1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to asbestos and silica claims; providing a |
3 | popular name; providing legislative findings; providing |
4 | purposes; providing definitions; requiring physical |
5 | impairment as an essential element of a claim; providing |
6 | criteria for prima facie evidence of physical impairment |
7 | for claims and certain actions; providing an exception; |
8 | providing additional requirements for evidence relating to |
9 | physical impairment; specifying absence of certain |
10 | presumptions at trial; providing procedures for claims and |
11 | certain actions; providing for consolidation; providing |
12 | for venue; providing for preliminary proceedings; |
13 | requiring new asbestos and silica claims to include |
14 | certain information; specifying certain limitation periods |
15 | for certain claims; specifying distinct causes of action |
16 | for certain conditions; limiting damages under certain |
17 | circumstances; prohibiting a general release from |
18 | liability; prohibiting award of punitive damages; |
19 | providing for collateral source payments; specifying |
20 | liability rules applicable to certain persons; providing |
21 | construction; providing legislative intent; providing |
22 | severability; providing application to certain civil |
23 | actions; providing an effective date. |
24 |
25 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
26 |
27 | Section 1. Popular name.--This act may be cited as the |
28 | "Asbestos and Silica Compensation Fairness Act of 2005." |
29 | Section 2. Findings and purposes.-- |
30 | (1) FINDINGS.--The Legislature finds that: |
31 | (a) Asbestos is a mineral that was widely used prior to |
32 | the mid 1970's for insulation, fireproofing, and other purposes. |
33 | (b) Millions of American workers and others were exposed |
34 | to asbestos, especially during and after World War II and prior |
35 | to the advent of regulation by the Occupational Safety and |
36 | Health Administration in the early 1970's. |
37 | (c) Long-term exposure to asbestos has been associated |
38 | with various types of cancer, including mesothelioma and lung |
39 | cancer, as well as such nonmalignant conditions as asbestosis, |
40 | pleural plaques, and diffuse pleural thickening. |
41 | (d) The diseases caused by asbestos often have long |
42 | latency periods. |
43 | (e) Although the use of asbestos has dramatically declined |
44 | since the 1970's and workplace exposures have been regulated |
45 | since 1971 by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, |
46 | past exposures will continue to result in significant claims of |
47 | death and disability as a result of such exposure. |
48 | (f) Exposure to asbestos has created a flood of litigation |
49 | in state and federal courts that the United States Supreme Court |
50 | has characterized as "an elephantine mass" of cases that "defies |
51 | customary judicial administration" [Ortiz v. Fibreboard |
52 | Corporation, 119 S. Ct. 2295, 2302 (1999)]. |
53 | (g) Asbestos personal injury litigation can be unfair and |
54 | inefficient, imposing a severe burden on litigants and taxpayers |
55 | alike. |
56 | (h) The extraordinary volume of nonmalignant asbestos |
57 | cases continues to strain state courts. |
58 | (i) The vast majority of asbestos claims are filed by |
59 | individuals who allege they have been exposed to asbestos and |
60 | who may have some physical sign of exposure but who suffer no |
61 | present asbestos-related impairment. |
62 | (j) The cost of compensating exposed individuals who are |
63 | not sick jeopardizes the ability of defendants to compensate |
64 | people with cancer and other serious asbestos-related diseases, |
65 | now and in the future; threatens the savings, retirement |
66 | benefits, and jobs of defendants' current and retired employees; |
67 | and adversely affects the communities in which these defendants |
68 | operate. |
69 | (k) The crush of asbestos litigation has been costly to |
70 | employers, employees, litigants, and the court system. In 1982, |
71 | the Johns-Manville Corporation, the nation's largest single |
72 | supplier of insulation products containing asbestos, declared |
73 | bankruptcy due to the burden of the asbestos litigation. Since |
74 | then, more than 70 other companies have declared bankruptcy due |
75 | to the burden of asbestos litigation. It is estimated that |
76 | between 60,000 and 128,000 American workers already have lost |
77 | their jobs as a result of asbestos-related bankruptcies and that |
78 | the total number of jobs that will be lost due to asbestos- |
79 | related bankruptcies will eventually reach 432,000. Each worker |
80 | who loses his or her job due to an asbestos-related bankruptcy |
81 | loses between $25,000 and $50,000 in wages over his or her |
82 | career. Those workers also have seen the value of their 401(k) |
83 | retirement plans drop by 25 percent or more due the |
84 | bankruptcies. |
85 | (l) Additionally, it is estimated that asbestos litigation |
86 | has already cost over $54 billion, with well over half of this |
87 | expense going to attorney's fees and other litigation costs. The |
88 | seriously ill too often find that the value of their recovery is |
89 | substantially reduced due to defendant bankruptcies and the |
90 | inefficiency of the litigation process. |
91 | (m) Silica is a naturally occurring mineral. The Earth's |
92 | crust is over 90 percent silica, and crystalline silica dust is |
93 | the primary component of sand, quartz, and granite. |
94 | (n) Silica-related illness, including silicosis, can occur |
95 | when silica is inhaled. To be inhaled, the silica particles must |
96 | be sufficiently small to be respirable. These tiny particles are |
97 | created when sand is pulverized in the sandblasting process and |
98 | may be found in the fine silica flour used in various foundry |
99 | processes. |
100 | (o) Silicosis was recognized as an occupational disease |
101 | many years ago. In fact, the American Foundrymen's Society has |
102 | distributed literature to its members warning of the dangers of |
103 | silica exposure for more than 100 years. By the 1930's, the |
104 | Federal Government had launched a silica-awareness campaign |
105 | which led to greater protection for workers exposed to silica |
106 | dust. As a result, the number of silica lawsuits filed each year |
107 | was relatively predictable. This has changed. The number of new |
108 | lawsuits alleging silica-related disease being filed each year |
109 | began to rise precipitously in recent years. For example, |
110 | America's largest supplier of industrial sand had more than |
111 | 15,000 new claims in the first 6 months of 2003. This is 3 times |
112 | the number of claims it had in all of 2002 and more than 10 |
113 | times the number of claims it had in all of 2001. |
114 | (p) Silica claims, like asbestos claims, often arise when |
115 | an individual is identified as having markings on his or her |
116 | lungs that are possibly consistent with silica exposure but the |
117 | individual has no functional or physical impairment from any |
118 | silica-related disease. Recent studies indicate that these |
119 | individuals are being identified through the efforts of |
120 | attorneys being compensated by generating contingency fees, just |
121 | as with asbestos litigation. Therefore, it is necessary to |
122 | address silica-related litigation to avoid an asbestos-like |
123 | litigation crisis. |
124 | (q) Concerns about statutes of limitations may prompt |
125 | claimants who have been exposed to asbestos or silica but who |
126 | have no current injury to bring premature lawsuits in order to |
127 | protect against losing their rights to future compensation |
128 | should they become impaired. |
129 | (r) Consolidations, joinders, and similar procedures to |
130 | which some courts have resorted in order to deal with the mass |
131 | of asbestos and silica cases can undermine the appropriate |
132 | functioning of the judicial process and further encourage the |
133 | filing of thousands of cases by exposed individuals who are not |
134 | yet sick and who may never become sick. |
135 | (s) Excessive, unpredictable, and often arbitrary damage |
136 | awards and unfair allocations of liability jeopardize the |
137 | financial well-being of many individuals, businesses, and entire |
138 | industries, particularly small businesses. |
139 | (t) Punitive damage awards unfairly divert the resources |
140 | of defendants from compensating genuinely impaired claimants |
141 | and, given the lengthy history of asbestos and silica litigation |
142 | and the regulatory and other restrictions on the use of asbestos |
143 | and silica-containing products in the workplace, the legal |
144 | justification for such awards, punishment, and deterrence is |
145 | either inapplicable or inappropriate. |
146 | (u) The public interest requires deferring the claims of |
147 | exposed individuals who are not sick in order to preserve, now |
148 | and for the future, defendants' ability to compensate people who |
149 | develop cancer and other serious asbestos-related and silica- |
150 | related injuries and to safeguard the jobs, benefits, and |
151 | savings of workers in this state and the well-being of the |
152 | economy of this state. |
153 | (2) PURPOSES.--The purposes of this act are to: |
154 | (a) Give priority to true victims of asbestos and silica |
155 | claimants who can demonstrate actual physical impairment caused |
156 | by exposure to asbestos or silica. |
157 | (b) Fully preserve the rights of claimants who were |
158 | exposed to asbestos or silica to pursue compensation should they |
159 | become impaired in the future as a result of such exposure. |
160 | (c) Enhance the ability of the judicial system to |
161 | supervise and control asbestos and silica litigation. |
162 | (d) Conserve the scarce resources of the defendants to |
163 | allow compensation of cancer victims and others who are |
164 | physically impaired by exposure to asbestos or silica while |
165 | securing the right to similar compensation for those who may |
166 | suffer physical impairment in the future. |
167 | Section 3. Definitions.--As used in this act: |
168 | (1) "AMA Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment" |
169 | means the American Medical Association's Guides to the |
170 | Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (Fifth Edition 2000) as |
171 | modified by the American Medical Association. |
172 | (2) "Asbestos" means all minerals defined as asbestos in |
173 | 29 C.F.R. s. 1910, as amended. |
174 | (3) "Asbestos claim" means any claim for damages or other |
175 | civil or equitable relief presented in a civil action arising |
176 | out of, based on, or related to the health effects of exposure |
177 | to asbestos, including loss of consortium, wrongful death, and |
178 | any other derivative claim made by or on behalf of any exposed |
179 | person or any representative, spouse, parent, child, or other |
180 | relative of any exposed person. The term does not include claims |
181 | for benefits under a workers' compensation law or veterans' |
182 | benefits program or claims brought by any person as a subrogee |
183 | by virtue of the payment of benefits under a workers' |
184 | compensation law. |
185 | (4) "Asbestosis" means bilateral diffuse interstitial |
186 | fibrosis of the lungs caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers. |
187 | (5) "Bankruptcy proceeding" means a case brought under |
188 | Title 11, U.S.C., or any related proceeding as provided in |
189 | section 157 of Title 28, U.S.C. |
190 | (6) "Board-certified in internal medicine" means certified |
191 | by the American Board of Internal Medicine or the American |
192 | Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine. |
193 | (7) "Board-certified in occupational medicine" means |
194 | certified in the subspecialty of occupational medicine by the |
195 | American Board of Preventive Medicine or the American |
196 | Osteopathic Board of Preventive Medicine. |
197 | (8) "Board-certified in oncology" means certified in the |
198 | subspecialty of medical oncology by the American Board of |
199 | Internal Medicine or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal |
200 | Medicine. |
201 | (9) "Board-certified in pathology" means holding primary |
202 | certification in anatomic pathology or clinical pathology from |
203 | the American Board of Pathology or the American Osteopathic |
204 | Board of Internal Medicine and with professional practice: |
205 | (a) Principally in the field of pathology. |
206 | (b) Involving regular evaluation of pathology materials |
207 | obtained from surgical or postmortem specimens. |
208 | (10) "Board-certified in pulmonary medicine" means |
209 | certified in the subspecialty of pulmonary medicine by the |
210 | American Board of Internal Medicine or the American Osteopathic |
211 | Board of Internal Medicine. |
212 | (11) "Certified B-reader" means an individual qualified as |
213 | a final or B-reader under 42 C.F.R. s. 37.51(b), as amended. |
214 | (12) "Civil action" means all suits or claims of a civil |
215 | nature in court, whether cognizable as cases at law or in equity |
216 | or in admiralty. The term does not include an action relating to |
217 | any workers' compensation law or a proceeding for benefits under |
218 | any veterans' benefits program. |
219 | (13) "Exposed person" means any person whose exposure to |
220 | asbestos, silica, products containing asbestos, or silica- |
221 | containing products is the basis for an asbestos or silica |
222 | claim. |
223 | (14) "FEV1" means forced expiratory volume in the first |
224 | second, which is the maximal volume of air expelled in one |
225 | second during performance of simple spirometric tests. |
226 | (15) "FVC" means forced vital capacity which is the |
227 | maximal volume of air expired with maximum effort from a |
228 | position of full inspiration. |
229 | (16) "ILO scale" means the system for the classification |
230 | of chest X rays set forth in the International Labour Office's |
231 | Guidelines for the Use of ILO International Classification of |
232 | Radiographs of Pneumoconioses (1980) as amended by the |
233 | International Labour Office. |
234 | (17) "Lung cancer" means a malignant tumor in which the |
235 | primary site of origin of the cancer is located inside of the |
236 | lungs, but such term does not include an asbestos claim based |
237 | upon mesothelioma. |
238 | (18) "Mesothelioma" means a malignant tumor with a primary |
239 | site in the pleura or the peritoneum which has been diagnosed by |
240 | a board-certified pathologist using standardized and accepted |
241 | criteria of microscopic morphology or appropriate staining |
242 | techniques. |
243 | (19) "Nonmalignant condition" means any condition that is |
244 | caused or may be caused by asbestos other than a diagnosed |
245 | cancer. |
246 | (20) "Nonsmoker" means an exposed person who has not |
247 | smoked cigarettes or any other tobacco products on a consistent |
248 | and frequent basis within the last 15 years. |
249 | (21) "Pathological evidence of asbestosis" means a |
250 | statement by a board-certified pathologist that more than one |
251 | representative section of lung tissue uninvolved with any other |
252 | disease process demonstrates a pattern of peribronchiolar or |
253 | parenchymal scarring in the presence of characteristic asbestos |
254 | bodies and that there is no other more likely explanation for |
255 | the presence of the fibrosis. |
256 | (22) "Predicted lower limit of normal" for any test means |
257 | the fifth percentile of healthy populations based on age, |
258 | height, and gender, as referenced in the AMA Guides to the |
259 | Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. |
260 | (23) "Qualified physician" means a medical doctor who: |
261 | (a) Is currently a board-certified internist, oncologist, |
262 | pathologist, pulmonary specialist, or radiologist, or specialist |
263 | in occupational and environmental medicine. |
264 | (b) Has conducted a physical examination of the exposed |
265 | person. |
266 | (c) Is actually treating or treated the exposed person and |
267 | has or had a doctor-patient relationship with such person. |
268 | (d) Spends no more than 10 percent of his or her |
269 | professional practice time in providing consulting or expert |
270 | services in connection with actual or potential civil actions |
271 | and whose medical group, professional corporation, clinic, or |
272 | other affiliated group earns not more than 20 percent of its |
273 | revenues from providing such services. |
274 | (e) Is currently licensed to practice and actively |
275 | practices in the state in which the plaintiff resides or in |
276 | which the plaintiff's civil action was filed. |
277 | (f) Receives or received payment for the treatment of the |
278 | exposed person from that person's health maintenance |
279 | organization or other medical provider or from the exposed |
280 | person or a member of the exposed person's family. |
281 | (24) "Radiological evidence of asbestosis" means a quality |
282 | 1 chest X ray under the ILO System of classification showing |
283 | small, irregular opacities of s, t, or u, graded by a certified |
284 | B-reader as at least 1/1 on the ILO scale. In a death case for |
285 | which no pathology is available, the necessary radiologic |
286 | findings may be made with a quality 2 film if a quality 1 film |
287 | is not available. |
288 | (25) "Radiological evidence of diffuse pleural thickening" |
289 | means a quality 1 chest X ray under the ILO System of |
290 | classification showing bilateral pleural thickening of at least |
291 | B2 on the ILO scale and blunting of at least one costophrenic |
292 | angle. In a death case for which no pathology is available, the |
293 | necessary radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 film |
294 | if a quality 1 film is not available. |
295 | (26) "Silica" means a respirable crystalline form of |
296 | silicon dioxide, including, but not limited to, alpha, quartz, |
297 | cristobalite, and trydmite. |
298 | (27) "Silica claim" means any claim for damages or other |
299 | civil or equitable relief presented in a civil action arising |
300 | out of, based on, or related to the health effects of exposure |
301 | to silica, including loss of consortium, wrongful death, and any |
302 | other derivative claim made by or on behalf of any exposed |
303 | person or any representative, spouse, parent, child, or other |
304 | relative of any exposed person. The term does not include claims |
305 | for benefits under a workers' compensation law or veterans' |
306 | benefits program or claims brought by any person as a subrogee |
307 | by virtue of the payment of benefits under a workers' |
308 | compensation law. |
309 | (28) "Silicosis" means nodular interstitial fibrosis of |
310 | the lungs caused by inhalation of silica. |
311 | (29) "Smoker" means a person who has smoked cigarettes or |
312 | other tobacco products on a consistent and frequent basis within |
313 | the last 15 years. |
314 | (30) "State" means any state of the United States, the |
315 | District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the |
316 | Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American |
317 | Samoa, and any other territory or possession of the United |
318 | States or any political subdivision of any of such governments. |
319 | (31) "Substantial contributing factor" means: |
320 | (a) Exposure to asbestos or silica is the predominate |
321 | cause of the physical impairment alleged in the claim. |
322 | (b) The exposure to asbestos or silica took place on a |
323 | regular basis over an extended period of time and in close |
324 | proximity to the exposed person. |
325 | (c) A qualified physician has determined with a reasonable |
326 | degree of medical certainly that the physical impairment of the |
327 | exposed person would not have occurred but for the asbestos or |
328 | silica exposure. |
329 | (32) "Substantial occupational exposure" means employment |
330 | for an extended period of time in industries and occupations in |
331 | which, for a substantial portion of a normal work year for that |
332 | occupation, the exposed person did any of the following: |
333 | (a) Handled raw asbestos fibers; |
334 | (b) Fabricated products containing asbestos so that the |
335 | person was exposed to raw asbestos fibers in the fabrication |
336 | process; |
337 | (c) Altered, repaired, or otherwise worked with a product |
338 | containing asbestos in a manner that exposed the person on a |
339 | regular basis to asbestos fibers; or |
340 | (d) Worked in close proximity to other persons engaged in |
341 | any of the activities described in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), |
342 | or paragraph (c) in a manner that exposed the person on a |
343 | regular basis to asbestos fibers. |
344 | (33) "Veterans' benefits program" means any program for |
345 | benefits in connection with military service administered by the |
346 | Veterans' Administration under Title 38, U.S.C. |
347 | (34) "Workers' compensation law" means a law respecting a |
348 | program administered by a state or the United States to provide |
349 | benefits, funded by a responsible employer or its insurance |
350 | carrier, for occupational diseases or injuries or for disability |
351 | or death caused by occupational diseases or injuries. The term |
352 | includes the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 33 |
353 | U.S.C. 901-944, 948-950, and chapter 81 of Title 5, U.S.C., the |
354 | Federal Employees Compensation Act, but does not include the Act |
355 | of April 22, 1908, 45 U.S.C. 51 et seq., popularly referred to |
356 | as the "Federal Employers' Liability Act." |
357 | Section 4. Physical impairment.-- |
359 | impairment of the exposed person, to which asbestos or silica |
360 | exposure was a substantial contributing factor, shall be an |
361 | essential element of an asbestos or silica claim. |
363 | NONMALIGNANT ASBESTOS CLAIMS.--No person shall bring or maintain |
364 | a civil action alleging a nonmalignant asbestos claim in the |
365 | absence of a prima facie showing of physical impairment as a |
366 | result of a medical condition to which exposure to asbestos was |
367 | a substantial contributing factor. Such a prima facie showing |
368 | shall include: |
369 | (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
370 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
371 | qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and |
372 | exposure history of the exposed person or, if such person is |
373 | deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the exposures |
374 | that form the basis of the nonmalignant asbestos claim, |
375 | including: |
376 | 1. Identification of all of the exposed person's principal |
377 | places of employment and exposures to airborne contaminants. |
378 | 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures to |
379 | airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, asbestos |
380 | fibers or other disease-causing dusts, that can cause pulmonary |
381 | impairment and the nature, duration, and level of any such |
382 | exposure. |
383 | (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 10 |
384 | years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to |
385 | asbestos and the date of diagnosis. |
386 | (c) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
387 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
388 | qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking |
389 | history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's |
390 | past and present medical problems and their most probable cause. |
391 | (d) A determination by a qualified physician, on the basis |
392 | of a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, that |
393 | the exposed person has a permanent respiratory impairment rating |
394 | of at least Class 2 as defined by and evaluated pursuant to the |
395 | AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. |
396 | (e) A diagnosis by a qualified physician of asbestosis or |
397 | diffuse pleural thickening, based at a minimum on radiological |
398 | or pathological evidence of asbestosis or radiological evidence |
399 | of diffuse pleural thickening. |
400 | (f) A determination by a qualified physician that |
401 | asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening, rather than chronic |
402 | obstructive pulmonary disease, is a substantial contributing |
403 | factor to the exposed person's physical impairment, based at a |
404 | minimum on a determination that the exposed person has: |
405 | 1.a. Total lung capacity, by plethysmography or timed gas |
406 | dilution, below the predicted lower limit of normal; and |
407 | b. Forced vital capacity below the lower limit of normal |
408 | and a ratio of FEV1 to FVC that is equal to or greater than the |
409 | predicted lower limit of normal; or |
410 | 2. In lieu of subparagraph 1., a chest X-ray showing |
411 | small, irregular opacities of s, t, or u, graded by a certified |
412 | B-reader as at least 2/1 on the ILO scale. |
413 | (g) If the exposed person meets the requirements of |
414 | paragraphs (a), (b), and (c), and if a qualified physician |
415 | determines that the exposed person has a physical impairment, as |
416 | demonstrated by meeting the criteria set forth in paragraph (d) |
417 | and subparagraph (f)1., but the exposed person's chest X-ray |
418 | does not demonstrate radiological evidence of asbestosis, the |
419 | exposed person may meet the criteria of paragraph (e), if his or |
420 | her chest X-ray is graded by a certified B-reader as at least |
421 | 1/0, and a qualified physician, relying on high-resolution |
422 | computed tomography, determines to a reasonable degree of |
423 | medical certainty that the exposed person has asbestosis and |
424 | forms the conclusion set forth in paragraph (h). |
425 | (h) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed |
426 | person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably |
427 | the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure revealed |
428 | by the exposed person's employment and medical history. A |
429 | conclusion which states that the medical findings and impairment |
430 | are consistent with or compatible with exposure to asbestos does |
431 | not meet the requirements of this paragraph. |
432 | (i) If a plaintiff files a civil action alleging a |
433 | nonmalignant asbestos claim and that plaintiff alleges that the |
434 | plaintiff's exposure to asbestos was the result of extended |
435 | contact with another exposed person who, if the civil action had |
436 | been filed by the other exposed person, would have met the |
437 | requirements of paragraph (a) and the plaintiff alleges that the |
438 | plaintiff had extended contact with the exposed person during |
439 | the time period in which that exposed person met the |
440 | requirements of paragraph (a), the plaintiff is considered to |
441 | have satisfied the requirements of paragraph (a). The plaintiff |
442 | in such a civil action must individually satisfy the |
443 | requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs (b), (c), (d), |
444 | (e), (f), (g), and (h). |
446 | ASBESTOS-RELATED LUNG CANCER.--No person shall bring or maintain |
447 | a civil action alleging an asbestos claim which is based upon |
448 | lung cancer in the absence of a prima facie showing which shall |
449 | include all of the following minimum requirements: |
450 | (a) A diagnosis by a qualified physician, who is board |
451 | certified in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology, of a |
452 | primary lung cancer and that exposure to asbestos was a |
453 | substantial contributing factor to the condition. |
454 | (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 10 |
455 | years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to |
456 | asbestos and the date of diagnosis of the lung cancer. |
457 | (c) Depending on whether the exposed person has a history |
458 | of smoking, the requirements of subparagraph 1. or subparagraph |
459 | 2.: |
460 | 1. In the case of an exposed person who is a nonsmoker: |
461 | a. Radiological or pathological evidence of asbestosis or |
462 | diffuse pleural thickening or a qualified physician's diagnosis |
463 | of asbestosis based on a chest X-ray graded by a certified B- |
464 | reader as at least 1/0 on the ILO scale and high-resolution |
465 | computed tomography supporting the diagnosis of asbestosis to a |
466 | reasonable degree of medical certainty; or |
467 | b. Evidence of the exposed person's substantial |
468 | occupational exposure to asbestos. If a plaintiff files a civil |
469 | action alleging an asbestos-related lung cancer claim, and that |
470 | plaintiff alleges that the plaintiff's exposure to asbestos was |
471 | the result of extended contact with another exposed person who, |
472 | if the civil action had been filed by the other exposed person, |
473 | would have met the substantial occupational exposure requirement |
474 | of this subsection, and the plaintiff alleges that the plaintiff |
475 | had extended contact with the exposed person during the time |
476 | period in which that exposed person met the substantial |
477 | occupational exposure requirement of this subsection, the |
478 | plaintiff is considered to have satisfied the requirements of |
479 | this sub-subparagraph. The plaintiff in such a civil action must |
480 | individually satisfy the requirements of paragraph (a), |
481 | paragraph (b), sub-subparagraph a. where appropriate, |
482 | subparagraph 2. where appropriate, and paragraph (d). |
483 | 2. In the case of an exposed person who is a smoker, the |
484 | criteria contained in sub-subparagraphs 1.a. and b. must be met. |
485 | (d) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed |
486 | person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably |
487 | the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure revealed |
488 | by the exposed person's employment and medical history. A |
489 | conclusion that the medical findings and impairment are |
490 | consistent with or compatible with exposure to asbestos does not |
491 | meet the requirements of this paragraph. |
492 |
493 | If the exposed person is deceased, the qualified physician, or |
494 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
495 | qualified physician, may obtain the evidence required in |
496 | paragraph (b) and sub-subparagraph (c)1.b. from the person most |
497 | knowledgeable about the alleged exposures that form the basis of |
498 | the asbestos claim. |
500 | CANCER.--No person shall bring or maintain a civil action |
501 | alleging an asbestos claim which is based upon cancer of the |
502 | colon, rectum, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, or stomach in the |
503 | absence of a prima facie showing which shall include all of the |
504 | following minimum requirements: |
505 | (a) A diagnosis by a qualified physician who is board |
506 | certified in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology, as |
507 | appropriate for the type of cancer claimed, of primary cancer of |
508 | the colon, rectum, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, or stomach and |
509 | that exposure to asbestos was a substantial contributing factor |
510 | to the condition. |
511 | (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 10 |
512 | years have elapsed between the date of first exposure to |
513 | asbestos and the date of diagnosis of the cancer. |
514 | (c) The requirement of: |
515 | 1. Radiological or pathological evidence of asbestosis or |
516 | diffuse pleural thickening or a qualified physician's diagnosis |
517 | of asbestosis based on a chest X-ray graded by a certified B- |
518 | reader as at least 1/0 on the ILO scale and high-resolution |
519 | computed tomography supporting the diagnosis of asbestosis to a |
520 | reasonable degree of medical certainty; or |
521 | 2. Evidence of the exposed person's substantial |
522 | occupational exposure to asbestos. If a plaintiff files a civil |
523 | action alleging an asbestos claim which is based upon cancer of |
524 | the colon, rectum, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, or stomach, and |
525 | that plaintiff alleges that the plaintiff's exposure to asbestos |
526 | was the result of extended contact with another exposed person |
527 | who, if the civil action had been filed by the other exposed |
528 | person, would have met the substantial occupational exposure |
529 | requirement of this subsection, and the plaintiff alleges that |
530 | the plaintiff had extended contact with the exposed person |
531 | during the time period in which that exposed person met the |
532 | substantial occupational exposure requirement of this |
533 | subsection, the plaintiff is considered to have satisfied the |
534 | requirements of this subparagraph. The plaintiff in such a civil |
535 | action must individually satisfy the requirements of paragraph |
536 | (a), paragraph (b), subparagraph 1. where appropriate, and |
537 | paragraph (d). |
538 | (d) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed |
539 | person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably |
540 | the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure revealed |
541 | by the exposed person's employment and medical history. A |
542 | conclusion that the medical findings and impairment are |
543 | consistent with or compatible with exposure to asbestos does not |
544 | meet the requirements of this paragraph. |
545 |
546 | If the exposed person is deceased, the qualified physician, or |
547 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
548 | qualified physician, may obtain the evidence required in |
549 | paragraph (b) and subparagraph (c)2. from the person most |
550 | knowledgeable about the alleged exposures that form the basis of |
551 | the asbestos claim. |
553 | civil action alleging an asbestos claim based upon mesothelioma, |
554 | no prima facie showing is required. |
556 | CLAIMS.--No person shall bring or maintain a civil action |
557 | alleging a silica claim in the absence of a prima facie showing |
558 | of physical impairment as a result of a medical condition to |
559 | which exposure to silica was a substantial contributing factor. |
560 | Such prima facie showing shall include: |
561 | (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
562 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
563 | qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and |
564 | exposure history of the exposed person or, if such person is |
565 | deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the exposures |
566 | that form the basis of the nonmalignant silica claim, including: |
567 | 1. All of the exposed person's principal places of |
568 | employment and exposures to airborne contaminants. |
569 | 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures to |
570 | airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, silica |
571 | particles or other disease-causing dusts, that can cause |
572 | pulmonary impairment and the nature, duration, and level of any |
573 | such exposure. |
574 | (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
575 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
576 | qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking |
577 | history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's |
578 | past and present medical problems and their most probable cause, |
579 | and verifying a sufficient latency period for the applicable |
580 | stage of silicosis. |
581 | (c) A determination by a qualified physician, on the basis |
582 | of a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, that |
583 | the exposed person has a permanent respiratory impairment rating |
584 | of at least Class 2 as defined by and evaluated pursuant to the |
585 | AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. |
586 | (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the |
587 | exposed person has: |
588 | 1. A quality 1 chest X ray under the ILO System of |
589 | classification and that the X ray has been read by a certified |
590 | B-reader as showing, according to the ILO System of |
591 | classification, bilateral nodular opacities of p, q, or r, |
592 | occurring primarily in the upper lung fields, graded 1/1 or |
593 | higher. In a death case for which no pathology is available, the |
594 | necessary radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 film |
595 | if a quality 1 film is not available; or |
596 | 2. Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic nodules |
597 | exceeding 1 centimeter in diameter as published in 112 Archive |
598 | of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 7 (July 1988). |
599 | (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed |
600 | person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably |
601 | the result of causes other than silica exposure revealed by the |
602 | exposed person's employment and medical history. A conclusion |
603 | that the medical findings and impairment are consistent with or |
604 | compatible with exposure to silica does not meet the |
605 | requirements of this paragraph. |
607 | SILICA-RELATED DISEASES.--No person shall bring or maintain a |
608 | civil action alleging any silica claim other than as provided in |
609 | subsection (6) in the absence of a prima facie showing which |
610 | shall include the following minimum requirements: |
611 | (a) A report by a qualified physician who is: |
612 | 1. Board certified in pulmonary medicine, internal |
613 | medicine, oncology, or pathology, stating a diagnosis of the |
614 | exposed person of silica-related lung cancer and stating that, |
615 | to a reasonable degree of medical probability, exposure to |
616 | silica was a substantial contributing factor to the diagnosed |
617 | lung cancer; or |
618 | 2. Board certified in pulmonary medicine, internal |
619 | medicine, or pathology, stating a diagnosis of the exposed |
620 | person of silica-related progressive massive fibrosis or acute |
621 | silicoproteinosis, or silicosis complicated by documented |
622 | tuberculosis. |
623 | (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
624 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
625 | qualified physician, has taken a detailed occupational and |
626 | exposure history of the exposed person or, if such person is |
627 | deceased, from a person who is knowledgeable about the exposures |
628 | that form the basis of the nonmalignant silica claim, including: |
629 | 1. All of the exposed person's principal places of |
630 | employment and exposures to airborne contaminants. |
631 | 2. Whether each place of employment involved exposures to |
632 | airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, silica |
633 | particles or other disease-causing dusts, that can cause |
634 | pulmonary impairment and the nature, duration, and level of any |
635 | such exposure. |
636 | (c) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician, or |
637 | someone working under the direct supervision and control of a |
638 | qualified physician, has taken detailed medical and smoking |
639 | history, including a thorough review of the exposed person's |
640 | past and present medical problems and their most probable cause. |
641 | (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the |
642 | exposed person has: |
643 | 1. A quality 1 chest X ray under the ILO System of |
644 | classification and that the X ray has been read by a certified |
645 | B-reader as showing, according to the ILO System of |
646 | classification, bilateral nodular opacities of p, q, or r, |
647 | occurring primarily in the upper lung fields, graded 1/1 or |
648 | higher. In a death case for which no pathology is available, the |
649 | necessary radiologic findings may be made with a quality 2 film |
650 | if a quality 1 film is not available; or |
651 | 2. Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic nodules |
652 | exceeding 1 centimeter in diameter as published in 112 Archive |
653 | of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 7 (July 1988). |
654 | (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed |
655 | person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably |
656 | the result of causes other than silica exposure revealed by the |
657 | exposed person's employment and medical history. A conclusion |
658 | that the medical findings and impairment are consistent with or |
659 | compatible with exposure to silica does not meet the |
660 | requirements of this paragraph. |
662 | relating to physical impairment under this section, including |
663 | pulmonary function testing and diffusing studies, shall: |
664 | (a) Comply with the technical recommendations for |
665 | examinations, testing procedures, quality assurance, quality |
666 | control, and equipment of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of |
667 | Permanent Impairment, as set forth in 2d C.F.R. Pt. 404, Subpt. |
668 | P. Appl., Part A, Sec. 3.00 E. and F., and the interpretive |
669 | standards set forth in the official statement of the American |
670 | Thoracic Society entitled "Lung function testing: selection of |
671 | reference values and interpretive strategies" as published in |
672 | American Review of Respiratory Disease, 1991, 144:1202-1218. |
673 | (b) Not be obtained through testing or examinations that |
674 | violate any applicable law, regulation, licensing requirement, |
675 | or medical code of practice. |
676 | (c) Not be obtained under the condition that the exposed |
677 | person retain legal services in exchange for the examination, |
678 | test, or screening. |
679 | (9) NO PRESUMPTION AT TRIAL.--Presentation of prima facie |
680 | evidence meeting the requirements of subsection (2), subsection |
681 | (3), subsection (4), subsection (6), or subsection (7) shall |
682 | not: |
683 | (a) Result in any presumption at trial that the exposed |
684 | person is impaired by an asbestos-related or silica-related |
685 | condition. |
686 | (b) Be conclusive as to the liability of any defendant. |
687 | (c) Be admissible at trial. |
688 | Section 5. Procedures.-- |
689 | (1) CONSOLIDATION.--A court may consolidate for trial any |
690 | number and type of asbestos or silica claims with consent of all |
691 | the parties. In the absence of such consent, the court may |
692 | consolidate for trial only asbestos or silica claims relating to |
693 | the same exposed person and members of his or her household. |
694 | (2) VENUE.--A civil action alleging an asbestos or silica |
695 | claim may only be brought in the courts of this state if the |
696 | plaintiff is domiciled in this state or the exposure to asbestos |
697 | or silica that is a substantial contributing factor to the |
698 | physical impairment on which the claim is based occurred in this |
699 | state. |
700 | (3) PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGS.--The plaintiff in any civil |
701 | action alleging an asbestos or silica claim shall file together |
702 | with the complaint or other initial pleading a written report |
703 | and supporting test results constituting prima facie evidence of |
704 | the exposed person's asbestos-related or silica-related physical |
705 | impairment meeting the requirements of subsections (2)?(7) of |
706 | section 4. For any asbestos or silica claim pending on the |
707 | effective date of this act, the plaintiff shall file such a |
708 | written report and supporting test results no later than 60 days |
709 | after the effective date or no later than 30 days prior to the |
710 | commencement of trial. The defendant shall be afforded a |
711 | reasonable opportunity to challenge the adequacy of the |
712 | proffered prima facie evidence of asbestos-related impairment. |
713 | The plaintiff's claim shall be dismissed without prejudice upon |
714 | a finding of failure to make the required prima facie showing. |
715 | (4) NEW CLAIM REQUIRED INFORMATION.--All asbestos claims |
716 | and silica claims filed in this state on or after the effective |
717 | date of this act shall include, in addition to the report |
718 | required in subsection (3) and the information required in |
719 | subsection (2) of section 7, a sworn information form containing |
720 | the following information: |
721 | (a) The claimant's name, address, date of birth, social |
722 | security number, and marital status. |
723 | (b) If the claimant alleges exposure to asbestos or silica |
724 | through the testimony of another person or other than by direct |
725 | or bystander exposure to any product, the name, address, date of |
726 | birth, social security number, and marital status for each |
727 | person by which claimant alleges exposure, hereafter the "index |
728 | person," and the claimant's relationship to each person. |
729 | (c) The specific location of each alleged exposure. |
730 | (d) The beginning and ending dates of each alleged |
731 | exposure as to each asbestos product or silica product for each |
732 | location at which the exposure allegedly took place for |
733 | plaintiff and for each index person. |
734 | (e) The occupation and name of employer of the exposed |
735 | person at the time of each alleged exposure. |
736 | (f) The specific condition related to asbestos or silica |
737 | claimed to exist. |
738 | (g) Any supporting documentation of the condition claimed |
739 | to exist. |
740 | Section 6. Statute of limitation; two-disease rule.-- |
741 | (1) STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.--Notwithstanding any other |
742 | provision of law, with respect to any asbestos or silica claim |
743 | not barred as of the effective date of this act, the limitations |
744 | period shall not begin to run until the exposed person |
745 | discovers, or through the exercise of reasonable diligence |
746 | should have discovered, that the he or she is physically |
747 | impaired by an asbestos-related or silica-related condition, as |
748 | defined in section 4. |
749 | (2) TWO-DISEASE RULE.--An asbestos or silica claim arising |
750 | out of a nonmalignant condition shall be a distinct cause of |
751 | action from an asbestos or silica claim relating to the same |
752 | exposed person arising out of asbestos-related or silica-related |
753 | cancer. No damages shall be awarded for fear or risk of cancer |
754 | in any civil action asserting an asbestos or silica claim. |
756 | settlement of a nonmalignant asbestos or silica claim concluded |
757 | after the date of enactment shall require, as a condition of |
758 | settlement, release of any future claim for asbestos-related or |
759 | silica-related cancer. |
760 | Section 7. Scope of liability, damages.-- |
761 | (1) PUNITIVE DAMAGES.--No punitive damages shall be |
762 | awarded in any civil action alleging an asbestos or silica |
763 | claim. |
764 | (2) COLLATERAL SOURCE PAYMENTS.--At the time a complaint |
765 | is filed in a civil action alleging an asbestos or silica claim, |
766 | the plaintiff must file a verified written report with the court |
767 | that discloses the total amount of any collateral source |
768 | payments received, including payments which the plaintiff will |
769 | receive in the future, as a result of settlements or judgments |
770 | based upon the same claim. For any asbestos or silica claim |
771 | pending on the date of enactment of this act, the plaintiff |
772 | shall file such verified written report no later than 60 days |
773 | after the date of enactment or no later than 30 days prior to |
774 | trial. Further, the plaintiff shall be required to update such |
775 | reports on a regular basis during the course of the proceeding |
776 | until a final judgment is entered in the case. The court shall |
777 | permit setoff, based on the collateral source payment |
778 | information provided, in accordance with the laws of this state |
779 | as of the effective date of this act. |
780 | Section 8. Liability rules applicable to product sellers, |
781 | renters, and lessors.-- |
782 | (1)(a) In general.--In any civil action alleging an |
783 | asbestos or silica claim, a product seller other than a |
784 | manufacturer shall be liable to a plaintiff only if the |
785 | plaintiff establishes that: |
786 | 1.a. The product that allegedly caused the harm that is |
787 | the subject of the complaint was sold, rented, or leased by the |
788 | product seller; |
789 | b. The product seller failed to exercise reasonable care |
790 | with respect to the product; and |
791 | c. The failure to exercise reasonable care was a proximate |
792 | cause of the harm to the exposed person; |
793 | 2.a. The product seller made an express warranty |
794 | applicable to the product that allegedly caused the harm that is |
795 | the subject of the complaint, independent of any express |
796 | warranty made by the manufacturer as to the same product; |
797 | b. The product failed to conform to the warranty; and |
798 | c. The failure of the product to conform to the warranty |
799 | caused the harm to the exposed person; or |
800 | 3.a. The product seller engaged in intentional wrongdoing, |
801 | as determined under applicable state law; and |
802 | b. The intentional wrongdoing caused the harm that is the |
803 | subject of the complaint. |
804 | (b) Reasonable opportunity for inspection.--For the |
805 | purposes of subparagraph (1)(a)1., a product seller shall not be |
806 | considered to have failed to exercise reasonable care with |
807 | respect to a product based upon an alleged failure to inspect |
808 | the product, if: |
809 | 1. The failure occurred because there was no reasonable |
810 | opportunity to inspect the product; or |
811 | 2. The inspection, in the exercise of reasonable care, |
812 | would not have revealed the aspect of the product that allegedly |
813 | caused the exposed person's impairment. |
814 | (2) In any civil action alleging an asbestos or silica |
815 | claim, a person engaged in the business of renting or leasing a |
816 | product shall not be liable for the tortious act of another |
817 | solely by reason of ownership of that product. |
818 | Section 9. Miscellaneous provisions.-- |
819 | (1) This act shall not be construed to affect the scope or |
820 | operation of any workers' compensation law or veterans' benefit |
821 | program, to affect the exclusive remedy or subrogation |
822 | provisions of any such law, or to authorize any lawsuit which is |
823 | barred by any such provision of law. |
824 | (2) It is the intent of this act and the Legislature to |
825 | accord the utmost comity and respect to the constitutional |
826 | prerogatives of the judiciary of this state and nothing in this |
827 | act should be construed as any effort to impinge upon those |
828 | prerogatives. To that end, if the Florida Supreme Court enters a |
829 | final judgment concluding or declaring that any provision of |
830 | this act improperly encroaches upon the court's authority to |
831 | determine the rules of practice and procedure in the courts of |
832 | this state, the Legislature hereby declares its intent that any |
833 | such provision be construed as a request for a rule change |
834 | pursuant to s. 2, Art. 5 of the State Constitution and not as a |
835 | mandatory legislative directive. |
836 | (3) This act expressly preserves the right of all injured |
837 | persons to recover full compensatory damages for their loss and |
838 | therefore does not impair vested rights. In addition, this act |
839 | enhances the ability of the most seriously ill to receive a |
840 | prompt recovery and therefore is remedial in nature. |
841 | (4) If any provision of this act or the application |
842 | thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the |
843 | invalidity does not affect other provisions or application of |
844 | the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision |
845 | or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are |
846 | declared severable. |
847 | Section 10. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law |
848 | and shall apply to any civil action asserting an asbestos or |
849 | silica claim in which trial has not commenced as of the |
850 | effective date of this act. |