HR 0001

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring the life of State Representative
3David A. Coley.
5     WHEREAS, David A. Coley, of Marianna, Florida, was elected
6on November 2, 2004, to represent District 7 in the Florida
7House of Representatives, and
8     WHEREAS, prior to his election as Representative, David A.
9Coley served this House and the people of Northwest Florida as
10Executive Secretary to Representative Robert Trammel, District
117, from August 1993 to January 1994; as District Legislative
12Assistant to Representative Jamey Westbrook, District 7, from
13December 1996 to November 1998 and Representative Allan Bense,
14District 6, from November 1998 to December 1999; and,
15thereafter, as Senior Legislative Assistant to Representative
16Bense until January 2004, and
17     WHEREAS, David A. Coley also served this House and the
18people of Florida as Legislative Analyst in the House Judiciary
19Committee from January 1994 to December 1996, which, combined
20with his district service, completed in excess of ten continuous
21years as a faithful and diligent House employee, and
22     WHEREAS, from January 2004, David A. Coley continued to
23serve the people of Northwest Florida as Special Services
24Coordinator for Chipola College, and
25     WHEREAS, David A. Coley served the people of Florida as a
26volunteer with the Florida Highway Patrol Auxiliary, serving
27continuously and keeping fully trained since 1986, rising to the
28rank of Colonel, overseeing the auxiliary's Public Affairs and
29Financial Operations Command, and, as Deputy Commander, serving
30as the fourth-ranking officer of the nation's largest volunteer
31law enforcement agency, and
32     WHEREAS, David A. Coley also served the people of Florida
33as Legislative Assistant to Congressman Bill Grant, during which
34service he coordinated the visit of President George H. W. Bush
35to Tallahassee, Florida, the first President to visit
36Tallahassee since President McKinley, and
37     WHEREAS, David A. Coley has served the public as a sports
38writer and Managing Editor for the Jackson County Floridan, as
39Managing Editor of the Graceville News, and as a member of the
40Capitol Press Corps, and
41     WHEREAS, David A. Coley has been an outstanding example of
42a public servant, citizen, and friend, a loving and dedicated
43husband to Marti, his wife of 23 years, and a loving and
44nurturing father to their children, Kristin, Vance, and Hunter,
46     WHEREAS, David A. Coley was a committed follower of Jesus
47Christ and an active member of Evangel Worship Center in
48Marianna, and
49     WHEREAS, David A. Coley was born on November 8, 1961, in
50Louisville, Kentucky, moved to Graceville, Florida, in 1976,
51graduated from Sneads High School in 1980, and pursued further
52education at Chipola Junior College and Murray State University
53in Kentucky, and
54     WHEREAS, David A. Coley passed away on Good Friday, March
5525, 2005, after a courageous battle with liver cancer, cutting
56far too short a career of outstanding promise as member of this
57House, and
58     WHEREAS, David A. Coley was a true statesman who
59consistently placed the greater good ahead of any partisan or
60political goals, and
61     WHEREAS, David A. Coley will be sorely missed and is deeply
62mourned by the members and employees of the House of
63Representatives along will all those who knew and loved him,
66Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
69     That David A. Coley be remembered as the finest example of
70a person, family man, citizen, and public servant; that he be
71remembered in Session by a Memorial Service in his honor on this
7229th day of March 2005; that all Floridians, especially young
73Floridians seeking an example in life, be encouraged to honor
74and respect his example of love and life; and that this House
75commit his soul to his LORD and his family to the care of God,
76the Creator of Heaven and Earth, "Who is able to keep us from
77falling and to present us before His glorious Presence without
78fault and with great joy."
79     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
80presented to the family of David A. Coley as a tangible token of
81the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.