HB 0811 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to specialty nursing; amending s. 464.003,
3    F.S.; defining the terms "clinical nurse specialist
4    practice" and "clinical nurse specialist"; creating s.
5    464.0115, F.S.; providing requirements for certification
6    of clinical nurse specialist practice; providing fees;
7    providing the Board of Nursing rulemaking authority to
8    implement such requirements; creating s. 464.0125, F.S.;
9    requiring advanced registered nurse practitioners to
10    register with the Board of Nursing to prescribe medicinal
11    drugs, including controlled substances; providing
12    requirements for registration and renewal of registration,
13    including continuing education; providing fees;
14    prohibiting prescription of controlled substances for
15    personal use or the use of immediate family members;
16    providing for disciplinary actions; providing rulemaking
17    authority to the board; amending s. 464.015, F.S.;
18    restricting the use of professional titles and
19    abbreviations relating to clinical nurse specialist
20    practice; providing penalties; amending s. 464.016, F.S.;
21    prohibiting clinical nurse specialist practice without an
22    active license or certificate; prohibiting the use of any
23    name or title stating or implying that a person is a
24    clinical nurse specialist unless the person is duly
25    licensed or certified; providing penalties; amending s.
26    893.02, F.S.; revising the definition of "practitioner"
27    under the "Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and
28    Control Act" to include certain advanced registered nurse
29    practitioners; amending ss. 458.348 and 464.012, F.S.;
30    conforming cross references; reenacting s. 921.0022(3)(g),
31    F.S., relating to the offense severity ranking chart of
32    the Criminal Punishment Code, to incorporate the amendment
33    to s. 464.016, F.S., in a reference thereto; providing an
34    effective date.
36          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
38          Section 1. Section 464.003, Florida Statutes, is amended
39    to read:
40          464.003 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
41          (1) "Department" means the Department of Health.
42          (2) "Board" means the Board of Nursing.
43          (3)(a) "Practice of professional nursing" means the
44    performance of those acts requiring substantial specialized
45    knowledge, judgment, and nursing skill based upon applied
46    principles of psychological, biological, physical, and social
47    sciences which shall include, but not be limited to:
48          1. The observation, assessment, nursing diagnosis,
49    planning, intervention, and evaluation of care; health teaching
50    and counseling of the ill, injured, or infirm; and the promotion
51    of wellness, maintenance of health, and prevention of illness of
52    others.
53          2. The administration of medications and treatments as
54    prescribed or authorized by a duly licensed practitioner
55    authorized by the laws of this state to prescribe such
56    medications and treatments.
57          3. The supervision and teaching of other personnel in the
58    theory and performance of any of the above acts.
59          (b) "Practice of practical nursing" means the performance
60    of selected acts, including the administration of treatments and
61    medications, in the care of the ill, injured, or infirm and the
62    promotion of wellness, maintenance of health, and prevention of
63    illness of others under the direction of a registered nurse, a
64    licensed physician, a licensed osteopathic physician, a licensed
65    podiatric physician, or a licensed dentist.
67          The professional nurse and the practical nurse shall be
68    responsible and accountable for making decisions that are based
69    upon the individual's educational preparation and experience in
70    nursing.
71          (c) "Clinical nurse specialist practice" means the
72    delivery and management of expert-level nursing care to
73    individuals or groups, including the ability to:
74          1. Assess the health status of individuals and families
75    using methods appropriate to the population and area of
76    practice.
77          2. Diagnose human responses to actual or potential health
78    problems.
79          3. Plan for health promotion, disease prevention, and
80    therapeutic intervention in collaboration with the patient or
81    client.
82          4. Implement therapeutic interventions based on the nurse
83    specialist's area of expertise, including, but not limited to,
84    direct nursing care, counseling, teaching, and collaboration
85    with other licensed health care providers.
86          5. Coordinate health care as necessary and appropriate and
87    evaluate with the patient or client the effectiveness of care.
88          (d)(c)"Advanced or specialized nursing practice" means,
89    in addition to the practice of professional nursing, the
90    performance of advanced-level nursing acts approved by the board
91    which, by virtue of postbasic specialized education, training,
92    and experience, are proper to be performed by an advanced
93    registered nurse practitioner. Within the context of advanced or
94    specialized nursing practice, the advanced registered nurse
95    practitioner may perform acts of nursing diagnosis and nursing
96    treatment of alterations of the health status. The advanced
97    registered nurse practitioner may also perform acts of medical
98    diagnosis and treatment, prescription, and operation which are
99    identified and approved by a joint committee composed of three
100    members appointed by the Board of Nursing, two of whom shall be
101    advanced registered nurse practitioners; three members appointed
102    by the Board of Medicine, two of whom shall have had work
103    experience with advanced registered nurse practitioners; and the
104    secretary of the department or the secretary's designee. Each
105    committee member appointed by a board shall be appointed to a
106    term of 4 years unless a shorter term is required to establish
107    or maintain staggered terms. The Board of Nursing shall adopt
108    rules authorizing the performance of any such acts approved by
109    the joint committee. Unless otherwise specified by the joint
110    committee, such acts shall be performed under the general
111    supervision of a practitioner licensed under chapter 458,
112    chapter 459, or chapter 466 within the framework of standing
113    protocols which identify the medical acts to be performed and
114    the conditions for their performance. The department may, by
115    rule, require that a copy of the protocol be filed with the
116    department along with the notice required by s. 458.348.
117          (e)(d)"Nursing diagnosis" means the observation and
118    evaluation of physical or mental conditions, behaviors, signs
119    and symptoms of illness, and reactions to treatment and the
120    determination as to whether such conditions, signs, symptoms,
121    and reactions represent a deviation from normal.
122          (f)(e)"Nursing treatment" means the establishment and
123    implementation of a nursing regimen for the care and comfort of
124    individuals, the prevention of illness, and the education,
125    restoration, and maintenance of health.
126          (4) "Registered nurse" means any person licensed in this
127    state to practice professional nursing.
128          (5) "Licensed practical nurse" means any person licensed
129    in this state to practice practical nursing.
130          (6) "Clinical nurse specialist" means any person licensed
131    in this state to practice professional nursing and certified in
132    clinical nurse specialist practice.
133          (7)(6)"Advanced registered nurse practitioner" means any
134    person licensed in this state to practice professional nursing
135    and certified in advanced or specialized nursing practice.
136          (8)(7)"Approved program" means a nursing program
137    conducted in a school, college, or university which is approved
138    by the board pursuant to s. 464.019 for the education of nurses.
139          Section 2. Section 464.0115, Florida Statutes, is created
140    to read:
141          464.0115 Certification of clinical nurse specialists.--
142          (1) Any nurse desiring to be certified as a clinical nurse
143    specialist shall apply to the department and submit proof that
144    he or she holds a current license to practice professional
145    nursing, a master's degree in a clinical nursing specialty, and
146    current certification in a specialty area as a clinical nurse
147    specialist from a nationally recognized certifying body as
148    determined by the board.
149          (2) The board shall certify, and the department shall
150    issue a certificate to, any nurse meeting the qualifications in
151    this section. The board shall establish an application fee not
152    to exceed $25 and a biennial renewal fee not to exceed $10.
153          (3) The board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1)
154    and 120.54 necessary to implement the provisions of this
155    section.
156          Section 3. Section 464.0125, Florida Statutes, is created
157    to read:
158          464.0125 Registration of advanced registered nurse
159    practitioners to prescribe medicinal drugs.--
160          (1) Any advanced registered nurse practitioner certified
161    pursuant to s. 464.012 must register with the board in
162    accordance with this section to prescribe medicinal drugs.
163          (2) To register to prescribe medicinal drugs that are not
164    controlled substances, an advanced registered nurse practitioner
165    must:
166          (a) Possess an active and unrestricted license and
167    advanced registered nurse practitioner certification.
168          (b)1. Possess an active and current certification by an
169    appropriate specialty board; or
170          2. Submit documentation to the board demonstrating that
171    the advanced registered nurse practitioner has been prescribing
172    medicinal drugs for a period of at least 12 months prior to
173    registration as a prescribing practitioner.
174          (c)1. Submit documentation to the board demonstrating that
175    the advanced registered nurse practitioner has completed at
176    least 16 contact hours of approved continuing education in
177    pharmacology during the past 2 years, in addition to the
178    continuing education required for licensure renewal; or
179          2. Submit documentation to the board demonstrating that
180    the advanced registered nurse practitioner has been prescribing
181    medicinal drugs for a period of at least 12 months prior to
182    registration as a prescribing practitioner.
183          (d) Submit a copy of the protocol between the advanced
184    registered nurse practitioner and supervising physician which
185    complies with board rules, identifies the categories of
186    medicinal drugs that the advanced registered nurse practitioner
187    is authorized to prescribe, and requires as an element of
188    general supervision that the advanced registered nurse
189    practitioner meet with the supervising physician at least once
190    every 3 months to review and discuss patient care, prescribed
191    treatments and medications, and care outcomes. The board may by
192    rule establish minimum requirements for this meeting. The
193    protocol must be filed with the initial application for
194    registration under this section, with the application for
195    renewal of license, and at any time there is a change in the
196    protocol or any party to the protocol. For purposes of this
197    section, the supervising physician must have a current and
198    unrestricted license to practice medicine pursuant to chapter
199    458 or osteopathic medicine pursuant to chapter 459, a primary
200    practice location in this state, and a current and unrestricted
201    federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration number.
202          (e) Agree to maintain adequate medical records pursuant to
203    board rule that include evidence of a patient history and
204    physical examination and at a minimum the following information
205    about each prescription for a medicinal drug:
206          1. Drug name and strength.
207          2. Dose.
208          3. Amount prescribed.
209          4. Directions for use.
210          5. Number of refills.
211          6. The signature of the prescribing practitioner.
212          (f) Submit a completed registration form and remit a fee
213    set by the board not to exceed $75.
214          (3) To register to prescribe controlled substances, an
215    advanced registered nurse practitioner must comply with all
216    requirements for registration to prescribe medicinal drugs that
217    are not controlled substances under subsection (2) and must:
218          (a) Possess a valid mid-level practitioner registration
219    issued by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and 12
220    months' experience in prescribing medicinal drugs.
221          (b) Submit documentation to the board demonstrating that
222    the advanced registered nurse practitioner has completed an
223    approved course in legal and clinical aspects of prescribing
224    controlled substances of not less than 3 contact hours.
225          (c) Identify, as part of the protocol between the advanced
226    registered nurse practitioner and supervising physician, the
227    schedules of controlled substances that the advanced registered
228    nurse practitioner is authorized to prescribe.
229          (d) Complete at least 2 contact hours of approved
230    continuing education in the prescribing of controlled substances
231    during each 2-year licensure period, in addition to the
232    continuing education required for licensure renewal. This
233    continuing education may be part of the 16 hours of continuing
234    education required pursuant to subsection (4).
235          (4) To register or renew registration to prescribe
236    medicinal drugs, an advanced registered nurse practitioner must
237    complete at least 16 contact hours of approved continuing
238    education in pharmacology during each 2-year licensure period,
239    in addition to the continuing education required for licensure
240    renewal.
241          (5) The board shall provide by rule for biennial renewal
242    of registration and a renewal fee not to exceed $25.
243          (6) Advanced registered nurse practitioners who are
244    certified as certified registered nurse anesthetists pursuant to
245    s. 464.012 are not required to register under this section to
246    provide anesthesia care in accordance with s. 464.012(4)(a).
247          (7) An advanced registered nurse practitioner who
248    registers to prescribe controlled substances may not prescribe
249    controlled substances for personal use or use by any member of
250    the advanced registered nurse practitioner’s immediate family.
251          (8) The board may limit, suspend, or revoke an advanced
252    registered nurse practitioner’s registration to prescribe under
253    this section in accordance with the provisions of s. 456.073.
254          (9) The board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1)
255    and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this section.
256          Section 4. Section 464.015, Florida Statutes, is amended
257    to read:
258          464.015 Titles and abbreviations; restrictions; penalty.--
259          (1) Only persons who hold licenses to practice
260    professional nursing in this state or who are performing nursing
261    services pursuant to the exception set forth in s. 464.022(8)
262    shall have the right to use the title "Registered Nurse" and the
263    abbreviation "R.N."
264          (2) Only persons who hold licenses to practice as licensed
265    practical nurses in this state or who are performing practical
266    nursing services pursuant to the exception set forth in s.
267    464.022(8) shall have the right to use the title "Licensed
268    Practical Nurse" and the abbreviation "L.P.N."
269          (3) Only persons who are graduates of approved programs or
270    the equivalent may use the term "Graduate Nurse" and the
271    abbreviation "G.N.," pending the results of the first licensure
272    examination for which they are eligible.
273          (4) Only persons who are graduates of approved programs or
274    the equivalent may use the term "Graduate Practical Nurse" and
275    the abbreviation "G.P.N.," pending the results of the first
276    licensure examination for which they are eligible.
277          (5) Only persons who hold valid certificates to practice
278    as clinical nurse specialists in this state shall have the right
279    to use the title "Clinical Nurse Specialist" and the
280    abbreviation "C.N.S."
281          (6)(5)Only persons who hold valid certificates to
282    practice as advanced registered nurse practitioners in this
283    state shall have the right to use the title "Advanced Registered
284    Nurse Practitioner" and the abbreviation "A.R.N.P."
285          (7)(6)No person shall practice or advertise as, or assume
286    the title of, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse,
287    clinical nurse specialist,or advanced registered nurse
288    practitioner or use the abbreviation "R.N.," "L.P.N.," "C.N.S.,"
289    or "A.R.N.P." or take any other action that would lead the
290    public to believe that person was certified as such or is
291    performing nursing services pursuant to the exception set forth
292    in s. 464.022(8), unless that person is licensed or certified to
293    practice as such.
294          (8)(7)A violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the
295    first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
296    775.083.
297          Section 5. Section 464.016, Florida Statutes, is amended
298    to read:
299          464.016 Violations and penalties.--
300          (1) Each of the following acts constitutes a felony of the
301    third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083,
302    or s. 775.084:
303          (a) Practicing advanced or specialized, clinical
304    specialty, professional,or practical nursing, as defined in
305    this part, unless holding an active license or certificate to do
306    so.
307          (b) Using or attempting to use a license or certificate
308    which has been suspended or revoked.
309          (c) Knowingly employing unlicensed persons in the practice
310    of nursing.
311          (d) Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license or
312    certificate under this part by misleading statements or knowing
313    misrepresentation.
314          (2) Each of the following acts constitutes a misdemeanor
315    of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
316    775.083:
317          (a) Using the name or title "Nurse," "Registered Nurse,"
318    "Licensed Practical Nurse," "Clinical Nurse Specialist,"
319    "Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner," or any other name or
320    title which implies that a person was licensed or certified as
321    same, unless such person is duly licensed or certified.
322          (b) Knowingly concealing information relating to
323    violations of this part.
324          Section 6. Subsection (19) of section 893.02, Florida
325    Statutes, is amended to read:
326          893.02 Definitions.--The following words and phrases as
327    used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless
328    the context otherwise requires:
329          (19) "Practitioner" means a physician licensed pursuant to
330    chapter 458, a dentist licensed pursuant to chapter 466, a
331    veterinarian licensed pursuant to chapter 474, an osteopathic
332    physician licensed pursuant to chapter 459, a naturopath
333    licensed pursuant to chapter 462, or a podiatric physician
334    licensed pursuant to chapter 461, provided such practitioner
335    holds a valid federal controlled substance registry number.
336    "Practitioner" includes an advanced registered nurse
337    practitioner certified pursuant to s. 464.012 who holds a valid
338    mid-level practitioner controlled substance registry number and
339    is registered to prescribe controlled substances pursuant to s.
340    464.0125.
341          Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
342    (2) of section 458.348, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
343          458.348 Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders,
344    and established protocols; notice; standards.--
345          (1) NOTICE.--
346          (a) When a physician enters into a formal supervisory
347    relationship or standing orders with an emergency medical
348    technician or paramedic licensed pursuant to s. 401.27, which
349    relationship or orders contemplate the performance of medical
350    acts, or when a physician enters into an established protocol
351    with an advanced registered nurse practitioner, which protocol
352    contemplates the performance of medical acts identified and
353    approved by the joint committee pursuant to s. 464.003(3)(d)(c)
354    or acts set forth in s. 464.012(3) and (4), the physician shall
355    submit notice to the board. The notice shall contain a statement
356    in substantially the following form:
358          I, ... (name and professional license number of physician)
359    ..., of ... (address of physician) ... have hereby entered
360    into a formal supervisory relationship, standing orders, or an
361    established protocol with ... (number of persons) ...
362    emergency medical technician(s), ... (number of persons) ...
363    paramedic(s), or ... (number of persons) ... advanced
364    registered nurse practitioner(s).
367    joint committee created by s. 464.003(3)(d)(c)shall determine
368    minimum standards for the content of established protocols
369    pursuant to which an advanced registered nurse practitioner may
370    perform medical acts identified and approved by the joint
371    committee pursuant to s. 464.003(3)(d)(c)or acts set forth in
372    s. 464.012(3) and (4) and shall determine minimum standards for
373    supervision of such acts by the physician, unless the joint
374    committee determines that any act set forth in s. 464.012(3) or
375    (4) is not a medical act. Such standards shall be based on risk
376    to the patient and acceptable standards of medical care and
377    shall take into account the special problems of medically
378    underserved areas. The standards developed by the joint
379    committee shall be adopted as rules by the Board of Nursing and
380    the Board of Medicine for purposes of carrying out their
381    responsibilities pursuant to part I of chapter 464 and this
382    chapter, respectively, but neither board shall have disciplinary
383    powers over the licensees of the other board.
384          Section 8. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
385    464.012, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
386          464.012 Certification of advanced registered nurse
387    practitioners; fees.--
388          (3) An advanced registered nurse practitioner shall
389    perform those functions authorized in this section within the
390    framework of an established protocol. A practitioner currently
391    licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 466 shall
392    maintain supervision for directing the specific course of
393    medical treatment. Within the established framework, an advanced
394    registered nurse practitioner may:
395          (c) Perform additional functions as may be determined by
396    rule in accordance with s. 464.003(3)(d)(c).
397          Section 9. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
398    to section 464.016, Florida Statutes, in a references thereto,
399    paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section 921.0022, Florida
400    Statutes, is reenacted to read:
401          921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity
402    ranking chart.--
(g) LEVEL 7
316.027(1)(b)2ndAccident involving death, failure to stop; leaving scene.
316.193(3)(c)2.3rdDUI resulting in serious bodily injury.
327.35(3)(c)2.3rdVessel BUI resulting in serious bodily injury.
402.319(2)2ndMisrepresentation and negligence or intentional act resulting in great bodily harm, permanent disfiguration, permanent disability, or death.
409.920(2)3rdMedicaid provider fraud.
456.065(2)3rdPracticing a health care profession without a license.
456.065(2)2ndPracticing a health care profession without a license which results in serious bodily injury.
458.327(1)3rdPracticing medicine without a license.
459.013(1)3rdPracticing osteopathic medicine without a license.
460.411(1)3rdPracticing chiropractic medicine without a license.
461.012(1)3rdPracticing podiatric medicine without a license.
462.173rdPracticing naturopathy without a license.
463.015(1)3rdPracticing optometry without a license.
464.016(1)3rdPracticing nursing without a license.
465.015(2)3rdPracticing pharmacy without a license.
466.026(1)3rdPracticing dentistry or dental hygiene without a license.
467.2013rdPracticing midwifery without a license.
468.3663rdDelivering respiratory care services without a license.
483.828(1)3rdPracticing as clinical laboratory personnel without a license.
483.901(9)3rdPracticing medical physics without a license.
484.013(1)(c)3rdPreparing or dispensing optical devices without a prescription.
484.0533rdDispensing hearing aids without a license.
494.0018(2)1stConviction of any violation of ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the total money and property unlawfully obtained exceeded $50,000 and there were five or more victims.
560.123(8)(b)1.3rdFailure to report currency or payment instruments exceeding $300 but less than $20,000 by money transmitter.
560.125(5)(a)3rdMoney transmitter business by unauthorized person, currency or payment instruments exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
655.50(10)(b)1.3rdFailure to report financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000 by financial institution.
782.051(3)2ndAttempted felony murder of a person by a person other than the perpetrator or the perpetrator of an attempted felony.
782.07(1)2ndKilling of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another (manslaughter).
782.0712ndKilling of human being or viable fetus by the operation of a motor vehicle in a reckless manner (vehicular homicide).
782.0722ndKilling of a human being by the operation of a vessel in a reckless manner (vessel homicide).
784.045(1)(a)1.2ndAggravated battery; intentionally causing great bodily harm or disfigurement.
784.045(1)(a)2.2ndAggravated battery; using deadly weapon.
784.045(1)(b)2ndAggravated battery; perpetrator aware victim pregnant.
784.048(4)3rdAggravated stalking; violation of injunction or court order.
784.07(2)(d)1stAggravated battery on law enforcement officer.
784.074(1)(a)1stAggravated battery on sexually violent predators facility staff.
784.08(2)(a)1stAggravated battery on a person 65 years of age or older.
784.081(1)1stAggravated battery on specified official or employee.
784.082(1)1stAggravated battery by detained person on visitor or other detainee.
784.083(1)1stAggravated battery on code inspector.
790.07(4)1stSpecified weapons violation subsequent to previous conviction of s. 790.07(1) or (2).
790.16(1)1stDischarge of a machine gun under specified circumstances.
790.165(2)2ndManufacture, sell, possess, or deliver hoax bomb.
790.165(3)2ndPossessing, displaying, or threatening to use any hoax bomb while committing or attempting to commit a felony.
790.166(3)2ndPossessing, selling, using, or attempting to use a hoax weapon of mass destruction.
790.166(4)2ndPossessing, displaying, or threatening to use a hoax weapon of mass destruction while committing or attempting to commit a felony.
796.032ndProcuring any person under 16 years for prostitution.
800.04(5)(c)1.2ndLewd or lascivious molestation; victim less than 12 years of age; offender less than 18 years.
800.04(5)(c)2.2ndLewd or lascivious molestation; victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years; offender 18 years or older.
806.01(2)2ndMaliciously damage structure by fire or explosive.
810.02(3)(a)2ndBurglary of occupied dwelling; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.02(3)(b)2ndBurglary of unoccupied dwelling; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.02(3)(d)2ndBurglary of occupied conveyance; unarmed; no assault or battery.
812.014(2)(a)1stProperty stolen, valued at $100,000 or more; cargo stolen valued at $50,000 or more; property stolen while causing other property damage; 1st degree grand theft.
812.014(2)(b)3.2ndProperty stolen, emergency medical equipment; 2nd degree grand theft.
812.0145(2)(a)1stTheft from person 65 years of age or older; $50,000 or more.
812.019(2)1stStolen property; initiates, organizes, plans, etc., the theft of property and traffics in stolen property.
812.131(2)(a)2ndRobbery by sudden snatching.
812.133(2)(b)1stCarjacking; no firearm, deadly weapon, or other weapon.
817.234(8)(a)2ndSolicitation of motor vehicle accident victims with intent to defraud.
817.234(9)2ndOrganizing, planning, or participating in an intentional motor vehicle collision.
817.234(11)(c)1stInsurance fraud; property value $100,000 or more.
817.2341(2)(b)& (3)(b)1stMaking false entries of material fact or false statements regarding property values relating to the solvency of an insuring entity which are a significant cause of the insolvency of that entity.
825.102(3)(b)2ndNeglecting an elderly person or disabled adult causing great bodily harm, disability, or disfigurement.
825.103(2)(b)2ndExploiting an elderly person or disabled adult and property is valued at $20,000 or more, but less than $100,000.
827.03(3)(b)2ndNeglect of a child causing great bodily harm, disability, or disfigurement.
827.04(3)3rdImpregnation of a child under 16 years of age by person 21 years of age or older.
837.05(2)3rdGiving false information about alleged capital felony to a law enforcement officer.
838.0162ndUnlawful compensation or reward for official behavior.
838.021(3)(a)2ndUnlawful harm to a public servant.
838.222ndBid tampering.
872.062ndAbuse of a dead human body.
893.13(1)(c)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4.) within 1,000 feet of a child care facility, school, or state, county, or municipal park or publicly owned recreational facility or community center.
893.13(1)(e)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4., within 1,000 feet of property used for religious services or a specified business site.
893.13(4)(a)1stDeliver to minor cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs).
893.135(1)(a)1.1stTrafficking in cannabis, more than 25 lbs., less than 2,000 lbs.
893.135(1)(b)1.a.1stTrafficking in cocaine, more than 28 grams, less than 200 grams.
893.135(1)(c)1.a.1stTrafficking in illegal drugs, more than 4 grams, less than 14 grams.
893.135(1)(d)1.1stTrafficking in phencyclidine, more than 28 grams, less than 200 grams.
893.135(1)(e)1.1stTrafficking in methaqualone, more than 200 grams, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(f)1.1stTrafficking in amphetamine, more than 14 grams, less than 28 grams.
893.135(1)(g)1.a.1stTrafficking in flunitrazepam, 4 grams or more, less than 14 grams.
893.135(1)(h)1.a.1stTrafficking in gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), 1 kilogram or more, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(j)1.a.1stTrafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 1 kilogram or more, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(k)2.a.1stTrafficking in Phenethylamines, 10 grams or more, less than 200 grams.
896.101(5)(a)3rdMoney laundering, financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
896.104(4)(a)1.3rdStructuring transactions to evade reporting or registration requirements, financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
494          Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.