1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to student discipline in the public |
3 | schools; amending s. 1002.20, F.S., relating to student |
4 | and parent rights; prohibiting the use of corporal |
5 | punishment as a form of discipline; amending s. 1003.01, |
6 | F.S.; deleting the definition of corporal punishment for |
7 | purposes of the chapter; amending s. 1003.32, F.S.; |
8 | deleting authority of teachers to administer corporal |
9 | punishment; amending s. 1006.07, F.S.; revising district |
10 | school board duties and the code of student conduct |
11 | relating to the control and discipline of students; |
12 | amending s. 1012.28, F.S.; deleting authority of |
13 | principals to administer corporal punishment; amending ss. |
14 | 414.1251, 1002.01, 1002.42, 1002.43, 1003.26, and 1003.52, |
15 | F.S.; conforming cross references; providing an effective |
16 | date. |
17 |
18 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
19 |
20 | Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and paragraph |
21 | (c) of subsection (4) of section 1002.20, Florida Statutes, are |
22 | amended to read: |
23 | 1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights.--Parents of public |
24 | school students must receive accurate and timely information |
25 | regarding their child's academic progress and must be informed |
26 | of ways they can help their child to succeed in school. K-12 |
27 | students and their parents are afforded numerous statutory |
28 | rights including, but not limited to, the following: |
29 | (2) ATTENDANCE.-- |
30 | (b) Regular school attendance.--Parents of students who |
31 | have attained the age of 6 years by February 1 of any school |
32 | year but who have not attained the age of 16 years must comply |
33 | with the compulsory school attendance laws. Parents have the |
34 | option to comply with the school attendance laws by attendance |
35 | of the student in a public school; a parochial, religious, or |
36 | denominational school; a private school; a home education |
37 | program; or a private tutoring program, in accordance with the |
38 | provisions of s. 1003.01(12)(13). |
39 | (4) DISCIPLINE.-- |
40 | (c) Corporal punishment.--In accordance with the |
41 | provisions of s. 1003.32, corporal punishment of A public school |
42 | student may not be disciplined by the use of corporal punishment |
43 | only be administered by a teacher or school principal within |
44 | guidelines of the school principal and according to district |
45 | school board policy. Another adult must be present and must be |
46 | informed in the student's presence of the reason for the |
47 | punishment. Upon request, the teacher or school principal must |
48 | provide the parent with a written explanation of the reason for |
49 | the punishment and the name of the other adult who was present. |
50 | Section 2. Subsections (8) through (15) of section |
51 | 1003.01, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsection (7) |
52 | through (14), respectively, and subsection (7) of said section |
53 | is amended to read: |
54 | 1003.01 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term: |
55 | (7) "Corporal punishment" means the moderate use of |
56 | physical force or physical contact by a teacher or principal as |
57 | may be necessary to maintain discipline or to enforce school |
58 | rule. However, the term "corporal punishment" does not include |
59 | the use of such reasonable force by a teacher or principal as |
60 | may be necessary for self-protection or to protect other |
61 | students from disruptive students. |
62 | Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 1003.32, Florida |
63 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
64 | 1003.32 Authority of teacher; responsibility for control |
65 | of students; district school board and principal |
66 | duties.--Subject to law and to the rules of the district school |
67 | board, each teacher or other member of the staff of any school |
68 | shall have such authority for the control and discipline of |
69 | students as may be assigned to him or her by the principal or |
70 | the principal's designated representative and shall keep good |
71 | order in the classroom and in other places in which he or she is |
72 | assigned to be in charge of students. |
73 | (1) In accordance with this section and within the |
74 | framework of the district school board's code of student |
75 | conduct, teachers and other instructional personnel shall have |
76 | the authority to undertake any of the following actions in |
77 | managing student behavior and ensuring the safety of all |
78 | students in their classes and school and their opportunity to |
79 | learn in an orderly and disciplined classroom: |
80 | (a) Establish classroom rules of conduct. |
81 | (b) Establish and implement consequences, designed to |
82 | change behavior, for infractions of classroom rules. |
83 | (c) Have disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, |
84 | uncontrollable, or disruptive students removed from the |
85 | classroom for behavior management intervention. |
86 | (d) Have violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive |
87 | students directed for information or assistance from appropriate |
88 | school or district school board personnel. |
89 | (e) Assist in enforcing school rules on school property, |
90 | during school-sponsored transportation, and during school- |
91 | sponsored activities. |
92 | (f) Request and receive information as to the disposition |
93 | of any referrals to the administration for violation of |
94 | classroom or school rules. |
95 | (g) Request and receive immediate assistance in classroom |
96 | management if a student becomes uncontrollable or in case of |
97 | emergency. |
98 | (h) Request and receive training and other assistance to |
99 | improve skills in classroom management, violence prevention, |
100 | conflict resolution, and related areas. |
101 | (i) Press charges if there is a reason to believe that a |
102 | crime has been committed on school property, during school- |
103 | sponsored transportation, or during school-sponsored activities. |
104 | (j) Use reasonable force, according to standards adopted |
105 | by the State Board of Education, to protect himself or herself |
106 | or others from injury. |
107 | (k) Use corporal punishment according to school board |
108 | policy and at least the following procedures, if a teacher feels |
109 | that corporal punishment is necessary: |
110 | 1. The use of corporal punishment shall be approved in |
111 | principle by the principal before it is used, but approval is |
112 | not necessary for each specific instance in which it is used. |
113 | The principal shall prepare guidelines for administering such |
114 | punishment which identify the types of punishable offenses, the |
115 | conditions under which the punishment shall be administered, and |
116 | the specific personnel on the school staff authorized to |
117 | administer the punishment. |
118 | 2. A teacher or principal may administer corporal |
119 | punishment only in the presence of another adult who is informed |
120 | beforehand, and in the student's presence, of the reason for the |
121 | punishment. |
122 | 3. A teacher or principal who has administered punishment |
123 | shall, upon request, provide the student's parent with a written |
124 | explanation of the reason for the punishment and the name of the |
125 | other adult who was present. |
126 | Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and paragraph |
127 | (b) of subsection (2) of section 1006.07, Florida Statutes, are |
128 | amended to read: |
129 | 1006.07 District school board duties relating to student |
130 | discipline and school safety.--The district school board shall |
131 | provide for the proper accounting for all students, for the |
132 | attendance and control of students at school, and for proper |
133 | attention to health, safety, and other matters relating to the |
134 | welfare of students, including: |
135 | (1) CONTROL OF STUDENTS.-- |
136 | (a) Adopt rules for the control, discipline, in-school |
137 | suspension, suspension, and expulsion of students and decide all |
138 | cases recommended for expulsion. Suspension hearings are |
139 | exempted from the provisions of chapter 120. Expulsion hearings |
140 | shall be governed by ss. 120.569 and 120.57(2) and are exempt |
141 | from s. 286.011. However, the student's parent must be given |
142 | notice of the provisions of s. 286.011 and may elect to have the |
143 | hearing held in compliance with that section. The district |
144 | school board shall adopt may prohibit the use of corporal |
145 | punishment, if the district school board adopts or has adopted a |
146 | written program of alternative control or discipline that may |
147 | include parent conference, revocation of student privileges, |
148 | work detail, community service, Saturday school, and in-school |
149 | restriction. |
150 | (2) CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT.--Adopt a code of student |
151 | conduct for elementary schools and a code of student conduct for |
152 | middle and high schools and distribute the appropriate code to |
153 | all teachers, school personnel, students, and parents, at the |
154 | beginning of every school year. Each code shall be organized and |
155 | written in language that is understandable to students and |
156 | parents and shall be discussed at the beginning of every school |
157 | year in student classes, school advisory council meetings, and |
158 | parent and teacher association or organization meetings. Each |
159 | code shall be based on the rules governing student conduct and |
160 | discipline adopted by the district school board and shall be |
161 | made available in the student handbook or similar publication. |
162 | Each code shall include, but is not limited to: |
163 | (b) Procedures to be followed for acts requiring |
164 | discipline, excluding the use of including corporal punishment. |
165 | Section 5. Subsection (5) of section 1012.28, Florida |
166 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
167 | 1012.28 Public school personnel; duties of school |
168 | principals.-- |
169 | (5) Each school principal shall perform such duties as may |
170 | be assigned by the district school superintendent, pursuant to |
171 | the rules of the district school board. Such rules shall |
172 | include, but are not limited to, rules relating to |
173 | administrative responsibility, instructional leadership in |
174 | implementing the Sunshine State Standards and the overall |
175 | educational program of the school to which the school principal |
176 | is assigned, submission of personnel recommendations to the |
177 | district school superintendent, administrative responsibility |
178 | for records and reports, administration of corporal punishment, |
179 | and student suspension. |
180 | Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 414.1251, Florida |
181 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
182 | 414.1251 Learnfare program.-- |
183 | (1) The department shall reduce the temporary cash |
184 | assistance for a participant's eligible dependent child or for |
185 | an eligible teenage participant who has not been exempted from |
186 | education participation requirements, if the eligible dependent |
187 | child or eligible teenage participant has been identified either |
188 | as a habitual truant, pursuant to s. 1003.01(7)(8), or as a |
189 | dropout, pursuant to s. 1003.01(8)(9). For a student who has |
190 | been identified as a habitual truant, the temporary cash |
191 | assistance must be reinstated after a subsequent grading period |
192 | in which the child's attendance has substantially improved. For |
193 | a student who has been identified as a dropout, the temporary |
194 | cash assistance must be reinstated after the student enrolls in |
195 | a public school, receives a high school diploma or its |
196 | equivalency, enrolls in preparation for the General Educational |
197 | Development Tests, or enrolls in other educational activities |
198 | approved by the district school board. Good cause exemptions |
199 | from the rule of unexcused absences include the following: |
200 | (a) The student is expelled from school and alternative |
201 | schooling is not available. |
202 | (b) No licensed day care is available for a child of teen |
203 | parents subject to Learnfare. |
204 | (c) Prohibitive transportation problems exist (e.g., to |
205 | and from day care). |
206 |
207 | Within 10 days after sanction notification, the participant |
208 | parent of a dependent child or the teenage participant may file |
209 | an internal fair hearings process review procedure appeal, and |
210 | no sanction shall be imposed until the appeal is resolved. |
211 | Section 7. Subsection (2) of section 1002.01, Florida |
212 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
213 | 1002.01 Definitions.-- |
214 | (2) A "private school" is a nonpublic school defined as an |
215 | individual, association, copartnership, or corporation, or |
216 | department, division, or section of such organizations, that |
217 | designates itself as an educational center that includes |
218 | kindergarten or a higher grade or as an elementary, secondary, |
219 | business, technical, or trade school below college level or any |
220 | organization that provides instructional services that meet the |
221 | intent of s. 1003.01(12)(13) or that gives preemployment or |
222 | supplementary training in technology or in fields of trade or |
223 | industry or that offers academic, literary, or career training |
224 | below college level, or any combination of the above, including |
225 | an institution that performs the functions of the above schools |
226 | through correspondence or extension, except those licensed under |
227 | the provisions of chapter 1005. A private school may be a |
228 | parochial, religious, denominational, for-profit, or nonprofit |
229 | school. This definition does not include home education programs |
230 | conducted in accordance with s. 1002.41. |
231 | Section 8. Subsection (7) of section 1002.42, Florida |
232 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
233 | 1002.42 Private schools.-- |
234 | (7) ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS.--Attendance of a student at a |
235 | private, parochial, religious, or denominational school |
236 | satisfies the attendance requirements of ss. 1003.01(12)(13) and |
237 | 1003.21(1). |
238 | Section 9. Subsection (1) of section 1002.43, Florida |
239 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
240 | 1002.43 Private tutoring programs.-- |
241 | (1) Regular school attendance as defined in s. |
242 | 1003.01(12)(13) may be achieved by attendance in a private |
243 | tutoring program if the person tutoring the student meets the |
244 | following requirements: |
245 | (a) Holds a valid Florida certificate to teach the |
246 | subjects or grades in which instruction is given. |
247 | (b) Keeps all records and makes all reports required by |
248 | the state and district school board and makes regular reports on |
249 | the attendance of students in accordance with the provisions of |
250 | s. 1003.23(2). |
251 | (c) Requires students to be in actual attendance for the |
252 | minimum length of time prescribed by s. 1011.60(2). |
253 | Section 10. Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section |
254 | 1003.26, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
255 | 1003.26 Enforcement of school attendance.--The Legislature |
256 | finds that poor academic performance is associated with |
257 | nonattendance and that schools must take an active role in |
258 | enforcing attendance as a means of improving the performance of |
259 | many students. It is the policy of the state that each district |
260 | school superintendent be responsible for enforcing school |
261 | attendance of all students subject to the compulsory school age |
262 | in the school district. The responsibility includes recommending |
263 | to the district school board policies and procedures to ensure |
264 | that schools respond in a timely manner to every unexcused |
265 | absence, or absence for which the reason is unknown, of students |
266 | enrolled in the schools. District school board policies must |
267 | require each parent of a student to justify each absence of the |
268 | student, and that justification will be evaluated based on |
269 | adopted district school board policies that define excused and |
270 | unexcused absences. The policies must provide that schools track |
271 | excused and unexcused absences and contact the home in the case |
272 | of an unexcused absence from school, or an absence from school |
273 | for which the reason is unknown, to prevent the development of |
274 | patterns of nonattendance. The Legislature finds that early |
275 | intervention in school attendance matters is the most effective |
276 | way of producing good attendance habits that will lead to |
277 | improved student learning and achievement. Each public school |
278 | shall implement the following steps to enforce regular school |
279 | attendance: |
281 | (f)1. If the parent of a child who has been identified as |
282 | exhibiting a pattern of nonattendance enrolls the child in a |
283 | home education program pursuant to chapter 1002, the district |
284 | school superintendent shall provide the parent a copy of s. |
285 | 1002.41 and the accountability requirements of this paragraph. |
286 | The district school superintendent shall also refer the parent |
287 | to a home education review committee composed of the district |
288 | contact for home education programs and at least two home |
289 | educators selected by the parent from a district list of all |
290 | home educators who have conducted a home education program for |
291 | at least 3 years and who have indicated a willingness to serve |
292 | on the committee. The home education review committee shall |
293 | review the portfolio of the student, as defined by s. 1002.41, |
294 | every 30 days during the district's regular school terms until |
295 | the committee is satisfied that the home education program is in |
296 | compliance with s. 1002.41(1)(b). The first portfolio review |
297 | must occur within the first 30 calendar days of the |
298 | establishment of the program. The provisions of subparagraph 2. |
299 | do not apply once the committee determines the home education |
300 | program is in compliance with s. 1002.41(1)(b). |
301 | 2. If the parent fails to provide a portfolio to the |
302 | committee, the committee shall notify the district school |
303 | superintendent. The district school superintendent shall then |
304 | terminate the home education program and require the parent to |
305 | enroll the child in an attendance option that meets the |
306 | definition of "regular school attendance" under s. |
307 | 1003.01(12)(13)(a), (b), (c), or (e), within 3 days. Upon |
308 | termination of a home education program pursuant to this |
309 | subparagraph, the parent shall not be eligible to reenroll the |
310 | child in a home education program for 180 calendar days. Failure |
311 | of a parent to enroll the child in an attendance option as |
312 | required by this subparagraph after termination of the home |
313 | education program pursuant to this subparagraph shall constitute |
314 | noncompliance with the compulsory attendance requirements of s. |
315 | 1003.21 and may result in criminal prosecution under s. |
316 | 1003.27(2). Nothing contained herein shall restrict the ability |
317 | of the district school superintendent, or the ability of his or |
318 | her designee, to review the portfolio pursuant to s. |
319 | 1002.41(1)(b). |
320 | Section 11. Subsection (4) of section 1003.52, Florida |
321 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
322 | 1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile |
323 | Justice programs.-- |
324 | (4) Educational services shall be provided at times of the |
325 | day most appropriate for the juvenile justice program. School |
326 | programming in juvenile justice detention, commitment, and |
327 | rehabilitation programs shall be made available by the local |
328 | school district during the juvenile justice school year, as |
329 | defined in s. 1003.01(10)(11). In addition, students in juvenile |
330 | justice education programs shall have access to Florida Virtual |
331 | School courses. The Department of Education and the school |
332 | districts shall adopt policies necessary to ensure such access. |
333 | Section 12. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005. |