension, enlargement, improvement, or modernization of any
195project, and to pledge the revenues to secure the payment of
197     (7)(9)  To enter into joint arrangements with other
198transportation lines, or any common carrier, if the authority
199shall deem it advantageous to do so.
200     (8)(10)  To make and enter into all contracts and
201agreements and to do and perform all acts and deeds necessary
202and incidental to the performance of its duties and the exercise
203of its powers; to make and execute leases or agreements for the
204use and occupation of the property and projects under its
205control on such terms, conditions, and period of time as the
206authority may determine, and to sell and dispose of such
207property and projects as shall no longer be needed for the uses
208and purposes of the authority on such terms and conditions as
209shall be prescribed by resolution of the authority.
210     (9)(11)  To the extent permitted by law, to fix, regulate,
211and collect rates and charges for the services and facilities
212furnished by any project under its control, to establish, limit,
213and control the use of any project as may be deemed necessary to
214ensure the proper operation of the project; to impose sanctions
215to promote and enforce compliance with any rule or regulation
216which the authority may adopt in the regulation of the projects
217under its control.
218     (10)(12)  To fix the rates of warehousing, storage, and
219terminal charges for the use of the airport facilities of the
220Charlotte County Airport.
221     (11)  To fix the rates and collect those rents on the land
222and buildings owned by the authority in accordance with
223regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration.
224     (12)(13)  To solicit all business and do all things
225necessary or advisable to promote commerce and increase activity
226at the Charlotte County Airport.
227     (13)(14)  To receive and accept from any federal or state
228agency, grants for, or in aid of, the construction, improvement,
229or operation of any project and to receive and accept
230contributions from any source of either money, property, labor,
231or other things of value.
232     (14)(15)  To make any and all applications required by the
233treasury department and other departments or agencies of the
234United States government as a condition precedent to the
235establishment within the county of a free port, foreign trade
236zone, or area for the reception from foreign countries of
237articles of commerce and to expedite and encourage foreign
238commerce, and the handling, processing, and delivery thereof
239into foreign commerce free from the payment of custom duties and
240to enter into any agreements required by such departments or
241agencies in connection therewith and to make like applications
242and agreements with respect to the establishment within said
243county of one or more bonded warehouses.
244     (15)(16)  To enter into any contract with the State of
245Florida, the government of the United States or any agency of
246said governments which may be necessary in order to produce
247assistance, appropriations, and aid for the construction,
248enlargement, or improvement of the Charlotte County Airport.
249     (16)(17)  To make or cause to be made such surveys,
250investigations, studies, borings, maps, plans, drawings, and
251estimates of cost and revenues as it may deem necessary and may
252prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan or plans, for the
253location, construction, improvement, and development of any
255     (17)(18)  To grant nonexclusive franchise to persons,
256firms, or corporations for the operation of aeronautical and
257nonaeronautical leases and other concessions in, on, and in
258connection with, any project owned and operated by the
259authority. In granting such franchise, it shall be the duty of
260the authority to investigate and consider the qualifications and
261ability of the lessee or concessionaires to provide or perform
262the contemplated services for the public using the facilities
263and the revenues which will be derived therefrom by the
264authority and to exercise sound prudent business judgment on
265behalf of the authority with respect thereto, calling for bids
266when practicable and when the interests of the public will best
267be served by such action.
268     (18)(19)  To enter into contracts with utility companies or
269others for the supplying by said utility companies or others of
270water, sewer, electricity, and/or telephone service to or in
271connection with any project or to own, lease, construct, and
272maintain any or all utilities, including the supplying of gas,
273water, electricity, sewer, telephone, or other services
274reasonably related to such utilities.
275     (19)(20)  To pledge by resolution or contract the revenues
276arising from the operation of any project or projects owned and
277operated by the authority to the payment of the cost of
278operation, maintenance, repair, improvement, extension, and/or
279enlargement of the project or projects from the operation of
280which such revenues are received and for the payment of
281principal and interest on bonds issued in connection with any
282such project or projects constructed or acquired by the
283authority under the provisions of this act. In any such case the
284authority may adopt separate budgets for the operation of such
285project or projects.  In every such case such revenues shall be
286expended exclusively for the payment of the costs of operation,
287maintenance, repair, improvement, extension, and enlargement of
288the project or projects from the operation of which such
289revenues arise, for the performance of the authority's contracts
290in connection with such project or projects, and for the payment
291of principal and interest requirements of any bond issued in
292connection with the project or projects.  Any surplus of such
293funds remaining on hand at the end of any year shall be carried
294forward and may be expended in the succeeding year for the
295payment of the costs of operation of such project or projects or
296for the repair, improvement, and/or extension thereof as the
297authority may determine, unless such surplus has been pledged
298for the payment of principal and interest on bonds, as
299authorized hereunder in subsection 21 of this section, in which
300event any such surplus shall be applied in accordance with the
301resolution pledging same.
302     (21)(a)  The authority is authorized to issue general
303obligation bonds or revenue bonds of said authority for the
304purpose of paying all or a part of the cost of any one or more
305projects as herein defined, including the cost of enlargement,
306expansion, and/or development of such project whether the
307property used therefor has previously been acquired or not and
308the cost of removing therefrom and/or relocating or
309reconstructing at another location any buildings, structures, or
310facilities, which in the opinion of such authority constitute
311obstructions or hazards to the safe or efficient operation of
312any such project, and for the purpose of paying off and retiring
313any bonds issued or assumed under the provisions of this act.
314     (b)  The bonds of each issue shall be authorized by
315resolution of the authority and shall be dated, shall bear
316interest at such rate or rates not exceeding that amount that
317may be authorized from time to time by the general laws of
318Florida, shall mature, at such time or times not exceeding 40
319years from their date or dates, as may be determined by the
320authority, and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the
321option of the authority, at such price or prices and under such
322terms and conditions as may be fixed by the authority prior to
323the issuance of the bonds. The authority shall determine the
324form of bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached
325thereto, and the manner of execution of the bonds, and shall fix
326the denomination or denominations of the bonds and the place or
327places of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any
328bank or trust company within or without the state. The
329resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds shall contain
330such provisions relating to the use of the proceeds from the
331sale of the bonds and for the protection and security of holders
332of the bonds, including their rights and remedies, and the
333rights, powers, privileges, duties, and obligations of the
334authority with respect to the same, as shall be determined by
335the authority.  In case any officer whose signature or facsimile
336of whose signature shall appear on any bonds or coupons shall
337cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, the
338signature or the facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
339sufficient for all purposes the same as if he or she had
340remained in office until such delivery.  All bonds issued under
341the provisions of this act shall have and are hereby declared to
342have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments
343under the negotiable instruments law of the state. The bonds may
344be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the
345authority may determine, and provisions may be made for the
346registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also
347as to both principal and interest and for the reconversion into
348coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and
349interest.  The issuance of such bonds shall not be subject to
350any limitations or conditions contained in any other law.
351     (c)  Prior to any sale of bonds, the authority shall cause
352notice to be given by publication in some daily newspaper
353published and having a general circulation in the county that
354the authority will receive bids for the purchase of the bonds at
355the office of the authority in the county. The notice shall be
356published twice and the first publication shall be given not
357less than 15 days prior to the date set for receiving the bids.
358The notice shall specify the amount of the bonds offered for
359sale and shall state that the bids shall be sealed bids and
360shall give the schedule of the maturities of the proposed bonds
361and such other pertinent information as may be prescribed in the
362resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or any
363resolution subsequent thereto.  Bidders may be invited to name
364the rate or rates of interest which the bonds are to bear or the
365authority may name rates of interest and invite bids thereon.
366In addition to publication of notice of the proposed sale the
367authority pursuant to general law, shall also give notice in
368writing of the proposed sale enclosing a copy of such
369advertisement to at least 3 recognized bond dealers in the
370state, such notices to be given not less than 10 days prior to
371the date set for receiving bids.     (d)  All bonds and refunding
372bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be sold at public
373sale and shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid produces the
374lowest net interest cost to the authority. The net interest cost
375of bids shall be determined by taking the aggregate amount of
376interest at the rate or rates specified in the bids, computed
377from the date of the bonds to the date of the various stated
378maturities thereof, and deducting therefrom the amount of any
379premium offered in excess of the par value of the bonds or
380adding thereto the amount of any discount offered below the par
381value of the bonds, with interest computed on a 360 day-year-
382basis. The authority shall reserve the right to reject any or
383all bids. In no event shall said bonds be sold at a net interest
384cost to the authority in excess of 6 percent per annum.  Pending
385the preparation of definitive bonds, interim bonds may be issued
386to the purchaser or purchasers of such bonds and may contain
387such terms and conditions as the authority may determine.
388     (e)  The authority shall require all bidders for said bonds
389to enclose a certified or bank cashiers check, in the amount of
3902 percent of the total par value of the bonds offered for sale,
391drawn on an incorporated bank or trust company payable
392unconditionally to the order of the authority as a guarantee of
393good faith in the performance of each bid; the checks of the
394unsuccessful bidders shall be returned immediately upon the
395award of the bonds and the check of the successful bidder shall
396be retained by the authority and credited against the full
397purchase price of the bonds at the time of delivery or retained
398as, and for, liquidated damages in case of the failure of such
399bidder to fulfill the terms of his or her bid.
400     (f)  No general obligation bonds shall be issued hereunder
401unless the issuance of such bonds shall have been approved by a
402majority of the votes cast in an election in which all
403freeholders residing in Charlotte County who are qualified to
404vote in such election may participate. Whenever the authority by
405resolution requests the Board of County Commissioners of
406Charlotte County to hold such an election, the board shall, on
407behalf of the authority, hold, conduct, canvass, and announce
408the results of such election in accordance with the procedure
409prescribed by law for the issuance of county bonds. The expenses
410of such election shall be paid by the authority.
411     (22)  To borrow money and to issue notes for any purpose or
412purposes for which bonds may be issued under the provisions of
413this act and to refund the same; to issue notes in anticipation
414of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of any such bonds.
415     (20)(23)  To do all other acts and things necessary or
416proper in the exercise of the powers herein granted.
417     Section 5.  Section 17 of section 2 of chapter 98-508, Laws
418of Florida, is amended to read:
419     Section 17.  Expenditure of funds.--Moneys of the authority
420shall be deemed to be trust funds to be held and applied solely
421for the purposes authorized by law. The authority is authorized
422to receive moneys in its name, and all moneys drawn from
423depository shall be upon checks, wire transfers, electronic
424transfers, ACH transfers, or other legal and customary means or
425warrants issued by the authority, and the checks or warrants so
426drawn shall be signed by the chair or vice-chair of the
427authority and attested by the secretary-treasurer or in his or
428her absence by the assistant secretary-treasurer, and the seal
429of the authority shall be affixed or printed thereon.
430     Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.