HR 9001A

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring the Seminole High School Warhawk
3Marching Band.
5     WHEREAS, with a 40-year tradition of excellence, the
6Seminole Warhawk Marching Band is one of only 23 bands from
7throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Costa Rica,
8and China scheduled to participate in the 2005 Tournament of
9Roses Parade on January 1, and
10     WHEREAS, the Warhawk Band is widely recognized for its
11achievements, including its record of superior ratings for the
12past 26 years at the Florida Bandmasters Association District
13Marching Festival, its multiple championships for many years at
14the renowned Largo Golden Invitational, Florida Tournament of
15Bands, its first-place standing and award of the Mayor's Cup at
16the Pinellas Park Christmas Parade 10 times during the past 12
17years, and its four grand championship ratings in as many years
18at the Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival, and
19     WHEREAS, in 1978, the band won the Virginia Beach National
20Marching Band Festival Grand Championship; has been a finalist
21in the Bands of America regional competition 12 times, a two-
22time Atlanta Regional Grand Champion, a four-time Grand
23Nationals semifinalist, and a two-time Grand Nationals finalist;
24and, in 1996, was the National AA-Division Champion at the WGI
25Friendship Cup Championships in St. Louis, and
26     WHEREAS, given their outstanding records in Visual, Music,
27General Effect, High Percussion, Brass, Woodwinds, Drum Major,
28and Color Guard categories, it only follows that the Warhawk
29Marchers have been invited to perform for the Tampa Bay
30Buccaneers, the Tampa Bay Blue Devils, and the Seminole Pow-Wow
31Parade and to serve as a Festival of States Host Band, and
32     WHEREAS, the very capable leadership of Director Daniel S.
33Wood, Associate Director Bill Durst, and a dedicated staff and
34school administration, with the avid support of parents,
35boosters, alumni, and community, have combined with the
36strength, discipline, and work ethic of the members to produce
37one of the nation's outstanding high school marching bands, NOW,
40Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
43     That the Seminole Warhawk Marching Band is recognized for
44its outstanding achievements and is congratulated for its
45scheduled participation in the 2005 Tournament of Roses Parade.
46     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
47presented to Daniel S. Wood, Director, Seminole Warhawk Marching
48Band, as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.