HR 9085

House Resolution
2A resolution endorsing the recommendation that the 2005
3Super Bowl halftime show honor "America's Greatest
6     WHEREAS, on February 6, 2005, Super Bowl XXXIX will take
7place in Florida, almost 60 years following the end of a war
8fought and supported by men and women who have been aptly
9labeled "America's Greatest Generation," and
10     WHEREAS, this generation, which was predominantly born in
11the 1920's and grew up during the Great Depression, joined in a
12magnificent effort to help preserve world freedom from the
13greatest threat it had ever faced, after the war helped build
14the most prosperous nation in the world, and is now passing away
15at the rate of more than 1,500 individuals a day, and
16     WHEREAS, with a view toward "honoring the Greatest
17Generation before it is too late," it is suggested that a unique
18opportunity has arisen to recognize these American heroes
19through a timely and fitting thematic tribute during the 2005
20Super Bowl halftime show, and it is further suggested that such
21a theme could be presented with a pregame flyover by WWII
22vintage aircraft, followed by a halftime patriotic musical
23salute, perhaps against a backdrop of a 1940's USO canteen with
24dancers in period dress and uniforms performing the "Jitterbug"
25to the toe-tapping, fast-moving music of the day, and
26     WHEREAS, the NFL, working in conjunction with the City of
27Jacksonville, could expand the theme to include week-long
28pregame festivities featuring 1940's automobiles and other
29memorabilia, parades, and special appearances by war heroes past
30and present, and such outpouring of public appreciation would
31"win America's heart" and would be a memorable example of good
32manners and good taste worthy of the service and sacrifices of
33America's Greatest Generation, NOW, THEREFORE,
35Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
38     That the House of Representatives, recognizing Jacksonville
39will be in the world spotlight as host to Super Bowl XXXIX in
40February 2005, urges the officials and civic leaders of the city
41to strive to make this event an opportunity during which to
42offer to these aging heroes "America's Musical Salute to the
43Greatest Generation."
44     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
45presented to the NFL Super Bowl XXXIX Planning Committee as soon
46as possible, as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.