HR 9103

House Resolution
2A resolution designating April 13, 2004, as "Puerto Rico
3Day" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, Puerto Rico is a self-governing island and
6commonwealth of the United States discovered by Christopher
7Columbus on November 19, 1493, and colonized by Spain during the
816th century, and
9     WHEREAS, Puerto Rico and Florida have a relationship dating
10back to 1513, when Ponce de Leon, Puerto Rico's first governor,
11embarked on a voyage to explore the New World and came upon a
12bountiful land he called "Pascua Florida," and
13     WHEREAS, Puerto Rico was acquired by the United States in
141898 at the end of the Spanish-American War; on March 2, 1917,
15the Jones Act was signed declaring all Puerto Ricans to be
16citizens of the United States, sharing in the full rights and
17duties of citizens; and the island was granted commonwealth
18status in 1952, and
19     WHEREAS, Puerto Ricans have fought in every major war
20involving the United States since World War I and have exhibited
21outstanding heroic action at a very high cost, for Puerto Rico
22had the highest per capita military combat death rate during the
23Korean War, nearly twice that of the United States as a whole,
24and many Puerto Ricans have been recognized with Congressional
25Medals of Honor, and
26     WHEREAS, today, trade between the state and the
27commonwealth amounts to more than $2.5 billion annually, and
28many Puerto Ricans, eager to explore the opportunities offered
29by the state's robust economy, continue to come both from abroad
30and from other states to join the more than 482,000 individuals
31from Puerto Rico who already make their homes in Florida, and
32     WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the ties between the
33Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the State of Florida be
34recognized, taking note of the positive impact Puerto Ricans
35have made on the economic and cultural growth of the state, NOW,
38Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
41     That the House of Representatives acknowledges the
42enrichment of the state's diverse culture afforded by the
43presence of its Floridians of Puerto Rican heritage and
44wholeheartedly designates April 13, 2004, as "Puerto Rico Day"
45in Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.