Senate Bill sb0680

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                   SB 680

    By Senator Smith

    14-753-04                                           See HB 129

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to elevator safety; requiring

  3         elevators in certain newly constructed or

  4         substantially renovated buildings within a

  5         state emergency response region to be operable

  6         in a fire emergency situation through the use

  7         of a single master elevator key; requiring

  8         compliance for certain existing buildings by a

  9         specified date; restricting the duplication and

10         issuance of master elevator keys; authorizing

11         local fire marshals to allow substitute

12         emergency measures for emergency elevator

13         access in certain circumstances; providing for

14         appeal of a local fire marshal's decision;

15         providing for enforcement by the Division of

16         State Fire Marshal; providing an exemption for

17         specified buildings; amending s. 399.106, F.S.;

18         revising the membership of the Elevator Safety

19         Technical Advisory Committee; removing

20         provisions terminating the committee; providing

21         an effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Regional emergency elevator access.--

26         (1)  In order to provide emergency access to elevators:

27         (a)  For each building in this state which is six or

28  more stories in height, including, but not limited to, hotels

29  and condominiums, on which construction is begun after June

30  30, 2004, all keys for elevators that allow public access,

31  including, but not limited to, service and freight elevators,


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                   SB 680
    14-753-04                                           See HB 129

 1  must be keyed in a manner that will allow all elevators within

 2  each of the seven state emergency response regions to operate

 3  in fire emergency situations by using one master elevator key.

 4         (b)  Any building in this state which is six or more

 5  stories in height and is "substantially renovated" as defined

 6  in the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, after June

 7  30, 2004, must also comply with the requirements of paragraph

 8  (a).

 9         (2)  Each existing building in this state which is six

10  or more stories in height must comply with the requirements of

11  subsection (1) before July 1, 2007.

12         (3)  In addition to elevator owners, elevator owners'

13  agents, elevator contractors, state certified inspectors, and

14  State of Florida agency representatives, master elevator keys

15  may be issued only to fire departments and may not be issued

16  to any other emergency-response agency. A person may not

17  duplicate a master elevator key for issuance to, or issue a

18  master elevator key to, anyone other than authorized fire

19  department personnel. Each master elevator key must be marked


21         (4)  If it is technically or physically impossible to

22  bring a building into compliance with this section, the local

23  fire marshal may allow substitute emergency measures that will

24  provide reasonable emergency elevator access. The local fire

25  marshal's decision regarding substitute measures may be

26  appealed to the State Fire Marshal.

27         (5)  The Division of State Fire Marshal of the

28  Department of Financial Services shall enforce this section.

29         (6)  Builders should make every effort to use new

30  technology and developments in keying systems which make it



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2004                                   SB 680
    14-753-04                                           See HB 129

 1  possible to convert existing equipment in a manner that will

 2  provide efficient regional emergency elevator access.

 3         (7)  Any building operated by an independent special

 4  district or an airport that has 24-hour emergency response

 5  services is exempt from this section.

 6         Section 2.  Section 399.106, Florida Statutes, is

 7  amended to read:

 8         399.106  Elevator Safety Technical Advisory

 9  Committee.--

10         (1)  The Elevator Safety Technical Advisory Committee

11  is created within the Department of Business and Professional

12  Regulation, Division of Hotels and Restaurants, consisting of

13  eight seven members to be appointed by the secretary of the

14  Department of Business and Professional Regulation as follows:

15  one representative from a major elevator manufacturing company

16  or its authorized representative; one representative from an

17  elevator servicing company; one representative from a building

18  design profession; one representative of the general public;

19  one representative of a local government in this state; one

20  representative of a building owner or manager; one

21  representative of labor involved in the installation,

22  maintenance, and repair of elevators; and one representative

23  who is a certified elevator inspector from a private

24  inspection service. The purpose of the committee is to provide

25  technical assistance to the division in support of protecting

26  the health, safety, and welfare of the public; to give the

27  division the benefit of the committee members' knowledge and

28  experience concerning the industries and individual businesses

29  affected by the laws and rules administered by the division.

30         (2)  The committee members shall serve staggered terms

31  of 4 years to be set by rule without salary, but may receive


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                   SB 680
    14-753-04                                           See HB 129

 1  from the state expenses for per diem and travel. The committee

 2  shall appoint one of the members to serve as chair.

 3         (3)  The committee shall meet and organize not later

 4  than 45 days prior to the convening of the 2002 Legislature.

 5  This committee terminates December 31, 2003.

 6         (3)(4)  The committee may consult with engineering

 7  authorities and organizations concerned with standard safety

 8  codes for recommendations to the department regarding rules

 9  and regulations governing the operation, maintenance,

10  servicing, construction, alteration, installation, or

11  inspection of vertical conveyances subject to this chapter.

12         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.





















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