1 | Representatives Ausley, Kosmas, and Rich offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert: |
5 | Section 1. Chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, shall be |
6 | entitled "Early Learning" and shall consist of ss. 1014.01- |
7 | 1014.54. |
8 | Section 2. Part I of chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, shall |
9 | be entitled "General Provisions" and shall consist of ss. |
10 | 1014.01-1014.10. |
11 | Section 3. Section 1014.01, Florida Statutes, is created |
12 | to read: |
13 | 1014.01 Name.--Chapter 1014 shall be known as "Early |
14 | Learning." |
15 | Section 4. Section 1014.02, Florida Statutes, is created |
16 | to read: |
17 | 1014.02 Definitions.--When used in this chapter and other |
18 | sections of Florida Statutes referenced in this chapter, |
19 | specific definitions shall be as follows: |
20 | (1) "Child care center" means the type of early childhood |
21 | education provider defined in s. 402.302. |
22 | (2) "Department" means the Department of Education. |
23 | (3) "Director" means an onsite person ultimately |
24 | responsible for the overall operation of a child care center or |
25 | specialized child care center for mildly ill children, |
26 | regardless of whether he or she is the owner of the center. |
27 | (4) "Early childhood education" means child development or |
28 | child care, that is provided for a period of less than 24 hours |
29 | per day on a regular basis, and for which a payment of a fee or |
30 | grant is made. |
31 | (5) "Early childhood education provider" means a provider |
32 | of early childhood education services. The term includes public |
33 | and private providers, including child care centers, specialized |
34 | child care centers for mildly ill children, family child care |
35 | homes, large family child care homes, and informal providers, |
36 | regardless of whether a provider is licensed, registered, exempt |
37 | from licensure, or unregulated under s. 402.305. |
38 | (6) "Early learning" means the enhancement of a child's |
39 | ability to make age-appropriate progress in the development of |
40 | language and cognitive capabilities, including early literacy |
41 | skills, emotional, social, regulatory, and moral capacities, |
42 | through education in basic skills, as part of an early learning |
43 | program provided pursuant to this chapter. |
44 | (7) "Early Learning Council" means the council established |
45 | in s. 1014.41 to administer early childhood education programs |
46 | and services, excluding voluntary universal prekindergarten, at |
47 | the local level. |
48 | (8) "Early learning funds" means all state and federal |
49 | funds appropriated to the Department of Education for delivery |
50 | and administration of early learning programs. Except as |
51 | otherwise expressly provided by law, the term does not include |
52 | funds provided for the Business Partnership for Early Learning |
53 | under s. 1014.50. |
54 | (9) "Early learning programs" means programs that provide |
55 | state-funded services under this chapter, including early |
56 | childhood education and the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
57 | program. |
58 | (10) "Family day care home" means the type of early |
59 | childhood education provider defined in s. 402.302(7). |
60 | (11) "Informal provider" means a service provider that is |
61 | unregulated under part IV of this chapter and, accordingly, is |
62 | not required to be licensed or registered under part IV of this |
63 | chapter, and is not exempted from licensure pursuant to s. |
64 | 402.305. The term includes an arrangement in which early |
65 | childhood education is provided by a relative of the child or by |
66 | another unregulated caregiver, regardless of whether those |
67 | services are provided in the child's residence or at another |
68 | location. |
69 | (12) "Kindergarten eligibility" means the age at which a |
70 | child is eligible for admission to public kindergarten under |
71 | s.1003.21(1)(a)2. |
72 | (13) "Large family child care home" means the type of |
73 | early childhood education provider defined in s. 402.302(8). |
74 | (14) "Operator" means an onsite person ultimately |
75 | responsible for the overall operation of a family child care |
76 | home or large family child care home, regardless of whether he |
77 | or she is the owner of the home. |
78 | (15) "Owner" means the person who is licensed or |
79 | registered to operate as an early childhood education provider. |
80 | (16) "Payment certificate" means a "child care |
81 | certificate" as defined in 45 C.F.R. s. 98.2. |
82 | (17) "Single point of entry" means an integrated |
83 | information system that allows a parent to enroll his or her |
84 | child in early learning programs at various locations throughout |
85 | the county or multicounty region served by an early learning |
86 | council, that may allow a parent to enroll his or her child by |
87 | telephone or through an Internet website, and that uses a |
88 | unified waiting list to track eligible children waiting for |
89 | enrollment in available early learning programs. |
90 | (18) "Voluntary universal prekindergarten funds" means all |
91 | state funds appropriated to the Department of Education for the |
92 | voluntary universal prekindergarten program. |
93 | (19) "Voluntary universal prekindergarten program" means |
94 | the voluntary universal prekindergarten education program |
95 | mandated by s.1(b) and (c), Article IX of the State |
96 | constitution. |
97 | (20) "Voluntary Universal prekindergarten provider" means |
98 | a provider of the voluntary universal prekindergarten program. |
99 | The term includes all providers that meet the criteria specified |
100 | in s.1014.27 and have signed a funding agreement pursuant to s. |
101 | 1014.28. |
102 | Section 5. Section 1014.03, Florida Statutes, is created |
103 | to read: |
104 | 1014.03 Governance; state and local.-- |
106 | (a) The State Board of Education is the chief implementing |
107 | and coordinating body of public education in Florida, and it |
108 | shall focus on high-level policy decisions. It has authority to |
109 | adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement |
110 | the provisions of law conferring duties upon it for the |
111 | improvement of early learning programs including the voluntary |
112 | universal prekindergarten program. Except as otherwise provided |
113 | herein, it may, as it finds appropriate, delegate its general |
114 | powers to the Commissioner of Education or the directors of the |
115 | divisions of the department. |
116 | (b) In order to ensure compliance, the State Board of |
117 | Education shall have the authority to request and receive |
118 | information, data, and reports from early learning councils and |
119 | providers governed by this chapter. |
120 | 1. If an early learning council, a voluntary universal |
121 | prekindergarten provider, or an early childhood education |
122 | provider cannot satisfactorily document compliance, the State |
123 | Board of Education may mandate compliance within a specified |
124 | timeframe. |
125 | 2. If the State Board of Education determines that an |
126 | early learning council, a voluntary universal prekindergarten |
127 | provider, or an early childhood education provider is unwilling |
128 | or unable to comply with law or state board rule within the |
129 | specified time, the State Board of Education shall have the |
130 | authority to initiate any of the following actions: |
131 | a. Report to the Legislature that the early learning |
132 | council, voluntary universal prekindergarten provider, or an |
133 | early childhood education provider has been unwilling or unable |
134 | to comply with law or state board rule and recommend action to |
135 | be taken by the Legislature. |
136 | b. Withhold the transfer of state funds, discretionary |
137 | grant funds, or any other funds specified as eligible for this |
138 | purpose by the Legislature until the early learning council, |
139 | voluntary universal prekindergarten provider, or an early |
140 | childhood education provider complies with the law or state |
141 | board rule. |
142 | c. Require monthly or periodic reporting on the situation |
143 | related to noncompliance until it is remedied. |
144 | (c) The State Board of Education shall ensure that |
145 | administrative costs associated with delivering early childhood |
146 | education programs and services during fiscal year 2004-2005 do |
147 | not exceed administrative costs associated with delivering those |
148 | programs and services during fiscal year 2003-2004. |
149 | (d) The State Board of Education may adopt rules pursuant |
150 | to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary for the implementation of |
151 | this section. |
152 | (2) EARLY LEARNING ADVISORY COUNCIL.--The Early Learning |
153 | Advisory Council shall be responsible for the activities |
154 | prescribed in s. 1014.05. |
155 | (3) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.--The Department of Education |
156 | shall be responsible for: |
157 | (a) Developing standards for all early learning programs. |
158 | (b) Facilitating the process by which early learning |
159 | instructional personnel meet minimum training standards as |
160 | specified in s. 1014.07. |
161 | (c) Providing technical assistance to early learning |
162 | councils and all providers. |
163 | (d) Monitoring early learning councils and providers to |
164 | ensure compliance with all applicable laws and rules. |
165 | (e) Creating and implementing a consumer education and |
166 | protection program as specified in s. 1014.43. |
167 | (f) Providing or securing provision of services and |
168 | functions necessary for effective and efficient implementation |
169 | of this chapter. |
170 | (4) COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION.--The Commissioner of |
171 | Education is authorized to suspend or prohibit an eligible |
172 | voluntary universal prekindergarten provider or early childhood |
173 | education provider from participation in publicly-funded early |
174 | learning programs and to take other action as necessary to |
175 | ensure compliance with program provider eligibility. |
176 | (a) The Commissioner of Education may investigate |
177 | allegations of noncompliance with law or state board rule and |
178 | may determine probable cause. |
179 | (b) The Commissioner of Education shall report to the |
180 | State Board of Education noncompliance with law or state board |
181 | rule. |
182 | (c) In addition, the Commissioner of Education shall: |
183 | 1. Oversee the compliance of the Division of Early |
184 | Learning and early learning councils with curriculum standards |
185 | defined in s. 1014.47 and state board rules. |
186 | 2. Oversee the evaluation and accountability components |
187 | of the programs as defined in s.1014.07 and state board rule. |
188 | (5) DIVISION OF EARLY LEARNING.--The Division of Early |
189 | Learning shall be responsible for the administration of early |
190 | learning programs. The division shall issue fiscal and policy |
191 | guidance to early learning councils including standard contract |
192 | and voucher agreement language. In addition, the division is |
193 | responsible for issuing guidance to early learning councils |
194 | regarding payment rates, parent fees, and other matters related |
195 | the early learning program. |
196 | (a) Pursuant to federal regulations, the division shall |
197 | ensure that no more than 5 percent of aggregate funds in each |
198 | fiscal year is expended for administrative activities. The |
199 | division shall work with subrecipients to properly classify and |
200 | capture expenditures as direct, non-direct and administrative. |
201 | (b) The division shall establish and maintain contracting, |
202 | payment and reporting systems that provide timely information to |
203 | the Legislature including, but not limited to, information about |
204 | expenditures and numbers of children served. |
205 | (c) The division shall maintain a list of providers of |
206 | publicly funded early learning programs. |
207 | (d) The division shall implement audit procedures to |
208 | ensure that providers have accurately been designated as |
209 | eligible to provide the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
210 | program. |
211 | (e) In an effort to provide for the efficient use of |
212 | program funding, the division shall fully utilize federal funds, |
213 | as well as state and local matching funds. |
214 | (f) The division shall be responsible to ensure that |
215 | federal and state funds are used in compliance with laws, |
216 | regulations, and contracts or grant agreements and that |
217 | performance goals are achieved. |
218 | (g) The division shall be responsible for developing and |
219 | distributing information about best practices for effective and |
220 | cost efficient service delivery and management of early learning |
221 | programs. |
222 | (h) The division shall establish a means by which the |
223 | public can provide comments and recommendations for the |
224 | successful implementation of the voluntary universal |
225 | prekindergarten program. |
226 | (i) The division shall provide means by which individuals |
227 | may notify the Department of Education of any provider that may |
228 | be in violation of state laws or rules relating to the voluntary |
229 | universal prekindergarten program. |
230 | (j) The division shall ensure that the early childhood |
231 | education and voluntary universal prekindergarten programs are |
232 | delivered as a continuum of services for children ages birth to |
233 | 5 and that effective mechanisms and procedures for coordination |
234 | between the programs are implemented throughout the state. |
235 | Section 6. Section 20.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to |
236 | read: |
237 | 20.15 Department of Education.--There is created a |
238 | Department of Education. |
239 | (1) STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION.--In accordance with s. 2, |
240 | Art. IX of the State Constitution, the State Board of Education |
241 | is a body corporate and must supervise the system of free public |
242 | education as is provided by law. The State Board of Education is |
243 | the head of the Department of Education. |
244 | (2) COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION.--The Commissioner of |
245 | Education is appointed by the State Board of Education and |
246 | serves as the Executive Director of the Department of Education. |
247 | (3) DIVISIONS.--The following divisions of the Department |
248 | of Education are established: |
249 | (a) Division of Community Colleges. |
250 | (b) Division of Public Schools. |
251 | (c) Division of Colleges and Universities. |
252 | (d) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. |
253 | (e) Division of Blind Services. |
254 | (f) Division of Early Learning. |
255 | (4) DIRECTORS.--The directors of all divisions shall be |
256 | appointed by the commissioner subject to approval by the state |
257 | board. |
258 | (5) POWERS AND DUTIES.--The State Board of Education and |
259 | the Commissioner of Education shall assign to the divisions such |
260 | powers, duties, responsibilities, and functions as are necessary |
261 | to ensure the greatest possible coordination, efficiency, and |
262 | effectiveness of education for students in K-20 education. |
263 | (6) COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES.--Notwithstanding anything |
264 | contained in law to the contrary, the commissioner shall appoint |
265 | all members of all councils and committees of the Department of |
266 | Education, except the Commission for Independent Education, and |
267 | the Education Practices Commission, and the Early Learning |
268 | Advisory Council. |
269 | (7) BOARDS.--Notwithstanding anything contained in law to |
270 | the contrary, all members of the university and community |
271 | college boards of trustees must be appointed according to |
272 | chapter 1001. |
273 | Section 7. Section 20.50, Florida Statutes, is amended to |
274 | read: |
275 | 20.50 Agency for Workforce Innovation.--There is created |
276 | the Agency for Workforce Innovation within the Department of |
277 | Management Services. The agency shall be a separate budget |
278 | entity, and the director of the agency shall be the agency head |
279 | for all purposes. The agency shall not be subject to control, |
280 | supervision, or direction by the Department of Management |
281 | Services in any manner, including, but not limited to, |
282 | personnel, purchasing, transactions involving real or personal |
283 | property, and budgetary matters. |
284 | (1) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall ensure that |
285 | the state appropriately administers federal and state workforce |
286 | funding by administering plans and policies of Workforce |
287 | Florida, Inc., under contract with Workforce Florida, Inc. The |
288 | operating budget and midyear amendments thereto must be part of |
289 | such contract. |
290 | (a) All program and fiscal instructions to regional |
291 | workforce boards shall emanate from the agency pursuant to plans |
292 | and policies of Workforce Florida, Inc. Workforce Florida, Inc., |
293 | shall be responsible for all policy directions to the regional |
294 | boards. |
295 | (b) Unless otherwise provided by agreement with Workforce |
296 | Florida, Inc., administrative and personnel policies of the |
297 | Agency for Workforce Innovation shall apply. |
298 | (2) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall be the |
299 | designated administrative agency for receipt of federal |
300 | workforce development grants and other federal funds, and shall |
301 | carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned by the |
302 | Governor under each federal grant assigned to the agency. The |
303 | agency shall be a separate budget entity and shall expend each |
304 | revenue source as provided by federal and state law and as |
305 | provided in plans developed by and agreements with Workforce |
306 | Florida, Inc. The agency shall prepare and submit as a separate |
307 | budget entity a unified budget request for workforce |
308 | development, in accordance with chapter 216 for, and in |
309 | conjunction with, Workforce Florida, Inc., and its board. The |
310 | head of the agency is the director of Workforce Innovation, who |
311 | shall be appointed by the Governor. Accountability and reporting |
312 | functions of the agency shall be administered by the director or |
313 | his or her designee. Included in these functions are budget |
314 | management, financial management, audit, performance management |
315 | standards and controls, assessing outcomes of service delivery, |
316 | and financial administration of workforce programs pursuant to |
317 | s. 445.004(5) and (9). Within the agency's overall |
318 | organizational structure, the agency shall include the following |
319 | offices which shall have the specified responsibilities: |
320 | (a) The Office of Workforce Services shall administer the |
321 | unemployment compensation program, the Rapid Response program, |
322 | the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program, the Alien Labor |
323 | Certification program, and any other programs that are delivered |
324 | directly by agency staff rather than through the one-stop |
325 | delivery system. The office shall be directed by the Deputy |
326 | Director for Workforce Services, who shall be appointed by and |
327 | serve at the pleasure of the director. |
328 | (b) The Office of Program Support and Accountability shall |
329 | administer state merit system program staff within the workforce |
330 | service delivery system, pursuant to policies of Workforce |
331 | Florida, Inc. The office shall be responsible for delivering |
332 | services through the one-stop delivery system and for ensuring |
333 | that participants in welfare transition programs receive case |
334 | management services, diversion assistance, support services, |
335 | including subsidized child care and transportation services, |
336 | Medicaid services, and transition assistance to enable them to |
337 | succeed in the workforce. The office shall also be responsible |
338 | for program quality assurance, grants and contract management, |
339 | contracting, financial management, and reporting. The office |
340 | shall be directed by the Deputy Director for Program Support and |
341 | Accountability, who shall be appointed by and serve at the |
342 | pleasure of the director. The office shall be responsible for: |
343 | 1. Establishing monitoring, quality assurance, and quality |
344 | improvement systems that routinely assess the quality and |
345 | effectiveness of contracted programs and services. |
346 | 2. Annual review of each regional workforce board and |
347 | administrative entity to ensure adequate systems of reporting |
348 | and control are in place, and monitoring, quality assurance, and |
349 | quality improvement activities are conducted routinely, and |
350 | corrective action is taken to eliminate deficiencies. |
351 | (c) The Office of Agency Support Services shall be |
352 | responsible for procurement, human resource services, and |
353 | information services including delivering information on labor |
354 | markets, employment, occupations, and performance, and shall |
355 | implement and maintain information systems that are required for |
356 | the effective operation of the one-stop delivery system and the |
357 | school readiness services system, including, but not limited to, |
358 | those systems described in s. 445.009. The office will be under |
359 | the direction of the Deputy Director for Agency Support |
360 | Services, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of |
361 | the director. The office shall be responsible for establishing: |
362 | 1. Information systems and controls that report reliable, |
363 | timely and accurate fiscal and performance data for assessing |
364 | outcomes, service delivery, and financial administration of |
365 | workforce programs pursuant to s. 445.004(5) and (9). |
366 | 2. Information systems that support service integration |
367 | and case management by providing for case tracking for |
368 | participants in welfare transition programs. |
369 | 3. Information systems that support school readiness |
370 | services. |
371 | (d) The Unemployment Appeals Commission, authorized by s. |
372 | 443.012, shall not be subject to the control, supervision, or |
373 | direction by the Agency for Workforce Innovation in the |
374 | performance of its powers and duties but shall receive any and |
375 | all support and assistance from the agency that may be required |
376 | for the performance of its duties. |
377 | (3) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall serve as the |
378 | designated agency for purposes of each federal workforce |
379 | development grant assigned to it for administration. The agency |
380 | shall carry out the duties assigned to it by the Governor, under |
381 | the terms and conditions of each grant. The agency shall have |
382 | the level of authority and autonomy necessary to be the |
383 | designated recipient of each federal grant assigned to it, and |
384 | shall disperse such grants pursuant to the plans and policies of |
385 | Workforce Florida, Inc. The director may, upon delegation from |
386 | the Governor and pursuant to agreement with Workforce Florida, |
387 | Inc., sign contracts, grants, and other instruments as necessary |
388 | to execute functions assigned to the agency. Notwithstanding |
389 | other provisions of law, the following federal grants and other |
390 | funds are assigned for administration to the Agency for |
391 | Workforce Innovation: |
392 | (a) Programs authorized under Title I of the Workforce |
393 | Investment Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-220, except for programs |
394 | funded directly by the United States Department of Labor under |
395 | Title I, s. 167. |
396 | (b) Programs authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act of |
397 | 1933, as amended, 29 U.S.C. ss. 49 et seq. |
398 | (c) Welfare-to-work grants administered by the United |
399 | States Department of Labor under Title IV, s. 403, of the Social |
400 | Security Act, as amended. |
401 | (d) Activities authorized under Title II of the Trade Act |
402 | of 1974, as amended, 2 U.S.C. ss. 2271 et seq., and the Trade |
403 | Adjustment Assistance Program. |
404 | (e) Activities authorized under chapter 41 of Title 38 |
405 | U.S.C., including job counseling, training, and placement for |
406 | veterans. |
407 | (f) Employment and training activities carried out under |
408 | the Community Services Block Grant Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 9901 et |
409 | seq. |
410 | (g) Employment and training activities carried out under |
411 | funds awarded to this state by the United States Department of |
412 | Housing and Urban Development. |
413 | (h) Designated state and local program expenditures under |
414 | part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act for welfare |
415 | transition workforce services associated with the Temporary |
416 | Assistance for Needy Families Program. |
417 | (i) Programs authorized under the National and Community |
418 | Service Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. ss. 12501 et seq., and the |
419 | Service-America programs, the National Service Trust programs, |
420 | the Civilian Community Corps, the Corporation for National and |
421 | Community Service, the American Conservation and Youth Service |
422 | Corps, and the Points of Light Foundation programs, if such |
423 | programs are awarded to the state. |
424 | (j) The Unemployment Compensation program provided |
425 | pursuant to chapter 443. |
426 | (k) Other programs funded by federal or state |
427 | appropriations, as determined by the Legislature in the General |
428 | Appropriations Act or by law. |
429 | (4) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall provide or |
430 | contract for training for employees of administrative entities |
431 | and case managers of any contracted providers to ensure they |
432 | have the necessary competencies and skills to provide adequate |
433 | administrative oversight and delivery of the full array of |
434 | client services pursuant to s. 445.004(5)(b). Training |
435 | requirements include, but are not limited to: |
436 | (a) Minimum skills, knowledge, and abilities required for |
437 | each classification of program personnel utilized in the |
438 | regional workforce boards' service delivery plans. |
439 | (b) Minimum requirements for development of a regional |
440 | workforce board supported personnel training plan to include |
441 | preservice and inservice components. |
442 | (c) Specifications or criteria under which any regional |
443 | workforce board may award bonus points or otherwise give |
444 | preference to competitive service provider applications that |
445 | provide minimum criteria for assuring competent case management, |
446 | including, but not limited to, maximum caseload per case |
447 | manager, current staff turnover rate, minimum educational or |
448 | work experience requirements, and a differentiated compensation |
449 | plan based on the competency levels of personnel. |
450 | (d) Minimum skills, knowledge, and abilities required for |
451 | contract management, including budgeting, expenditure, and |
452 | performance information related to service delivery and |
453 | financial administration, monitoring, quality assurance and |
454 | improvement, and standards of conduct for employees of regional |
455 | workforce boards and administrative entities specifically |
456 | related to carrying out contracting responsibilities. |
457 | Section 8. Sections 402.26, 402.301, 402.3016, 402.302, |
458 | 402.30501, 402.3135, 402.3145, 411.01, and 411.012, Florida |
459 | Statutes, are repealed. |
460 | Section 9. Section 1014.04, Florida Statutes is created to |
461 | read: |
462 | 1014.04 Early Learning Advisory Council.-- |
463 | (1) The Governor shall appoint an Early Learning Advisory |
464 | Council to advise the Commissioner of Education concerning |
465 | implementation of the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
466 | program, transition of school readiness programs to the |
467 | Department of Education, and operation of early learning |
468 | programs. |
469 | (2) The Early Learning Advisory Council shall include, at |
470 | a minimum, the following members: |
471 | (a) A representative of private for-profit early childhood |
472 | education providers; |
473 | (b) A representative of faith-based early childhood |
474 | education providers; |
475 | (c) A Head Start service provider; |
476 | (d) A representative of a program for prekindergarten |
477 | programs for children with disabilities under the Individuals |
478 | with Disabilities Education Act; |
479 | (e) A representative of not-for-profit early childhood |
480 | education providers; |
481 | (f) A public school superintendent; |
482 | (g) The chair of an early learning council; |
483 | (h) The chair of the Business Partnership for Early |
484 | Learning; |
485 | (i) The chair of a local Children's Services Council or |
486 | its equivalent; |
487 | (j) A parent of a child who is enrolled in a publicly- |
488 | funded early learning program; |
489 | (k) A representative of family child care homes; and |
490 | (l) A minimum of four representatives of the private |
491 | business community who do not derive their income from the |
492 | delivery of early childhood education. |
493 | (3) The members must be geographically and demographically |
494 | representative of the state. The governor may appoint additional |
495 | members to ensure balanced representation. |
496 | (4) Members are subject to the ethics provisions in part |
497 | III of chapter 112. |
498 | (5) Members shall serve 3-year terms, except that half of |
499 | the members shall have initial appointments of 2 years. Members |
500 | may be reappointed for one additional 3-year term. |
501 | (6) Members shall serve without compensation but are |
502 | entitled to reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses |
503 | incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in s. |
504 | 112.061, and reimbursement for other reasonable, necessary, and |
505 | actual expenses. |
506 | Section 10. Section 1014.05, Florida Statutes, is created |
507 | to read: |
508 | 1014.05 Parental involvement.--The involvement of parents |
509 | is critical to a child's readiness to learn; therefore, nothing |
510 | in this chapter shall be construed to limit the role of a |
511 | child's parents as their first teacher. |
512 | (1) To provide opportunities for effective parental |
513 | involvement, early learning councils shall ensure that |
514 | information is made available to parents to enable them to make |
515 | informed choices about their child's participation in early |
516 | learning programs, including: |
517 | (a) Information required by s. 402.3125 regarding the |
518 | licensure of child care centers and family child care homes; |
519 | (b) Related community resources available to meet the |
520 | parent's and child's needs; and |
521 | (c) The requirements of the consumer protection system for |
522 | the voluntary universal prekindergarten program, pursuant to |
523 | s.1014.22. |
524 | (2) Parents are expected to be active participants in the |
525 | early learning program in which they enroll their child. Early |
526 | learning program providers must ensure that opportunities are |
527 | made available for parents to support their child in developing |
528 | literacy skills and achieving other early learning objectives. |
529 | Section 11. Section 1014.06, Florida Statutes, is created |
530 | to read: |
531 | 1014.06 Early learning personnel; training requirements.-- |
532 | (1) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules |
533 | prescribing minimum standards for the training of early learning |
534 | personnel. These standards shall ensure that each of the |
535 | following early learning personnel successfully completes an |
536 | approved introductory course in early childhood education, as |
537 | evidenced by passage of a competency examination: |
538 | (a) Directors and other early childhood education |
539 | personnel of child care centers. |
540 | (b) Directors and other early childhood education |
541 | personnel of specialized child care centers for mildly ill |
542 | children. |
543 | (c) Operators of family child care homes. |
544 | (d) Operators of large family child care homes. |
545 |
546 | These minimum training standards do not apply to certain |
547 | occasional or part-time support staff, including, but not |
548 | limited to, swimming instructors, piano teachers, dance |
549 | instructors, and gymnastics instructors. Universities, community |
550 | colleges, school districts, and private providers are authorized |
551 | to coordinate or provide this training. |
552 | (2) The department shall grant exemptions from all or a |
553 | portion of the required training to a director or other early |
554 | childhood education personnel of a child care center, of a |
555 | specialized child care center for mildly ill children, of a |
556 | large family child care home, or of a family child care home, |
557 | based upon educational credentials or passage of competency |
558 | examinations. A director or other early childhood education |
559 | personnel of a child care center, or of a specialized child care |
560 | center for mildly ill children, of a large family child care |
561 | home or of a family child care home, who possesses a 2-year |
562 | degree or higher that includes 6 college credit hours in early |
563 | child development or child growth and development, or a child |
564 | development associate credential, an equivalent state-approved |
565 | child development associate credential, or a child development |
566 | associate waiver certificate shall be automatically exempted |
567 | from the training requirements in paragraph (3)(b), paragraph |
568 | (3)(d), and paragraph (3)(e). |
569 | (3) The introductory course for directors and other early |
570 | childhood education personnel of child care centers and |
571 | specialized child care centers for mildly ill children, and for |
572 | operators of large family child care homes, shall be 45 clock |
573 | hours. The introductory course for operators of family child |
574 | care homes shall be 30 clock hours. Each approved introductory |
575 | course must cover at least the following topic areas: |
576 | (a) State and local rules and regulations governing early |
577 | learning programs. |
578 | (b) Health, safety, and nutrition. |
579 | (c) Identifying and reporting of child abuse and neglect. |
580 | (d) Early learning, including typical and atypical |
581 | language, cognitive, motor, social, and self-help skills |
582 | development. |
583 | (e) Observation of developmental behaviors, including the |
584 | use of a checklist or other similar observation tools and |
585 | techniques to determine the child's developmental age level. |
586 | (f) Early literacy and language development of children |
587 | from birth to 5 years of age. |
588 | (g) Other specialized areas as determined by the State |
589 | Board of Education. For directors and early childhood education |
590 | personnel of child care centers and specialized child care |
591 | centers for mildly ill children, these specialized topic areas |
592 | must also include computer technology for professional and |
593 | classroom use. |
594 | (h) The introductory course for directors and early |
595 | education personnel of child care centers, and of specialized |
596 | child care centers for mildly ill children, shall stress, to the |
597 | maximum extent practicable, an interdisciplinary approach to the |
598 | study of children. |
599 | (4)(a) Each operator of a family child care home must |
600 | successfully complete the training required under this section, |
601 | as evidenced by passage of the competency examination, before |
602 | providing early learning programs to a child. |
603 | (b) Each director or other early childhood education |
604 | personnel of a child care center or specialized child care |
605 | center for mildly ill children, and each operator of a large |
606 | family child care home, must: |
607 | 1. Begin training to meet the training requirements within |
608 | 90 days after initial employment within the early learning field |
609 | in this state; and |
610 | 2. Successfully complete the training required under this |
611 | section, as evidenced by passage of the competency examination, |
612 | within 1 year after the date on which the training begins. |
613 | (5)(a) In order to further their early learning programs |
614 | and, if appropriate, administrative skills, each director, |
615 | operator, or other early childhood education personnel required |
616 | to be trained under this section who has fulfilled the |
617 | requirements for the introductory training, must annually |
618 | complete an additional 1 continuing education unit of approved |
619 | inservice training, or 10 clock hours of equivalent training, as |
620 | determined by the State Board of Education. |
621 | (b) Each director, operator, or early childhood education |
622 | personnel required to be trained under this section must |
623 | complete 0.5 continuing education units of approved training or |
624 | 5 clock hours of equivalent training, as determined by the |
625 | department, in early literacy and language development of |
626 | children from birth to 5 years of age. |
627 | Section 12. Section 1014.061, Florida Statutes, is created |
628 | to read: |
629 | 1014.061 Child development associate and child development |
630 | associate equivalent curriculum.-- |
631 | (1) The Department of Education shall conduct a program |
632 | review of all currently approved child development associate and |
633 | child development associate equivalent educational programs and |
634 | any corresponding state requirements in order to assess the |
635 | curriculum and testing requirements and to develop methods for |
636 | the improvement of these requirements and procedures. The |
637 | evaluation shall be conducted every 3 years. The evaluation |
638 | shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the |
639 | accessibility, quality, scope, and sources of current training; |
640 | a determination of the need for specialty training; and a |
641 | determination of ways to increase inservice training and ways to |
642 | increase the accessibility, quality, and cost-effectiveness of |
643 | current and proposed training. |
644 | (2) The State Board of Education shall establish rules |
645 | identifying curriculum standards for the approval of child |
646 | development associate and child development associate equivalent |
647 | programs, and for the renewal of the child development associate |
648 | or child development associate equivalent credential. The |
649 | curriculum standards for the child development associate |
650 | equivalent shall include a requirement for successful completion |
651 | of a competency based examination for which a professional |
652 | certificate will be awarded. The curriculum standards and the |
653 | renewal requirement for the equivalent state-approved child |
654 | development associate credential shall include literacy |
655 | education, effective practices for increasing parental |
656 | involvement, and strategies to meet the needs of non-English- |
657 | speaking children and children with disabilities. Universities, |
658 | community colleges, school districts, and private providers are |
659 | authorized to deliver training for professional development. |
660 | Section 13. Section 1014.062, Florida Statutes, is created |
661 | to read: |
662 | 1014.062 Trainer qualifications.--Early learning |
663 | professionals teaching an approved 45 clock-hour introductory |
664 | course, a child development associate credential, or an |
665 | equivalent state-approved child development associate credential |
666 | shall meet the following qualifications at a minimum: |
667 | (1) Be at least 21 years old. |
668 | (2) Complete the training course developed by the |
669 | Department of Education. |
670 | (3) Meet one of the following educational and experiential |
671 | credentials verified by the training coordinating agency: |
672 | a. Four-year college degree or higher with 6 college |
673 | credit hours in early childhood education, plus 480 hours |
674 | experience in a child care setting serving children ages birth |
675 | through 5 years of age or a teaching certificate. |
676 | b. A.S. or A.A. degree in child development, plus 480 |
677 | hours experience in a child care setting serving children birth |
678 | through five years of age. |
679 | c. Associate degree with 6 college credit hours in early |
680 | childhood education, plus 960 hours experience in a child care |
681 | setting serving children birth through five years of age. |
682 | Section 14. Section 1014.063, Florida Statutes, is created |
683 | to read: |
684 | 1014.063 Early learning personnel training capacity.--The |
685 | department shall conduct an evaluation of training requirements |
686 | and testing procedures for early learning personnel in order to |
687 | assess the status of this training and testing and to develop |
688 | methods for improving these requirements and procedures. The |
689 | evaluation shall be conducted every 3 years and shall include, |
690 | but not be limited to, a determination of the accessibility, |
691 | quality, scope, and sources of current training; a determination |
692 | of the need for specialty training; and a determination of ways |
693 | to increase inservice training and accessibility, quality, and |
694 | cost-effectiveness of current and proposed training. |
695 | Section 15. Section 1014.064, Florida Statutes, is created |
696 | to read: |
697 | 1014.064 Articulation.--The State Board of Education shall |
698 | development guidelines for the articulation required in this |
699 | subsection which maximize local flexibility in developing inter- |
700 | institutional articulation agreements while assuring students in |
701 | the field of early learning the ability to proceed toward their |
702 | higher educational and professional objectives. The State Board |
703 | of Education shall establish in rule a statewide articulation |
704 | agreement in which: |
705 | (1) Successful completion of the 45-clock-hour |
706 | introductory course shall reduce the number of hours required |
707 | for the equivalent state-approved child development associate |
708 | credential by 45 hours. The specific competencies into which the |
709 | hours articulate shall be determined by the State Board of |
710 | Education. |
711 | (2) Successful completion of a child development associate |
712 | credential or an equivalent state-approved child development |
713 | associate credential shall articulate into a minimum of 12 |
714 | community college credit hours in early childhood education. The |
715 | specific courses into which the credits articulate shall be |
716 | determined by the local community college. |
717 | (3) Successful completion of the early childhood education |
718 | Associate Degree shall articulate into the appropriate state |
719 | university baccalaureate degree program. |
720 | Section 16. Section 1014.065, Florida Statutes, is created |
721 | to read: |
722 | 1014.065 Experience credit.-- |
723 | (1) The State Board of Education shall develop, in rule, a |
724 | process by which early learning personnel who have completed the |
725 | introductory training program prior to June 30, 1999, and who |
726 | have been employed no less than 5 years as early childhood |
727 | education personnel may have an opportunity to earn an |
728 | equivalent state-approved child development associate |
729 | credential. The process should, at a minimum, include: |
730 | (a) A procedure for application and determination of |
731 | eligibility. |
732 | (b) A method of measuring competency that shall include |
733 | observation of the applicant in an early learning setting by a |
734 | qualified observer and successful completion of the child |
735 | development associate equivalent competency based examination. |
736 | (2) This subsection shall expire on June 30, 2009, unless |
737 | reenacted by the Legislature. |
738 | Section 17. Section 402.3017, Florida Statutes, is |
739 | transferred, renumbered as section 1014.07, Florida Statutes, |
740 | and amended to read: |
741 | 1014.07 402.3017 Early learning quality initiatives |
742 | Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (TEACH) Early Childhood |
743 | Project scholarship program.-- |
744 | (1) The Legislature finds that the level of early child |
745 | care teacher education and training is a key predictor for |
746 | determining program quality. The Legislature also finds that |
747 | low wages for child care workers prevent many from obtaining |
748 | increased training and education and contribute to high turnover |
749 | rates. The Legislature therefore, intends to help fund a |
750 | program which links teacher training and education to |
751 | compensation and commitment to the field of child care. |
752 | (1)(2) The department may Department of Children and |
753 | Family Services is authorized to contract for the administration |
754 | of the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (TEACH) Early |
755 | Childhood Project. The project shall be based on its national |
756 | model and shall provide scholarship program, which provides |
757 | educational scholarships to caregivers and administrators of |
758 | early childhood programs, family day care homes, and large |
759 | family early childhood education personnel child care homes. |
760 | (2) The department may contract for the administration of |
761 | the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) |
762 | program. The program shall be based on its national model and |
763 | shall encourage parental involvement in early learning programs |
764 | by providing parents with assistance in preparing their children |
765 | for school. |
766 | (3) The department may shall adopt rules under s. |
767 | 120.536(1) and s. 120.54 as necessary to administer implement |
768 | this section. |
769 | (4) For the 2003-2004 fiscal year only, the Agency for |
770 | Workforce Innovation shall administer this section. This |
771 | subsection expires July 1, 2004. |
772 | Section 18. Section 1014.08, Florida Statutes, is created |
773 | to read: |
774 | 1014.08 Accountability.-- |
775 | (1) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--It is the intent of the |
776 | Legislature that: |
777 | (a) The performance accountability system implemented to |
778 | assess the effectiveness of Florida's publicly-funded early |
779 | learning programs, including the voluntary universal |
780 | prekindergarten program, must provide answers to the following |
781 | questions: |
782 | 1. What is the public receiving in return for funds it |
783 | invests in early learning programs? |
784 | 2. How effective are the early learning programs and |
785 | providers in preparing children to be "ready" for kindergarten? |
786 | 3. How effective and efficient are the local early |
787 | learning councils in meeting performance standards established |
788 | by the State Board of Education? |
789 | 4. How effective and efficient are the State Board of |
790 | Education and Commissioner of Education in administering and |
791 | supporting early learning programs? |
792 | (b) The early learning performance accountability system |
793 | shall be established as a single, unified accountability system |
794 | with multiple components including, but not limited to, measures |
795 | of a child's readiness for kindergarten; program effectiveness |
796 | including effectiveness of the voluntary universal |
797 | prekindergarten program; effectiveness of the Department of |
798 | Education, early learning councils, and early learning |
799 | providers; and return on investment. The State Board of |
800 | Education shall be responsible for maintaining a comprehensive |
801 | early learning performance accountability system. |
802 | (c) The State Board of Education shall recommend to the |
803 | Legislature, no later than January 2005, early learning |
804 | performance measures and standards including the components |
805 | identified in subsection (1)(a). |
806 | (d) The Legislature must adopt early learning performance |
807 | measures and standards no later than June 2005. The measures and |
808 | standards adopted by the Legislature shall provide Floridians |
809 | with information on what the public is receiving in return for |
810 | the funds it invests in early learning programs and answer the |
811 | other questions identified in subsection (1)(a). |
812 | (e) Each early learning council must conduct an annual |
813 | evaluation of the effectiveness of its early childhood education |
814 | programs. The results of the evaluations shall be submitted in |
815 | the manner prescribed by the Department of Education and made |
816 | available to the public upon request. This evaluation shall |
817 | include components prescribed by the State Board of Education |
818 | and, at a minimum, measures of the following: |
819 | 1. The children's achievement as measured by age- |
820 | appropriate assessments upon entry into the program and upon |
821 | completion of the program; and |
822 | 2. The children's readiness for kindergarten as measured |
823 | by the instrument adopted by the State Board of Education to |
824 | assess the school readiness of all children entering |
825 | kindergarten. |
827 | (a) The mission of early learning programs is to provide |
828 | the elements necessary to prepare children for school, including |
829 | health screening and referral, a developmentally appropriate |
830 | educational program, and opportunities for parental involvement. |
831 | The purpose of the early learning programs is to assist local |
832 | communities in implementing programs that will enable all |
833 | children in the community to be prepared for success in school. |
834 | (b) The State Board of Education shall adopt guiding |
835 | principles for establishing state, early learning councils, and |
836 | provider standards and measures. |
837 | (c) The Department of Education shall recommend to the |
838 | State Board of Education an early learning accountability system |
839 | that determines the efficiency and effectiveness of publicly- |
840 | funded early learning programs. The Department of Education |
841 | shall consult with early learning stakeholders in the |
842 | development of its recommendations. |
843 | (d) The State Board of Education shall maintain an |
844 | accountability system that measures the following goals: |
845 | 1. Children's preparedness to enter kindergarten, |
846 | 2. Children's acquisition of early literacy skills needed |
847 | to become successful readers, |
848 | 3. Parental involvement opportunities provided, |
849 | 4. Community partnerships leveraged to meet the needs of |
850 | children, and |
851 | 5. Assistance to working families. |
852 | (3) SYSTEM WIDE DATA COLLECTION.--Early learning councils |
853 | and state funded providers shall maintain information systems |
854 | that will provide the State Board of Education and the |
855 | Legislature with information and reports necessary to address |
856 | the specifications of the accountability system. The State |
857 | Board of Education shall determine the standards for the |
858 | required data. |
859 | (4) RULES.--The State Board of Education shall adopt rules |
860 | pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary for the |
861 | implementation of this section. |
862 | Section 19. Section 411.0105, Florida Statutes, is |
863 | transferred, renumbered as section 1014.09, Florida Statutes, |
864 | and amended to read: |
865 | 1014.09 411.0105 Federal Early Learning Opportunities Act |
866 | and Even Start Family Literacy Programs; lead agency |
867 | responsibilities.--The Governor may designate the Department of |
868 | Education as the lead agency for purposes of administration of |
869 | the federal Child Care and Development Fund, 45 C.F.R. parts 98 |
870 | and 99, and the federal Early Learning Opportunities Act, 20 |
871 | U.S.C. ss. 9401-9413. If designated as the lead agency, the |
872 | department must comply with the lead agency responsibilities |
873 | under federal law. |
874 | Section 20. Section 1014.10, Florida Statutes is created |
875 | to read: |
876 | 1014.10 Conflicting provisions.--If a conflicting |
877 | provision exists between this chapter and federal requirements, |
878 | the federal requirements shall control. |
879 | Section 21. Part II of chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, |
880 | shall be entitled "Voluntary universal prekindergarten program" |
881 | and shall consist of ss. 1014.20-1014.32. |
882 | Section 22. 1014.20 Legislative intent.-- |
883 | (1) The voluntary universal prekindergarten program shall |
884 | provide a high-quality prekindergarten learning opportunity that |
885 | is voluntary and free for every child in Florida who is 4 years |
886 | of age. |
887 | (2) The program must be organized, designed and delivered |
888 | in accordance with sections 1(b) and (c), Article IX, of the |
889 | State Constitution. |
890 | (3) It is the goal of the Legislature that 100% of the |
891 | children that participate in the voluntary universal |
892 | prekindergarten program are assessed as "ready" upon entering |
893 | kindergarten. |
894 | (4) The Legislature recognizes that high-quality voluntary |
895 | universal prekindergarten increases children's chances of |
896 | achieving future educational success and becoming productive |
897 | members of society. It is the intent of the Legislature that |
898 | such programs be developmentally appropriate, serve as |
899 | preventive measures for children at risk of future school |
900 | failure, enhance the educational readiness of all children, and |
901 | support family education and the involvement of parents in their |
902 | child's educational progress. The voluntary universal |
903 | prekindergarten program shall provide the elements necessary to |
904 | prepare children for school including, but not limited to, |
905 | health screening and referral, a developmentally appropriate |
906 | educational program, and opportunities for parental involvement |
907 | in the program. |
908 | (5) The Legislature recognizes that there is a strong |
909 | relationship between the skill and preparation of early learning |
910 | staff and educational outcomes of children in early learning |
911 | programs. To improve educational outcomes, it is the goal of the |
912 | Legislature that all early learning staff continually improve |
913 | their skill and preparation through education and training so |
914 | that in 5 years, at least one staff member in each classroom |
915 | will have an associate's degree in the field of early childhood |
916 | education or child development and in eight years, at least one |
917 | staff member in each classroom will have a bachelor's degree in |
918 | the field of early childhood education or child development. |
919 | (6) It is the intent of the Legislature that the |
920 | prekindergarten program exist not as an isolated program, but |
921 | build upon existing services and work in cooperation with other |
922 | programs for young children. |
923 | Section 23. Section 1014.21, Florida Statutes, is created |
924 | to read: |
925 | 1014.21 Parental rights, choices, and responsibilities.-- |
926 | (1) The voluntary universal prekindergarten program is |
927 | expected to assist and support parents in fulfilling their role |
928 | as their child's first teachers. To that end, parental |
929 | involvement in the program will be characterized by respectful |
930 | partnerships between parents and staff and sensitivity to |
931 | cultural diversity and language. |
932 | (2) Parents must be provided information necessary to make |
933 | an informed choice among available prekindergarten program sites |
934 | and providers. |
935 | (3) Each voluntary universal prekindergarten service |
936 | provider should have strong expectations of parental involvement |
937 | and encourage parents to be involved in getting their children |
938 | ready for school. |
939 | (4) Parents should receive periodic assessments of child |
940 | progress and developmental and educational needs. When |
941 | necessary and appropriate, parents should be offered assistance |
942 | in interpreting assessment information and in accessing |
943 | resources to address their child's needs. |
944 | (5) The universal prekindergarten program is voluntary, |
945 | and parents who exercise the option to have their four-year-old |
946 | child participate have the responsibility to ensure that the |
947 | child experiences a high-quality learning opportunity. In |
948 | selecting a voluntary universal prekindergarten service |
949 | provider, the parent or guardian should: |
950 | (a) Be aware of the range of eligible public, private, and |
951 | faith-based programs; |
952 | (b) Verify that providers meet all program eligibility |
953 | requirements pursuant to this act; |
954 | (c) Review program performance data that may include |
955 | performance of children who have been served by the provider on |
956 | the required school readiness screening administered upon entry |
957 | into public kindergarten and other program evaluations; |
958 | (d) Verify that the provider's license is current; |
959 | (e) Talk with other parents about their child's experience |
960 | with the provider; and |
961 | (f) Select the provider that is most appropriate for the |
962 | child, based on such considerations as quality of the physical |
963 | learning environment (facilities, equipment, materials); regular |
964 | periodic assessments of child progress and developmental and |
965 | educational needs; literacy-focused curricula and learning |
966 | experiences; sensitivity to cultural diversity; recognition of |
967 | children's individual needs and rates of learning; the parental |
968 | visitation policy; meaningful opportunities for parent |
969 | involvement, education, and enrichment; respect for the role of |
970 | the parent as the child's first and most vital teacher; |
971 | establishment of a partnership between parents and staff in the |
972 | child's program; opportunities for parents to grow with their |
973 | child and develop parenting skills; and availability of a |
974 | variety of resources and services for parents and families. |
975 | Section 24. Section 1014.22, Florida Statutes, is created |
976 | to read: |
977 | 1014.22 Consumer protection; Department of Education, |
978 | parents, and guardians.--Parents are responsible for making |
979 | informed choices about whether their child should participate in |
980 | the voluntary universal prekindergarten program and, if they |
981 | decide to participate in the program, selecting the provider |
982 | best suited to meet their child's needs. The state serves a |
983 | number of important roles in providing consumer protection for |
984 | participants in the voluntary universal prekindergarten program |
985 | such as prescribing program provider eligibility criteria |
986 | (including fiscal soundness, staff credential requirements, |
987 | approved curriculum, program length and child to staff ratio), |
988 | maintaining a comprehensive public accountability system, |
989 | funding the program and infrastructure, research and |
990 | development, and disseminating information. |
991 | (1)(a) The Department of Education shall create and |
992 | implement a consumer education and protection program that |
993 | strengthens the delivery system. The goal of the program is to |
994 | empower families and guardians to make informed decisions about |
995 | participation in the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
996 | program. The program shall include a variety of strategies that, |
997 | at a minimum, communicate the purpose of the program, the |
998 | characteristics of a high quality program, application |
999 | information, and program eligibility criteria. |
1000 | (b) The Department of Education shall establish a toll- |
1001 | free hotline and Internet website to answer questions and |
1002 | provide information regarding the voluntary universal |
1003 | prekindergarten program. This hotline shall be separate but |
1004 | should be accessible from the single point of entry system. The |
1005 | statewide resource and referral system provided pursuant to s. |
1006 | 1014.48 shall also include information about voluntary |
1007 | prekindergarten programs and providers. |
1008 | (2)(a) Each provider must communicate objective |
1009 | information about its program(s) to parents who wish to |
1010 | participate in the voluntary prekindergarten education program. |
1011 | (b) Participating providers must provide evidence on an |
1012 | annual basis that they meet all program eligibility criteria |
1013 | specified in s. 1014.27. |
1014 | Section 25. Section 1014.23, Florida Statutes, is created |
1015 | to read: |
1016 | 1014.23 Service delivery and design.-- |
1017 | (1) The voluntary universal prekindergarten program will |
1018 | be delivered through a diverse network of high quality private |
1019 | not-for-profit, private for-profit, faith-based, and public |
1020 | providers. This diversity is necessary to support parental |
1021 | choice and maximize use of existing program capacity and |
1022 | community resources. |
1023 | (2) The department will encourage and support partnerships |
1024 | among early learning councils, local governments, community and |
1025 | faith-based organizations, private schools and early learning |
1026 | providers, public schools, and businesses to ensure that the |
1027 | capacity of high quality services is adequate to meet |
1028 | anticipated demand for voluntary universal prekindergarten. |
1029 | Section 26. Section 1014.24, Florida Statutes, is created |
1030 | to read: |
1031 | 1014.24 Community partnerships.-- |
1032 | (1) Physical, behavioral, and developmental needs of |
1033 | children enrolled in the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
1034 | program will be addressed through coordination with and referral |
1035 | to other local and state agencies or community-based |
1036 | partnerships. |
1037 | (2) Each provider must implement processes for referring |
1038 | children who need additional support services to appropriate |
1039 | community service providers including, but not limited to, |
1040 | public health departments, providers of early intervention |
1041 | services, and publicly funded providers of behavioral or |
1042 | developmental services. The statewide resource and referral |
1043 | system provided pursuant to s. 1014.48 shall include guidelines |
1044 | and procedures for referring children for support services. |
1045 | (3) The application used by parents for voluntary |
1046 | universal prekindergarten program enrollment must include an |
1047 | inventory of their child's needs and service history so that |
1048 | program service providers can identify referral needs. |
1049 | Section 27. Section 1014.25, Florida Statutes, is created |
1050 | to read: |
1051 | 1014.25 Eligibility and application for services.-- |
1052 | (1) Children who are residents of Florida and have |
1053 | attained the age of 4 years on or before September 1 of the |
1054 | school year are eligible for admission to the voluntary |
1055 | universal prekindergarten education program for that school |
1056 | year. |
1057 | (2) Prior to the beginning of the school year, parents |
1058 | will be given an opportunity to submit an application for |
1059 | voluntary universal prekindergarten program admission for each |
1060 | eligible child. |
1061 | (3) The State Board of Education shall establish by rule |
1062 | the procedures for application including, but not limited to, |
1063 | the following: |
1064 | (a) The application form; |
1065 | (b) The application time period; and |
1066 | (c) Processes and procedures. |
1067 | (4) The Department of Education must make information |
1068 | about the application process accessible to the public through a |
1069 | public information program that includes print and electronic |
1070 | media and the Internet. |
1071 | Section 28. Section 1014.26, Florida Statutes, is created |
1072 | to read: |
1073 | 1014.26 Program description.--Voluntary universal |
1074 | prekindergarten education program; child expectations, |
1075 | curricula, and transition to kindergarten. |
1076 | (1) The voluntary universal prekindergarten program shall |
1077 | be designed to address and enhance each child's ability to make |
1078 | age-appropriate progress, provide development of language and |
1079 | cognitive capabilities, and provide education in basic and other |
1080 | appropriate skills through high-quality learning experiences |
1081 | that build upon children's interests and skills. |
1082 | (2) To define age-appropriate expectations that will |
1083 | enable children to be ready for school, the Department of |
1084 | Education shall work with the Florida Center for Reading |
1085 | Research to review the Florida School Readiness Performance |
1086 | Standards for Three-Year Old, Four-Year Old, and Five-Year-Old |
1087 | Children 2002 to revise and propose additional or revised |
1088 | standards that emphasize early literacy and oral language |
1089 | skills, including vocabulary development. The State Board of |
1090 | Education shall adopt these literacy and language standards for |
1091 | use in the state's voluntary universal prekindergarten program. |
1092 | (3) Curricula used in voluntary universal prekindergarten |
1093 | programs shall be age-appropriate, literacy-focused, and |
1094 | responsive to children with special needs including those with |
1095 | disabilities, and those whose first language is other than |
1096 | English. Such curricula shall be aligned with the expected child |
1097 | outcomes, as referenced in subparagraph (1)(a). The State Board |
1098 | of Education shall: |
1099 | (a) Identify curricula that meet the adopted standards; |
1100 | (b) Provide a mechanism for review and approval of |
1101 | additional curricula proposed for use in voluntary universal |
1102 | prekindergarten programs; and |
1103 | (c) Ensure that all voluntary universal prekindergarten |
1104 | education programs use curricula that meet the adopted |
1105 | standards. |
1106 | (4) Information related to the child's progress while in |
1107 | the voluntary universal prekindergarten program shall be |
1108 | submitted to the child's parent on a regular basis and such |
1109 | information shall be provided, in the manner prescribed by the |
1110 | Department of Education, to the school at which the child |
1111 | enrolls for kindergarten. |
1112 | Section 29. Section 1008.21, Florida Statutes, is amended |
1113 | to read: |
1114 | 1008.21 School readiness uniform screening |
1115 | (kindergarten).-- |
1116 | (1) The Department of Education shall implement a the |
1117 | school readiness uniform screening developed by the Florida |
1118 | Partnership for School Readiness, and shall require that all |
1119 | school districts administer the kindergarten uniform screening |
1120 | to each kindergarten student in the district school system upon |
1121 | the student's entry into kindergarten. |
1122 | (2)(a) The Department of Education shall implement the |
1123 | school readiness uniform screening to validate the system |
1124 | recommended by the Florida Partnership for School Readiness as |
1125 | part of a comprehensive evaluation design. Beginning with the |
1126 | 2002-2003 school year, the department shall require that all |
1127 | school districts administer the school readiness uniform |
1128 | screening to each kindergarten student in the district school |
1129 | system upon the student's entry into kindergarten. Children who |
1130 | enter public school for the first time in first grade must be |
1131 | administered the school readiness uniform screening adopted for |
1132 | use in first grade. The department shall incorporate school |
1133 | readiness data into the K-20 data warehouse for longitudinal |
1134 | tracking. |
1135 | (b) The uniform screening shall provide objective data |
1136 | regarding the following expectations for school readiness which |
1137 | shall include, at a minimum: |
1138 | 1.The child's immunizations and other health requirements |
1139 | as necessary, including appropriate vision and hearing screening |
1140 | and examinations. |
1141 | 2.The child's physical development. |
1142 | 1.3. The child's compliance with rules, limitations, and |
1143 | routines. |
1144 | 2.4. The child's ability to perform tasks. |
1145 | 3.5. The child's interactions with peers and adults. |
1146 | 6. The child's interactions with peers. |
1147 | 7. The child's ability to cope with challenges. |
1148 | 8. The child's self-help skills. |
1149 | 9. The child's ability to express his or her needs. |
1150 | 10. The child's verbal communication skills. |
1151 | 4.11. The child's problem-solving skills. |
1152 | 5.12. The child's ability to follow verbal directions. |
1153 | 6.13. The child's demonstration of curiosity, persistence, |
1154 | and exploratory behavior. |
1155 | 7.14. The child's knowledge of and interest in books and |
1156 | other printed materials. |
1157 | 15. The child's ability to pay attention to stories. |
1158 | 16. The child's participation in art and music activities. |
1159 | 17. The child's ability to identify colors, geometric |
1160 | shapes, letters of the alphabet, numbers, and spatial and |
1161 | temporal relationships. |
1162 | (b) The screening system shall measure emerging phonemic |
1163 | awareness and phonics skills that are valid and reliable |
1164 | predictors for later reading performance. |
1165 | (3) Recognizing the importance of a child's development in |
1166 | the domain of physical health, each district school board shall |
1167 | ensure that prior to enrollment in kindergarten, information |
1168 | regarding the child's immunizations, physical development, and |
1169 | other health information, including appropriate vision and |
1170 | hearing screening and examinations as necessary, is obtained as |
1171 | required by s. 1003.22. |
1172 | (4) To enhance each child's ability to make age- |
1173 | appropriate progress, each district school board shall also |
1174 | provide for ongoing formal and informal assessment of a child's |
1175 | child's social and emotional development. Information |
1176 | obtained through such assessments shall be shared with the |
1177 | child's parent and or used to guide instruction. |
1178 | Section 30. Section 1014.27, Florida Statutes, is created |
1179 | to read: |
1180 | 1014.27 Program provider eligibility criteria.--To be |
1181 | eligible to participate as a provider in Florida's voluntary |
1182 | universal prekindergarten program and be eligible for state |
1183 | funds, the provider must be located in Florida and must: |
1184 | (1) Demonstrate fiscal soundness by being in operation for |
1185 | at least one year or being part of a corporation with early |
1186 | learning program providers in Florida prior to June 2004. |
1187 | (2) By the 2006-07 school year, meet Gold Seal standards |
1188 | pursuant to s.387.24. |
1189 | (3) Have a minimum staff ratio of 1:10 and serve at least |
1190 | 5 children. |
1191 | (4) Beginning in 2005-06, ensure that one instructional |
1192 | staff for every ten children has a minimum staff credential of: |
1193 | (a) A child development associate credential; or |
1194 | (b) A credential that is equivalent to or greater than the |
1195 | credential required in (a). |
1196 | (5) Beginning in 2006-2007, a second staff member meeting |
1197 | the minimum staff credential prescribed in (4) is required for |
1198 | classes of eleven to twenty children. |
1199 | (6) Use a curriculum that has been determined to meet |
1200 | standards set by the State Board of Education pursuant to s. |
1201 | 1014.26. |
1202 | (7) Provide parents regular periodic information of the |
1203 | child's progress towards attaining age-appropriate developmental |
1204 | and early learning outcomes consistent with expectations in s. |
1205 | 1014.26. |
1206 | (8) Establish an information and referral process for |
1207 | wrap-around services for children who need support beyond what |
1208 | is provided within the voluntary universal prekindergarten |
1209 | program. |
1210 | (9) Provide opportunities for parental involvement. |
1211 | (10) Cultivate and leverage community partnerships. |
1212 | (11) Annually register with the appropriate early learning |
1213 | council. Each owner or operator must provide the following |
1214 | information: |
1215 | (a) The legal business and trade names, mailing address |
1216 | and business location of the early learning program; |
1217 | (b) The full names, addresses, and telephone numbers of |
1218 | all owners or operators of the provider; and |
1219 | (c) A notification of the provider's intent to participate |
1220 | in the program under this section. |
1221 | (12) Offer a program that is 180 days in length and 4 |
1222 | hours per day or 720 hours per year. |
1223 | (13) Comply with applicable state and local health and |
1224 | safety laws, rules and codes. |
1225 | Section 31. Section 1014.28, Florida Statutes, is created |
1226 | to read: |
1227 | 1014.28 Transportation.-- |
1228 | (1) Voluntary universal prekindergarten funds may not be |
1229 | used in any form to provide transportation services for the |
1230 | voluntary universal prekindergarten program or for the purchase |
1231 | of motor vehicles. Voluntary universal prekindergarten providers |
1232 | may provide transportation services for a voluntary universal |
1233 | prekindergarten program through other funds, including local |
1234 | monies or parent fees. |
1235 | (2) Children who are from economically disadvantaged |
1236 | families as defined in 1014.40(2) may have the cost of their |
1237 | transportation reimbursed pursuant to 1014.42. |
1238 | Section 32. Section 1014.29, Florida Statutes, is created |
1239 | to read: |
1240 | 1014.29 Financial matters.-- |
1241 | (1)(a) In order to maximize parental choice, a voucher in |
1242 | the amount established by the Legislature in the General |
1243 | Appropriations Act shall be awarded to parents of children who |
1244 | are eligible to participate in a voluntary universal |
1245 | prekindergarten program. Payment for the voucher will be made to |
1246 | the parent for the voluntary universal prekindergarten provider |
1247 | of the parent's choice, or if the parent so chooses, directly to |
1248 | the provider. |
1249 | (b) Providers wanting to operate a voluntary universal |
1250 | prekindergarten program are required to sign an annual funding |
1251 | agreement that must include, at a minimum: |
1252 | 1. Evidence that they meet provider eligibility criteria |
1253 | contained in s. 1014.27. |
1254 | 2. Clear statement that a provider will not charge above |
1255 | and beyond what the state funds per child, except for |
1256 | transportation, food, field trips, late pick-up fees, or other |
1257 | related fees. |
1258 | (2) No liability shall arise on the part of the state |
1259 | based on any use of a voucher for a voluntary universal |
1260 | prekindergarten program. |
1261 | Section 33. Section 1014.30, Florida Statutes, is created |
1262 | to read: |
1263 | 1014.30 Budgeting.--All funds associated with the |
1264 | voluntary universal prekindergarten program must be appropriated |
1265 | in a single and separate budget entity. |
1266 | Section 34. Section 1014.31, Florida Statutes, is created |
1267 | to read: |
1268 | 1014.31 Voluntary universal prekindergarten capacity |
1269 | assessment.-- |
1270 | (1) The State Board of Education shall annually assess the |
1271 | state's capacity to provide high quality voluntary universal |
1272 | prekindergarten programs. This assessment shall include: |
1273 | (a) The capacity of the early childhood education |
1274 | providers to serve the projected 4-year-old population; and |
1275 | (b) The capacity of educational institutions and other |
1276 | training providers to prepare highly qualified personnel for |
1277 | early learning, pursuant to s.1014.06. |
1278 | (2) The assessment shall specifically include the capacity |
1279 | needs of each county and be developed in partnership with local |
1280 | governments, businesses, community and faith-based |
1281 | organizations, and postsecondary educational institutions. |
1282 | (3) The State Board of Education shall report the findings |
1283 | of this assessment and recommendations to improve the state's |
1284 | state's capacity to provide high quality voluntary universal |
1285 | prekindergarten programs to the Governor, the President of the |
1286 | Senate, and the Speaker of the House on or before September 30 |
1287 | of each year. |
1288 | Section 35. Section 1014.32, Florida Statutes, is created |
1289 | to read: |
1290 | 1014.32 Targeted occupation list.--Workforce Florida, |
1291 | Inc., shall recognize credentialed placement in the field of |
1292 | early learning as a high skill occupation for purposes of |
1293 | performance outcome measures pursuant to s.1011.80(4)(c). |
1294 | Section 36. Part III of chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, |
1295 | shall be entitled "Early Learning Opportunities" and shall |
1296 | consist of ss. 1014.40-1014.54. |
1297 | Section 37. Section 1014.40, Florida Statutes is created |
1298 | to read: |
1299 | 1014.40 Definitions.-- |
1300 | (1) "Central agency" means a community child care |
1301 | coordinating agency, which was established under the former |
1302 | subsidized child care program of the Department of Children and |
1303 | Family Services. |
1304 | (2) "Economically disadvantaged" means having a family |
1305 | income that does not exceed 150 percent of the federal poverty |
1306 | level. |
1307 | Section 38. Section 1014.41, Florida Statutes, is created |
1308 | to read: |
1309 | 1014.41 Early learning councils.-- |
1310 | (1) Effective January 1, 2005, local governance shall be |
1311 | through no more than 28 early learning councils. |
1312 | (2)(a) Early learning councils shall be responsible for |
1313 | compliance with law and State Board of Education rules related |
1314 | to early childhood education at the local level. In performance |
1315 | of these duties, early learning councils must submit, in a |
1316 | timely manner, any information requested by the State Board of |
1317 | Education or the Department of Education relating to compliance |
1318 | accountability and consumer protection. |
1319 | (b) Early learning councils shall provide oversight and |
1320 | accountability for early childhood education at the local level |
1321 | that shall include but not be limited to the following: |
1322 | 1. Maintain accurate records including those necessary to |
1323 | ensure fiscal and programmatic accountability and compliance |
1324 | with laws and State Board of Education rules governing local |
1325 | providers of early childhood education. |
1326 | 2. Provide for representation of a fiscal agent, if |
1327 | necessary, in compliance with s. 1014.52. |
1328 | 3. Retain legal representation, as necessary, for the |
1329 | review and implementation of contracts. |
1330 | 4. Implement a system of consumer protection as provided |
1331 | in s. 1014.22. |
1332 | 5. Prepare an annual financial and compliance audit of all |
1333 | accounts and records conducted by an independent certified |
1334 | public accountant and in accordance with rules adopted by the |
1335 | Auditor General. |
1336 | (c) Each early learning council shall have as many members |
1337 | as may be required to include the following: |
1338 | 1. A Department of Children and Family Services district |
1339 | administrator or his or her designee who is authorized to make |
1340 | decisions on behalf of the department. |
1341 | 2. A district superintendent of schools or his or her |
1342 | designee who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the |
1343 | district. |
1344 | 3. A regional workforce development board executive |
1345 | director. |
1346 | 4. A county health department director or his or her |
1347 | designee. |
1348 | 5. A children's services council or juvenile welfare board |
1349 | chair or executive director, where applicable. |
1350 | 6. A local child care licensing agency head, where |
1351 | applicable. |
1352 | 7. A community college president or designated |
1353 | representative. |
1354 | 8. A representative of a program for children with |
1355 | disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education |
1356 | Act. |
1357 | 9. A parent or guardian of a child who participates in a |
1358 | publicly-funded early learning program. |
1359 | 10. A central child care agency administrator. |
1360 | 11. A Head Start director. |
1361 | 12. A representative of private child care providers. |
1362 | 13. A representative of faith-based child care providers. |
1363 | 14. A representative of family day care home providers. |
1364 | (d) The Governor shall appoint the 14 members of each |
1365 | local council listed in (c) no later than January 1, 2005. |
1366 | Members shall serve a term of 4 years, except that one-third of |
1367 | initial appointees shall serve for 2 years, one-third shall |
1368 | serve for 3 years and one-third shall serve for 4 years. These |
1369 | 14 members shall appoint other council members. |
1370 | (e) A voting majority of local council members shall be |
1371 | persons who do not have a substantial financial interest in the |
1372 | design or delivery of public or private early learning services |
1373 | in Florida, and neither they nor their families may earn an |
1374 | income from the early learning programs. To meet this |
1375 | requirement a council must appoint additional members from a |
1376 | list of nominees presented to the coalition by chambers of |
1377 | commerce or economic development councils within the geographic |
1378 | area of the council. The chair of the council must be chosen |
1379 | from among the voting majority. |
1380 | (f) No member of a council may appoint a designee to act |
1381 | in his or her place unless specifically provided in this act. A |
1382 | member may send a representative to council meetings, but that |
1383 | representative will have no voting privileges. |
1384 | (g) Members of the council are subject to the ethics |
1385 | provisions in part III of chapter 112. It is the duty of all |
1386 | members of the local coalition board to report all possible or |
1387 | apparent conflicts to the chairperson and to recuse themselves |
1388 | from participating in council activities related to their areas |
1389 | of conflict. A conflict shall be deemed to exist if the council |
1390 | member represents any organization whether as an employee, |
1391 | officer or director that receives financial compensation or |
1392 | business for services rendered to the organization or has direct |
1393 | or indirect interest in action to be taken by the council. |
1394 | (h) For the purposes of tort liability, the members of the |
1395 | council and its employees shall be governed by s. 768.28. |
1396 | (i) All councils shall include representation from each |
1397 | county in the service area. |
1398 | (j) Appointed members may serve a maximum of two terms. |
1399 | When a vacancy occurs in an appointed position, the governor |
1400 | shall fill the vacancy. When a vacancy occurs in a non-appointed |
1401 | position, the vacancy shall be publicly advertised for a minimum |
1402 | of 14 calendar days. |
1403 | Section 39. Section 1014.42, Florida Statutes, is created |
1404 | to read: |
1405 | 1014.42 Local council transition.-- |
1406 | (1) Between July 1, 2004, and December 31, 2004, local |
1407 | school readiness coalitions established pursuant to s. |
1408 | 411.01(5), shall transition to early learning councils created |
1409 | pursuant to s. 1014.03(6). |
1410 | (2) No later than October 1, 2004, executive Directors of |
1411 | the school readiness coalitions shall submit a plan to the |
1412 | Commissioner of Education for consolidating school readiness |
1413 | coalitions to create 28 early learning Councils (ELC). Any |
1414 | school readiness coalition that has not agreed to the |
1415 | consolidation plan would be assigned to an early learning |
1416 | council region by the commissioner. |
1417 | (3) All facilities, equipment, and other resources |
1418 | purchased by local school readiness coalitions using state or |
1419 | federal child care or school readiness funding shall be |
1420 | transferred to the early learning council that assumes |
1421 | responsibility for the county or multi-county area previously |
1422 | served by the local school readiness coalition. |
1423 | (4) In multi-county local school readiness coalition |
1424 | regions where the counties are divided between two or more early |
1425 | learning council service areas, each early learning council |
1426 | shall receive the share of the facilities, equipment, and other |
1427 | resources that is fairly apportioned to the county or counties |
1428 | for which it assumes jurisdiction. Any disagreements that may |
1429 | arise regarding resource allocation shall be resolved by the |
1430 | Chancellor for Early Learning. |
1431 | (5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to create a |
1432 | private cause of action or create any rights for individuals or |
1433 | entities in addition to those provided elsewhere in law or rule. |
1434 | Section 40. Section 1014.43, Florida Statutes is created |
1435 | to read: |
1436 | 1014.43 Early childhood education expectations.--Each |
1437 | early learning council shall administer and assure the provision |
1438 | of publicly-funded early childhood education programs that meet |
1439 | the following expectations: |
1440 | (1) The services must prepare preschool children to enter |
1441 | kindergarten ready to learn, as measured by the performance |
1442 | standards and outcome measures adopted by the State Board of |
1443 | Education under s. 1014.08. |
1444 | (2) The services must be developmentally appropriate and |
1445 | research-based, involve parents as their children's first |
1446 | teachers, serve as a preventive measure for children at risk of |
1447 | future school failure, enhance the educational readiness of |
1448 | eligible children, and support family education. |
1449 | (3) The services must offer extended-day and extended-year |
1450 | options to the maximum extent practicable, within funding |
1451 | limitations and without compromising the quality of the program, |
1452 | to meet the needs of parents who work. |
1453 | (4) The services must make available access to community |
1454 | services and resources for families to help achieve economic |
1455 | self-sufficiency. |
1456 | (5) The services must allow persons with an early |
1457 | childhood teaching certificate to provide support and |
1458 | supervision to other staff. |
1459 | (6) The services must provide for coordinated staff |
1460 | development and teaching opportunities. |
1461 | (7) The services must meet all state licensing guidelines, |
1462 | where applicable. |
1463 | Section 41. Section 1014.44, Florida Statutes, is created |
1464 | to read: |
1465 | 1014.44 Early childhood education eligibility and priority |
1466 | for participation.-- |
1467 | (1) Each early learning council shall give priority for |
1468 | participation in publicly-funded early childhood education |
1469 | programs, as follows: |
1470 | (a) Priority shall be given first to a child from a family |
1471 | in which there is an adult receiving temporary cash assistance |
1472 | who is subject to federal work requirements. |
1473 | (b) Priority shall be given next to a child from birth to |
1474 | kindergarten eligibility who is served by the Family Safety |
1475 | Program Office of the Department of Children and Family Services |
1476 | or a community-based lead agency under chapter 39 and for whom |
1477 | early childhood education is needed to minimize the risk of |
1478 | further abuse, neglect, or abandonment. |
1479 | (c) Subsequent priority shall be given to a child younger |
1480 | than kindergarten eligibility who meets one or more of the |
1481 | following criteria: |
1482 | 1. A child who is not included for priority in paragraph |
1483 | (b), but who is determined to be at risk of abuse, neglect, or |
1484 | exploitation and who is currently a client of the Family Safety |
1485 | Program Office of the Department of Children and Family |
1486 | Services. |
1487 | 2. A child at risk of welfare dependency, including an |
1488 | economically disadvantaged child, a child of a participant in |
1489 | the welfare transition program, a child of a migrant farm |
1490 | worker, or a child of a teen parent. |
1491 | 3. A child of a working family that is economically |
1492 | disadvantaged. |
1493 | 4. A child for whom financial assistance is provided |
1494 | through the Relative Caregiver Program under s. 39.5085. |
1495 | 5. A 3-year-old child or 4-year-old child who may not be |
1496 | economically disadvantaged, but who has been determined eligible |
1497 | as a child with a disability in accordance with the rules of the |
1498 | State Board of Education and is participating in a program for |
1499 | children with disabilities of the local school district. |
1500 | 6. An economically disadvantaged child, a child with a |
1501 | disability, or a child at risk of future school failure, from |
1502 | birth to 4 years of age, who is served at home through a home |
1503 | visitor program and an intensive parent education program, |
1504 | including, but not limited to, the Florida First Start Program. |
1505 | 7. A child who meets federal and state requirements for |
1506 | eligibility for the migrant preschool program, but who does not |
1507 | meet the criteria of economically disadvantaged. |
1508 | (2) An early learning council may use early learning funds |
1509 | allocated to the council to provide early childhood education |
1510 | for any child who is eligible for services under the federal law |
1511 | or regulations governing those federal funds, including, but not |
1512 | limited to, the Child Care and Development Block Grant, the |
1513 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant, or the |
1514 | Social Services Block Grant, if approved by the Department of |
1515 | Education as part of the council's early learning plan. |
1516 | (3) A child who meets the eligibility requirements upon |
1517 | initial registration in an early learning program shall be |
1518 | considered eligible for one year, regardless of a change in his |
1519 | or her family's economic status, but subject to additional |
1520 | family contributions in accordance with the council's sliding |
1521 | fee scale. |
1522 | Section 42. Section 1014.45, Florida Statutes, is created |
1523 | to read: |
1524 | 1014.45 Early childhood education program description.-- |
1525 | (1) Each council shall provide a comprehensive program of |
1526 | early childhood education that enhances the cognitive, social, |
1527 | and physical development of children to achieve the performance |
1528 | standards and outcome measures adopted by the State Board of |
1529 | Education pursuant to s.1014.07. |
1530 | (2) Each early learning council shall ensure that the |
1531 | early childhood education provided under its plan, include at a |
1532 | minimum, the following elements: |
1533 | (a) Developmentally and age appropriate curriculum that, |
1534 | at a minimum, prepares a child for school in each of the |
1535 | following components: |
1536 | 1. Physical development. |
1537 | 2. Oral language ability including vocabulary development. |
1538 | 3. Phonemic awareness. |
1539 | 4. Knowledge of and interest in books and other printed |
1540 | materials. |
1541 | 5. Ability to cope with challenges. |
1542 | 6. Ability to perform tasks. |
1543 | 7. Problem-solving skills. |
1544 | 8. Following verbal directions. |
1545 | 9. Demonstration of curiosity, persistence, and |
1546 | exploratory behavior. |
1547 | 10. Interactions with peers and adults. |
1548 | 11. Compliance with rules, limitations, and routines. |
1549 | (b) A character development program to develop basic |
1550 | values. |
1551 | (c) A valid and reliable age-appropriate screening of each |
1552 | child's development when they enter the program. |
1553 | (d) A valid and reliable measurement of each child's |