HB 0935

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to physical fitness and health;
3establishing the Governor's Council for a Fit Florida;
4providing powers and duties of the council; providing for
5membership and terms; providing for council meetings;
6requiring members to serve without compensation; providing
7for reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses;
8requiring each county health department to establish a
9county Council for a Fit Florida; providing powers and
10duties of such councils; providing for membership and
11terms; providing for council meetings; requiring members
12to serve without compensation; providing for reimbursement
13for per diem and travel expenses; providing an effective
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  (1)  The Governor's Council for a Fit Florida
19is established within the Department of Health. The council
20shall have the following powers and duties to:
21     (a)  Promote interest in the area of physical fitness; to
22consider the need for new programs in the field of physical
23fitness; to enlist the active support of individual citizens,
24professional and civic groups, amateur and professional
25athletes, voluntary organizations, state and local government
26agencies, private industry and business, and community
27recreation programs in efforts to improve the physical fitness
28and the health of the citizens of this state.
29     (b)  Examine current physical fitness programs available to
30the people of this state and to make recommendations to the
31Governor for coordination of programs to prevent duplication of
32such services; to support physical fitness programs in the
33public school system; to develop cooperative programs with
34medical, dental, and other groups; to maintain a liaison with
35government, private, and other agencies, particularly the
36Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and
37Consumer Services, and the Florida Sports Foundation concerning
38physical fitness programs; to stimulate research in the area of
39physical fitness; and to sponsor physical fitness workshops,
40clinics, conferences, and other related activities pertaining to
41physical fitness throughout the state.
42     (c)  Recognize outstanding developments, contributions, and
43achievements in physical fitness in this state by individuals,
44schools, and communities.
45     (d)  Enlist the active support of an alliance comprised of
46individual citizens, professional and civic groups, amateur and
47professional athletes, voluntary organizations, state and local
48government agencies, private industry and business, and
49community recreation programs in efforts to improve the physical
50fitness and health of the citizens of the state.
51     (e)  Sponsor physical fitness workshops, clinics,
52conferences, and other related activities; to partner with
53government, private, and other agencies concerning physical
54fitness and nutrition programs; to disseminate information
55regarding physical fitness and nutrition programs; and to
56encourage the participation of government, individuals,
57organizations, and business entities in program development,
58support, and funding of initiatives relating to physical fitness
59and nutrition efforts recommended by the council.
60     (f)  Make an annual report to the Governor that shall
61include suggestions and recommendations for the furtherance of
62the physical fitness of the people of the state.
63     (2)(a)  The council shall consist of 10 members, including
64a chair. The council shall be composed of eight members
65appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the President
66of the Senate, and one member appointed by the Speaker of the
67House of Representatives, with the initial appointments being
68made no later than September 1, 2004.
69     (b)  When making appointments to the council the Governor,
70the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
71Representatives shall appoint persons from health care
72professions, fields of business and industry, physical
73education, recreation, sports, and the general public.
74     (c)  Members of the council appointed by the President of
75the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
76be appointed for terms of 2 years each, beginning and ending on
77July 1 of even-numbered years. Members of the council appointed
78by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
79Representatives shall serve no more than two consecutive terms
80and shall serve at the pleasure of the official who appointed
81the member of the council.
82     (d)  The eight initial members of the council appointed by
83the Governor shall be appointed as follows: two members for a
84term of 1 year each, two members for terms of 2 years each, two
85members for terms of 3 years each, and two members for terms of
864 years each. At the end of the respective terms of office of
87the initial members, all succeeding appointments shall be for
88terms of 4 years. Members of the council appointed by the
89Governor shall serve no more than two consecutive 4-year terms
90and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
91     (e)  All unexpired terms due to vacancy shall be filled by
92the official who appointed the council member.
93     (f)  The council shall annually elect from the membership
94one member to serve as chair of the council and one member to
95serve as vice chair.
96     (g)  The council shall meet no more than quarterly and a
97majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum
98for the transaction of business.
99     (h)  Members of the council shall serve without
100compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per diem
101and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes,
102while in the performance of their duties.
103     Section 2.  (1)  Each county health department shall
104establish a county Council for a Fit Florida. The council shall
105have the following powers and duties to:
106     (a)  Make recommendations to the local district school
107board on school district policies regarding nutritional
108offerings at schools, on school nutrition assessments, and on
109improvements to nutritional standards.
110     (b)  Make recommendations to the local district school
111board on school district policies regarding physical activity
112and fitness offerings at schools, on physical fitness
113assessments, and on improvements to physical fitness curriculum
114in the schools.
115     (c)  Make recommendations on improving the general wellness
116of the community in coordination with other local governments,
117businesses, and not-for-profit organizations.
118     (2)(a)  The council shall consist of 10 members, including
119a chair and vice chair. The council shall be composed of four
120members appointed by the local director of the county health
121department, four members appointed by the superintendent of
122schools, and two members appointed by the chair of the board of
123county commissioners, with the initial appointments being made
124no later than September 1, 2004.
125     (b)  When making appointments to the council, the
126department director, the superintendent and the chair shall
127appoint persons from health care professions, fields of business
128and industry, physical education, recreation, sports, and the
129general public.
130     (c)  Members of the council appointed by the superintendent
131of schools and the chair of the board of county commissioners
132shall be appointed for term of 2 years each, beginning and
133ending on July 1 of even-numbered years. Members of the council
134appointed by the superintendent of schools and the chair of the
135board of county commissioners shall serve no more than two
136consecutive terms and shall serve at the pleasure of the
137official who appointed the member of the council.
138     (d)  The four initial members of the council appointed by
139the county health department shall be appointed as follows: one
140member for a term of 1 year, one member for a term of 2 years,
141one member for a term of 3 years, and one member for a term of 4
142years. At the end of the respective terms of office of the
143initial members, all succeeding appointments shall be for terms
144of 4 years. Members of the council appointed by the director of
145the county health department shall serve no more than two
146consecutive 4-year terms and shall serve at the pleasure of the
147director of the county health department.
148     (e)  All unexpired terms due to vacancy shall be filled by
149the official who appointed the council member.
150     (f)  The council shall annually elect from the membership
151one member to serve as chair of the council and one member to
152serve as vice chair.
153     (g)  The council shall meet no more than quarterly and a
154majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum
155for the transaction of business.
156     (h)  Members of the council shall serve without
157compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per diem
158and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes,
159while in the performance of their duties.
160     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.