HR 9061

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the valuable contributions made
3by the Girl Scouts of the United States of America and
4recognizing March 7-March 13, 2004, as Girl Scout Week in
7     WHEREAS, Friday, March 12, 2004, marks the 92nd anniversary
8of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the United States of
9America by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912, and
10     WHEREAS, on March 16, 1950, the Girl Scouts became the
11first national organization for girls to be granted a federal
12charter by Congress, and
13     WHEREAS, throughout its long and distinguished history,
14Girl Scouts, the preeminent organization for girls, has inspired
15millions of girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct,
16patriotism, and service to others so that they may become model
17citizens in their communities, and
18     WHEREAS, some 50 million women have enjoyed the benefits of
19the Girl Scouts program as an American tradition for 92 years,
21     WHEREAS, the State of Florida is home to more than 150,000
22participants in the Girl Scouts program, and
23     WHEREAS, Girl Scouting will lead businesses and communities
24to teach girls the skills needed to take active roles in
25mathematics, science, and technology careers and to meet our
26country's economic needs, and
27     WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts offers girls ages 5 through 17
28years a variety of opportunities to develop strong values and
29life skills and provides a wide range of activities to meet
30girls' interests and needs, and
31     WHEREAS, through Girl Scouting, every girl grows strong,
32gains self-confidence and skills for success, and learns her
33duty to the world around her, and
34     WHEREAS, through participation in the legislative process,
35each participant in Girl Scouting will learn to use her own
36voice to address an issue of concern to her and perhaps make a
37change for the betterment of her community, NOW, THEREFORE,
39Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
42     That the House of Representatives congratulates the Girl
43Scouts organization for its many accomplishments and recognizes
44March 7, 2004, through March 13, 2004, as Girl Scout Week in

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.