HB 0701 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to consumer health care spending
3    protection; providing a popular name; providing a purpose;
4    amending s. 408.061, F.S.; revising a requirement for
5    submission of health care data; amending s. 395.10973,
6    F.S.; revising powers and duties of the Agency for Health
7    Care Administration to include patient charge and
8    performance outcome reporting and reporting changes in
9    each facility's charge master; requiring the agency to
10    provide such information to the public and implement
11    effective methods for making public disclosure; requiring
12    the agency to annually report findings to the Governor and
13    Legislature; requiring the development of an auditing
14    program for patient bills and payor claims over a certain
15    dollar amount; providing for fines for billing errors
16    exceeding a specified threshold; requiring the agency to
17    adopt certain rules; amending s. 395.301, F.S.; requiring
18    disclosure to nonemergency patients of a good faith
19    estimate of anticipated charges; prohibiting a facility
20    from requiring that a patient sign certain forms as a
21    condition of admission or provision of service; providing
22    conditions under which a patient shall not be required to
23    pay amounts exceeding the original estimate; requiring
24    patient notification of right to appeal charges in an
25    itemized bill and of any interest applied to such charges;
26    requiring the facility to disclose information necessary
27    to verify the accuracy of the bill; requiring a method for
28    appealing charges on the bill; requiring the facility to
29    maintain a log of all such appeals; requiring the facility
30    to file annually with the agency a copy of its charge
31    master and to disclose to the agency and the public any
32    changes to the charge master; providing an effective date.
34          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
36          Section 1. This act shall be known by the popular name the
37    "Health Care Consumer's Right to Know Act."
38          Section 2. The purpose of this act is to provide health
39    care consumers with reliable and understandable information
40    about facility charges and performance outcomes to assist
41    consumers in making informed decisions about health care.
42          Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
43    408.061, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
44          408.061 Data collection; uniform systems of financial
45    reporting; information relating to physician charges;
46    confidential information; immunity.--
47          (1) The agency may require the submission by health care
48    facilities, health care providers, and health insurers of data
49    necessary to carry out the agency's duties. Specifications for
50    data to be collected under this section shall be developed by
51    the agency with the assistance of technical advisory panels
52    including representatives of affected entities, consumers,
53    purchasers, and such other interested parties as may be
54    determined by the agency.
55          (a) Data shall to be submitted by health care facilities
56    quarterly for each preceding calendar quarter no later than
57    February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 of each year
58    commencing August 1, 2004. Such data shall mayinclude, but are
59    not limited to: case-mix data, patient admission or discharge
60    data with patient and provider-specific identifiers included,
61    actual charge data by diagnostic groups, financial data,
62    accounting data, operating expenses, expenses incurred for
63    rendering services to patients who cannot or do not pay,
64    interest charges, depreciation expenses based on the expected
65    useful life of the property and equipment involved, and
66    demographic data. Data may be obtained from documents such as,
67    but not limited to: leases, contracts, debt instruments,
68    itemized patient bills, medical record abstracts, and related
69    diagnostic information.
70          Section 4. Subsections (9) through (15) are added to
71    section 395.10973, Florida Statutes, to read:
72          395.10973 Powers and duties of the agency.--It is the
73    function of the agency to:
74          (9)(a) Make available on its Internet website no later
75    than October 1, 2004, and in a hard-copy format upon request,
76    patient charge and performance outcome data collected from
77    health care facilities pursuant to s. 408.061(1)(a) and (2) for
78    not less than 100 inpatient and outpatient diagnostic and
79    therapeutic conditions and procedures and the volume of
80    inpatient and outpatient procedures by Medicare discharge
81    referral experience. The website shall also provide an
82    interactive search that allows consumers to view and compare the
83    information for specific facilities, a map that allows consumers
84    to select a county or region, definitions of all of the data,
85    descriptions of each procedure, and an explanation about why the
86    data may differ from facility to facility. Such public data
87    shall be updated on a quarterly basis.
88          (b) The agency shall establish by rule the conditions and
89    procedures to be disclosed based upon input from the State
90    Comprehensive Health Information System Advisory Council. When
91    determining which conditions and procedures are to be disclosed,
92    the council and the agency shall consider their variation in
93    costs, variation in outcomes and magnitude of variations, and
94    other relevant information so that the disclosed list of
95    conditions and procedures will assist health care consumers in
96    differentiating between facilities when making health treatment
97    decisions. As to each medical condition and procedure, the
98    agency shall report current patient charges, as indicated on the
99    facility's charge master as defined by s. 395.301(11), and
100    performance outcomes for each licensed facility as defined in s.
101    395.002(17), adjusted for case mix and severity if applicable,
102    comparing volume of cases, patient charges, length of stay,
103    readmission rates, complication rates, mortality rates,
104    infection rates, and use of computerized drug order systems.
105          (c) The agency shall make available educational
106    information relevant to the disclosed 100 conditions and
107    procedures pursuant to this subsection, including, but not
108    limited to, an explanation of the medical condition or
109    procedure, potential side effects, alternative treatments and
110    costs, and additional resources that can assist consumers in
111    informed decisionmaking. Such information may be made available
112    by linking consumers to credible national resources such as, but
113    not limited to, the National Library of Medicine.
114          (10) Make available on its Internet website a copy of each
115    facility's charge master, as defined by s. 395.301(11), for all
116    services and information on any percentage increase in each
117    facility's gross revenue due to any price increase or decrease
118    in its charge master during the previous 12-month period.
119          (11) Publicly disclose comparison information pursuant to
120    subsections (9) and (10), including the age of the data and an
121    explanation of the methodology used to risk-adjust the data, in
122    language that is understandable to laypersons and accessible to
123    consumers using an interactive query system to allow for the
124    comparison of patient charge and performance outcome data among
125    all licensed facilities in the state. The agency shall provide
126    guidance to consumers on how to use this information to make
127    informed health care decisions.
128          (12) Study, and implement by October 1, 2005, the most
129    effective methods for public disclosure of patient charge and
130    performance outcome data pursuant to subsections (9) and (10),
131    including additional mechanisms to deliver this information to
132    consumers, that would enhance informed decisionmaking among
133    consumers and health care purchasers. The agency shall also
134    evaluate the value of disclosing additional measures that are
135    adopted by the National Quality Forum, the Joint Commission on
136    Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, or a similar national
137    entity that establishes standards to measure the performance of
138    health care providers.
139          (13) Report its findings and recommendations pursuant to
140    subsection (12) to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
141    and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by October 1,
142    2005, and on an annual basis thereafter. The agency shall also
143    make this annual report available to the public on its Internet
144    website.
145          (14) Develop, and implement by October 1, 2004, a program
146    to audit the accuracy of health care facility patient bills and
147    payor claims for provider charges of $20,000 or more. Each
148    licensed health care facility shall be audited at least once
149    every 3 years. The audit shall establish a facility's error
150    ratio for bill or claim errors. An error ratio of up to 5
151    percent is permissible. The error ratio shall be determined by
152    dividing the number of claims and bills with violations found on
153    a statistically valid sample of claims and bills for provider
154    charges of $20,000 or more for the audit period by the total
155    number of claims and bills in the sample. If the error ratio
156    exceeds the permissible error ratio, a fine may be assessed for
157    those claims and bill errors which exceed the error ratio in the
158    amount of $500 per error, but not to exceed $100,000 for the
159    noted audit period. The agency shall require a facility to
160    refund the overpaid amount to any patient or payor who was
161    overcharged within 30 days after the completion of the audit
162    period.
163          (15) Adopt rules to implement the provisions of
164    subsections (9)-(14) no later than July 1, 2004.
165          Section 5. Section 395.301, Florida Statutes, is amended
166    to read:
167          395.301 Itemized patient bill; form and content prescribed
168    by the agency.--
169          (1) A licensed facility as defined in s. 395.002(17) shall
170    disclose to each patient, prior to treatment being rendered or
171    admission in a nonemergency situation, a written good faith
172    estimate of the reasonably anticipated charges generally
173    required for the facility to treat the patient's condition. Such
174    facility shall also disclose other common, less costly
175    treatments for the medical condition, including, but not limited
176    to, outpatient services or drug therapies. In the event of any
177    unanticipated complications, the licensed facility may charge
178    the patient, or a third-party payor acting on behalf of the
179    patient, for additional treatment, services, or supplies
180    rendered in connection with the complication if such charges are
181    itemized on the patient billing statement.
182          (2) A licensed facility shall not, as a condition of
183    admission or the provision of service, require a patient to sign
184    any form that requires or binds the patient or the patient's
185    third-party payor to make an unspecified or unlimited financial
186    payment to the facility or to waive the patient's right to
187    appeal charges billed. A facility may require a financial
188    commitment from a patient or the patient's payor only if the
189    facility provides a prior written good faith estimate pursuant
190    to this section. The facility shall notify the patient or payor
191    of any revision to the good faith estimate in a timely manner.
192    Except for unanticipated complications, if the facility makes a
193    revision to the estimate that exceeds the lesser of 20 percent
194    of the original estimate or $1,000, the patient or payor shall
195    not be required to pay any amount over the original estimate.
196          (3)(1)A licensed facility not operated by the state shall
197    notify each patient during admission and at discharge of his or
198    her right to receive an itemized bill upon request. Within 7
199    days following the patient'sdischarge or release from a
200    licensed facility not operated by the state, or within 7 days
201    after the earliest date on atwhich the loss or expense from the
202    service may be determined, the licensed facility providing the
203    service shall, upon request, submit to the patient, or to the
204    patient's survivor or legal guardian,as may be appropriate, an
205    itemized statement detailing in language comprehensible to an
206    ordinary layperson the specific nature of charges or expenses
207    incurred by the patient, which in the initial billing shall
208    contain a statement of specific services received and expenses
209    incurred for such items of service, enumerating in detail the
210    constituent components of the services received within each
211    department of the licensed facility and including unit price
212    data on rates charged by the licensed facility, as prescribed by
213    the agency.
214          (4)(2) Each such statement submitted pursuant to
215    subsection (3):
216          (a) May not include charges of hospital-based physicians
217    if billed separately.
218          (b) May not include any generalized category of expenses
219    such as "other" or "miscellaneous" or similar categories.
220          (c) Shall list drugs by brand or generic name and not
221    refer to drug code numbers when referring to drugs of any sort.
222          (d) Shall specifically identify therapy treatment as to
223    the date, type, and length of treatment when therapy treatment
224    is a part of the statement. Any person receiving a statement
225    pursuant to this section shall be fully and accurately informed
226    as to each charge and service provided by the institution
227    preparing the statement.
228          (e) Shall conspicuously display notice of the right of a
229    patient, or a third-party payor acting on behalf of the patient,
230    to appeal any of the charges in the bill and whether interest
231    will be charged on the amount not covered by a third-party payor
232    and the interest rate charged, if applicable.
233          (5)(3) On each such itemized statement submitted pursuant
234    to subsection (3),there shall appear the words "A FOR-PROFIT
237    similar words sufficient to identify clearly and plainly the
238    ownership status of the licensed facility. Each itemized
239    statement must prominently display the phone number of the
240    medical facility's patient liaison who is responsible for
241    expediting the resolution of any billing dispute between the
242    patient, or his or her representative, and the billing
243    department.
244          (6)(4)An itemized bill shall be provided once to the
245    patient's physician at the physician's request, at no charge.
246          (7)(5)In any billing for services subsequent to the
247    initial billing for such services, the patient, or the patient's
248    survivor or legal guardian, may elect, at his or her option, to
249    receive a copy of the detailed statement of specific services
250    received and expenses incurred for each such item of service as
251    provided in subsection (3)(1).
252          (8)(6)No physician, dentist, podiatric physician, or
253    licensed facility may add to the price charged by any third
254    party except for a service or handling charge representing a
255    cost actually incurred as an item of expense; however, the
256    physician, dentist, podiatric physician, or licensed facility is
257    entitled to fair compensation for all professional services
258    rendered. The amount of the service or handling charge, if any,
259    shall be set forth clearly in the bill to the patient.
260          (9) A licensed facility shall make available to a patient,
261    or a third-party payor acting on behalf of the patient, records
262    necessary for verification of the accuracy of the patient's bill
263    or payor's claim related to such patient's bill within 3
264    business days after the request for such records. The
265    verification information must be made available in the
266    facility's offices. Such records shall be available to the
267    patient or payor prior to and after payment of the bill or
268    claim. The facility may not charge the patient or payor for
269    making such verification records available; however, the
270    facility may charge its usual fee for providing copies of
271    records as specified in s. 395.3025.
272          (10) A patient, or a third-party payor acting on behalf of
273    the patient, has the right to appeal any charges in a facility's
274    bill. A facility shall establish an impartial method for
275    reviewing billing appeals and provide a written decision, with a
276    clear explanation of the grounds for the decision, to the
277    patient or payor making the appeal and to the agency within 30
278    days after the receipt of the appeal. A facility shall maintain
279    a complete and accurate log of all appeals and shall report to
280    the agency the number of appeals, the total of the charges
281    subject to appeal, and a summary of the dispositions of the
282    appeals no later than January 1 of each year.
283          (11) A licensed facility shall file with the agency no
284    later than January 1 of each year a copy of its charge master. A
285    facility must include an estimate of the percentage increase in
286    its gross revenue due to any price increase or decrease in its
287    charge master during the previous 12-month period. For purposes
288    of this section, the term "charge master" means a uniform
289    schedule of charges represented by the facility as its gross
290    billed charge for a given service or item, regardless of payor
291    type.
292          (12) A licensed facility shall report to the agency and
293    provide public notice on its Internet website, or by other
294    electronic means, and in its public reception areas any proposed
295    change to its charge master 30 days prior to implementing such
296    changes. The notice must separately identify the amount and
297    percent by which a charge is being reduced or increased. The
298    licensed facility must include on such notice an explanation
299    developed by the agency as to how the public may use the
300    information in the selection of a health care facility.
301          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.