HR 9053

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the 200th anniversary of Haitian
3Independence and declaring January 1, 2004, "Republic of
4Haiti Day" in Florida.
6     WHEREAS, a self-educated man of African ancestry and a
7former slave, Toussaint L'Ouverture joined the Haitian slave
8revolt, a 1791 black slave uprising against the French colonial
9regime, and became its organizational genius, and
10     WHEREAS, although promoted to the post of general by the
11French in 1795 for his role in effecting the withdrawal of
12British militia from the island, in 1801 Brigadier General
13Toussaint L'Ouverture was challenged by the forces of Napoleon
14Bonaparte in a move that soon led to a truce but that resulted
15in Toussaint L'Ouverture's being duplicitously apprehended and
16ferried to France, where he died in a dungeon on April 7, 1803,
18     WHEREAS, on November 18, 1803, in a decisive battle at
19Vertieres, Cap Haitian, the slaves, though ill-equipped and
20untrained, defeated the French Army, then reputed to be the best
21in the world, and that incontrovertible victory led to the
22abolition of slavery and to the declaration of independence of
23the Republic of Haiti; and on January 1, 1804, the island nation
24of Haiti became the first black Republic in the world and the
25second nation in the Western Hemisphere, after the United
26States, to win complete independence, and
27     WHEREAS, because of the success of the Haitian Revolution,
28Napoleon had no choice but to abandon his plan to secure a
29stronghold in Louisiana from which to invade the Thirteen
30States, and America was left to pursue its democratic destiny in
31peace and, through the Louisiana Purchase, to extend its
32territory westward into new frontiers, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the Members of the House of Representatives
38acknowledge their kindred spirit with all people of Haitian
39descent in their fierce love of freedom and join them in the
40joyful celebration of the 200th anniversary of Haitian
42     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
43declares January 1, 2004, "Republic of Haiti Day" in Florida.

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