HR 9073

House Resolution
2A resolution expressing condolences to the families of the
3victims who lost their lives in the March 11, 2004,
4terrorist attacks in Madrid and deepest sympathy to the
5individuals who were injured in those attacks and to the
6people of the Kingdom of Spain.
8     WHEREAS, on March 11, 2004, over 200 individuals were
9killed and more than 1,000 were wounded when three commuter
10trains in Madrid were blasted by almost simultaneous bomb
11explosions that plunged an entire nation into a state of
12horrified disbelief and deep mourning, and
13     WHEREAS, referred to as the worst terrorist attacks in the
14history of the Kingdom of Spain, these callous acts of violence
15were maliciously timed to cause the most damage at the height of
16the rush hour, once again demonstrating that terrorism knows
17neither limits nor borders, and
18     WHEREAS, a strong advocate for the ideals of freedom and
19democracy, Spain is deeply appreciated by the citizens and
20residents of the State of Florida for its efforts to eradicate
21terrorism in its own nation and worldwide, and
22     WHEREAS, intensely aware of its close ties with the people
23of Spain, the State of Florida continues to stand with that
24nation in opposing the threat of international terrorism to
25Spain, to the United States, and to all peace-loving peoples
26around the world, NOW, THEREFORE,
28Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
31     That the House of Representatives expresses its condolences
32to the families of the victims who lost their lives in the March
3311, 2004, terrorist attacks in Madrid and its deepest sympathy
34to the individuals who were injured in those attacks and to the
35people of the Kingdom of Spain.
36     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
37wholeheartedly supports the provision of appropriate assistance
38to the people of Spain during this time of grief and mourning
39and appeals to the United States Government to continue to work
40with the Government of Spain as an ally in the fight against

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