HR 9131

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing April 18 through April 25, 2004,
3as Military Working Dog Team Week in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, beginning in World War I, military working dog
6handlers and their dogs have been a vital part of our Armed
7Forces operations, from combat missions in World War II, Korea,
8and Vietnam to their extensive use in the war on drugs, fighting
9domestic and international terrorism, and the current war on
10terrorism and homeland security, and
11     WHEREAS, handlers and their dogs have trained and worked
12side by side as scout, sentry, tracker, bomb and mine detector,
13military police, messenger, booby trap, search and rescue, and
14tunnel teams, and
15     WHEREAS, the use of the United States military working dog
16teams has been credited with reducing the American casualty rate
17in Korea by 60 percent where they were used, and military
18working dog teams participated in over 80,000 missions in
19Vietnam and tens of thousands of hours of duty were performed by
20the sentry dog teams, and
21     WHEREAS, military working dog teams are still active on
22military bases across Florida, the United States, and the world,
23protecting our freedom and keeping us safe, and
24     WHEREAS, dogs have abilities that the most advanced
25technology cannot match, rendering them invaluable to personnel
26serving in the Armed Forces, and
27     WHEREAS, Florida is proud to recognize the United States
28Armed Forces military working dogs and their handlers who, as
29teams, have given of themselves to ensure our continued freedom,
30liberty, and American way of life, NOW, THEREFORE,
32Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
35     That The House of Representatives of the State of Florida
36hereby proclaims April 18 through April 25, 2004, as Military
37Working Dog Team Week in Florida, in honor of America's military
38working dogs and their handlers, and calls upon our citizens to
39recognize the outstanding contributions these soldiers have made
40and continue to make in the defense of our great nation.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.