HB 0723 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to foster care services; amending s.
3    409.1671, F.S.; revising provisions requiring the
4    Department of Children and Family Services to develop a
5    proposal for the use of community-based providers to
6    include foster care and related services; specifying
7    proposal requirements; extending a proposal submission
8    deadline; requiring the department to submit a detailed
9    operational plan prior to the release of funds;
10    authorizing use of a letter of credit in lieu of a bond
11    requirement; providing an effective date.
13          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15          Section 1. Subsection (7) of section 409.1671, Florida
16    Statutes, is amended to read:
17          409.1671 Foster care and related services; privatization.-
18    -
19          (7) The department, in consultation with existing lead
20    agencies, shall develop a proposal regarding the long-term use
21    and structure of a statewide shared earnings program which
22    addresses the financial risk program for the protection of to
23    eligible lead community-based providers who contract directly
24    with the department for the delivery of foster care and related
25    services resulting from unanticipated caseload growth or from
26    significant changes in client mixes or services eligible for
27    federal reimbursement. The recommendations in the statewide
28    proposal must also be available to entities of the department
29    until the conversion to community-based care takes place. At a
30    minimum, the proposal must allow for use of federal earnings
31    received from child welfare programs, which earnings are
32    determined by the department to be in excess of the amount
33    appropriated in the General Appropriations Act, to be used for
34    specific purposes. The proposal must specify the necessary steps
35    to ensure the financial integrity of the risk program and the
36    continued availability of funding from federal, state, and local
37    sources. The proposal must also include recommendations that
38    permit the program to be available to entities of the department
39    providing child welfare services until full conversion to
40    community-based care takes place. The final proposal shall be
41    submitted to the Legislative Budget Commission for formal
42    adoption before October 1, 2004. If the Legislative Budget
43    Commission refuses to concur with the adoption of the proposal,
44    the department shall present its proposal in the form of
45    recommended legislation to the President of the Senate and the
46    Speaker of the House of Representatives before the commencement
47    of the next legislative session.
48          (a) The These purposes for which the risk program shall be
49    used include, but are not limited to:
50          1.(a)Significant changes in the number or composition of
51    clients eligible to receive services.
52          2.(b)Significant changes in the services that are
53    eligible for reimbursement.
54          3.(c)Significant changes in the availability of federal
55    funds.
56          4.(d)Shortfalls in state funds available for eligible or
57    ineligible services.
58          5.(e)Significant changes in the mix of available funds.
59          6.(f)Scheduled or unanticipated, but necessary, advances
60    to providers or other cash-flow issues.
61          7.(g)Proposals to participate in optional Medicaid
62    services or other federal grant opportunities.
63          8.(h)Appropriate incentive structures.
64          9.(i)Continuity of care in the event of lead agency
65    failure, discontinuance of service, or financial misconduct.
67          The department shall further specify the necessary steps to
68    ensure the financial integrity of these dollars and their
69    continued availability on an ongoing basis. The final proposal
70    shall be submitted to the Legislative Budget Commission for
71    formal adoption before December 31, 2002. If the Legislative
72    Budget Commission refuses to concur with the adoption of the
73    proposal, the department shall present its proposal in the form
74    of recommended legislation to the President of the Senate and
75    the Speaker of the House of Representatives before the
76    commencement of the next legislative session.
77          (b) For fiscal year 2004-2005 2003-2004and annually
78    thereafter, the department may also request in its annual
79    legislative budget request, and the Governor may recommend, that
80    the funding necessary to carry out paragraph (a) be (i) from
81    excess federal earnings. The General Appropriations Act shall
82    include any funds appropriated to for this purpose in a lump sum
83    in the department. Prior to the release of such funds, the
84    department shall submit a detailed operational plan, which must
85    identify the sources of specific funds to be used and the
86    reasons justifying their use. The release of these funds shall
87    be subject to the notice and review provisions of s. 216.177 but
88    shall not require the approval of the Legislative Budget
89    Commission.
90          1. Such , which funds shallconstitute partial security
91    for lead agency contract performance and shall be used. The
92    department shall use this appropriationto offset the need for a
93    performance bond for that year after a comparison of risk to the
94    funds available. If it is determined that available funds will
95    be insufficient and a bond will be required, in no event shall
96    the thisperformance bond exceed 2.5 percent of the annual
97    contract value. An irrevocable letter of credit may substitute
98    for the required bond.
99          2.The department may separately require a bond to
100    mitigate the financial consequences of potential acts of
101    malfeasance, misfeasance, or criminal violations by the
102    provider. Prior to the release of any funds in the lump sum, the
103    department shall submit a detailed operational plan, which must
104    identify the sources of specific trust funds to be used. The
105    release of the trust fund shall be subject to the notice and
106    review provisions of s. 216.177. However, the release shall not
107    require approval of the Legislative Budget Commission.
108          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.