Senate Bill sb1180c1

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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1180

    By the Committee on Health Care; and Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Board of Medicine;

  3         amending s. 458.307, F.S.; revising membership

  4         requirements; providing for expiration of terms

  5         of current members, appointment of new members

  6         to staggered terms, and appointment and terms

  7         of successors; amending s. 458.311, F.S.;

  8         providing for an externship; amending ss.

  9         458.331 and 459.015, F.S.; providing for

10         membership on certain probable cause panels;

11         providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 458.307,

16  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

17         458.307  Board of Medicine.--

18         (2)  Ten Twelve members of the board must be licensed

19  physicians in good standing in this state who are residents of

20  the state and who have been engaged in the active practice or

21  teaching of medicine in this state with a full and

22  unrestricted medical license for at least 5 4 years

23  immediately preceding their appointment. One of the physicians

24  must be on the full-time faculty of a medical school in this

25  state, and one of the physicians must be in private practice

26  and on the full-time staff of a statutory teaching hospital in

27  this state as defined in s. 408.07. At least one of the

28  physicians must be a graduate of a foreign medical school.

29  Four consumer members The remaining three members must be

30  residents of the state who have lived in the state for at

31  least 5 years immediately preceding their appointments, have


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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1180

 1  never been licensed as a health care practitioner under

 2  chapter 456 or the applicable practice act, and do not have a

 3  substantial personal, business, professional, or pecuniary

 4  connection with a licensed health care practitioner or with a

 5  medical education or health care facility, except as patients

 6  or potential patients are not, and never have been, licensed

 7  health care practitioners. The final One member must be the

 8  chief operations officer of a hospital a health care risk

 9  manager licensed under chapter 395 who has lived in the state

10  and held this position for at least 5 years immediately

11  preceding his or her appointment s. 395.10974. At least one

12  member of the board must be 60 years of age or older.

13         (3)  Terms for current members of the board shall

14  expire on October 31, 2005. Initial appointments to the board

15  pursuant to this act shall take effect November 1, 2005. Five

16  of the initial physician appointments shall be for a term of 2

17  years; five of the initial physician appointments shall be for

18  a term of 3 years; and the remaining initial appointments

19  shall be for a term of 4 years. As the terms of the members

20  expire subsequent to November 1, 2005, the Governor shall

21  appoint successors for terms of 4 years, and such members

22  shall serve until their successors are appointed.

23         Section 2.  Present subsections (2) through (8) of

24  section 458.311, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as

25  subsections (3) through (9), respectively, present subsection

26  (7) of that section is amended, and a new subsection (2) is

27  added to that section, to read:

28         458.311  Licensure by examination; requirements;

29  fees.--

30         (2)  Notwithstanding sub-subparagraphs (1)(f)1.c.,

31  2.c., and 3.c. and paragraph (3)(d), except for passing part


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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1180

 1  II of the National Board of Medical Examiners examination or

 2  the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates

 3  examination equivalent as referred to in paragraph (3)(d), the

 4  board may develop procedures for an applicant for licensure as

 5  a physician pursuant to this chapter to meet postgraduate

 6  training requirements by completing a 2-year externship at a

 7  nonstatutory teaching hospital licensed in this state. The

 8  training provided in the externship must be substantially

 9  similar, as defined by board rule, to the training provided in

10  an approved residency as described in sub-subparagraphs

11  (1)(f)1.c., 2.c., or 3.c. In order for the externship to meet

12  the requirements of this section, it must be approved by the

13  board before the applicant enters into the externship. The

14  applicant may not be licensed under this section unless the

15  board finds that the applicant has successfully completed the

16  externship. The board may adopt rules to administer this

17  section, including the implementation of fees to cover costs.

18         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 458.331, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         458.331  Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the

21  board and department.--

22         (2)  The board may enter an order denying licensure or

23  imposing any of the penalties in s. 456.072(2) against any

24  applicant for licensure or licensee who is found guilty of

25  violating any provision of subsection (1) of this section or

26  who is found guilty of violating any provision of s.

27  456.072(1). A probable cause panel considering disciplinary

28  action against a physician assistant pursuant to s. 456.073

29  shall include a licensed physician assistant designated by the

30  Council on Physician Assistants. In determining what action is

31  appropriate, the board must first consider what sanctions are


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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1180

 1  necessary to protect the public or to compensate the patient.

 2  Only after those sanctions have been imposed may the

 3  disciplining authority consider and include in the order

 4  requirements designed to rehabilitate the physician. All costs

 5  associated with compliance with orders issued under this

 6  subsection are the obligation of the physician.

 7         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 459.015, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         459.015  Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the

10  board and department.--

11         (2)  The board may enter an order denying licensure or

12  imposing any of the penalties in s. 456.072(2) against any

13  applicant for licensure or licensee who is found guilty of

14  violating any provision of subsection (1) of this section or

15  who is found guilty of violating any provision of s.

16  456.072(1). A probable cause panel considering disciplinary

17  action against a physician assistant pursuant to s. 456.073

18  shall include a licensed physician assistant designated by the

19  Council on Physician Assistants. In determining what action is

20  appropriate, the board must first consider what sanctions are

21  necessary to protect the public or to compensate the patient.

22  Only after those sanctions have been imposed may the

23  disciplining authority consider and include in the order

24  requirements designed to rehabilitate the physician.  All

25  costs associated with compliance with orders issued under this

26  subsection are the obligation of the physician.

27         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

28  law.





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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1180

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 1180


 4  The Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 1180 allows a medical
    physician licensure applicant to enroll in a 2-year externship
 5  in a licensed non-teaching hospital approved by the Board of
    Medicine in lieu of completing the required 1-year residency
 6  for licensure and the academic year of supervised clinical
    training for foreign medical graduates. The bill requires
 7  probable cause panels considering discipline against a
    physician assistant to include a physician assistant
 8  designated by the Council of Physician Assistants.

























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