1 | Representative Sansom offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Between lines 3814 and 3815, insert: |
5 | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds for dual |
6 | enrollment instruction of a public school student enrolled in a |
7 | career program for which the student earns college credit must |
8 | be provided in an amount equal to that which would be provided |
9 | for the hours of instruction which would be necessary to earn |
10 | the FTE and the funding for an equivalent course if it were |
11 | taught in the school district. |
12 |
13 | ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ============= |
14 | Remove lines 71-77, and insert: |
15 | 1007.21, 1007.23, 1007.24, 1007.25, 1007.27, 1008.37, 1008.385, |
16 | 1008.405, 1008.41, 1008.42, 1008.43, 1008.45, 1009.23, 1009.25, |
17 | 1009.40, 1009.532, 1009.533, 1009.536, 1009.55, 1009.61, |
18 | 1009.64, 1009.98, 1010.20, 1010.58, 1011.62, 1011.68, 1012.01, |
19 | 1012.39, 1012.41, 1012.43, 1013.03, 1013.31, 1013.64, and |
20 | 1013.75, F.S., to conform; amending s. 1007.271, F.S.; providing |
21 | for funding of dual enrollment instruction of public school |
22 | students enrolled in career programs for which college credit is |
23 | earned; revising references to conform; providing an effective |
24 | date. |