Bill No. 1180
Amendment No. 499075
Senate House

1Representative(s) Homan, Seiler, and Garcia offered the
4     Amendment to Amendment (072115)
5Remove line(s) 9-43 and insert:
6Medicine, composed of 17 15 members appointed by the Governor
7and confirmed by the Senate.
8     (2)  Twelve members of the board must be licensed
9physicians in good standing in this state who are residents of
10the state and who have been engaged in the active practice or
11teaching of medicine in this state with a full and unrestricted
12medical license for at least 5 4 years immediately preceding
13their appointment. One of the physicians must be on the full-
14time faculty of a medical school in this state, and one of the
15physicians must be in private practice and on the full-time
16staff of a statutory teaching hospital in this state as defined
17in s. 408.07. At least one of the physicians must be a graduate
18of a foreign medical school. The remaining five three members
19must be residents of the state who have lived in the state for
20at least 5 years immediately preceding their appointments, have
21never been licensed as a health care practitioner under chapter
22456 or the applicable practice act, and do not have a
23substantial personal, business, professional, or pecuniary
24connection with a licensed health care practitioner or with a
25medical education or health care facility, except as patients or
26potential patients are not, and never have been, licensed health
27care practitioners. One member must be a health care risk
28manager licensed under s. 395.10974. At least one member of the
29board must be 60 years of age or older. The requirements of this
30subsection shall be a continuing condition of membership on the
31board. Any member who ceases to meet the requirements of this
32subsection shall be removed from the board, and a new qualified
33member shall be appointed to fill the vacancy for the remainder
34of that member's term.
35     Section 2.  The requirements of section 458.307, Florida
36Statutes, as amended by this act, shall apply to appointments
37made on or after the effective date of this act and shall not be
38construed to end the term of any member of the Board of Medicine
39holding that appointment on the effective date of this act. The
40term of the additional members required to be appointed under
42================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =================
43     Remove lines 347-350 and insert:
44Board of Medicine; providing for the appointment of additional
45members; providing applicability to current members; providing
46the beginning date for the term of additional members;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.