HR 9141

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing April 29, 2004, as "Tallahassee
3Donation Awareness Day" and encouraging Floridians to
4become part of the Florida organ and tissue donor
7     WHEREAS, the Florida House of Representatives recognizes
8that contributions are made every day by families, donor
9organizations, and private citizens with the intent of
10prolonging life and enhancing the quality of life for their
11fellow human beings through organ and tissue donation, and
12     WHEREAS, the effectiveness of donation depends largely upon
13government and private entities working together to provide
14educational tools by which families are encouraged to make
15informed decisions and individuals, with the full knowledge of
16their families, may make conscious choices about their lives,
18     WHEREAS, in the United States, more than 90,000 individuals
19are on the national donor waiting list, of which more than 2,890
20individuals are from Florida, and
21     WHEREAS, each day in the United States 17 people die for
22lack of donated organs and tissues, and
23     WHEREAS, the House of Representative recognizes the
24dedication and selflessness of donor families who, through their
25donations of organs and tissue, choose to provide the ultimate
26"gift of life" in order that others might live or that their
27qualify of life might be improved, NOW, THEREFORE,
29Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
32     That the House of Representatives recognizes April 29,
332004, as "Tallahassee Donation Awareness Day" and urges all
34residents of the Tallahassee community to participate in family
35discussions with a view towards encouraging family members to
36become part of the Florida organ and tissue donor registry and
37to contribute to the Florida Organ and Tissue Donor Education
38and Procurement Trust Fund so that all may help provide access
39to a higher quality of life for others.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.