HB 0933

House Memorial
2A memorial to the Congress of the United States, urging
3Congress to request that the Secretary of the Navy name a
4future United States Navy warship the "USS Charles E.
5Bennett" in honor of United States Representative Bennett
6who died September 6, 2003, at the age of 92.
8     WHEREAS, Charles Edward Bennett served the residents of
9Jacksonville as a member of the Florida State Legislature in
101940-1941, setting aside that seat to enlist as a Private in the
11United States Army, where he served until 1947 as a combat
12Infantryman, was eventually promoted to the rank of Captain, and
13received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman Badge,
14the Philippine Legion of Honor and Gold Cross, and the French
15Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur for gallantry in action, and
16     WHEREAS, Charles E. Bennett was elected to the United
17States Congress in November 1948, and served with exemplary
18distinction in Congress for the next 44 years, representing
19Northeastern Florida with consummate dignity, integrity,
20professionalism, and unsurpassed diligence in casting over
2118,000 votes and not missing a legislative recorded vote for 41
22years, a Congressional record, even though he contracted polio
23while serving during World War II and consequently wore leg
24braces and walked with a cane, and
25     WHEREAS, Congressman Bennett was Florida's longest-serving
26Congressman and the second-longest tenured member of the United
27States House of Representatives when he retired in 1993, and
28     WHEREAS, Mr. Bennett served as Dean and Chairman of
29Florida's Congressional Delegation for many years, during which
30time he supported innumerable initiatives that benefited the
31Sunshine State and its residents, and
32     WHEREAS, Charles E. Bennett was also the author of many
33books of Florida history which collectively added significant
34understanding and appreciation of early Florida history, and he
35was instrumental in creating the Fort Caroline National Memorial
36and the Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve, then
37declined to accept the military disability retirement pay to
38which he was entitled but directed that it be donated to
39historic preservation, primarily in this state, and
40     WHEREAS, from September 1968 through October 1992,
41Congressman Bennett served as Chairman of the Seapower and
42Strategic Materials Subcommittee of the Armed Services
43Committee, and he was, as stated in a unanimous resolution of
44that committee, "the most influential Member of Congress on
45naval shipbuilding and naval policy for more than two decades,"
47     WHEREAS, not only did Congressman Bennett sponsor bills
48that provided needed ships for the United States Navy,
49significantly contributing to the U.S. victory in the cold war,
50but he also championed legislation that increased military pay,
51improved military housing, and reformed military justice, and he
52wrote legislation that created the Arms Control Agency and
53allowed military services to assist in the effort to stop drug
54smuggling, and
55     WHEREAS, Congressman Bennett introduced the first bill to
56provide a Code of Ethics for the United States House of
57Representatives, later served as Chairman of the Committee on
58Standards of Official Conduct, and fought for higher standards
59of ethics throughout his tenure, and
60     WHEREAS, Charles E. Bennett sponsored legislation to add
61the phrase "In God we Trust" to the United States coins and
62currency and legislation enacting the Americans with
63Disabilities Act, providing federal assistance for school
64construction, and improving public facilities throughout the
65State of Florida, and
66     WHEREAS, Congressman Bennett was recognized by six
67"Watchdog of the Treasury Awards" from the National Association
68of Businessmen for his strong support of fiscal responsibility
69in government, and
70     WHEREAS, Charles Edward Bennett was a patriot who will long
71be remembered for his strong, principled representation of his
72constituents, his impeccable voting record, his uncompromising
73ethics and advocacy for ethical reforms in Congress, and his
74leadership in helping to ensure a strong national defense with a
75modern, capable Navy as the cornerstone of national security,
78Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
80     That the Congress of the United States is requested to ask
81the Secretary of the Navy to name a future United States Navy
82warship the "USS Charles E. Bennett."
83     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
84dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
85President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
86United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
87the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.