Florida Senate - 2004                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 2-A
                        Barcode 512368
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  1/F/2R         .                    
       12/16/2004 10:58 AM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Margolis moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 11, lines 11-25, delete those lines
16  and insert:
17         (6)(a)  A parent may enroll his or her child with any
18  private prekindergarten provider that is eligible to deliver
19  the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program under this
20  part, subject to available space. Each private prekindergarten
21  provider must, when registering with the early learning
22  coalition and at least once each year in accordance with
23  requirements established by the Agency for Workforce
24  Innovation, certify to the coalition the number of students to
25  be admitted by the provider for each prekindergarten program.
26  A private prekindergarten provider must admit each child
27  enrolling in a prekindergarten program on a first-come,
28  first-served basis in the order in which the children apply,
29  subject to available space as reflected by the provider's
30  certified number of students to be admitted. However, if a
31  private prekindergarten provider reasonably believes that a
    7:41 PM   12/15/04                            s0002Ac1c-35-t03

Florida Senate - 2004 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2-A Barcode 512368 1 child has a disability or is developmentally delayed, the 2 provider may refer the child to the early learning coalition. 3 If the coalition determines that the child is expected to 4 qualify for prekindergarten programs administered by the 5 department or the school district for children with 6 disabilities or developmental delays under the federal 7 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or similar state 8 or federal requirements, the coalition shall inform the 9 child's parent about these programs and shall waive the 10 requirement that the private prekindergarten provider admit 11 the child. An early learning coalition may not limit the 12 number of students admitted by any private prekindergarten 13 provider for enrollment in the program. However, this 14 paragraph does not authorize an early learning coalition to 15 allow a provider to exceed any staff-to-children ratio, square 16 footage per child, or other requirement imposed under ss. 17 402.301-402.319 as a result of admissions in the 18 prekindergarten program. 19 (b) A parent may enroll his or her child with any 20 public school within the school district which is eligible to 21 deliver the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program under 22 this part, subject to available space. Each public school 23 must, when registering with the early learning coalition and 24 at least once each year in accordance with requirements 25 established by the Agency for Workforce Innovation, certify to 26 the coalition the number of students to be admitted by the 27 school for each prekindergarten program. A public school must 28 admit each child enrolling in a prekindergarten program on a 29 first-come, first-served basis in the order in which the 30 children apply, subject to available space as reflected by the 31 school's certified number of students to be admitted. Each 2 7:41 PM 12/15/04 s0002Ac1c-35-t03
Florida Senate - 2004 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2-A Barcode 512368 1 school district 2 3 4 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 5 And the title is amended as follows: 6 On page 1, line 14, after the semicolon 7 8 and insert: 9 requiring providers and schools to admit 10 children to the program in the order in which 11 they apply and authorizing early learning 12 coalitions to waive this requirement under 13 certain circumstances; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 7:41 PM 12/15/04 s0002Ac1c-35-t03