HB 0679

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to sales representative contracts
3involving commissions; amending s. 686.201, F.S.; revising
4definitions; providing for application to certain persons
5as well as businesses; including services as well as
6products; providing for application to retail as well as
7wholesale transactions; increasing damages under certain
8actions for compliance; specifying nonapplication to
9certain licensed persons performing services within the
10scope of their license; providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Section 686.201, Florida Statutes, is amended
15to read:
16     686.201  Sales representative contracts involving
17commissions; requirements; termination of agreement; civil
19     (1)  As used in this act, the term:
20     (a)  "Commission" means compensation accruing to a sales
21representative for payment by a principal, the rate of which
22compensation is expressed as a percentage of the dollar amount
23of orders or sales.
24     (b)  "Principal" means a person or business which who does
25not have a permanent or fixed place of business in this state
26and who:
27     1.  Manufactures, produces, imports, or distributes a
28product or service for wholesale, except for fresh commodities.;
29     2.  Contracts with a sales representative to solicit orders
30for the product or service.; and
31     3.  Compensates the sales representative, in whole or in
32part, by commission.
33     (c)  "Sales representative" means a person or business
34which who contracts with a principal to solicit wholesale orders
35and who is compensated, in whole or in part, by commission, but
36does not include a person or business which who places orders
37for his or her own account for resale or a person who is an
38employee of the business.
39     (2)  When a principal contracts with a sales representative
40to solicit wholesale orders within this state, the contract
41shall be in writing and shall set forth the method by which the
42commission is to be computed and paid. The principal shall
43provide the sales representative with a signed copy of the
44contract and shall obtain a signed receipt for the contract from
45the sales representative.
46     (3)(a)  When the contract between a sales representative
47and a principal is terminated and the contract was not reduced
48to writing, all commissions due shall be paid within 30 days
49after of termination.
50     (b)  In the event a principal fails to comply with the
51provisions of paragraph (a), the sales representative has a
52cause of action for damages equal to triple double the amount of
53commission found to be due. The prevailing party in any such
54action is entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and
55court costs.
56     (4)  This section does not apply to persons licensed
57pursuant to chapter 475 who are performing services within the
58scope of their license.
59     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.