HB 1181CS


1The Justice Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to alimony; amending s. 61.14, F.S.;
7authorizing a court to reduce or terminate an award of
8alimony if there is proof by a preponderance of the
9evidence that the obligee is in a supportive relationship
10with another person not related by consanguinity or
11affinity; prescribing factors to be considered by the
12court; providing construction; providing an effective
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 61.14, Florida
18Statutes, is amended to read:
19     61.14  Enforcement and modification of support,
20maintenance, or alimony agreements or orders.--
21     (1)(a)  When the parties enter into an agreement for
22payments for, or instead of, support, maintenance, or alimony,
23whether in connection with a proceeding for dissolution or
24separate maintenance or with any voluntary property settlement,
25or when a party is required by court order to make any payments,
26and the circumstances or the financial ability of either party
27changes or the child who is a beneficiary of an agreement or
28court order as described herein reaches majority after the
29execution of the agreement or the rendition of the order, either
30party may apply to the circuit court of the circuit in which the
31parties, or either of them, resided at the date of the execution
32of the agreement or reside at the date of the application, or in
33which the agreement was executed or in which the order was
34rendered, for an order decreasing or increasing the amount of
35support, maintenance, or alimony, and the court has jurisdiction
36to make orders as equity requires, with due regard to the
37changed circumstances or the financial ability of the parties or
38the child, decreasing, increasing, or confirming the amount of
39separate support, maintenance, or alimony provided for in the
40agreement or order.  A finding that medical insurance is
41reasonably available or the child support guidelines in s. 61.30
42may constitute changed circumstances. Except as otherwise
43provided in s. 61.30(11)(c), the court may modify an order of
44support, maintenance, or alimony by increasing or decreasing the
45support, maintenance, or alimony retroactively to the date of
46the filing of the action or supplemental action for modification
47as equity requires, giving due regard to the changed
48circumstances or the financial ability of the parties or the
50     (b)1.  The court may reduce or terminate an award of
51alimony upon specific written findings by the court that since
52the granting of a divorce and the award of alimony a supportive
53relationship has existed between the obligee and a person with
54whom the obligee resides. On the issue of whether alimony should
55be reduced or terminated under this paragraph, the burden is on
56the obligor to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that a
57supportive relationship exists.
58     2.  In determining whether an existing award of alimony
59should be reduced or terminated because of an alleged supportive
60relationship between an obligee and a person who is not related
61by consanguinity or affinity and with whom the obligee resides,
62the court shall elicit the nature and extent of the relationship
63in question. The court shall give consideration, without
64limitation, to circumstances, including, but not limited to, the
65following, in determining the relationship of an obligee to
66another person:
67     a.  The extent to which the obligee and the other person
68have held themselves out as a married couple by engaging in
69conduct such as using the same last name, using a common mailing
70address, referring to each other in terms such as "my husband"
71or "my wife," or otherwise conducting themselves in a manner
72that evidences a permanent supportive relationship.
73     b.  The period of time that the obligee has resided with
74the other person in a permanent place of abode.
75     c.  The extent to which the obligee and the other person
76have pooled their assets or income or otherwise exhibited
77financial interdependence.
78     d.  The extent to which the obligee or the other person has
79supported the other, in whole or in part.
80     e.  The extent to which the obligee or the other person has
81performed valuable services for the other.
82     f.  The extent to which the obligee or the other person has
83performed valuable services for the other's company or employer.
84     g.  Whether the obligee and the other person have worked
85together to create or enhance anything of value.
86     h.  Whether the obligee and the other person have jointly
87contributed to the purchase of any real or personal property.
88     i.  Evidence in support of a claim that the obligee and the
89other person have an express agreement regarding property
90sharing or support.
91     j.  Evidence in support of a claim that the obligee and the
92other person have an implied agreement regarding property
93sharing or support.
94     k.  Whether the obligee and the other person have provided
95support to the children of one another, regardless of any legal
96duty to do so.
97     3.  This paragraph does not abrogate the requirement that
98every marriage in this state be solemnized under a license, does
99not recognize a common law marriage as valid, and does not
100recognize a de facto marriage. This paragraph recognizes only
101that relationships do exist that provide economic support
102equivalent to a marriage and that alimony terminable on
103remarriage may be reduced or terminated upon the establishment
104of equivalent equitable circumstances as described in this
105paragraph. The existence of a conjugal relationship, though it
106may be relevant to the nature and extent of the relationship, is
107not necessary for the application of the provisions of this
109     (c)(b)  For each support order reviewed by the department
110as required by s. 409.2564(12), if the amount of the child
111support award under the order differs by at least 10 percent but
112not less than $25 from the amount that would be awarded under s.
11361.30, the department shall seek to have the order modified and
114any modification shall be made without a requirement for proof
115or showing of a change in circumstances.
116     (d)(c)  The department shall have authority to adopt rules
117to implement this section.
118     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.