HR 9087

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring Bishop John Hurst Adams.
4     WHEREAS, Bishop John Hurst Adams, born in Columbia, South
5Carolina, the son of the Reverend and Mrs. E. A. Adams, was
6educated in the public schools of Columbia before earning a
7bachelor of arts degree from Johnson C. Smith University in
8North Carolina and his clerical degrees from Boston University
9School of Theology, and
10     WHEREAS, Bishop Adams is the Senior Bishop of the African
11Methodist Episcopal Church and Resident Bishop of the Eleventh
12Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, a
13district comprised of the state of Florida and the island nation
14of the Bahamas, and
15     WHEREAS, since 1950, Bishop Adams has pastored churches on
16both the East and West Coasts and from North to South and, since
17his elevation to Bishop in 1972, has served five districts in
18that capacity, establishing new congregations, initiating new
19programs, and shepherding many ministries, all the while
20distinguishing himself in other areas of service, as exemplified
21by his position as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Edward
22Waters College in Jacksonville, and
23     WHEREAS, Bishop Adams has received numerous honors for his
24humanitarian and civic contributions; has well served his Lord
25and his Church; and, with his wife, Dr. Dolly Desselle Adams,
26has reared three fine daughters, who have in turn have enriched
27the family through their gifts of seven delightful
28grandchildren, and
29     WHEREAS, after more than a half century of dedicated
30service, Bishop John Hurst Adams is leaving the Eleventh
31Episcopal District and the active service of the Episcopacy,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the House of Representatives commends Senior Bishop
38John Hurst Adams for a lifetime of dedicated service and wishes
39him much satisfaction and success in his future endeavors.
40     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
41presented to the Reverend John Hurst Adams, Senior Bishop of the
42Eleventh Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal
43Church, as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.