Florida Senate - 2005                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 324490
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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       05/04/2005 10:09 PM         .         05/05/2005 10:48:20
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11  Senator Webster moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Short title.--This act may be cited as the
18  "Asbestos and Silica Comn Fairness Act".
19         Section 2.  Purpose.--It is the purpose of this act to:
20         (1)  Give priority to true victims of asbestos and
21  silica, claimants who can demonstrate actual physical
22  impairment caused by exposure to asbestos or silica;
23         (2)  Fully preserve the rights of claimants who were
24  exposed to asbestos or silica to pursue compensation if they
25  become impaired in the future as a result of the exposure;
26         (3)  Enhance the ability of the judicial system to
27  supervise and control asbestos and silica litigation; and
28         (4)  Conserve the scarce resources of the defendants to
29  allow compensation to cancer victims and others who are
30  physically impaired by exposure to asbestos or silica while
31  securing the right to similar compensation for those who may
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Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 suffer physical impairment in the future. 2 Section 3. Definitions.--As used in this act, the 3 term: 4 (1) "AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent 5 Impairment" means the American Medical Association's Guides to 6 the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. 7 (2) "Asbestos" includes all minerals defined as 8 'asbestos' in 29 C.F.R. section 1910, as amended. 9 (3) "Asbestos claim" means a claim for damages or 10 other civil or equitable relief presented in a civil action, 11 arising out of, based on, or related to the health effects of 12 exposure to asbestos, including loss of consortium, wrongful 13 death, and any other derivative claim made by or on behalf of 14 an exposed person or a representative, spouse, parent, child, 15 or other relative of an exposed person. The term does not 16 include claims for benefits under a workers' compensation law 17 or veterans' benefits program, or claims brought by a person 18 as a subrogee by virtue of the payment of benefits under a 19 workers' compensation law. 20 (4) "Asbestosis" means bilateral diffuse interstitial 21 fibrosis of the lungs caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers. 22 (5) "Board-certified in internal medicine" means a 23 physician who is certified by the American Board of Internal 24 Medicine or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal 25 Medicine. 26 (6) "Board-certified in occupational medicine" means a 27 physician who is certified in the subspecialty of occupational 28 medicine by the American Board of Preventive Medicine or the 29 American Osteopathic Board of Preventive Medicine. 30 (7) "Board-certified in oncology" means a physician 31 who is certified in the subspecialty of medical oncology by 2 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 the American Board of Internal Medicine or the American 2 Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine. 3 (8) "Board-certified in pathology" means a physician 4 who holds primary certification in anatomic pathology or 5 clinical pathology from the American Board of Pathology or the 6 American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine and whose 7 professional practice: 8 (a) Is principally in the field of pathology; and 9 (b) Involves regular evaluation of pathology materials 10 obtained from surgical or postmortem specimens. 11 (9) "Board-certified in pulmonary medicine" means a 12 physician who is certified in the subspecialty of pulmonary 13 medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine or the 14 American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine. 15 (10) "Bankruptcy proceeding" means a case brought 16 under Title 11, United State Code, or any related proceeding 17 as provided in section 157 of Title 28, United States Code. 18 (11) "Certified B-reader" means an individual 19 qualified as a "final" or "B-reader" under 42 C.F.R. section 20 37.51(b), as amended. 21 (12) "Civil action" means all suits or claims of a 22 civil nature in court, whether cognizable as cases at law or 23 in equity or in admiralty. The term does not include an action 24 relating to a workers' compensation law, or a proceeding for 25 benefits under a veterans' benefits program. 26 (13) "Exposed person" means a person whose exposure to 27 asbestos or to asbestos-containing products is the basis for 28 an asbestos claim. 29 (14) "FEV1" means forced expiratory volume in the 30 first second, which is the maximal volume of air expelled in 31 one second during performance of simple spirometric tests. 3 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 (15) "FVC" means forced vital capacity, which is the 2 maximal volume of air expired with maximum effort from a 3 position of full inspiration. 4 (16) "ILO Scale" means the system for the 5 classification of chest x-rays set forth in the International 6 Labour Office's Guidelines for the Use of ILO International 7 Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses. 8 (17) "Lung cancer" means a malignant tumor in which 9 the primary site of origin of the cancer is inside of the 10 lungs, but the term does not include an asbestos claim based 11 upon mesothelioma. 12 (18) "Mesothelioma" means a malignant tumor with a 13 primary site in the pleura or the peritoneum, which has been 14 diagnosed by a board-certified pathologist, using standardized 15 and accepted criteria of microscopic morphology or appropriate 16 staining techniques. 17 (19) "Nonmalignant condition" means any condition that 18 can be caused by asbestos or silica other than a diagnosed 19 cancer. 20 (20) "Nonsmoker" means the exposed person has not 21 smoked cigarettes or used other tobacco products on a 22 consistent and frequent basis within the last 15 years. 23 (21) "Pathological evidence of asbestosis" means a 24 statement by a board-certified pathologist that more than one 25 representative section of lung tissue uninvolved with any 26 other disease process demonstrates a pattern of 27 peribronchiolar or parenchymal scarring in the presence of 28 characteristic asbestos bodies and that there is no other more 29 likely explanation for the presence of the fibrosis. 30 (22) "Predicted lower limit of normal" for any test 31 means the fifth percentile of healthy populations based on 4 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 age, height, and gender, as referenced in the AMA Guides to 2 the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. 3 (23) "Qualified physician" means a medical doctor, 4 who: 5 (a) Is a board-certified pathologist licensed to 6 practice and actively practices in this country who performed 7 services requested or authorized by a physician who: 8 1. Has conducted a physical examination of the exposed 9 person or, if the person is deceased, has reviewed all 10 available records relating to the exposed person's medical 11 condition; 12 2. Is actually treating or treated the exposed person, 13 and has or had a doctor-patient relationship with the person; 14 and 15 3. Is licensed to practice and actively practices in 16 this country; or 17 (b) Is a board-certified oncologist, pulmonary 18 specialist, or specialist in occupational and environmental 19 medicine who: 20 1. Has conducted a physical examination of the exposed 21 person or, if the person is deceased, has reviewed all 22 available records relating to the exposed person's medical 23 condition; 24 2. Is actually treating or treated the exposed person, 25 and has or had a doctor-patient relationship with the person; 26 and 27 3. Is licensed to practice and actively practices in 28 this country. 29 (24) "Radiological evidence of asbestosis" means a 30 quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO System of classification 31 (in a death case where no pathology is available, the 5 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 necessary radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 2 film if a quality 1 film is not available) showing small, 3 irregular opacities (s, t, u) graded by a certified B-reader 4 as at least 1/1 on the ILO scale. 5 (25) "Radiological evidence of diffuse pleural 6 thickening" means a quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO System 7 of classification (in a death case where no pathology is 8 available, the necessary radiologic findings may be made with 9 a quality 2 film if a quality 1 film is not available) showing 10 bilateral pleural thickening of at least B2 on the ILO scale 11 and blunting of at least one costophrenic angle. 12 (26) "Silica" means a respirable crystalline form of 13 silicon dioxide, including, but not limited to, alpha, quartz, 14 cristobalite, and trydmite. 15 (27) "Silica claim" means a claim for damages or other 16 civil or equitable relief presented in a civil action, arising 17 out of, based on, or related to the health effects of exposure 18 to silica, including loss of consortium, wrongful death, and 19 any other derivative claim made by or on behalf of an exposed 20 person or a representative, spouse, parent, child, or other 21 relative of an exposed person. The term does not include 22 claims for benefits under a workers' compensation law or 23 veterans' benefits program, or claims brought by a person as a 24 subrogee by virtue of the payment of benefits under a workers' 25 compensation law. 26 (28) "Silicosis" means nodular interstitial fibrosis 27 of the lungs caused by inhalation of silica. 28 (29) "Smoker" means a person who has smoked cigarettes 29 or used other tobacco products on a consistent and frequent 30 basis within the last 15 years. 31 (30) "Substantial occupational exposure" means 6 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 employment for an extended period of time in industries and 2 occupations in which, for a substantial portion of a normal 3 work year for that occupation, the exposed person did any of 4 the following: 5 (a) Handled raw asbestos fibers; 6 (b) Fabricated asbestos-containing products so that 7 the person was exposed to raw asbestos fibers in the 8 fabrication process; 9 (c) Altered, repaired, or otherwise worked with an 10 asbestos-containing product in a manner that exposed the 11 person on a regular basis to asbestos fibers; or 12 (d) Worked in close proximity to other persons engaged 13 in any of the activities described in paragraphs (a)-(c) in a 14 manner that exposed the person on a regular basis to asbestos 15 fibers. 16 (31) "Veterans benefits program" means a program for 17 benefits in connection with military service administered by 18 the Veterans' Administration under Title 38, United States 19 Code. 20 (32) "Workers' compensation law" means a law 21 respecting a program administered by this state or the United 22 States to provide benefits, funded by a responsible employer 23 or its insurance carrier, for occupational diseases or 24 injuries or for disability or death caused by occupational 25 diseases or injuries. The term includes the Longshore and 26 Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 33 U.S.C. sections 901-944, 27 948-950, and the Federal Employees Compensation Act, chapter 28 81 of Title 5, United States Code, but does not include the 29 Act of April 22, 1908, the Federal Employers Liability Act, 45 30 U.S.C. 51 et seq. 31 Section 4. Physical impairment.-- 7 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 (1) Physical impairment of the exposed person, to 2 which asbestos or silica exposure was a substantial 3 contributing factor, is an essential element of an asbestos or 4 silica claim. 5 (2) A person may not file or maintain a civil action 6 alleging a nonmalignant asbestos claim in the absence of a 7 prima facie showing of physical impairment as a result of a 8 medical condition to which exposure to asbestos was a 9 substantial contributing factor. The prima facie showing must 10 include all of the following requirements: 11 (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 12 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 13 qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and 14 exposure history of the exposed person or, if the person is 15 deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the 16 exposures that form the basis of the nonmalignant asbestos 17 claim, including: 18 1. Identification of all of the exposed person's 19 principal places of employment and exposures to airborne 20 contaminants; and 21 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures 22 to airborne contaminants, including but not limited to 23 asbestos fibers or other disease causing dusts, that can cause 24 pulmonary impairment and the nature, duration and level of any 25 such exposure. 26 (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 27 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 28 qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking 29 history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's 30 past and present medical problems and their most probable 31 cause. 8 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 (c) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 2 10 years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to 3 asbestos and the date the diagnosis is made. 4 (d) A determination by a qualified physician, on the 5 basis of a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, 6 that the exposed person has a permanent respiratory impairment 7 rating of at least Class 2 as defined by and evaluated 8 pursuant to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent 9 Impairment. 10 (e) A diagnosis by a qualified physician of asbestosis 11 or diffuse pleural thickening, based at a minimum on 12 radiological or pathological evidence of asbestosis or 13 radiological evidence of diffuse pleural thickening. 14 (f) A determination by a qualified physician that 15 asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening, rather than chronic 16 obstructive pulmonary disease, is a substantial contributing 17 factor to the exposed person's physical impairment, based at a 18 minimum on a determination that the exposed person has: 19 1. Total lung capacity, by plethysmography or timed 20 gas dilution, below the predicted lower limit of normal; 21 2. Forced vital capacity below the lower limit of 22 normal and a ratio of FEV1 to FVC that is equal to or greater 23 than the predicted lower limit of normal; or 24 3. A chest x-ray showing small, irregular opacities 25 (s, t, u) graded by a certified B-reader at least 2/1 on the 26 ILO scale. 27 (g) If the exposed person meets the requirements of 28 paragraphs (a), (b), and (c), and if a qualified physician 29 determines that the exposed person has a physical impairment, 30 as demonstrated by meeting the criteria set forth in 31 paragraphs (d) and (f)1. or 2., but the exposed person's chest 9 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 x-ray does not demonstrate radiological evidence of 2 asbestosis, the exposed person may meet the criteria of 3 paragraph (e) if his or her chest x-ray is graded by a 4 certified B-reader as at least 1/0 and a qualified physician, 5 relying on high-resolution computed tomography, determines to 6 a reasonable degree of medical certainty that the exposed 7 person has asbestosis and forms the conclusion set forth in 8 paragraph (h). 9 (h) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the 10 exposed person's medical findings and impairment were not more 11 probably the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure 12 revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical 13 history. A diagnosis that states that the medical findings and 14 impairment are "consistent with" or "compatible with" exposure 15 to asbestos does not meet the requirements of this subsection. 16 (i) If a plaintiff files a civil action alleging a 17 nonmalignant asbestos claim, and that plaintiff alleges that 18 his or her exposure to asbestos was the result of extended 19 contact with another exposed person who, if the civil action 20 had been filed by the other exposed person, would have met the 21 requirements of paragraph (a) and the plaintiff alleges that 22 he or she had extended contact with the exposed person during 23 the time period in which that exposed person met the 24 requirements of paragraph (a), the plaintiff has satisfied the 25 requirements of paragraph (a). The plaintiff in such a civil 26 action must individually satisfy the requirements of 27 paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h). 28 (3) A person who is a smoker may not file or maintain 29 a civil action alleging an asbestos claim which is based upon 30 cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx, or esophagus in the 31 absence of a prima facie showing that includes all of the 10 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 following requirements: 2 (a) A diagnosis by a qualified physician who is 3 board-certified in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology, 4 as appropriate for the type of cancer claimed, of a primary 5 cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx, or esophagus, and that 6 exposure to asbestos was a substantial contributing factor to 7 the condition. 8 (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 9 10 years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to 10 asbestos and the date of diagnosis of the cancer. 11 (c) Radiological or pathological evidence of 12 asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening or a qualified 13 physician's diagnosis of asbestosis based on a chest x-ray 14 graded by a certified B-reader as at least 1/0 on the ILO 15 scale and high-resolution computed tomography supporting the 16 diagnosis of asbestosis to a reasonable degree of medical 17 certainty. 18 (d) Evidence of the exposed person's substantial 19 occupational exposure to asbestos. If a plaintiff files a 20 civil action alleging an asbestos-related claim based on 21 cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx, or esophagus, and that 22 plaintiff alleges that his or her exposure to asbestos was the 23 result of extended contact with another exposed person who, if 24 the civil action had been filed by the other exposed person, 25 would have met the substantial occupational exposure 26 requirement of this subsection, and the plaintiff alleges that 27 he or she had extended contact with the exposed person during 28 the time period in which that exposed person met the 29 substantial occupational exposure requirement of this 30 subsection, the plaintiff has satisfied the requirements of 31 this paragraph. The plaintiff in such a civil action must 11 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 individually satisfy the requirements of this subsection. 2 (e) If the exposed person is deceased, the qualified 3 physician, or someone working under the direct supervision and 4 control of a qualified physician, may obtain the evidence 5 required in paragraph (b) and paragraph (d) from the person 6 most knowledgeable about the alleged exposures that form the 7 basis of the asbestos claim. 8 (f) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the 9 exposed person's medical findings and impairment were not more 10 probably the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure 11 revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical 12 history. A conclusion that the medical findings and impairment 13 are "consistent with" or "compatible with" exposure to 14 asbestos does not meet the requirements of this subsection. 15 (4) In a civil action alleging an asbestos claim by a 16 nonsmoker based on cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx, or 17 esophagus, a prima facie showing of an impairment due to 18 asbestos exposure is not required. 19 (5) A person may not file or maintain a civil action 20 alleging an asbestos claim which is based on cancer of the 21 colon, rectum, or stomach in the absence of a prima facie 22 showing that includes all of the following requirements: 23 (a) A diagnosis by a qualified physician who is 24 board-certified in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology, 25 as appropriate for the type of cancer claimed, of cancer of 26 the colon, rectum, or stomach, and that exposure to asbestos 27 was a substantial contributing factor to the condition. 28 (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 29 10 years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to 30 asbestos and the date of diagnosis of the cancer. 31 (c)1.a. Radiological or pathological evidence of 12 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening or a qualified 2 physician's diagnosis of asbestosis based on a chest x-ray 3 graded by a certified B-reader as at least 1/0 on the ILO 4 scale and high-resolution computed tomography supporting the 5 diagnosis of asbestosis to a reasonable degree of medical 6 certainty; or 7 b. Evidence of the exposed person's substantial 8 occupational exposure to asbestos. If a plaintiff files a 9 civil action alleging an asbestos-related claim based on 10 cancer of the colon, rectum, or stomach, and that plaintiff 11 alleges that his or her exposure to asbestos was the result of 12 extended contact with another exposed person who, if the civil 13 action had been filed by the other exposed person, would have 14 met the substantial occupational exposure requirement of this 15 subsection, and the plaintiff alleges that he or she had 16 extended contact with the exposed person during the time 17 period in which that exposed person met the substantial 18 occupational exposure requirement of this subsection, the 19 plaintiff has satisfied the requirements of this 20 sub-subparagraph. The plaintiff in such a civil action must 21 individually satisfy the requirements of this subsection. 22 2. In the case of an exposed person who is a smoker, 23 the criteria in sub-subparagraphs 1.a. and b. must be met. 24 3. If the exposed person is deceased, the qualified 25 physician, or someone working under the direct supervision and 26 control of a qualified physician, may obtain the evidence 27 required in sub-subparagraph 1.b. and paragraph (b) from the 28 person most knowledgeable about the alleged exposures that 29 form the basis of the asbestos claim. 30 (d) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the 31 exposed person's medical findings and impairment were not more 13 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 probably the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure 2 revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical 3 history. A conclusion that the medical findings and impairment 4 are "consistent with" or "compatible with" exposure to 5 asbestos does not meet the requirements of this subsection. 6 (6) In a civil action alleging an asbestos claim based 7 upon mesothelioma a prima facie showing of an impairment due 8 to asbestos exposure is not required. 9 (7) A person may not file or maintain a civil action 10 alleging a silicosis claim in the absence of a prima facie 11 showing of physical impairment as a result of a medical 12 condition to which exposure to silica was a substantial 13 contributing factor. The prima facie showing must include all 14 of the following requirements: 15 (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 16 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 17 qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and 18 exposure history of the exposed person or, if the person is 19 deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the 20 exposures that form the basis of the nonmalignant silica 21 claim, including: 22 1. All of the exposed person's principal places of 23 employment and exposures to airborne contaminants; and 24 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures 25 to airborne contaminants, including but not limited to silica 26 particles or other disease causing dusts, that can cause 27 pulmonary impairment and the nature, duration, and level of 28 any such exposure. 29 (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 30 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 31 qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking 14 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's 2 past and present medical problems and their most probable 3 cause, and verifying a sufficient latency period for the 4 applicable stage of silicosis. 5 (c) A determination by a qualified physician, on the 6 basis of a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, 7 that the exposed person has a permanent respiratory impairment 8 rating of at least Class 2 as defined by and evaluated 9 pursuant to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent 10 Impairment. 11 (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the 12 exposed person has: 13 1. A quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO System of 14 classification and that the x-ray has been read by a certified 15 B-reader as showing, according to the ILO System of 16 classification, bilateral nodular opacities (p, q, or r) 17 occurring primarily in the upper lung fields, graded 1/1 or 18 higher; or 19 2. Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic 20 nodules exceeding one centimeter in diameter as published in 21 112 Archive of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 7 (July 22 1988). 23 24 In a death case where no pathology is available, the necessary 25 radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 film if a 26 quality 1 film is not available. 27 (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the 28 exposed person's medical findings and impairment were not more 29 probably the result of causes other than silica exposure 30 revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical 31 history. A conclusion that the medical findings and impairment 15 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 are "consistent with" or "compatible with" exposure to silica 2 does not meet the requirements of this subsection. 3 (8) A person may not file or maintain a civil action 4 alleging a silica claim other than as provided in subsection 5 (7), in the absence of a prima facie showing that includes all 6 of the following requirements: 7 (a) A report by a qualified physician who is: 8 1. Board-certified in pulmonary medicine, internal 9 medicine, oncology, or pathology stating a diagnosis of the 10 exposed person of silica-related lung cancer and stating that, 11 to a reasonable degree of medical probability, exposure to 12 silica was a substantial contributing factor to the diagnosed 13 lung cancer; or 14 2. Board-certified in pulmonary medicine, internal 15 medicine, or pathology stating a diagnosis of the exposed 16 person of silica-related progressive massive fibrosis or acute 17 silicoproteinosis, or silicosis complicated by documented 18 tuberculosis. 19 (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 20 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 21 qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and 22 exposure history of the exposed person or, if the person is 23 deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the 24 exposures that form the basis of the nonmalignant silica 25 claim, including: 26 1. All of the exposed person's principal places of 27 employment and exposures to airborne contaminants; and 28 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures 29 to airborne contaminants, including but not limited to, silica 30 particles or other disease causing dusts, that can cause 31 pulmonary impairment and the nature, duration and level of any 16 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 such exposure. 2 (c) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or 3 someone working under the direct supervision and control of a 4 qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking 5 history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's 6 past and present medical problems and their most probable 7 cause; 8 (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the 9 exposed person has: 10 1. A quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO System of 11 classification and that the x-ray has been read by a certified 12 B-reader as showing, according to the ILO System of 13 classification, bilateral nodular opacities (p, q, or r) 14 occurring primarily in the upper lung fields, graded 1/1 or 15 higher; or 16 2. Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic 17 nodules exceeding one centimeter in diameter as published in 18 112 Archive of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 7 (July 19 1988). 20 21 In a death case where no pathology is available, the necessary 22 radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 film if a 23 quality 1 film is not available. 24 (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the 25 exposed person's medical findings and impairment were not more 26 probably the result of causes other than silica exposure 27 revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical 28 history. A conclusion that the medical findings and impairment 29 are "consistent with" or "compatible with" exposure to silica 30 does not meet the requirements of this subsection. 31 (9) Evidence relating to physical impairment under 17 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 this section, including pulmonary function testing and 2 diffusing studies, must: 3 (a) Comply with the technical recommendations for 4 examinations, testing procedures, quality assurance, quality 5 control, and equipment of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of 6 Permanent Impairment, as set forth in 2d C.F.R. Part 404, 7 subpart. P. Appl., part A, section 3.00 E. and F., and the 8 interpretive standards, set forth in the official statement of 9 the American Thoracic Society entitled "lung function testing: 10 selection of reference values and interpretive strategies" as 11 published in American Review of Respiratory Disease. 1991: 12 144:1202-1218; 13 (b) Not be obtained through testing or examinations 14 that violate any applicable law, regulation, licensing 15 requirement, or medical code of practice; and 16 (c) Not be obtained under the condition that the 17 exposed person retain legal services in exchange for the 18 examination, test, or screening. 19 (10) Presentation of prima facie evidence meeting the 20 requirements of subsection (2), (3), (5), or (6) of this 21 section may not: 22 (a) Result in any presumption at trial that the 23 exposed person is impaired by an asbestos-related or 24 silica-related condition; 25 (b) Be conclusive as to the liability of any 26 defendant; and 27 (c) Be admissible at trial. 28 Section 5. Claimant proceedings.-- 29 (1) A civil action alleging an asbestos or silica 30 claim may be brought in the courts of this state if the 31 plaintiff is domiciled in this state or the exposure to 18 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 asbestos or silica that is a substantial contributing factor 2 to the physical impairment of the plaintiff on which the claim 3 is based occurred in this state. 4 (2) A plaintiff in a civil action alleging an asbestos 5 or silica claim must include with the complaint or other 6 initial pleading a written report and supporting test results 7 constituting prima facie evidence of the exposed person's 8 asbestos-related or silica-related physical impairment meeting 9 the requirements of subsection (2), subsection (3), subsection 10 (5), or subsection (6) of section 4. For any asbestos or 11 silica claim pending on the effective date of this act, the 12 plaintiff must file the report and supporting test results at 13 least 30 days before setting a date for trial. The defendant 14 must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to challenge the 15 adequacy of the proffered prima facie evidence of 16 asbestos-related impairment. The claim of the plaintiff shall 17 be dismissed without prejudice upon a finding of failure to 18 make the required prima facie showing. 19 (3) All asbestos claims and silica claims filed in 20 this state on or after the effective date of this act must 21 include, in addition to the written report described in 22 subsection (3) of section 5 and the information required by 23 subsection (2) of section 7, a sworn information form 24 containing the following information: 25 (a) The claimant's name, address, date of birth, and 26 marital status; 27 (b) If the claimant alleges exposure to asbestos or 28 silica through the testimony of another person or alleges 29 other than direct or bystander exposure to a product, the 30 name, address, date of birth, marital status, for each person 31 by which the claimant alleges exposure, hereinafter the "index 19 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 person," and the claimant's relationship to each such person; 2 (c) The specific location of each alleged exposure; 3 (d) The beginning and ending dates of each alleged 4 exposure as to each asbestos product or silica product for 5 each location at which exposure allegedly took place for the 6 plaintiff and each index person; 7 (e) The occupation and name of the employer of the 8 exposed person at the time of each alleged exposure; 9 (f) The specific condition related to asbestos or 10 silica claimed to exist; and 11 (g) Any supporting documentation of the condition 12 claimed to exist. 13 Section 6. Statute of limitations; two-disease rule.-- 14 (1) Notwithstanding any other law, with respect to any 15 asbestos or silica claim not barred as of the effective date 16 of this act, the limitations period does not begin to run 17 until the exposed person discovers, or through the exercise of 18 reasonable diligence should have discovered, that he or she is 19 physically impaired by an asbestos-related or silica-related 20 condition. 21 (2) An asbestos or silica claim arising out of a 22 nonmalignant condition shall be a distinct cause of action 23 from an asbestos or silica claim relating to the same exposed 24 person arising out of asbestos-related or silica-related 25 cancer. Damages may not be awarded for fear or risk of cancer 26 in a civil action asserting an asbestos or silica claim. 27 (3) A settlement of a nonmalignant asbestos or silica 28 claim concluded after the effective date of this act may not 29 require, as a condition of settlement, the release of any 30 future claim for asbestos-related or silica-related cancer. 31 Section 7. Scope of liability; damages.-- 20 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 (1) Punitive damages may not be awarded in any civil 2 action alleging an asbestos or silica claim. 3 (2) At the time a complaint is filed in a civil action 4 alleging an asbestos or silica claim, the plaintiff must file 5 a verified written report with the court which discloses the 6 total amount of any collateral source payments received, 7 including payments that the plaintiff will receive in the 8 future, as a result of settlements or judgments based upon the 9 same claim. For any asbestos or silica claim pending on the 10 effective date of this act, the plaintiff shall file a 11 verified written report within 60 days after the effective 12 date of this act, or at least 30 days before trial. Further, 13 the plaintiff must update the reports on a regular basis 14 during the course of the proceeding until a final judgment is 15 entered in the case. The court shall permit setoff, based on 16 the collateral source payment information provided, in 17 accordance with the laws of this state as of the effective 18 date of this act. 19 Section 8. Liability rules applicable to protect 20 sellers, renters, and lessors.-- 21 (1)(a) In a civil action alleging an asbestos or 22 silica claim, a product seller other than a manufacturer is 23 liable to a plaintiff only if the plaintiff establishes that: 24 1.a. The product that allegedly caused the harm that 25 is the subject of the complaint was sold, rented, or leased by 26 the product seller; 27 b. The product seller failed to exercise reasonable 28 care with respect to the product; and 29 c. The failure to exercise reasonable care was a 30 proximate cause of the harm to the exposed person; 31 2.a. The product seller made an express warranty 21 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 applicable to the product that allegedly caused the harm that 2 is the subject of the complaint, independent of any express 3 warranty made by the manufacturer as to the same product; 4 b. The product failed to conform to the warranty; and 5 c. The failure of the product to conform to the 6 warranty caused the harm to the exposed person; or 7 3.a. The product seller engaged in intentional 8 wrongdoing, as determined under the law of this state; and 9 b. The intentional wrongdoing caused the harm that is 10 the subject of the complaint. 11 (b) For the purpose of sub-subparagraph 1.b., a 12 product seller may not be considered to have failed to 13 exercise reasonable care with respect to a product based upon 14 an alleged failure to inspect the product, if: 15 1. The failure occurred because there was no 16 reasonable opportunity to inspect the product; or 17 2. The inspection, in the exercise of reasonable care, 18 would not have revealed the aspect of the product which 19 allegedly caused the exposed person's impairment. 20 (2) In a civil action alleging an asbestos or silica 21 claim, a person engaged in the business of renting or leasing 22 a product is not liable for the tortious act of another solely 23 by reason of ownership of that product. 24 Section 9. Miscellaneous provisions.-- 25 (1) This act does not affect the scope or operation of 26 any workers' compensation law or veterans' benefit program, 27 affect the exclusive remedy or subrogation provisions of the 28 law, or authorize any lawsuit which is barred by law. 29 (2) Nothing in this act is intended to, and nothing in 30 this act shall be interpreted to: 31 (a) Affect the rights of any party in bankruptcy 22 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 proceedings; or 2 (b) Affect the ability of any person who is able to 3 make a showing that the person satisfies the claim criteria 4 for compensable claims or demands under a trust established 5 under a plan of reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United 6 States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. Chapter 11, to make a claim 7 or demand against that trust. 8 (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that this law 9 render the utmost comity and respect to the constitutional 10 prerogatives of the judiciary of this state, and nothing in 11 this act should be construed as any effort to impinge upon 12 those prerogatives. To that end, if the Florida Supreme Court 13 enters a final judgment concluding or declaring that any 14 provision of this act improperly encroaches on the authority 15 of the court to adopt the rules of practice and procedure in 16 the courts of this state, the Legislature intends that any 17 such provision be construed as a request for a rule change 18 under Section 2, Article V, of the State Constitution and not 19 as a mandatory legislative directive. 20 (4) This act may not be interpreted to prevent any 21 person from bringing or maintaining an asbestos claim based on 22 nonoccupational exposure where such person would be otherwise 23 able to bring or maintain a claim under this act. 24 (5) If any provision of this act or the application 25 thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the 26 invalidity does not affect other provisions or application of 27 the act which can be given effect without the invalid 28 provision or application, and to this end the provisions of 29 this act are declared severable. 30 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005. 31 Because the act expressly preserves the right of all injured 23 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 persons to recover full compensatory damages for their loss, 2 it does not impair vested rights. In addition, because it 3 enhances the ability of the most seriously ill to receive a 4 prompt recovery, it is remedial in nature. Therefore, the act 5 shall apply to any civil action asserting an asbestos claim in 6 which trial has not commenced as of the effective date of this 7 act. 8 9 10 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 11 And the title is amended as follows: 12 Delete everything before the enacting clause 13 14 and insert: 15 A bill to be entitled 16 An act relating to asbestos and silica claims; 17 providing a short title; providing purposes; 18 providing definitions; requiring physical 19 impairment as an essential element of a claim; 20 providing criteria for prima facie evidence of 21 physical impairment for claims and certain 22 actions; providing exceptions; providing 23 additional requirements for evidence relating 24 to physical impairment; specifying absence of 25 certain presumptions at trial; providing 26 procedures for claims and certain actions; 27 providing for venue; providing for preliminary 28 proceedings; requiring asbestos and silica 29 claims to include certain information; 30 specifying certain limitation periods for 31 certain claims; specifying distinct causes of 24 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 action for certain conditions; limiting damages 2 under certain circumstances; prohibiting a 3 general release from liability; prohibiting 4 award of punitive damages; providing for 5 collateral source payments; specifying 6 liability rules applicable to certain persons; 7 providing for construction; providing 8 severability; providing application to certain 9 civil actions; providing an effective date. 10 11 WHEREAS, asbestos is a mineral that was widely used 12 before the mid 1970's for insulation, fireproofing, and other 13 purposes, and 14 WHEREAS, millions of American workers and others were 15 exposed to asbestos, especially during and after World War II 16 and before the advent of regulation by the Occupational Safety 17 and Health Administration in the early 1970's, and 18 WHEREAS, long-term exposure to asbestos has been 19 associated with various types of cancer, including 20 mesothelioma and lung cancer, as well as such nonmalignant 21 conditions as asbestosis, pleural plaques, and diffuse pleural 22 thickening, and 23 WHEREAS, the diseases caused by asbestos often have 24 long latency periods, and 25 WHEREAS, although the use of asbestos has dramatically 26 declined since the 1970's and workplace exposures have been 27 regulated since 1971 by the Occupational Safety and Health 28 Administration, past exposures will continue to result in 29 significant claims of death and disability as a result of such 30 exposure, and 31 WHEREAS, exposure to asbestos has created a flood of 25 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 litigation in state and federal courts that the United States 2 Supreme Court in Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corporation, 119 S. Ct. 3 2295, 2302 (1999), has characterized as an "elephantine mass" 4 of cases that "defies customary judicial administration," and 5 WHEREAS, asbestos personal injury litigation can be 6 unfair and inefficient, imposing a severe burden on litigants 7 and taxpayers alike, and 8 WHEREAS, the inefficiencies and societal costs of 9 asbestos litigation have been well documented in reports such 10 as the RAND Institutes study on Asbestos Litigation Costs and 11 Compensation, the study of Joseph E. Stiglitz on The Impact of 12 Asbestos Liabilities on Workers in Bankrupt Firms, Dr. Joseph 13 Gitlin's report from Johns Hopkins Medical School on 14 Comparison of B Readers' Interpretations of Chest Radiographs 15 for Asbestos Related Changes, and the Report to the House of 16 Delegates from the American Bar Association Commission on 17 Asbestos Litigation, and 18 WHEREAS, the extraordinary volume of nonmalignant 19 asbestos cases continues to strain state courts, and 20 WHEREAS, the vast majority of asbestos claims are filed 21 by individuals who allege they have been exposed to asbestos 22 and who may have some physical sign of exposure but who suffer 23 no present asbestos-related impairment, and 24 WHEREAS, the cost of compensating exposed individuals 25 who are not sick jeopardizes the ability of defendants to 26 compensate people with cancer and other serious 27 asbestos-related diseases, now and in the future, and 28 WHEREAS, the cost of compensating exposed individuals 29 who are not sick threatens the savings, retirement benefits, 30 and jobs of defendants' current and retired employees and 31 adversely affects the communities in which these defendants 26 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 operate, and 2 WHEREAS, the crush of asbestos litigation has been 3 costly to employers, employees, litigants, and the court 4 system, and 5 WHEREAS, in 1982, the Johns-Manville Corporation, the 6 nation's largest single supplier of insulation products 7 containing asbestos, declared bankruptcy due to the burden of 8 the asbestos litigation, and 9 WHEREAS, since 1982, more than 70 other companies have 10 declared bankruptcy due to the burden of asbestos litigation, 11 and 12 WHEREAS, estimates show that between 60,000 and 128,000 13 American workers already have lost their jobs as a result of 14 asbestos-related bankruptcies and that the total number of 15 jobs that will be lost due to asbestos-related bankruptcies 16 will eventually reach 432,000, and 17 WHEREAS, each worker who loses his or her job due to an 18 asbestos-related bankruptcy loses between $25,000 and $50,000 19 in wages over his or her career and loses 25 percent or more 20 of the value of his or her retirement plan, and 21 WHEREAS, asbestos litigation is estimated to have cost 22 over $54 billion, with well over half of this expense going to 23 attorney's fees and other litigation costs, and 24 WHEREAS, the seriously ill too often find that the 25 value of their recovery is substantially reduced due to 26 defendant bankruptcies and the inefficiency of the litigation 27 process, and 28 WHEREAS, silica is a naturally occurring mineral, and 29 WHEREAS, the Earth's crust is over 90 percent silica, 30 and crystalline silica dust is the primary component of sand, 31 quartz, and granite, and 27 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 WHEREAS, silica-related illness, including silicosis, 2 can occur when tiny silica particles are inhaled, and 3 WHEREAS, silicosis was recognized as an occupational 4 disease many years ago, and 5 WHEREAS, the American Foundrymen's Society has 6 distributed literature for more than 100 years to its members 7 warning of the dangers of silica exposure, and 8 WHEREAS, the number of new lawsuits alleging 9 silica-related disease being filed each year began to rise 10 precipitously in recent years, and 11 WHEREAS, silica claims, like asbestos claims, often 12 arise when an individual is identified as having markings on 13 his or her lungs that are possibly consistent with silica 14 exposure but the individual has no functional or physical 15 impairment from any silica-related disease, and 16 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that an overpowering 17 public necessity requires it to act to prevent a silica-based 18 litigation crisis, and 19 WHEREAS, concerns about statutes of limitations may 20 prompt claimants who have been exposed to asbestos or silica 21 but who do not have any current injury to bring premature 22 lawsuits in order to protect against losing their rights to 23 future compensation should they become impaired, and 24 WHEREAS, consolidations, joinders, and similar 25 procedures to which some courts have resorted in order to deal 26 with the mass of asbestos and silica cases can undermine the 27 appropriate functioning of the judicial process and further 28 encourage the filing of thousands of cases by exposed 29 individuals who are not sick and who may never become sick, 30 and 31 WHEREAS, punitive damage awards unfairly divert the 28 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1019, 1st Eng. Barcode 324490 1 resources of defendants from compensating genuinely impaired 2 claimants and, given the lengthy history of asbestos and 3 silica litigation and the regulatory and other restrictions on 4 the use of asbestos and silica-containing products in the 5 workplace, the legal justification for such awards, 6 punishment, and deterrence is either inapplicable or 7 inappropriate, and 8 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that there is an 9 overpowering public necessity to defer the claims of exposed 10 individuals who are not sick in order to preserve, now and for 11 the future, defendants' ability to compensate people who 12 develop cancer and other serious asbestos-related and 13 silica-related injuries and to safeguard the jobs, benefits, 14 and savings of workers in this state and the well-being of the 15 economy of this state, NOW, THEREFORE, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 8:12 PM 05/04/05 h101904e1c-seg1-j01