Bill No. HB 941
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 081340
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       04/14/2004 02:08 PM         .                    
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11  Senator Geller moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Between lines 94 and 95,
16  insert:  
17         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 849.086, Florida
18  Statutes, is amended, present subsections (9) through (17) are
19  redesignated as subsections (10) through (19), respectively,
20  and new subsections (9) and (10) are added to that section, to
21  read:
22         849.086  Cardrooms authorized.--
23         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
24         (a)  "Authorized game" means a game or series of games
25  of poker which are played in a nonbanking manner.
26         (b)  "Banking game" means a game in which the house is
27  a participant in the game, taking on players, paying winners,
28  and collecting from losers or in which the cardroom
29  establishes a bank against which participants play.
30         (c)  "Cardroom" means a facility where authorized card
31  games are played for money or anything of value and to which
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 941 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 081340 1 the public is invited to participate in such games and charged 2 a fee for participation by the operator of such facility. 3 Authorized games and cardrooms do not constitute casino gaming 4 operations. 5 (d) "Cardroom management company" means any individual 6 not an employee of the cardroom operator, any proprietorship, 7 partnership, corporation, or other entity that enters into an 8 agreement with a cardroom operator to manage, operate, or 9 otherwise control the daily operation of a cardroom. 10 (e) "Cardroom distributor" means any business that 11 distributes cardroom paraphernalia such as card tables, 12 betting chips, chip holders, drop boxes, banking supplies, 13 playing cards, card shufflers, and other associated equipment 14 to authorized cardrooms. 15 (f) "Cardroom operator" means a licensed pari-mutuel 16 permitholder which holds a valid permit and license issued by 17 the division pursuant to chapter 550 and which also holds a 18 valid cardroom license issued by the division pursuant to this 19 section which authorizes such person to operate a cardroom and 20 to conduct authorized games in such cardroom. 21 (g) "Division" means the Division of Pari-mutuel 22 Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional 23 Regulation. 24 (h) "Dominoes" means flat rectangular blocks the faces 25 of which are divided into two equal parts that are blank or 26 include from one to six dots arranged in a pattern. 27 (i) "High stakes dominoes" means a game of dominoes 28 played with a set of 28 dominoes which is played without 29 limits on the amount wagered in any game or series of games 30 and without limits on the rounds of betting. 31 (j)(h) "Gross receipts" means the total amount of 2 11:48 AM 04/14/04 h0941c-31101
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 941 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 081340 1 money received by a cardroom from any person for participation 2 in authorized games. 3 (k) "High stakes poker" means a game of poker without 4 limits on the amount wagered in any game or series of games 5 and without limits on the rounds of betting established in 6 this section. 7 (l)(i) "House" means the cardroom operator and all 8 employees of the cardroom operator. 9 (m)(j) "Net proceeds" means the total amount of gross 10 receipts received by a cardroom operator from cardroom 11 operations less direct operating expenses related to cardroom 12 operations, including labor costs, admission taxes only if a 13 separate admission fee is charged for entry to the cardroom 14 facility, gross receipts taxes imposed on cardroom operators 15 by this section, the annual cardroom license fees imposed by 16 this section on each table operated at a cardroom, and 17 reasonable promotional costs excluding officer and director 18 compensation, interest on capital debt, legal fees, real 19 estate taxes, bad debts, contributions or donations, or 20 overhead and depreciation expenses not directly related to the 21 operation of the cardrooms. 22 (n)(k) "Rake" means a set fee or percentage of the pot 23 assessed by a cardroom operator for providing the services of 24 a dealer, table, or location for playing the authorized game. 25 (9) HIGH STAKES POKER TOURNAMENTS.--A cardroom 26 operator may host a high-stakes poker tournament twice a year 27 for 1 week at a pari-mutuel facility authorized to operate 28 cardrooms, during the hours the pari-mutuel facility is open 29 to conduct business. Such tournament may be conducted only 30 once in any 6-month period. 31 (10) HIGH STAKES DOMINOES TOURNAMENTS.--A cardroom 3 11:48 AM 04/14/04 h0941c-31101
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 941 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 081340 1 operator may host a high stakes dominoes tournament twice a 2 year for 1 week at a pari-mutual facility authorized to 3 operate cardrooms, during the hours the pari-mutuel facility 4 is open to conduct business. Such tournament may be conducted 5 only once in any 6-month period. 6 7 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 8 9 10 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 11 And the title is amended as follows: 12 On line 22, following the semicolon 13 14 insert: 15 amending s. 849.086, F.S.; providing a 16 definition; authorizing cardroom operators to 17 host high-stakes poker tournaments at certain 18 pari-mutuel facilities; providing limitations; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 11:48 AM 04/14/04 h0941c-31101