HR 9111

House Resolution
3A resolution designating April 14, 2004, as "Congressman
4C.W. 'Bill' Young Day."
6     WHEREAS, Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young, after serving in
7the Florida Senate for 10 years, has diligently represented
8Pinellas County in Congress since 1970, working his way to the
9chairmanship of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, one
10of the most crucial assignments in the world, and
11     WHEREAS, Chairman Young, senior member of the Florida
12Congressional Delegation, has enthusiastically supported his
13colleagues in initiatives important to Floridians, such as the
14state universities, community colleges, and public schools;
15offsetting the effects of erosion on the state's beaches; and
16the protection and maximum utilization of MacDill Air Force
17Base, and
18     WHEREAS, Chairman Young's fight for health care for
19veterans and for all Americans led to the establishment of the
20C.W. "Bill" Young Department of Defense Marrow Donor Program and
21the National Marrow Donor Program, which programs have enlisted
22potential donors of at least 4.7 million in the United States
23and approximately 3 million in foreign registries and arranged
24for nearly 15,000 transplants since their inception, and
25     WHEREAS, Chairman Young, internationally recognized as a
26leader in securing funding for biomedical research, led the
27effort for double funding for the National Institutes of Health
28over five years, retaining his position as Vice Chair of the
29Labor Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations
30Subcommittee in order to advocate for funding of research
31initiatives conducted at the institutes, and
32     WHEREAS, Congressman Young, who was born of humble means in
33Harmarville, Pennsylvania, and moved to St. Petersburg when he
34was 15, remains down to earth, open, and accessible, both
35personally and through his able district and Washington staffs,
36and, with his wife, Beverly, continues to well serve the people
37of Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,
39Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
42     That the House of Representatives proudly recognizes
43Chairman Bill Young for his many accomplishments and his
44dedication to the residents of Florida and designates April 14,
452004, as "Congressman C.W. 'Bill' Young Day."
46     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
47presented to Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young as a tangible token
48of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.