HB 0745CS


1The Committee on Appropriations recommends the following:
3     Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to funding for school districts; amending
7s. 1011.62, F.S.; revising the calculation of the district
8cost differential for purposes of allocation of state
9funds to each district for current operation; providing an
10effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 1011.62, Florida
15Statutes, is amended to read:
16     1011.62  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual
17allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each
18district for operation of schools is not determined in the
19annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing
20the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as
23Commissioner of Education shall annually compute for each
24district the current year's district cost differential.
25     (a)  Determination of district cost differential for
26districts with a 2003-2004 cost differential greater than
271.0000.--The district cost differential shall be the greater of:
28     1.  The district cost differential shall be calculated by
29adding each district's price level index as published in the
30Florida Price Level Index for the most recent 3 years and
31dividing the resulting sum by 3. The result for each district
32shall be multiplied by 0.008 and to the resulting product shall
33be added 0.200; or
34     2.  The lesser of:
35     a.  1.0000; or
36     b.  The cost differential that when used in the prior
37year's FEFP funding formula will result in the district's prior
38year funding per unweighted FTE being the same as the prior
39year's state average.
40     (b)  Determination of district cost differential for
41districts with a 2003-2004 cost differential of less than
43     1.  For fiscal years 2004-2005 through 2007-2008, the
44district cost differential shall be the greater of:
45     a.  The cost differential calculated by adding each
46district's price level index as published in the Florida Price
47Level Index for the most recent 3 years and dividing the
48resulting sum by 3. The result for each district shall be
49multiplied by 0.008 and to the resulting product shall be added
500.200; or
51     b.  The lesser of:
52     (I)  The district's 2003-2004 cost differential which shall
53be increased each year for 4 consecutive years by a factor that
54is calculated by subtracting from 1.000 the district's 2003-2004
55cost differential and then dividing the result by 5; or
56     (II)  The cost differential that when used in the prior
57year's FEFP funding formula will result in the district's prior
58year funding per unweighted FTE being the same as the prior
59year's state average.
60     2.  For fiscal years 2008-2009 and thereafter, the district
61cost differential shall be the greater of:
62     a.  The cost differential calculated by adding each
63district's price level index as published in the Florida Price
64Level Index for the most recent 3 years and dividing the
65resulting sum by 3. The result for each district shall be
66multiplied by 0.008 and to the resulting product shall be added
670.200; or
68     b.  The lesser of:
69     (I)  1.0000; or
70     (II)  The cost differential that when used in the prior
71year's FEFP funding formula will result in the district's prior
72year funding per unweighted FTE being the same as the prior
73year's state average.
74     (c)  Calculation of prior year's state funding.--For the
75purpose of calculating prior year's state funding in this
76section, prior year's state funding shall include total state
77and local formula and categorical funds for K-12 programs and
78maximum potential discretionary local revenue and shall not
79include funds for the Discretionary Lottery and School
80Recognition Program the sum thus obtained shall be the cost
81differential for that district for that year.
82     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.