HB 9021

House Resolution
2A resolution designating October 2004 as "Florida
3Greyhound Adoption Month."
5     WHEREAS, its origins deeply rooted in antiquity, the
6Greyhound is one of the world's oldest currently existing dog
7breeds, with depictions of canines similar to today's Greyhound
8appearing more than 4,000 years ago on the walls of ancient
9Egyptian tombs; and so admired were they by the Arabs for their
10physical attributes and speed that the Greyhound was the only
11animal permitted to share their tents and ride atop their
12camels, and
13     WHEREAS, the Greyhound arrived in Europe 3,500 years ago,
14and in 1014 King Canute of England enacted the Forest Laws,
15mandating that only noblemen could own and hunt with Greyhounds,
16a prohibition that lasted until the laws were abolished in the
171500's by Queen Elizabeth I, who later initiated the first
18formal rules of Greyhound "coursing," or the pursuit of hares,
20     WHEREAS, in the late 1800's, farmers imported Greyhounds to
21the United States to help control jackrabbit populations and,
22because of their speed and natural instincts, the animals soon
23became the focus of popular neighborhood competitions--the first
24organized Greyhound racing events--leading the way for the sport
25as we know it today, following Owen Patrick Smith's invention in
261912 of a mechanical lure that could circle a track and the
27opening of the first track in 1919 in Emeryville, California,
29     WHEREAS, with an average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years,
30Greyhounds are retired from racing between 2 to 5 years of age
31and, with many good years left to live and possessed of a
32legendary devotion to humans, retired Greyhounds are superb
33candidates for adoption, thriving on the attention and love of
34family and responding with exceptional loyalty, returning the
35love tenfold, NOW, THEREFORE,
37Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
40     That the House of Representatives designates October 2004
41as "Florida Greyhound Adoption Month" and urges Floridians to
42take advantage of the availability of these magnificent animals
43as ideal family pets.
44     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
45presented to each Greyhound adoption organization in this state
46as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.